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Mars- traces of former civilization

Lost Civilization

If you are looking for clear traces of civilization, it is writing or parts of tools that were once left behind. This image is again from the rover Curiosity, which has been searching for years on Mars for traces of extraterrestrial life.

These signs can no longer be an isolated case.

Up to now, NASA expected a lot from it, and dismissed every discovery, now countless inconsistencies, as illusions.

A video now shows the strange characters that were found elsewhere on the red planet.

Another screenshot, in the same context:



Characters on Marsdlr, 2018  




Outrageous images from NASA - which completely turn our understanding of the moon upside down


Disturbing images of the moon


As you can easily see in this article, it is not the moon we know. Up in the sky, it has shone at night for as long as anyone can remember.


Now NASA had pictures in its archives for years, which were only partially released. Martin van Vuuren has made clips from them for youtube that speak their language. Plus stories of Whistler blowers who were supposedly already on-site, even further on Mars and beyond. Van Vuuren dedicated for years to this task of analytically processing the images of the moon and putting them on his youtube channel.


Well, what's there?

The images in the clips speak volumes about what NASA has not shared with humankind. The US space agency is not communicative on precise questions anyway. In press inquiries, they refuse to explain the structures visible on the moon. Whatever that could or should be.


No one can say whether the Whistle-Blowers are telling the truth, or whether the facts are correct at all--but why would ordinary people tell such stories if these people were not otherwise conspicuous by madness. Even more absurd is the fact that NASA took the pictures decades ago and a lot of Whistler-Blowers come from the NASA environment.






Even Martin van Vuuren doesn't believe in a conspiracy, but what can be seen in the pictures then. It is certainly no illusion if you can see tubes or parts of buildings.


Nevertheless, it would be a simple procedure for NASA to say: "Yes, we don't know what it is, we'll take care of it!"

Nevertheless, the old theory of pareidolia is consistently applied, and the illusion cultivated in order not to have to answer the questions arising from NASA's images.

Anyone can form his or her image by looking at the photos and thinking about what it might be.


Mars Science Laboratory- 1419 SE-S

Martian bat

" What is that? It apparently has hair, a kind of sensor, next to mysterious "worms, other remnants, NASA JPL Caltech, Gigapan, Neville Thompson, 2019"

Incredible beauty!

The more often one looks at the pictures of the NASA rover Curiosity, one comes to the conviction that the many small stones make a big puzzle. Everywhere fragments are lying around, which certainly indicate that these are not natural objects, but the remains of a long lost civilization.



Terrassen, NASA JPL Caltech, Gigapan Neville Thompson, 2019

Terraces, NASA JPL Caltech, Gigapan Neville Thompson, 2019


Eine Art Gerüst, NASA JPL Caltech, Gigapan Neville Thompson, 2019


Some kind of scaffolding, NASA JPL Caltech, Gigapan Neville Thompson, 2019


Ein Stein voller "Würmer", NASA JPL Caltech, GigapanKrug oder Schale, NASA JPL Caltech,  Gigapan, Neville Thompson


A stone full of "worms", NASA JPL Caltech, GigapanJug or Bowl, NASA JPL Caltech, Gigapan, Neville Thompson



Eine der Marskrabben, NASA JPL Caltech, Gigapan, Neville Thompson  

 One of the Martian crabs, NASA JPL Caltech, Gigapan, Neville Thompson


Lebewesen? NASA JPL Caltech, GigaPan , Neville Thompson

 What is this? NASA JPL Caltech, Gigapan, Neville Thompson


"Marsianische Fledermaus"Was ist das? Es hat augenscheinlich Haare, eine Art Sensor,daneben liegen nebst mysteriösen "Würmern, andere Überbleibsel, NASA JPL Caltech, Gigapan, Neville Thompson, 2019


"Martian bat" What is that? It apparently has hair, a kind of sensor, next to mysterious "worms, other remains, NASA JPL Caltech, Gigapan, Neville Thompson, 2019





On the pictures of the so-called Gigapan by Neville Thompson, who has been taking pictures of the rover for years, you can see panoramas, thousands of this so-called debris, parts of former dwellings, which certainly did not grow out of the ground like mushrooms, are revealed. The landscape seems to have a desert-like beauty of its own, which in our imagination might be found in Star Wars movies. The many terraces are of an exceptional magnificence, which says a lot about the planet and its past and present beauty.




It is one of the most incredible pictures ever taken on Mars. First of all, we would like to thank the Forum Gigapan for the excellent templates that were created based on the images of the Mars Rover Curiosity.


We pay the highest respect to the author Neville Thompson for the editing of the excerpts.

Nobody is claiming that aliens are currently coming in and out of Mars, but that Mars was once a civilization whose legacy is now being sent to us in little pieces by the great NASA rover.

These are inexplicable images that we filtered out of the entire work.

It is said that there are still people who believe that human beings, in all their ridiculousness and stupidity, are the only crowning glory of creation.

If you look at the following, almost sensational pictures, you will never doubt that something was there.



We took a close look at the picture, a phenomenal overview of the valley of the Gale Crater, where the little rover made its way The entire work reminds one of every earthly

Desert and is just as fascinating, but curiously, there are objects, structures,

Buildings and caves, which certainly did not originate from natural influences. We already know that people can be subject to pareidolia. However, we have to slowly differentiate between what is really there and what the human brain is made up of known components

is put together. Not all stones that are stones can form perfectly natural structures. The mast or that which rises up in the air amazes the observer. No isosceles tubes grow out of the ground, not even on Mars.

We have not commented on most of it, however, we have found almost 2000 different anomalies on the panoramic picture, which we are uploading bit by bit.





Industrial complex on Mars?

 SOL 0953MR Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltec

SOL 0953MR Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltec

This photograph was taken by / on the mastcam: Right (MAST_RIGHT) onboard NASA's Mars rover

Curiosity on Sol 953 (2015-04-12 12:31:01 UTC). Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS

This article first appeared on 8 Jan. 2019

Update January 2019: It becomes obvious that in the structure we recognized about 3 years ago, there are numerous leads. Several clips on youtube and daily motion deal with the strange structures that seem abandoned. It is difficult to determine the distance from the hill on which the rover was standing.

Keeping a conspiracy secret for so long is simply unthinkable.

It can be assumed that there was once mining on the moon and also on Mars by another civilization. Who or what dug itself into the ground has long since disappeared from our galaxy. All of these, let's call them artefacts, did not grow out of the ground or were not created by wind and weather.



Right ramp with wall and windows Credit: NASA


Lunar surface photographed by the Lunar Orbiter Credit: NASA

Why doesn't NASA say, "Guys, there's something We can't tell what. We'll take care of it."

And let's face it, given the size of the universe, nobody believes that we float alone through space.

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