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The Dream of the Circle of Life: Antarctica, 2108 (11. edition as an eBook) Featured

The Dream of the Circle of Life: Antarctica, 2108  (11. edition as an eBook) The Dream of the Circle of Life: Antarctica, 2108, kasaan media publishers, 2020

Easter Special


Now as well as a paperback for only 18.40 US$ with bookshop.org

The Dream of the Circle of Life: Antarctica, 2108  (11. edition as eBook)

The old question is the answer here: In May 2408 Port Saint Pieter, Queen Maud Land, Antarctica.

A 402 years old woman is looking back on her life and the revolutionary experience of humanity. Everything starts in 2108 as the Territorials govern the Tuba Islands.

Humanity fears the near-Earth satellites, the Exodus tuber, the acoustics and the downfall of the torn civilization. So, the old lady travels through time and space.

After the great plague of the "Dublin Vega" virus, the human society collapses.  Environmental wars and social unrest break out worldwide. The Earth is a global refugee camp. Dictatorships promise simple solutions.   Pharmaceuticals are now only available to the rich. The supposedly wealthy live on a ship that floats across the oceans. There seems to be no way out. The ice of Antarctica is melting, revealing one of Earth's greatest mysteries.

Outstanding science fiction and a utopian-dystopian novel to read.

Only with us, as an eBook for 3.99 euro to buy in our shop.

Pre-orders are welcome to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..




Last modified onSaturday, 03 April 2021 16:37

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