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Parasites Domain blackmailing - an extreme shame for the Peoples Republic of China

  • Published in Crime

 Zealous economic parasites

If you own a domain, you should read the following article very carefully. In our days, there is a nasty scam that some Chinese are currently trying to use to gain an advantage. Advantage means the money in China, nothing else. The offenders simply threaten to register the domain name in China and pretend to be a Chinese branch of the main company in Europe or the US. An alleged registrar then writes emails to blackmail the victims with price lists. With considerable threats, European and American companies are forced to buy the domain at many times the regular price. 
After many emails, the helpful registrar explains that he is happy to help support the name for the victim of this brutal method. This costs, of course. Otherwise, you have to live with the consequences. A woman who is supposed to be from one of the applicants that need the domain name in China for their business writes that she insists on buying the name.  

Unfortunately, the Embassy of the People's Republic of China was not available for comment. Still, the Department of the Ministry of Commerce in Beijing is being asked how the culprits are to be dealt with on Chinese soil. In principle, if you receive such an extortion email, go to the police immediately.
The perpetrators are ruthless because they believe they are safe in China. This is not so. We will continue to report on the particularly zealous economic parasites. 


Here the mails in original: 


"Dear Manager,

(Please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. Thanks!)
This is writing from a Network Service Company which mainly deal with the domain name registration in Shanghai, China. On September 28, 2020, we received an application from Leigo Holdings Ltd requested “xyz” as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names( xyz.cn/ xyz.com.cn/ xyz.net.cn/ xyz.org.cn). After checking it on the internet, we found this name/trademark has been using by your company. So it will conflict with your name/trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, we send you email to confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?

Kind regards

Mr.Clark Lee | Services & Operating Manager
YGCHINA | Headquarters  | http://www.ygchina.org.cn
8008, Tianan Building, No. 1399 Jinqiao Road, Shanghai 200120, China
T: 0086-134-8281-9147 | Tel: 0086-21-6191-8696 | Fax: 0086-21-6191-8697
Warm prompt: If our email accidentally enters your spam mail-box, please add our email account as the trusted email for our normal and timely correspondence. Thank you.




To whom it concerns,


We will register the China domain names “xyz.cn”    

"xyz.com.cn"      "xyz.net.cn"  "xyz.org.cn" and internet keyword "xyz” and have submitted our application. We are waiting for Mr.Clark Lee approval and think these CN domains and internet keyword are very important for our business. Even though Mr.Clark Lee advises us to change another name, we will persist in this name.


Best Regards


Karla Ouyang


Dear Manager,

We have already advised them to choose another name, but they insist on this name as China domain names (xyz.cn/ xyz.com.cn/ xyz.net.cn/ xyz.org.cn) and internet keyword. In our opinion, maybe they do the similar business as your company then register it to promote his company.

As is known to all, domain name registration based on the international 
principle is opened to company and individual.
 Any company or individual have the right to register any domain name and internet keyword which are unregistered. Your company haven't registered this name as China domains and internet keyword, so anyone is able to obtain them by registration. But in order to avoid this conflict, the trademark or original name owner have priority to register China domain name and internet keyword during our review period. If your company is the original owner of this name and wants to register these China domain names (xyz.cn/ xyz.com.cn/
xyz.net.cn/ xyz.org.cn) and internet keyword to prevent anybody from using them, we can send you an application form with price list to help your company register these China domains and internet keyword during our review period.

Kind regards

Mr.Clark Lee | Services & Operating Manager
YGCHINA | Headquarters  | 
8008, Tianan Building, No. 1399 Jinqiao Road, Shanghai 200120, China
T: 0086-134-8281-9147 | Tel: 0086-21-6191-8696 | Fax: 0086-21-6191-8697
Warm prompt: If our email accidentally enters your spam mail-box, please add our email account as the trusted email for our normal and timely correspondence. Thank you."


China uses brutal goons and tear gas to silence protests in Hong Kong

  • Published in China

Update May 24th. 2020 : Totally out of control

The controversial security law passed by the Chinese Special Administrators has driven thousands of people to the streets in Hong Kong today.

There were significant clashes with the security forces of the Red Chinese forces. This demonstrates the brutality of the Beijing regime, which has made a mockery of the "one country, two systems treaty" signed with the UK at independence. The South China Morning Post reported about considerable riots in Causeway Bay. The situation is not calming down at the moment. Tear gas cartridges were fired at protesters. Chinese security forces are using Mercedes vehicles to break up the protests with ever-increasing violence. 

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