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In 10 years a set of stamps will be dedicated to the RAF - stories from the Berlin squatter scene


(We have only prepared the articles for the archive. The content is unchanged from 1981).


Kreuzberg nights are long


In the Berlin squatter scene, not only is the joint passed around but before the next bucket of water is tipped onto the dirty grey VW bus of the beloved enemies of the Berlin State Police, the last rumours are exchanged. "Kreuzberg Nächte" warbled in their very own way. It has nothing to do with the original text. Heinrich Lummer, here called "Hackfresse (fuck head)", in his profession Senator of the Interior, would think communism was behind every advertising pillar if he heard the new subversive text.




Thick air


The drum pack is empty. Most of them smoke ascot, along with black mould Afghanis. There's no other way to live in these days of constant decision battles. Those who leave lose themselves to capitalism as if it were a disease, a virus. And they don't have to come back. This issue is emphasized again and again, like a prayer wheel.


Headshot Brothers


The rumours revolve around the camping toilet, Marxism and the allegedly real existing socialism in East Berlin. Honecker has ruled there for ten years. The arrogance of socialism is unbearable.


With the help of an apparatus which is feared even in the West. The Stasi. A hitherto almost faceless, allegedly called Mischa Wolf and liked to travel to Sweden and a minister, Erich Mielke, rules the state with an iron fist. While the ordinary GDR citizen may order a FIAT 132 for a measly DM 18,000 from the 1980 Genex catalogue, provided he has a western affinity, which is the reason for all this. Here the new residents in Kreuzberg wonder whether the terrorists in the GDR are living well.


How do they know that the suburban guerrillas are in the GDR?

The question is why they should get a car from the catalogue for expensive money when the car thieves took a seat on the mattress next door. A few metres further on, there's a lot of shooting going on if someone wants to go in the wrong direction. To the West.
This circumstance is ignored between politically meaningless discussions about the existence of nothingness. The spies from the Berlin Landesamt für Verfassungsschutz (Constitutional Defense) would not believe a word. The anti-imperialist struggle is neither logical nor comprehensible. However, since the Schmücker-murder nothing is anymore like it was before.


Strauß- right-wing from Bavaria


Contrarily the rumours will revolve around the evictions in Berlin SO 36. Sometime in spring, Strauß from Bavaria said that terrorists have disappeared in the squatter scene. If he had once appeared here, Strauß would have guessed that between folk chappie (ravioli) and yellow Cologne flakes, rotten avocados of the socialist brothers from somewhere (actually the exhibits come from Israel), indeed, no terrorist would be sitting on the cold on dirty mattresses, stinking sleeping bags, staring holes in the suburban guerrilla dream.
One must not talk about the murders of the RAF. The wanted terrorists are no murderers, but a cross between Robin Hood and Willi, the friend of Maya the Bee, one believes the clientele here.


 What do they smoke?


Some people here even believe that in 10 years the RAF will have a stamp set dedicated to them. The terror activists on stamps next to the orange 40 Pf Heinemann would be something for the Michel catalogue as a misprint.


Strauß, as well as the fools who lead the anti-fascist fight against the Berlin authorities, are the real losers.
Strauß, because he is foolish, in this point, the anti-fascists and the former Nazi-man are in no way inferior to each other and the squatters because they want to turn their injustice into politics. At the same time, most of those around them find it challenging to define the separation of powers at all.
But on Atika cigarettes and Jacobs coffee from the Intershop (East German Shopping mall) they are the anti-imperialists. The funny thing is that a playboy is lying next to the East Berlin paper Neues Deutschland. On top of it, the Rocky and the mentioned Genex catalogue of the Palatinus GmbH in Zurich.


And what about Rattay- the one-person double-decker bus fighter?


The statement that Rattay was a professional chaotic is so absurd that it is almost likely to interest the Berlin Office for the Protection of the Constitution. It is just as ridiculous to wear a Bundeswehr (Army)coat, and dream of socialist happiness in the garden shed in Bad Muskau at the Oder.


The toilet is not working again; the water is turned off.
Something is brewing outside, and the question is what?


In the evening one of the comrades wants to go to the chairman of the State Council and borrow some Ostmark for western dope. Since Klaus-Jürgen Rattay has died, nothing is the same anymore anyway.


Life in occupied houses has become dangerous. Not only here, but everywhere in the Federal Republic where self-named revolutionary ceases houses. Those who find it too hazardous as a well educated western child can be picked up later at the Gedächtniskirche. No policeman "beats" there, the telephone box works. And society as well.

A bad habit of the kitchen is spreading - the hamburger

(We have only prepared the articles for the archive. The content is unchanged).

Farewell, Acropolis

The average German citizen has already become accustomed to Greek skewers with greasy meat spinning in a vertical grill in recent years. On every corner, there is cream cucumber salad and plenty of fries to go with it. For six marks a portion at the snack bar. The ordinary Greek would dress the salad with vinegar and oil. Maybe a little salt with that.

Not to mention the Balkan plates. You can find them in restaurants by the name of Dubrovnik or Ljubljana, The Funny Bosniac or in the Croatia, who comes from Macedonia and is Serbian, as he always emphasizes when he taps the beer for dinner.


Marshal Tito is the name of the most opulent garnish with plenty of Djuvec rice and a lousy mixture of spiced meat ingredients. Add Ayvar, a kind of Balkan sauce whose recipe can only be tasted. Each restaurant has its blend. Add slivovitz, and you feel like you're on the Adriatic in summer. At least it is as hot as in summer; the heating is running at full speed, it is good for business. The eternally same music does the rest. The atmosphere is dignified, and here and there a Drina Special Filter from Yugoslavia gets one infected. According to reports, even the marshal who died a few years ago smoked these cigarettes. The packages are almost so cheap that you could have bought them in France. They cost the equivalent of 85 pfennigs for 20 pieces.


A crude mixture from the USA

Now, however, the wave of milk sandwiches spills over from the other side of the Atlantic. They taste horrible. A flat beef burger served with cucumber, onions and mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup and a more or less negligible lettuce leaf. Well, these burgers are available in many variations in the USA and Canada. As a double burger with two meat cuts. Undoubtedly, it will not taste any better, maybe only more doubtful. Expensive is this currently at Kochlöffel, which also offers gyros: For DM 3.80 plus fries.



Existentialism - No - Go Neunkirchen / Saar

 Neunkirchen, the city to live in 


Neunkirchen / Saar - was in the middle of the election campaign when we started this research, in the former steel city, which we had visited several times in recent years. Whoever tells the truth has lost or is denigrated as a Nazi. However, whoever wants to fight the right-wing, the strapping co-step walkers in their dull brown performances must call a spade a spade.

And talk about the child, too. The Republic belongs to all; all are part of this construct, which must be shaped and defended. Bad habits have spread that leave everyone astonished. None of this has anything to do with a democratic constitutional state. Now we asked ourselves, did we want to pour water on the mills of the right before the election? No, of course not.




Especially since the police also surrendered to the houses and streets in question. Public safety, however, is guaranteed by the state and thus even by itself. This guarantee is incontestable.

However, some do not want to accept this. In this example, yet, one can speak of a scandal. We cited three examples from the Saarland in recent years that show why citizens are increasingly fed up with politics in Germany. Only the "coronation" we saved for the end.  


Undefinably many criminal Bulgarians 


A jumble of televisions, constantly changing household objects, washing machines, high-quality electronics on the terrace on the first floor of the intersecting street adjacent to Peter-Wust-Strasse is what the viewer first notices. Except for mountains of rubbish, which combine to form a stinking lump, in between car tyres, engine parts, parts of welded safes, car doors, yellow bags that have been misused. Next to it, barbecue food, which moulds in front of itself, because it remains in the driveway, to the delight of the countless rats.

Until such time the public order office has to take action, also because of the blatant danger of epidemics.


Fat, happily squealing rats, which amid the daily increasing garbage, are eating their food and find a nesting place. The animals are well-fed, and even the crisis-proven public order office can no longer find any possibility of pest control. The temperatures are high. It starts to stink with the arrival of the new season.   

First of all: the police have long since given up and advise, one would not believe it, to leave the street regarding the last German remaining inhabitants. Germans unwanted. This directive is underlined by the fact that a black SUV with Bulgarian license plates stops at the curb and the inhabitants of the surrounding houses are threatened with being sent into prostitution. Of course, that only affects women. Otherwise, it is often necessary to grab the crotch or the breast to emphasize the threat and to carry out vast meat inspection.

Only at the Upper Market (Oberer Markt), where the mayor resides. Yeah, around the corner.  One will not believe it—almost 1,500 metres as the crow flies. 

The successor was also already agreed upon, Mr Aumann, he reckoned high chances for the succession and also belonged to the same party. So was he, the new mayor. The relay was handed over at the end of September 2019.

In a somewhat quirky style, Mr Fried, the former mayor, hands over the completely run-down town of Neunkirchen, degenerated to the point of wretchedness. Well, let's not forget the terraces. And the World War II bomb that was found in the process on the river Blies. A small thank you for the musical project should not be missing either. Quite beautiful to look at - but a few meters further, the abyss begins, almost opposite the station. In a side street, where there is still a pub, the drunks tell themselves cute stories from days long gone, which remind of the ballad by Reinhard Mey "Dieter Malinek, Ulla und ich" from the 1980s.

 A completely annoyed employee of the almost unreachable and retiring mayor chokes the conversation will end after a few moments. There is no interest in the concerns of citizens. Why too? Everybody thinks of themselves, only I think of myself.

Fried, the big star of the completely failed Neunkirchen politics, is going into a well-deserved retirement. Everybody agrees and wishes him at least in retirement a happy hand and proper rest.    



At night, when it gets dark outside 

If you grill with gasoline, it can already cause a deflagration. Quick barbecue. The meat then stews, as do the Bulgarians who handle 20-litre canisters of petrol, who, according to their statements, don't give a damn about the laws in Germany, and the cartridges which are visibly hoarded outside the door are a potential danger to the public.

Never mind!

There are threats over the garden fence if the engine parts are not allowed to be turned off. Where the pieces come from and who should dispose of the leftovers is written in the stars. Oil seeps into the ground, but the illegal garage thrives. Crowds of customers pour into the hard-working moonlighters from Bulgaria. It smells of excrements, here and there people sometimes cook on the garbage, also sometimes urinate from the 2nd floor. It pleases the rats. They squeak loudly.

Excess garbage in the Peter Wust Street in Neunkirchen, kasaan media, 2019

In Peter-Wust-Straße the existentialism of the eponym is not far off. With gasoline, barbecues are barbecued almost daily between stolen goods and waste. Preferably the spicy cheese sausages. A memory of the Balkans, it hisses so nicely to the squeal of the other inhabitants, who hide between the piled up bags and wait for their safe chance. Soon more rats than humans live in the two houses. Missed: Buses arrive, fully loaded, the goods are collected on the spacious terrace on the 1st floor of the property. Anything moveable that can be carried quickly away without much hassle. A year ago, a car burnt down without further ado, a tenant told us. The Bulgarians stood around and watched the lively fire. Applause surged when firefighters came with an excellent service.


Wealthy parasite



The not insignificant beneficiary of this rather unbelievable story is a landlord who only looks at the money. But he owns the house next door. According to the telephone directory, he has a company in the Saarland. What he does, nobody knows. But it's drafty in the apartments. The cheap substance he offers for a lot of money. It's Thomas J.'s favourite. He loves money most and racial talk from the right-wing. He was collecting the money from the poorest of the poor. And a little bit more maybe. Over and over again. At first sight, Thomas J. seems friendly and like a warm person, but his greed for money is indescribable. This quality hurts. He is one of the unscrupulous profiteers of the no-go system. Thomas J. rips off to stay for apartments where people would be afraid to visit. He squeezes the last bit out of people without any restraint. That's what he takes, the nice landlord. It can always be a little more. J. is not social, but the social office of the district mediates the flats.


Nice cabriolet


A lady in a smart convertible arranged the apartments. They are not interested in tenancy agreements; it is concealed that women who live there are exposed to an incalculable risk of rape and sexual assault. It's a life of violence and hate. For the blonde in the convertible they are just cases, for Thomas J. it's other victims he can gut. A symbiosis in these days when everything seems to be twisted. It doesn't matter if there is shooting, like a tenant on the first floor shortly after Christmas 2018, the police didn't even want to come. The projectile stuck somewhere in the ridge of the roof. It was the tenant's fault she heard it. The officer on the telephone of the Neunkirchen police was disinterested. The war profiteer Thomas J. did not care, it was cashed for January 2019, and he did not give a damn about the fate of his tenants. With him obligated property at best to make money in his pocket. But even for one of the war winners in this game, there is the threat of considerable adversity. Not only because his constructions seriously injured a tenant, in the meantime, the building police and the public prosecutor's office also investigated him after he was reported to them. Personal injury, fraud and coercion are only minor offences.

There is some manipulation and embezzlement of the bail, as we, unfortunately, have to acknowledge. J., who even had a tenant from the prostitution milieu in Neunkirchen, which is rampant in the area due to the Balkan gangs, parked together with a pimp in the building next to the House of Horrors, is looking forward to this with easy words. In an emergency, he can once again invent a story that nobody believes him anymore.

Car repiar on petite Balkan

Garbage excess in Peter Wust Street in Neunkirchen, kasaan media, 2019
Garbage excess in Peter Wust Street in Neunkirchen, kasaan media, 2019


Half vehicles in yellow bags, kasaan media, 2019
Half vehicles in yellow bags, kasaan media, 2019


Winterproof stairs for 4 months with black ice, kasaan media, 2019
Winterproof stairs for four months with black ice, kasaan media, 2019

Van der Valk Hotel Nivelles - Sud - a disgrace for the Kingdom of Belgium

  • Published in Hotels

The rooms have had their best time. The curtains are dirty; everything seems mixed up.

The wi-fi didn't work either. There are no questions to ask here.

The bedding stinks of an indefinable odour that seems to be corrosive. The room is not clean. Currently, under reconstruction, it is dirty, and the business appears to have slipped from the management. The prices for a menu are correspondingly high, and the quality is open to dispute. Taste is known to vary.

If it is like the cold sausages on the buffet, which costs 15 euros, it is a disgrace for Belgium.


Guests are to blame, who else?

The staff could only explain the constant power failure, the humming generators behind the house with impertinence and cold-heartedness. Added to this was the personal displeasure that the guests complained.

The guest does not have to complain; he has to pay and keep his mouth shut. The question alone disturbed the course of the hotel rip-off.

Nobody wants to talk about front desk managers in this context.



Van der Valk Hotel Nivelles - Sud, kasaan media, 2019

Cheeky and impertinent one would call this representative of the hotel.

Why should guests shower? They do not need light either—especially electricity. The guests do not have to sleep in the hotel either.

Guests are also to blame if the hotel is converted in absolute chaos. The main thing is to make a quick Euro.

The ongoing operation was reflected in raw breakfast eggs and a cold buffet in the morning.   

Van der Valk Hotel Nivelles - Sud, kasaan media, 2019


Two Arabic chambermaids quickly searched the luggage, maybe there was something useful in it, afterwards, they wanted to vacuum in the dark, without electricity.

We did not wait for an opinion from the Van der Valk Group for this article.

After all, it gave half of the overnight stay price back in deep contempt for the guests. One can only advise everyone not to visit the hotel.

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