How long can a group of marauders terrorize a city?
Hamburg's reputation in the world suffers
Hamburg had a worldwide reputation. Now, after the third night of rioting in a row, the whole world is wondering, what is going on?
An entire apparatus of a city, in the Federal Republic of Germany, is being fooled by anarchists. To foreign countries it seems like the prophecy of Mad Max in reality.
When will action finally be taken against the black bloc thugs to put an end to years of hustle and bustle?

Everyone thinks only of themselves, only I think of myself
Anarchy is feasible
One of the Rote Flora spokespersons yesterday publicly justified the anarchists' activities but was surprised that it had also affected his surroundings.
Who are these people?
Is anarchy a new way of life?
Already last year, photographers and journalists, including Reporters Without Borders, complained that they had been attacked by participants in a rally on the margins of the OSCE Meeting, where they were massively attacked, some of them with wills, then with staples rather than steel balls and kicked, some of them with steel bars.
Civil war with an announcement
The problem has been around not just since yesterday or last year, but for decades.
Spoiled children of affluence, who only resort to violence, were responsible for this. The left-wing scene around the Rote Flora has no political concept, only riots in its head and has been doing so for decades.
It is not uncommon for journalists who report on the May riots every year to have been threatened by the marauders with the looting of a petrol station in Königsstraße, 2015, that they wanted to set the place on fire or quickly kill the journalist.

We pointed this out again and again, almost like in a prayer wheel. For this, we were laughed at and ridiculed. Some of them are even called us "sissies".
No one can say that the Black Bloc did not set up the depots for the stone slabs and steel balls months in advance. Large depots, which were only found and searched after the fires in Hamburg. Pardon?
The problem Hafenstrasse, Red (Rote)Flora, has accompanied the mayors for decades. Finally, a solution can be found that at least guarantees the security of the citizens of a city like Hamburg.