World-Business-List Featured
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Once again the crooks of World Business List (former EU Business Register) are on the move and want to collect 997 Euro per year using a prefabricated questionnaire, for which service remains completely open. Unfortunately, it looks like an official request from some government organization. Only that the contract is extended for the following three years. First, the unknown perpetrators find out that updates of whatever are processed free of charge. For this, an official Danish address is used by a Dutch mailbox company.
These days, millions of self-employed people receive these emails from an internationally active gang of crooks.
“Ladies and Gentlemen,
In order to have your domain(s) inserted in
the list of Global Businesses for the
2020/2021 edition: please print and complete
the attached form (wbl-F2B.jpg) and send it
to this address:
Postbox 34
3700 AA Zeist
The Netherlands
Fax: +31 303 100 126
or email it to the email address mentioned on the form.
Updates are free!
This form can also be used for your other
domain(s) and/or business(es).”

The “register” Site

No one has to pay the grotesque requirements or fill out these forms. World Business List would prefer to receive the completed document by fax. Throw it straight into the digital trash can. It is not worth the paper.
Since the register, as you can see on the screenshot, does not exist.
The unknown perpetrators come from Romania. Contract law is applied from an island in the Caribbean Nevis. One of the addresses of the dubious crooks is located in a building in a Luxembourg business park. Only there, one knows nothing about the people.
Whoever fills out the form and sends it to the perpetrators can expect that a law firm Waldberg & Hirsch Global Collections Ltd. Herengracht 518, 1017 CC Amsterdam, The Netherlands, will be contacted immediately in the event of late payment. The Collectors feed on threats, blackmail and against any international law and numerous victims speak of brutal debt collection.
Previously, the perpetrators had already failed with countless other directories, which they maintained since 2009 and always made a profitable business for them with the help of the debt collection operators.
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