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Is a NATO-Russia war even realistic?

Tensions between Russia and NATO have increased in recent years, particularly because of the war in Ukraine that has been ongoing since 2022. Russia supports the separatists in eastern Ukraine, fighting against the pro-Western government in Kyiv.

NATO has pledged military and political assistance to Ukraine to help the country defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Some experts are warning of the danger of a direct war between Russia and NATO, which could also affect Germany. They argue that Russia could seek to provoke or divide NATO by attacking parts of NATO territory or threatening attacks on critical infrastructure.

Russia has a large arsenal of conventional and nuclear weapons that it could use to pressure or blackmail NATO.


According to other experts, a war between Russia and NATO is unlikely, if not impossible. They point out that Russia is inferior to NATO both militarily and economically and that a war would have catastrophic consequences for both sides. Russia is more interested in peaceful coexistence with NATO, but also in its own interests and spheres of influence.

Whether there will be a war between Russia and NATO depends on many factors: the further course of the conflict in Ukraine, the attitude of the USA and the European states, the willingness for dialogue and diplomacy, the role of international organizations and of public opinion.

It is important that all sides strive to find a peaceful solution to the existing conflicts and avoid escalation.


Who has an interest in sabotaging the Nordstream 1 and 2 pipelines?

Now the Nordstream pipelines are badly damaged and there is talk of sabotage, on all sides.
Of course, Russia has a fundamental interest in sabotaging the West in any way it can. But why the last functioning pipeline?
Can Moscow see in it an opportunity to create even more discord among the population than through the propaganda of an evil campaign?
Or does Moscow intend to distract?
From what?
The bomb with which the actors in the Kremlin are constantly threatening.
Almost daily, the Kremlin regime's claqueurs threatened with the nuclear bomb. At present, sham referendums are being held to annex the territories covered by the war of aggression to the Kremlin regime. Referenda for the artificial veneer of a forced annexation à la Hitler.
But there are other suspects who are likely to profit from the situation if Germany no longer receives gas. Meanwhile, the line itself has been destroyed at the height of Sweden and Denmark, at Bornholm. Even Ria Novosti wrote that people in Moscow are worried. The Americans, foremost because they could sell the gas from their own stock to Germany. Nordstream had been a thorn in the Americans' side for years.
Furthermore, the US has the technology to commit such an act—and the divers. The American side can only be happy about the sabotage because it now has one less problem in the Baltic Sea. Even the Kremlin expressed concern, but what does that mean when the boss in the Kremlin sees war crimes as the daily norm? However, the Wagner group is also suspected of being capable of causing such an explosion with the infrastructure of the Russian navy. There are said to be leaks of 190 metres to 1 km, which were photographically documented in the two strings of Nordstream 1 and 2 by Danish fighter pilots.
They had probably been able to observe bubbles rising from the air. It is also quite conceivable that Vladimir Putin asked his “political bosom friend” Alexander Lukashenko in Belarus to deploy Belarusian forces.
The Belarusian dictator is not above doing damage and leaving no trace. He knows his fate is too closely linked to that of Vladimir Putin. But: Ukraine is behaving like an angry child in many ways, and there are certainly forces there that want to do everything in their power to prevent Europe from continuing to get gas from Russia.
Remember that the Ukrainian navy was able to inflict considerable damage on opposing Russian ships in Crimea, and would certainly be capable of such an act of sabotage. Of course, it is also hardly possible that this considerable destruction to the pipelines could have been carried out without the use of naval divers and submarines.
Moreover, conceivable is revenge for the blocking of Nordstream 1 and 2 or the further escalation in the Baltic Sea. The Swedish Navy's press release clearly states that it was not an earthquake, but explosions, indicating 2.2 on magnitude. It is inconceivable that the Polish or German navy caused this damage. How the pipelines at that depth can be repaired at all is unknown.
It does not help to speculate, but the act is somewhat reminiscent of the raid on the Gleiwitz station that started the Second World War.

Ukraine live-blog as tension grows

Latest news from the tense situation between Russia and the US:

Are almost 100 million dead from the wars of the 20th century not enough?

The highly anticipated phone call between US President Biden and Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin was unfortunately not crowned successfully. In a statement, the White House released an extract of the phone call.

"President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. spoke today with President Vladimir Putin of Russia about Russia’s escalating military buildup on the borders of Ukraine. President Biden was clear that, if Russia undertakes a further invasion of Ukraine, the United States together with our Allies and partners will respond decisively and impose swift and severe costs on Russia. President Biden reiterated that a further Russian invasion of Ukraine would produce widespread human suffering and diminish Russia’s standing. President Biden was clear with President Putin that while the United States remains prepared to engage in diplomacy, in full coordination with our Allies and partners, we are equally prepared for other scenarios."

Both sides expressed their views with their usual candour and later decreed transparency. Biden stressed that Russia would pay a heavy price for invading Ukraine.

Russia's reputation would be diminished by an invasion, and Putin would bring untold suffering to the world. The phone call is said to have lasted more than an hour. At the very least, Putin wanted to reflect on Biden's proposals, according to the presidential spokesman.

Putin complained that the world was not putting enough pressure on Ukraine to meet Russia's demands.

For example, Putin believes that with his occupation of Crimea, the issue of the Donbas region should also be "settled". He understands this to mean the slice-by-slice occupation of the whole of Ukraine.

Actually, this is already an admission that there is at least something to the rumour that Vladimir Putin is planning an invasion of Ukraine and also wants to implement it.

Earlier, French President Macron had also failed in a phone call to Putin.

Scorched earth

Meanwhile, the Western world is preparing for the possibility of a 3rd world war. Papers are being burned at the US embassy in Kiev, as they were in Saigon. Hardware is being rendered useless. One wonders how it could have come to this?

War serves man's basest instincts

Is it war for the ego of some, or is it a form of reality that no one wants to grasp because war is so absurd?

Each side is instrumentalizing currently - on the one hand, Putin is dragging Belarus into it, and on the other, the Western states that constitute the rest of the alliance. Ukraine, which is sitting in front of Russia like a mouse in front of a cat, is trying certainly to drag Germany into a possible conflict. Officials of Ukraine never tire of criticizing Germany, behaving around weapons and protection. Among them are the boxing icon Klitschko and Ukraine's ambassador in Berlin.


Johannesburg 8.02 p.m. (GMT+2)



A Russian warship has driven away a US submarine close to the Kuril Islands in the Pacific, as indicated by news data from Moscow.

The destroyer "Marshal Shaposhnikov" found a US submarine in Russian waters close to the Kuril Islands, the Defense Ministry in Moscow said on Saturday (12/02/2022). After the submarine overlooked solicitations to turn to the side, the Russian destroyer "made a suitable move", it said without explaining. The US submarine then, at that point, left Russian waters "at maximum velocity". The name of the US submarine was not revealed.

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