Missing: Vanished without trace in the empire of King Ludwig II. Featured
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It sounds like a PR gag from days gone by, but unfortunately, it is a sad reality.
The two Chinese could not have chosen a more beautiful way to disappear. The Bavarian police are feverishly searching for two Chinese nationals, Sihong (man) and Xiaoxia (woman), who disappeared from a group of tourists last seen in the parking lot below the Royal Castle on July 2.
Even divers and the mountain rescue service have now been entrusted with the search for the missing persons.
However, those serving have disappeared without a trace.
There may be an accident, a planned disappearance within the Schengen area or crime, according to a spokesman for the police in Kempten, currently, investigations are being conducted in all directions.
However, a voluntary disappearance is likely.
The Kempten police in the Allgäu region has published a statement of facts and an urgent question on the matter:
Name Chen
First name
Sihong (man) and Xiaoxia (woman), 37 years (man) and 39 years (woman)
Nationality: Chinese
Special features
Clothing/carried items
The missing man is described as follows: Asian appearance; about 170 cm tall; black, short, straight hair. He was probably dressed in blue jeans, a blue jacket and sandals.
The missing woman is described as follows: Asian appearance; approx. 155 cm tall; black, long hair. She is dressed in light-coloured trousers and a white sweater.
Pictures of the missing persons accompanying the public search are now only available to the police in poor quality and are published below.
The missing couple was travelling as a member of a Chinese tour group and arrived by coach below the royal castles around 4 pm. From car park P1 they removed themselves from the bus independently outside the group. The two of them did not arrive on time for the planned departure at 6 pm, so the tour guide informed the local police after a carting time of over two hours.
The search measures that were immediately launched extended over several days. Relevant areas around the castles and the adjacent lakes were searched. Parts of the surrounding alpine terrain of the Ammergau Alps were also examined.
In addition to several police officers, a police helicopter with thermal imaging camera was used,
Police mountain guide of the Alpine Einsatzgruppe Allgäu, and the diving group of the Bavarian riot police. At the same time, various environmental investigations were carried out, such as the examination of hospitals, accommodation facilities and flight data.
The return flight booked for the missing couple on the afternoon of 5 June 2016 from Amsterdam to China did not take place.
There are currently no indications of an accident or criminal behaviour by third parties.
Source: Bavarian Police
Please call the Füssen police on +49 (08362) 9123-0 or in urgent cases call the emergency number 110.