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Little England: Manipulated protest against political gamblers Featured

Manipulators crept into the petition against the Brexit. Malicious tongues claim that the Brexit camp has taken up the petition to the House of Commons. It would probably have been better if hundreds of thousands had taken to the streets instead of appeasing their bad conscience with an electronic application. Other voters do not yet know what the referendum was about, but Nigel Frage and his ugly propaganda apparatus disinformed as ever but did not explain the consequences. The House of Commons reported that about 77,000 signatures were removed from the site. Meanwhile, Boris Johnson, the "clown" of Brexit, has gone underground. His political poker game, too. At present, despite the Brexit, there is an icy silence. The demand to the Mayor of London, Said Khan, to leave the country including the capital seems completely absurd. The sense and value of such a campaign are not apparent. Let us all remember that the referendum is not legally binding, reflecting even a narrow lead of the "Brexitiers" in an opinion poll. Petition for London's withdrawal from the UK to Mayor Sadiq Khan Source: change.org
Last modified onFriday, 21 February 2020 10:10

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