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The murder of Horst Strohe, Heumarkt, Cologne, 1992

It was the murder of Horst Strohe, at night around 1 a.m. on 13 September 1992, that terrified an entire city then as it does now.

The brutality of the crime against the victim, who openly lived with his homosexuality, is unmatched.

Numerous witnesses saw the then 54-year-old man being literally executed with kicks to the chest and against the head in a square not far from white benches below the OVB office on the street "Am Malzbüchel", in the connection next to Heumarkt.

The investigators at the time did not rule out that possible witnesses in 1992 wanted to remain unidentified - out of concern that details of their sexual inclination might become known. Today's investigators forget that the victims were treated as badly by the police as they were by sections of society.

The brutality of the crime was unprecedented and showed how homosexuals were systematically made fair game by sections of society as late as the 1990s.

What had happened?

That was also the question asked by the investigators in Aktenzeichen( German police file XY on  October,13 2021 when they presented the case of Horst Strohe, who had been kicked to death on Heumarkt, on the programme.

Until now, it is still not clear whether Strohe was the victim of a random act of violence or knew the perpetrator beforehand.

At that time, it was known in the circles around the Heumarkt and Alter Markt in Cologne that homosexuals openly moved around in pubs there. In addition, it was known, since 1991, as contemporary witnesses reported, that foreign youths gathered in the area up to the office of the OVB and the then fast food restaurant Mc Iwan at the KVB tram stop Heumarkt in the direction of Deutz to go "homosexual gossiping" in front of the said pubs. According to contemporary witnesses, this also applied to the transvestite theatre Timp, where the later victim had to walk past.

There were also the places where the homosexuals looked for their partners, met for one-night stands. The area extended towards Severinsbrücke on the Rhine. It was known that Strohe frequented homosexual circles between Heumarkt and Severinsbrücke, which was called the "leather scene" during the years.

It was already common for several youths to pounce on the victims and demand some kind of protection money or simply strike. People were cautious at that time when they came out of one of the bars at night. This is what witnesses from the time report. In 1993, for example, there was allegedly an incident in front of a former fish shop/snack bar on the previously declared Heumarkt.

Strohe went to the bus stop in the direction of Heumarkt and was attacked on the way by his later murderer and killed with numerous kicks to the head. This happened in the immediate vicinity of the brightly lit Hotel Maritim at the head of Heumarkt facing the Rhine.

The tram line also ran close to where Strohe, who worked as a computer technician and programmer for an insurance company and was known and respected by many in the "black leather scene", was murdered.

Especially in Hühnergasse, adjacent to Heumarkt, where the bar "Caroussel" was, one could hear how homosexuals were often harassed and threatened. Sometimes they were even hit. Or "Pustis" (Greek for faggot) was shouted, spat at etc..


The perpetrator is described by the Cold Case Unit under Commissioner Weber as follows: about 20 years old at the time, about 1.80 metres tall, slim and athletic. He is said to have been wearing a white shirt with a snake pattern. He might have been trained in East Asian fighting techniques. He may have been travelling with other men who are being sought as witnesses.

Police File : Crime Scene 1992, Police Cologne

Investigators are also looking for two witnesses from the deceased's personal circle who were at Heumarkt shortly after the crime, according to the police in Cologne.

First Chief Detective Markus Weber will present the case in the programme. Witnesses can be contacted by the Cologne police on 0221 229-0 or by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Die Stem van die Apartheid (2/1999) - Shadows of the Night- the Murder of Dr Robert Van Schalkwyk Smit

Die Oranje Vrystaat

The Vrystaat smells of spicy bushes, not Diesel like yesterday on the army truck, past ostriches and zebras, along with dull-faced SADF soldiers sitting on the back of the truck being carted to the front. Cannon fodder for a proxy war between the great powers. 


I have realized in the last few hours reading the newspaper cuttings, South Africa is ruled by a cult. Ossewabrandwag - my people, my God.
The eagle looks like one of the NSDAP.

Interestingly, this organization was founded in February 1939 and wanted to enter the war on the side of Germany. The Afrikaner Broederbond is recruited from this Afrikanerdoom environment, and it  formed the National Party of South Africa (NP). The sect party provides the prime minister, in this case the obstinate and extremely dangerous P W Botha, called the Great Crocodile, even less flattering in Afrikaans: Die Groot Krokodil . He was born in Paul Roux, just over 100 km from here. He is a concrete-headed racist and capitalist. Botha will not release Mandela from prison in his lifetime. Nazis survived here in other guises. Scary to think if Hitler had won the war. 

In the folder I received from the editor are also newspaper cuttings of a crime that, as one of The Star's journalists in Johannesburg lately wrote, was one of the most heinous in recent decades. That may be saying something if people are allowed to be tortured to death.  Just disappear in a bright blue Ford Granada or a yellow SUV on the loading bed. Or simply slaughtered at home, tortured to death in police stations. Etc.

The murder of Dr Robert Van Schalkwyk Smit - the trail leads to Germany

One of the great mysteries is the death of Dr Robert Van Schalkwyk Smit and his wife Jeanne-Cora. The case is still fermenting in the collective popular soul of the Boers here. Since this regime in Pretoria can only be cracked from within, Smit became an absolute risk for the party. But this risk had a long history.

What had happened? 

Smit was one of the most successful South Africans who, although he also came from the political sect of those who rule this country harshly, also wanted to expose corruption. This was, of course, about "Muldergate" and also about other dirty tricks that the NP came up with for its internal opponents. 

There are countless rumors. 

The rumor that is probably closest to the truth is that of the two German murderers who, for whoever, were deliberately directed to the scene of the crime, committed the ugly deed and then disappeared again. 

The trace of the writing on the wall "RAU TEM" (Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit - Tegnies En Moord) "leads into the circles that remained of BOSS. Who knows who gave the order? Probably in their midst are also exiled Rhodesian's who just lost their homeland three years ago with the "Lancasterhouse Agreement".  

"RAU TEM" is said to be a group of the Boss (Bureau for State Security) (Buro vir Staatsveiligheid (BSV)) and there is nothing good to report about the terrorist group that has meanwhile been dissolved in the "Muldergate" affair. 

It is interesting to note that two years before the murder, when the South African embassy in Germany moved from Cologne to Bonn Auf dem Hostert 3, the secret nuclear papers disappeared without a trace under the eyes of the GSG 9 (!). The Bonn public prosecutor's office and the South African Secret Service (!), which was acting on German soil in this connection, jointly came to the conclusion after intensive investigations that the papers were gone.  


2013-08-20 Ehemalige Botschaft der Republik Südafrika, Auf der Hostert 3, Bonn, Ansicht aus Süd-West IMG 5087.jpg

Former South African Embassy in Bonn / Germany

Von Foto: Eckhard Henkel / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0 DE, CC BY-SA 3.0 de, Link

It is also interesting to note that Foreign Minister Pik Botha and Van Schalkwyk Smit were neighbours in Washington when both were on equally diplomatic missions for the Republic. 


Pik Botha.jpg
By <a href="https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q41529430" class="extiw" title="d:Q41529430">William Fitz-Patrick</a> - <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.reaganlibrary.archives.gov/archives/audiovisual/contactsheets/1963.jpg">Photograph 1963-18A, White House Photographic Office: 1981-89 Collection</a> (see large PDF with description and link to photo contact sheet <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://reaganlibrary.archives.gov/archives/audiovisual/WHPHOTO1981.PDF">here</a>. From the <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="http://www.reagan.utexas.edu/">The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum</a>, Public Domain, Link

There was probably a nuclear axis between Bonn, Brasília and Pretoria. Smit, otherwise top of the class of the NP, was well-informed about the red threads of corruption. Perhaps he was blackmailing Dr Eschel Rhoodie, the propaganda chief of the NP. 

Van Schalkwyk Smit was, of course, no orphan. He ran the country's largest insurance company, Santam, and was certainly involved in countless actions of the apartheid regime in Pretoria as the head of it and as the representative of the International Monetary Fund.

Van Schalkwyk Smit is said to be the originator of the trick that is being carried out by the thousands in Mauritius, the Seychelles, Taiwan and Hong Kong through South African shell companies. 

The goods subject to the embargo are simply exported to the respective countries and from there to South Africa. This is also how the sanction of the Federal Export Office in Eschborn near Frankfurt is to be circumvented. In addition, there are dozens of flats all over the world through which almost everything is sold and bought. 

What took place that evening in Springs in the Transvaal can only be conjectured. The police, when they do investigate, always investigate favoring the Botha government and its regime lackeys.
Allegedly, the perpetrators stayed for hours in the bungalow in Springs and literally tortured the victims there. Or even returned once because they had forgotten to take something with them.  It was probably about documents from the nuclear deals. The investigations are so watered down that no one knows anymore what Pretoria pretended to be in the case, what the result should be or was.  Dr Van Schalkwyk Smit came later home. 

By this time, his wife must have already been executed by countless knife wounds and targeted shots to the head, following a torture. Smit died shortly afterwards. Whether the perpetrators were looking for something or just had a targeted murder mission remained entirely open in the investigations of the South African police. The statements of the lead detective, a brawny Boer, range between Smit was dragged halfway down the lower floor and Smit was already dead when he tried to unlock the door in the hallway. 

A leaked report said that the flat, mainly the kitchen, had been searched. The perpetrators also left the inscription "RAU TEM" there.  It is unlikely that documents on South African government corruption were stored there. As Dr Eschel Rhoodie said in England last year, there are said to have been countless bank accounts in Switzerland, he was on the run via Ecuador to Great Britain and from there to France, where he was then arrested. 

Did Smit know before his death to report what was then exposed months later as the "Muldergate Affair" in 1977 in Pretoria?

Millions of South African rand, currently worth between US$ 1,20 and US$1,50 per Rand, which a high purchase value, had been embezzled to influence the press, to falsify the news in a way that was desirable for a dictatorship that wanted to stay in power for a long time. The Citizen or The Burger was chosen for this purpose. An idea that came from the head of BOSS, Hendrik van den Bergh. One of the most odious figures and guarantors of the South African dictatorship. 
Allegedly, according to an inquiry report, Balthazar Johannes "B. J." Vorster, Botha's shamed predecessor, was involved in the whole story. Now he lives in Cape Town. Isolated and reviled by the local Boer celebrities. 
The mastermind and string-puller for the government in Pretoria was Connie Mulder (Petrus Cornelius Mulder), an obscure character even for the brown henchmen in Pretoria.
They unceremoniously excluded him from the NP holy grail when things got too hot.

The Washington Post reported on the bad who-dunnit penned by the propaganda department a few years ago. And yet journalists here on the ground think that South Africa's only opposition paper, the Rand Daily Mail, has been completely undermined and the Boers are taking revenge on Helen Zille's article on the death of (Bantu) Stephen Biko

The only credible lead

Mad Mike Hoare and his gang of murders
No one has had any real interest so far, but perhaps that will change in the years to come. Through a statement to the Erasmus Commission, a former judge of the Transvaal Supreme Court came into action who knew a South African Airways pilot who gave a statement about two Germans who had come to South Africa from Lutton Airport (UK) for the £40,000 job to murder van Schalkwyk Smit and his wife. These two Germans were part of Mad Mike Hoare's Commando 5 in the Congo. There, daily murders with the leaving of graffiti was normal, as one can see from numerous pictures of the time. 
So, it is not surprising that the chief of the mercenaries in the Congo known as Mad Mike, whose most famous platoon leader was the unfortunately "legendary" Congo Muller, is also said to have been involved in the murder of the van Schalkwyk Smit couple. This, however, leads back to the influence of the South African government, which did not want to get its hands dirty with overseas mercenaries.

What the South African Airways pilot really knows only means that he has testified that two Germans accepted the order to murder the couple. This murder must have come from the "Muldergate scandal" with the accounts held in Switzerland and Germany. To make matters worse, evidence from Dr Eschel Rhoodie is said to be in a secure location, presumably in a Swiss bank vault.

This fact was reported by the New York Times, one of the absolute opponents of apartheid, as early as 1979, but unfortunately this lead, which is the most credible and the most likely, was not followed up. Mad Mike, the Irishman, had carried out similar actions in the Congo during the Katanga crisis. Countless of his comrades-in-arms were Germans who were better off fighting in the Congo in the 1960s than facing prosecution by the courts in Germany for crimes committed during the Nazi era. 

A staircase joke of history is that Matt Mike now lives in South Africa and not so far away from what happened in Springs, in the Johannesburg area. What Schalkwyk Smit and his wife could know, the perpetrators certainly took with them. Congo-Muller, however, who revealed his true soul in a pathetic interview, drove off to the next battle with a skull and crossbones on his bonnet whenever he was needed for a murder in Katanga.

It would have been a simple step to find out who Mad Mike's mercenaries were from Germany and compare them with the entry documents to the Boer Republic. The clarification of the heinous crime, however, was not wanted. The murder of Schalkwyk Smit and his wife was desired to deter the enemies within. 

Now that the shadow of night is settling over the Vrystaat, I am going to the takeaway and will eat a Boerewors and drink a Castle Lager. 


Parasites Domain blackmailing - an extreme shame for the Peoples Republic of China

 Zealous economic parasites

If you own a domain, you should read the following article very carefully. In our days, there is a nasty scam that some Chinese are currently trying to use to gain an advantage. Advantage means the money in China, nothing else. The offenders simply threaten to register the domain name in China and pretend to be a Chinese branch of the main company in Europe or the US. An alleged registrar then writes emails to blackmail the victims with price lists. With considerable threats, European and American companies are forced to buy the domain at many times the regular price. 
After many emails, the helpful registrar explains that he is happy to help support the name for the victim of this brutal method. This costs, of course. Otherwise, you have to live with the consequences. A woman who is supposed to be from one of the applicants that need the domain name in China for their business writes that she insists on buying the name.  

Unfortunately, the Embassy of the People's Republic of China was not available for comment. Still, the Department of the Ministry of Commerce in Beijing is being asked how the culprits are to be dealt with on Chinese soil. In principle, if you receive such an extortion email, go to the police immediately.
The perpetrators are ruthless because they believe they are safe in China. This is not so. We will continue to report on the particularly zealous economic parasites. 


Here the mails in original: 


"Dear Manager,

(Please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. Thanks!)
This is writing from a Network Service Company which mainly deal with the domain name registration in Shanghai, China. On September 28, 2020, we received an application from Leigo Holdings Ltd requested “xyz” as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names( xyz.cn/ xyz.com.cn/ xyz.net.cn/ xyz.org.cn). After checking it on the internet, we found this name/trademark has been using by your company. So it will conflict with your name/trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, we send you email to confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?

Kind regards

Mr.Clark Lee | Services & Operating Manager
YGCHINA | Headquarters  | http://www.ygchina.org.cn
8008, Tianan Building, No. 1399 Jinqiao Road, Shanghai 200120, China
T: 0086-134-8281-9147 | Tel: 0086-21-6191-8696 | Fax: 0086-21-6191-8697
Warm prompt: If our email accidentally enters your spam mail-box, please add our email account as the trusted email for our normal and timely correspondence. Thank you.




To whom it concerns,


We will register the China domain names “xyz.cn”    

"xyz.com.cn"      "xyz.net.cn"  "xyz.org.cn" and internet keyword "xyz” and have submitted our application. We are waiting for Mr.Clark Lee approval and think these CN domains and internet keyword are very important for our business. Even though Mr.Clark Lee advises us to change another name, we will persist in this name.


Best Regards


Karla Ouyang


Dear Manager,

We have already advised them to choose another name, but they insist on this name as China domain names (xyz.cn/ xyz.com.cn/ xyz.net.cn/ xyz.org.cn) and internet keyword. In our opinion, maybe they do the similar business as your company then register it to promote his company.

As is known to all, domain name registration based on the international 
principle is opened to company and individual.
 Any company or individual have the right to register any domain name and internet keyword which are unregistered. Your company haven't registered this name as China domains and internet keyword, so anyone is able to obtain them by registration. But in order to avoid this conflict, the trademark or original name owner have priority to register China domain name and internet keyword during our review period. If your company is the original owner of this name and wants to register these China domain names (xyz.cn/ xyz.com.cn/
xyz.net.cn/ xyz.org.cn) and internet keyword to prevent anybody from using them, we can send you an application form with price list to help your company register these China domains and internet keyword during our review period.

Kind regards

Mr.Clark Lee | Services & Operating Manager
YGCHINA | Headquarters  | 
8008, Tianan Building, No. 1399 Jinqiao Road, Shanghai 200120, China
T: 0086-134-8281-9147 | Tel: 0086-21-6191-8696 | Fax: 0086-21-6191-8697
Warm prompt: If our email accidentally enters your spam mail-box, please add our email account as the trusted email for our normal and timely correspondence. Thank you."



Once again the crooks of World Business List (former EU Business Register) are on the move and want to collect 997 Euro per year using a prefabricated questionnaire, for which service remains completely open. Unfortunately, it looks like an official request from some government organization. Only that the contract is extended for the following three years. First, the unknown perpetrators find out that updates of whatever are processed free of charge. For this, an official Danish address is used by a Dutch mailbox company.

These days, millions of self-employed people receive these emails from an internationally active gang of crooks.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,

In order to have your domain(s) inserted in
the list of Global Businesses for the
2020/2021 edition: please print and complete
the attached form (wbl-F2B.jpg) and send it
to this address:

Postbox 34
3700 AA Zeist
The Netherlands

Fax: +31 303 100 126
or email it to the email address mentioned on the form.

Updates are free!

This form can also be used for your other
domain(s) and/or business(es).”


The “registerSite www.wbr20.live

The “register”

No one has to pay the grotesque requirements or fill out these forms. World Business List would prefer to receive the completed document by fax. Throw it straight into the digital trash can. It is not worth the paper.
Since the register, as you can see on the screenshot, does not exist.


The unknown perpetrators come from Romania. Contract law is applied from an island in the Caribbean Nevis. One of the addresses of the dubious crooks is located in a building in a Luxembourg business park. Only there, one knows nothing about the people.

Whoever fills out the form and sends it to the perpetrators can expect that a law firm Waldberg & Hirsch Global Collections Ltd. Herengracht 518, 1017 CC Amsterdam, The Netherlands, will be contacted immediately in the event of late payment. The Collectors feed on threats, blackmail and against any international law and numerous victims speak of brutal debt collection.

Previously, the perpetrators had already failed with countless other directories, which they maintained since 2009 and always made a profitable business for them with the help of the debt collection operators.


Tristan Bruebach - more than 20 years after at the crime scene

Tristan Bruebach - more than 20 years after at the crime scene (June 27, 2020)
A miserable but never forgotten crime
Our guest author Sunny Beatz follows the traces of the last hours of Tristan Bruebach. Every reader can imagine the perpetrator's atrocities very clearly in this sequence.

We pay the author great respect.

The crime must never be forgotten. Here you can read the story of Tristan Bruebach.

In the afternoon, shortly after four o'clock, I started my journey from Frankfurt / Main - equipped with a city map and my camera - in the direction of Hoechst, to get a personal impression of the scene of the crime and its surroundings in the murder case "Tristan Bruebach".

After a short orientation phase in the entrance area of the station, I first decided to visit the Bruno-Asch-Anlage, which was located in the eastern direction of my position. According to the female witness, the last time Tristan was seen alive here was at 3:20 pm sitting on a park bench.


Bruno-Asch-Anlage | © SunnyBeatz

According to the information board, the plant was "overhauled" towards the end of autumn 2019.

So I had to assume that today's appearance is not the same as in 1998. However, a passer-by told me on my inquiry that "not much has changed here. The benches were renewed."

I first walked the path on the right to the end of the layout.


Bruno-Asch-Anlage | © SunnyBeatz

There is also an information board, as well as a smaller, paved square with a conspicuously large number of male alcohol drinkers.

When I observed these people, I immediately remembered the description of the above witness, who said that she saw "two foreign-looking, male persons" sitting on the bench with Tristan.

This description could have been a good 90% of the people present at the station and its surroundings on that day.

After his stay at the station, Tristan is said to have set off in a westerly direction to the Unterliederbach tunnel.

At the end of the layout, I went to the opposite side of the tunnel and went back towards the station.

Bruno-Asch-Anlage | © SunnyBeatz

The measured time to pass through the installation (directly, at average speed, measured about 3 minutes).

Tristan is said to have walked between 15:20 and 15:30 from the Bruno-Asch-Anlage to the south entrance of the tunnel. There he finally died.

For this walking distance, I measured the time of about 5 minutes. Depending on the walking speed, the time was reduced to about 4 ½ minutes.

(© OpenStreetMap contributors / License: ODbL, note: www.openstreetmap.org/copyright)

Back at the station building, it becomes immediately noticeable that the entrance area, as well as the immediate surroundings, are exceptionally well frequented. I met here apparent commuters, pausing construction workers, people who were in the various cafés and conveyance stores and countless young people who were loitering there.

Especially the young people seemed to watch the events at the station very closely.

To get to the southern entrance of the tunnel, I walked past the station building and the bus stop and then turned a little further right onto a smaller path.

I want to point out explicitly that the tunnel is by far not as fluctuating as the station area! It is much more isolated and can only be found today if you know the area.

Way to the place of the crime (southern entrance of the Liederbach tunnel) | © SunnyBeatz

After following the path mentioned above for a few meters, I first came across the trail mentioned above, from which the 12-year-old witness claims to have seen a man with a black cap and a blond, long ponytail crawling up the path shortly after Tristan's murder.

Path to the place of the crime (southern entrance to Liederbachtunnel) | © SunnyBeatz


The trail at the south entrance | © SunnyBeatz

Due to the high vegetation in the current season (end of June 2020) it is neither possible to reach the river bed in front of the entrance nor to have a view of the whole southern entrance.

Scene of crime (southern entrance of the Liederbach tunnel) | © SunnyBeatz


Scene of crime (southern entrance of Liederbach tunnel) | © SunnyBeatz

I then left the trail behind me on the right side and followed the path further on.

Surprisingly, a few steps further on, I found another path towards the river bed before the southern entrance.

Unfortunately, it was not possible to descend there either, as it was an extremely steep slope.

A few meters further on and turning right, I reached a place from where I could take more photos of the river bed in front of the southern entrance. Here I saw for the first time that some parts of the Liederbach were not dry, contrary to my expectations.


Riverbed in front of the southern entrance of the Liederbach tunnel | © SunnyBeatz

I looked around there for a while and then decided to go back the way I came and visit the north side of the tunnel.

If you go back the same way, you also pass a playground very close to the tunnel.

The playground near the south entrance of the Liederbach tunnel | © SunnyBeatz

To reach the northern entrance of the Liederbach tunnel, I entered the station building for the first time, which had to be crossed.


Entrance area Bahnhof Hoechst | © SunnyBeatz

After I entered the entrance area shown above through the right door (seen from the inside), the first thing I noticed was the red convenience store.

After a short comparison with the video recordings of Tristan at the station, it should have been taken from exactly this convenience store.

The wall phones should have been installed in the area next to this kiosk in 1998. Today they are located on the opposite side, next to the travel centre.

I then went through the building towards Adelonstraße, where I turned left at the end.

Station Hoechst /exit in the direction of Adelonstraße| © SunnyBeatz

If you follow the route to the northern entrance of the Liederbach tunnel, you will first pass a building of the GRC on the right side of the sidewalk and a little further on a playground, which is located directly at the Liederbach tunnel.


The path towards the north entrance / Unterliederbachtunnel| © SunnyBeatz

North entrance Unterliederbach tunnel / surroundings | © SunnyBeatz

I first looked at the immediate vicinity of the north entrance, where I noticed that there are relatively many places in the vicinity where (possibly) children are staying. On both sides of the tunnel, there is a children's playground less than two minutes' walk away, and the young people mentioned above also seemed to use these places.

After arriving at the north entrance of the tunnel, I noticed - as on the opposite side - that the gate was open.

Nobody seems to be bothered by the fact, as a passer-by later told me that this had probably been the case for quite a while.

"In the past, they used to close it again and again, although today it is sometimes open for weeks. I don't know when they do that either. I often walk by here with the dog. In the morning, at noon and in the evening I go for a walk, and if it was still open in the evening, it was suddenly closed in the morning with my first round. Do they do it overnight? Must be..."


Northern entrance Unterliederbachtunnel - Standing on the bridge | © SunnyBeatz


North entrance Unterliederbach tunnel - standing in the river bed | © SunnyBeatz


Unterliederbachtunnel - Standing behind the grid |  © SunnyBeatz


This is where my crime scene inspection ends.

I took some more pictures of the surroundings, talked to a few passers-by on my way back and then drove home - packed with impressions and emotions.

In the following article, I will report about these impressions and my findings.




Tristan Bruebach

Incredible brutality of a mentally disturbed perpetrator

The murder case to the detriment of the then 13-year-old Tristan Bruebach, who was found dead on Thursday, March 26, 1998, in the now-closed Liederbach Tunnel in Frankfurt-Hoechst, built-in 1937, is still one of the most brutal murders in German post-war history and, above all, one of the most mysterious crimes ever committed in Germany. Tristan came from a difficult childhood. His mother had died sometime earlier and was reported to have committed suicide. Tristan lived with his father, who was the sole breadwinner.  

For 22 years, the Frankfurt homicide squad in charge of the case, and since 2007 the Special group Tristan has been trying to arrest the perpetrator(s). The crime shook the entire Rhine-Main area at the time.

Tristan Bruebach had gone to school that day with back pain and wanted to see a doctor afterwards.  

The execution of the crime was marked by indescribable brutality and by mutilations and the "trophy hunt" of the unknown perpetrator.

What took place on the day of the crime is still not evident to this day.  It can only be reconstructed with significant difficulty. It is also challenging to reconstruct whether Tristan knew his murderer fleetingly or whether he knew him closer when he probably met him in the Liederbach tunnel below the Hoechst station  He was sitting there at about 1:45 p.m., smoking a cigarette. Cameras recorded this.

What he did in the next two hours or so after calling his father from a telephone booth could only be reconstructed in fragments. Another student saw Tristan on his way home at about 2:15–2:25 p.m. in front of the Hoechst station, sitting alone on a bench there.


Bahnhof Frankfurt-Hoechst



Many conceivable scenarios could have taken place on that day. The man in the sketch cannot have been a casual witness to the following events. The two men, who were repeatedly seen with the boy in connection with the park bench in the Bruno-Asch-park at around 3.20 p.m., before the crime, may have been drug addicts or men from the alcoholic scene that already existed at this time in the 1990s.

A witness observed Tristan before the crime in the company of an unknown man to whom the identikit picture later matched. The witness also revealed that the perpetrator knew his way around the area, as she believed that she had seen the perpetrator several times. The Czech road map of Germany, which was later found in the rucksack the perpetrator had initially taken with him, fits this picture perfectly. The map might have in possession of a person belonging to the homeless scene around the train station in Hoechst. Perhaps the two unknowns led Tristan to the perpetrator. A lot of rumours circulated about the victim after the crime. He had gone on for prostitution, dealt drugs, got into bad circles. None of this could be proven.

The witness, whose dog he had petted, probably only saw the unknown men from behind as she walked away with her dog and that Tristan was sitting in the middle between the two men. Whether he already felt threatened here was not revealed. Shortly afterwards, the murderer and his later victim met between 3:30 and 3:45 p.m. at the southern tunnel entrance about 400 meters from the park bench, he was seen by the lady with the dog earlier.



Like a slaughter

During autopsy no. 282/98, it became apparent that the boy had been severely beaten or kicked, and was strangled from behind as if in a headlock, before the perpetrator almost decapitated his victim with a cut through the neck of the boy. What happened in the minutes of the crime: Several youths, who also wanted to take the shortcut through the dark tunnel, observed someone standing bent over something, they could not see what and decided at that moment to take another route. Probably they found the perpetrator during the act of killing and did not realise this fact. This observation corresponded approximately with the time of the crime and the overall event, as the police were able to reconstruct based on forensic evaluations.

The perpetrator then dragged his victim into the almost 100-metre-long tunnel before continuing his ritualistic craft, always in danger of being surprised at any moment. In an exercise book, the perpetrator wiped the blade, leaving the negative of a kitchen knife he used for his cruel deed.

He placed Tristan's sneakers across the legs of the corpse as if he wanted to undo what he had done. He covered his face with the boy's jacket. Probably out of the rush and because he had been massively disturbed in the execution of the crime by something or someone, he made a mistake when he threw out the boy's backpack, which contained the school books. A fragment of a bloody fingerprint was left behind.

Then he disappeared unseen, probably in wet and bloodstained clothes.

Later, a youth worker informed the police after children told him about the discovery of a corpse at about 5 p.m. 

It is undoubtedly clear that the perpetrator was a severely disturbed personality when he almost expertly removed the testicles from the corpse, which was then bled out in the Liederbach, and took pieces of muscle tissue and performed another draping of the body at the scene of the crime. According to the investigating inspector, the perpetrator took about 2 kg of the boy's meat with him, which may indicate cannibalism. The killer had pulled off Tristan's clothes and made an incision above the pubic bone. The killer took these pieces, which he had taken from Tristan. The mutilation and injury picture, which the forensic doctors then determined in an autopsy lasting several hours, is unique to date. Later research by the homicide squad in the USA and other countries did not reveal any "repetitive handwriting" of the perpetrator. An unprecedented investigation was set in motion by the responsible homicide squad. Thousands of men were summoned to give a fingerprint. But the perpetrator, probably a young blond man with a ponytail, remained unknown. The man, described by several witnesses, is said to have searched for other victims between the Liederbach tunnel and the allotment garden settlement adjacent to the railway line at the time.

A few days later, someone called the police. The telephone call was recorded and is in German language. If anybody may recognize the voice, it does not matter in which language the call was. 



On April 2, 1998, a telephone call reached a Frankfurt law firm. There, the caller claimed that he had screwed something up. The secretary gave the caller a telephone number of a law firm specialising in criminal law, but the unknown person did not respond to the other law company.

The rucksack from the Fishbone company in black was found about a year later 35 km away in a wooded area near Niedernhausen. In it the already mentioned road map of Germany from the Czech Republic and a blue garbage bag, but no signs of body parts. A witness said that he had seen the backpack a long time before. 

More than a year after Tristan's death, his grave was dug, very neatly, and the earth was shovelled onto a plastic sheet. Maybe it was done by Satanists, perhaps the perpetrator who was unable to perform his ritual when he was interrupted during he committed the original crime.

Manfred Seel, the later serial killer, who was only exposed as such after his death, when his daughter found body parts in barrels in a garage in her home town of Schwalbach in the Taunus Mountains, retired as Tristan's culprit in 2016. After an unsuccessful attempt to take Seel's fingerprints on his clarinet to compare them with those at the scene of the crime in the Liederbach tunnel, even the body of the alleged serial killer was again autopsied. The fingerprints did not match.


Manfred Seel, Police Hesse

Tristan's father died in 2015, but a community of interests has been formed to preserve the memory of Tristan. To the website (German)



Therefore the Federal Criminal Police Office and the Homicide Department in Frankfurt are asking:  

Who made observations on the day of the crime and did not yet or not wholly inform the police?

Who knew Tristan or people from his environment?

Who suspected a particular person as the perpetrator?
It could be conspicuous, for example, that someone has changed his behaviour, expressed suspicion or left his usual living environment without any recognisable reason (escape).

One part of the crime probably took place in the Liederbach. The perpetrator's trousers and shoes could, therefore, have been at least partially soaked. Who noticed a person with soaked and/or bloodstained clothing on the day of the crime?



Description of offender according to identikit picture

approx. 175 cm tall

Around 1998 about 20 to 30 years old (today between 40 and 60 years old)

unkempt appearance

pale face

slender - even described as lean - figure

scar in the area of the upper lip, possibly

Dark blond, greasy, long hair, which is or was worn as a plait or ponytail

The Frankfurt Criminal Investigation Department, therefore, asks persons who know the man depicted and described to report to the Specialist Commissariat for Homicide Offences (K 11), telephone number 069-75551108, or any other police station. (Jürgen Linker, 069-75582100)

The public prosecutor's office in Frankfurt/Main has suspended a reward of 15,000 euros for information leading to the investigation and capture of the perpetrator(s). The awarding of the reward is subject to the exclusion of legal recourse. The reward is not intended for officials whose professional duty includes the prosecution of criminal acts.

A further reward in the amount of 5.000,-- Euro has been offered by a private person and is valid for an unlimited period of time.

Notes to the Frankfurt Homicide Department:

Phone +49 (0) 69 - 755 51108 (office hours)
Phone +49 (0) 69 - 755 53111 (Criminal Records Service)
or any other police station


A dealer in the guise of the good socialist - Nicolás Maduro Moros (1)


Not only since the contacts of the Venezuelan drug cartels started to search for their couriers - so-called Mulas; in the holiday resorts of the Dominican Republic, Maduro and his strange state are at the top of the list of suspects in the international drug business. The regime's advertisers gathered around the hotel complexes in Sosua and Puerto de la Playa. The local authorities reacted with considerable penalties, but are unable to stop the profitable business for couriers to Europe. The ban crate trick had not worked for a long time. Too often, massive quantities had been found in supermarkets, which then, by whatever means, were to be put into circulation in Germany and Europe.

Many a courier also lost their lives; fishers bring the parcels from Latin America to the Caribian Island and improve their meagre existence with each transport with about 10,000 US$. In neighbouring Haiti, drug trafficking is not an urgent problem that the state authorities want to resolve. From Santo Domingo, dozens of planes leave for Europe every day, carrying body packers who have smuggled just enough drugs to make a good cut. Often, parcels are simply smuggled into tourists' luggage, who then unwittingly take the cocaine with them to Europe. There are dozens of these varieties.




Dealer with socialist leanings

Even Maduro's predecessor; Hugo Chávez seemed to have financed his ailing state apparatus through cocaine deals.

Cocaine - this has a long tradition in Venezuela. But the fact that the entire state apparatus has now dedicated itself to dealing the white powder is astonishing. The charges brought against Maduro in New York may well have a political component. Still, even in the years before, the evidence became increasingly clear when it came to the fact that the coke packages that had been washed up on the Canary Islands came from Venezuela. Venezuela was not only a practical transit country for the coke cartels from Colombia but also the entertainer of numerous underground drug markets.

However, there had been indications for years that the Venezuelan state was being transformed into a semi-official drug cartel. The former bus driver Maduro knew something about infrastructure and logistics. Even if not much, but so much that cocaine became the most popular commodity of the Latin American state next to crude oil. Maduro was able to create his mafia. A nation whose content is the state terrorism and was for a long time. The people have been starving for years, while the rulers of the alleged socialist idea live well and enrich themselves wherever possible. Maduro refined the contact to the drug producers, since the death of Chavez and intensified the illegal export of cocaine to numerous international dummy companies. The military in Venezuela has worked for years as the helpful arm of the distribution ring.


Narcosobrinos arrest


Cilia Flores, almost entirely unknown in Europe, was only one manifestation of the drug cartels of the Venezuelan regime. She is the wife of Maduro and the aunt of the two men arrested in New York Effrain Antonio Campo Flores and Franqui Francisco Flores de Freitas who wanted to bring 800 kg of cocaine to the USA in 2015, by whatever means. 


Hugo Chávez y Cilia Flores (cropped)



However, the US Attorney General's indictment reveals a frightening picture: 



Source: Justice Department, USA


Source: Justice Department, USA

Part 2: Depleted banana republic and the underground drug market



Who murdered Detlev Karsten Rohwedder?

Decades-old bans on thinking

When on April 1, 1991, Easter Sunday, two unidentified persons under cover of darkness and a colony of arbours in front of the house in Düsseldorf waited until the chief, Detlev Karsten Rohwedder, of the Treuhand went to his desk, it seemed to be the perfect RAF assassination.

Rohwedder was not only one of the most hated West Germans at the time but also one of the people in absolute danger. This circumstance was clear to the BKA (Federal Police) and Rohwedder himself. Rohwedder's wife had sensed something when, days before, she had alerted the police in Düsseldorf to a possible escalation.

It was probably that the Treuhand boss' habits had been spied out before the perpetrators committed the crime. His wife was injured in the assassination attempt. The Treuhand boss died at the scene of the crime.

An immediate search for the assassins yielded nothing. The phantoms of the night had escaped. Already hours after the death of Rohwedder, it was clear in investigative circles that it was perpetrators of the Red Army Fraction. A letter of confession that was completely bizarre even for the RAF was found not far from the crime scene.

Excerpts from the letter of the alleged command Ulrich Wessel: "THOSE WHO DO NOT FIGHT WILL DIE IN GUESSING. FREEDOM IS ONLY POSSIBLE IN THE FIGHT FOR LIBERATION. on April 1, 1991, we shot and killed the head of the berliner treuhandanstalt detlev karsten rohwedder with the KOMMANDO ULRICH WESSEL... rohwedder had held key political and economic positions for 20 years."




Days later, another letter of justification was to be received by the DPA (German Press Agency), which was idiotic, even for the RAF, not a letter of confession, but a letter of justification.

Someone had excellently falsified it but had not understood the historical context of the RAF's declaration. At the time of the Stasi-RAF connection, it had not been challenging to learn the background and the characteristics of the letters of confession. The hair of Wolfgang Grams on the towel that was spread out over the garden chair when the perpetrators fired could also have been caught during one of the Grams' visits to the GDR. The cigarette butts left behind did not lead to the target, only to blood group A.


Only one thing became evident quickly, but was hushed up: None of the RAF terrorists was able to shoot at that distance, 63 metres. The escape route, the police also confirmed, ran through the neighbouring colony of arcades. It must not be forgotten that there were no snipers in the RAF who were able to shoot through bushes, upwards, through a window at night, then escape the security forces, dives through the Rhine and then disappear undetected on the other side of the river. That sounded and still sounds too absurd. The story of the murder of Rohwedder and Herrhausen began years earlier, when employees from politics and business, the Stasi and state reserves realised that the GDR was a socialist phase-out model. The most obscure figures of the GDR, HVA, full-time agents and saboteurs of State Security, who later advised just VEB Kombinat Robotron, were still involved. The trail of the old new roped parties, which Rohwedder had also identified, led to Thuringia and the Vogtland.



Sly profit and the golden handshake

Millions were moved from the GDR to the West into accounts. This shifting began already in 1987, according to contemporary witnesses. Arms of the NVA and the Soviet West troops were still being moved even after the collapse of the Honecker regime. Rohwedder knew about all these cronies of the collapsed Stasi apparatus.

Was there a connection between former Stasi people who saw themselves as hosts to RAF dropouts and the 3rd generation of the RAF?

Or was the 3rd generation of the RAF only a facade for activities of the MfS-Stasi?

Was the cooperation between the Stasi and the RAF revived again when the GDR and the RAF were already dead or were the hair found on a towel of the terrorist who later, in 1993, died by suicide in Bad Kleinen, placed there?

It seems so. The Stasi was finished on October 3 1990. Insignificant parts remained in their loose structure. The octopus was smashed to pieces, although guys like Werner Großmann refused to believe it. The Stasi knew this years before.

Everything revolved in these days of the wild turnaround against Rohwedder and around the VEB Robotron, around the countless businesses that were simply too dilapidated for any economic process to have been able to continue at all.

Rohwedder had offered the companies that still had to be restructured to foreign investors. Countless assets of former Stasi companies were hidden in businesses or real estate holdings that the system's operators wanted to sell off as soon as an opportunity arose. Robotron was a sinister representative of the GDR. Already in GDR times, innumerable companies in the West circumvented the CoCom embargo regulations. The business with embargoed goods promised high profits. There were also illegal figures in the 1980s—Robotron - the Eastern high-tech corporation that was able to copy everything from the West. Many of the embargoed goods were then shipped via Greece to Bulgaria and from there to Dresden with the VEB Deutrans- forwarder. So whole high-performance computers from the West, which were then fitted into Robotron cabinets and sold as an achievement of completely ailing socialism.


By Xaar, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link




What became of the members of the RAF who have been missing for years, or maybe they are even dead? Is there or was there a connection with the murder of Alfred Herrhausen, whose booby trap worked in a highly professional way against the rather simple actions of the RAF?

Were the light barriers at Robotron forged, which later killed Alfred Herrhausen shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall?

At some point in the mid/end of the 1990s, the Rohwedder investigation commission was dissolved. They had only been following the RAF trail. The other leads seemed too absurd even to consider. To this day it is still not clear who the 3rd generation of the RAF was or is. Especially since the RAF pensioners, despite being disbanded in 1998, have been earning their pensions for years by robbing armoured car companies. Only a few people still talk about the Stasi. The young generation no longer knows the effects of German division. Well, who were the murderers who assassinated the then head of the Treuhand? It seems that Rohwedder was the pawn victim of the young, reunified republic.


Heulmeisje- one of the most mysterious murder cases in post-war history

Update 10/25/2018

Does the track of the "Heulmeisje" lead to Essen in Germany after all?

Was the "Heulmeisje " kidnapped?

Where was she seen?

Can anyone make a connection with the food?

Has anyone seen the "Heulmeisje " before 1975 in the Eastern Bloc?

A witness who had a connection to the young woman is said to have revealed himself to a taxi driver.

Who can provide information on this?

Can anyone provide information about the young woman?



Traces of a terrible crime

What happened on October 24, 1976?

In Beijing Hua Guofeng succeeded Mao Zedong as head of the CCP. Members of the gang of four around Mao's widow were expelled from the party.

The British James Hunt won the Formula 1 race at the Japanese Grand Prix ahead of the Austrian Niki Lauda.

At the same time, a forester finds the corpse of a girl by chance, who should go down in German criminal history as the Heulmeisje.

It must have lain in the parking lot at the following location for months before it was found.

The name "Heulmeisje" was given to it because this was the name for the parking lot at the Dutch A 12, Deheul, at that time.


Overall, very little is known about the girl found on October 24, 1976, in the small adjacent woodland of the former Deheul car park on the A12 near Maarsbergen in the Netherlands.

She was between 13 and 18 years old at the time of her death.

It is frightening that until today the identity is unknown and therefore apparently nobody misses or even knows the quite pretty, about 1.60 tall girl.

It seems strange that after more than 43 years of intensive investigation and reconstruction of the face by forensic experts, no clues were received that could at least lead to the clarification of the person's identity.

One of the many tracks from the year 2013 led to the Ruhr area, where it silted up again. The skeleton was unearthed in 2007. Afterwards, the skull was excellently restored, as can be seen on the reconstruction photo of the Federal Criminal Police Office in Wiesbaden.


Maarsbergen- A12 -German-Dutch border

The finding of the corpse by a forester under a layer of leaves was as in many cases. The girl lay strangled on the scene.

During this period, numerous prostitutes and their clients met on this Deheul car park.

For years it was assumed that the so-called "Heulmeisje" was a previously disappeared girl from the area where the body was found. This is also how the body was found and buried.

The body was buried as the missing "Monique Jacobs".

Monique Jacobs reappeared out of nowhere after 36 years. There had been problems in the family which forced Monique Jacobs to find her centre of life in the USA.

After that, good advice was costly.


Several broadcasts of the German criminal file XY and the Dutch Opsporing Verzocht from 2013-16 brought hardly any clues and unfortunately no clue at all as to the identity of the person.


But who was the so-called "Heulmeisje"?

For 43 years now, the Dutch and German police have been investigating the mysterious murder case.

Investigators did not find many traces in the vicinity of the later site.

In 1976 the "Heulmeisje" was on the road with age-typical, for that time simple clothes.

It is and was not at all so unusual that corpses that were found after years or months cannot necessarily be assigned to any other body.

Usually, it is a piece of the criminalistic puzzle over the years, or as in this case over decades, that needs to be put together. However, much of this case seems so unsolved that the investigators thought they were back to square one.

In this case, the skull was reconstructed and photographed. That's how Heulmeisje could have looked like.

Numerous rumours said that the girl came from a guest worker family, perhaps from Greece, former Yugoslavia or Poland.

Even with forensic geology and the restoration of the face, plenty of nowhere leading work was done in the years following the discovery of the young woman. It was found that after examining an epiphyseal joint, the unknown deceased was born between 1960 and 1964.

In later years, an isotope examination was carried out on the hair and teeth, and it was found that the victim spent several years in the Ruhr and Eifel regions. Around the year 1975, it probably stayed in the German Democratic Republic or in a neighbouring country of the former Eastern Bloc. Shortly before death, the victim will have lived in the Federal Republic of Germany or the Netherlands again. During this time, she was very poorly fed, which indicates anorexia or simply poverty.

Here in the Dutch language a reconstruction of the possible events:

According to information from the Dutch police, who never closed the case, the body was, according to an informant 36 years after the crime, dumped or thrown away in the parking lot by two men aged between 30 and 40 years at the time. Many people who knew whoever they were, were aware of this fact. Whether the escalation occurred or whether the body was only temporarily stored was never determined.

A taxi driver reported that he was talking to a drunk passenger. The latter, in turn, stated that the girl had come from Essen and explained that the young woman spoke German. The only secured track that led into the Rhine-Ruhr area, to Essen.

In the course of our research for this article, further questions arose:

Can anyone give details of the dead who are said to have been in the former GDR or neighbouring Eastern European countries at that time, in 1975?

Is it possible that the death of the young woman was connected to kidnapping by (Eastern European) pimps?

It is asked whether the so-called "Heulmeisje" lived and grew up in the Eifel, the area bordering on the Netherlands, during the first years of her life, whether anyone can remember her school days around 1970 and perhaps provide relevant information about the person depicted?


How did the girl get into the parking lot, which is now closed?

Who knows the girl with long eyelashes and dark brown hair from a holiday?


What's the story about the two men who are said to have simply disposed the body in the former parking lot at the A12 motorway? In this context, the term "simply thrown away" was often used.



Does anyone know the "Heulmeisje" from a day nursery in the former GDR?


Did the family of the "Heulmeisje" perhaps belong to a circus or artist troupe, travelling people?


If anyone can provide relevant information, please contact the following police station or directly the Federal Criminal Police Office in Wiesbaden, Germany,


Keyword Heulmeisje

The main questions of the police in this cold case revolve around two pivotal points:

Who can give clues as to the girl's identity?

Who can give details of the two men, 30 and 40 years old at the time, who are said to have thrown away the girl's body in 1976?


The police in Utrecht in the Netherlands on 0031-79 - 345 98 76 or any other police station or the Crime Investigation Department of the Federal Criminal Police Office in Wiesbaden on 0049-61155 -13 101 is responsible for this.

Besides, any other police service who will receive observations or information from the time will forward them to the investigating service in the matter.


Wikileaks and the mysterious disappearance of Arjen Kamphuis update: 13.04.2020

Trondheim Example mv/mcvth, kasaan media,2020

Update: 13.04.2020

The story about the disappearance of Arjen Kamphuis becomes more and more mysterious. After a year, the Norwegian police issued a statement which leaves more questions open than it answers. The mortal remains of Kamphuis from the theory of the Norwegian authorities have not been found. 

A short summary of what the Norwegian police wrote: Kamphuis drowned on a kayak trip, leaving his case on the beach where anyone could have taken it. Then he drowned for whatever reason. The kayak swam straight back into the bay where the things were lying and where everything but himself was found by two Lithuanian truck drivers who happened to be fishing. They then took the mobile phone and other valuables with them to recycle them and switched the mobile phone on while they were coincidentally on their way back to their home country. 

The hypothesis in the report can't be correct, because the mobile phone was certainly not on and the drivers from Lithuania certainly couldn't crack the code of the mobile. Why didn't Kamphuis wear the life jacket and if so, why didn't his body show up? The life jackets are designed in such a way that even with drowned persons they will resurface. 
Furthermore, the carrying bag of the kayak is still missing. On the other side, Kamphuis is still missing. 

So where is he?

Screenshot google maps

Here in these surroundings, the Dutchman disappeared, good to see is the parking lot on the right side, where the two fishing Lithuanians found the equipment and valuables of Arjen Kamphuis.

The strange disappearance of cybersecurity - Expert Arjen Kamphuis

What is certain is that Kamphuis, who for years belonged to the inner circle of supporters of Assange, was last seen in Bodø, in front of the Scandic Crown Hotel, on August 20. He wanted to take the train to Trondheim. Kamphuis was not suicidal. His diary was full of plans.



Days later, when the missing person had not returned to the Netherlands, police officers found a Kayak in 50 km distance. Then, a fisherman on the Saltdalsfjorden near the shore between Fauske and Rognan took his identity card and other objects from the undoubted possession of Kamphuis.


About ten days after the disappearance, the mobile phone of the missing person was switched on shortly in southern Norway, in Vikeså near Stavanger, more than 1.700 km from the last known whereabouts of the Dutchman. For about 30 minutes. The telephone, which afterwards contained a German map, moved with the person within a radius of 75 km until it was switched off.



An accident is therefore highly unlikely. According to observers, suicide is also ruled out. A voluntary disappearance seems highly unlikely.

Who can give details of a German SIM card that was activated in this context in Vikeså near Stavanger?

From people who said we should trust #SafeHarbour: #PrivacyShield works if we just apply enough lipstick https://t.co/mRQzxfConY #insanity pic.twitter.com/U2FpuyZMUm

- Arjen Kamphuis (@ArjenKamphuis) October 18 2017

So what happened?

Even though the Norwegian police, supported by Dutch people, carried out a land and water search, there is still no trace of Kamphuis.

Did Kamphuis follow a lead?

The story seems utterly bizarre if you put together the facts from the case, which have been published by the Norwegian police so far.

Was Kamphuis kidnapped, or was he the victim of a crime?

Wikileaks - sympathizers speak of a conspiracy, which now receives new nourishment since Assange was secretly accused.


The Australian Assange, who has been living in his ambivalent asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, holds out because he fears being taken to the USA. There they have been trying to get rid of the naturalized compatriot for some time. In the USA, Assange may face the death penalty because he published thousands of documents reporting on America's dirty wars, corruption and human rights crimes. The US accuses him of espionage.

The founder of Wikileaks was internationally sought under dubious circumstances for rape in Sweden and was arrested in the UK in 2012. In the meantime, the Swedish proceedings have been discontinued due to the statute of limitations. However, Assange has to face the British authorities as he did not meet the bail requirements at the time.


In connection with the now hidden charge against Assange, it is also conceivable that the Dutchman was kidnapped. There is said to be a secret military airport of the Norwegians near the village of Bodø.

Was the Dutchman brought to the USA to prepare the indictment against Assange?

Or was he just a random victim?

A personal description of Arjen Kamphuis

Kamphuis has long blond hair and wears glasses. He is 47 years old, about 1.78 m tall and of average stature. Usually, he was dressed in black and carried a black backpack. He was an avid hiker.

Whoever has information should contact Adresse:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Or directly to the Dutch police.

.@JulianAssange associate and author of "Information Security for Journalists" @ArjenKamphuis has disappeared according to friends (@ncilla) and colleagues. Last seen in Bodø, #Norway, 11 days ago on August 20. pic.twitter.com/dV75NGKpgI

- WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) August 31, 2018

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