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Executions in Arizona in the future with Nazi gas?

The Republicans and the horror of the death penalty.

In Arizona, probably out of a mixture of brutality and terrible stupidity, they do not shy away from Zyklon B to execute delinquents. 


Zyklon B was used in the industrial extermination of the Jewish people in concentration camps.

Zyklon B labels.jpg
By USHMM, courtesy of National Archives - <a rel="nofollow" class="external free" href="http://digitalassets.ushmm.org/photoarchives/detail.aspx?id=1069557">http://digitalassets.ushmm.org/photoarchives/detail.aspx?id=1069557</a>, Public Domain, Link


The gas chamber is to be used when the substances for lethal injection are not available. 

The death penalty is dying a slow death in the U.S. after Trump's orgy of executions in the final weeks of his regime. 

Arizona now feels called, as needed drugs and substances for lethal injections are running out because of the embargo of the European producers, to carry out the punishment requirement with the precursor of lethal injection, the gas chamber.

To this end, Arizona's gas chamber has been brought back into service after years and even refurbished. That is, the rubbers that had become brittle around the windows and doors over the decades were replaced and reinserted. Inside the chamber, a candle was then used to test whether it would go out when a fan was turned on. It seemed like the tests of dilettantes who order experimental series, as agencies described.

The mechanics of the gas chamber were changed to Zyklon B, which killed millions of people in WW2.

The deputies could not express their need to carry out the death penalty in a more inhumane way.

Arizona buys for a lot of money the chemicals, which are necessary for the execution with Zyklon B.

Developed by the Degesch Company in 1922, under the direction of chemist Fritz Haber, the biocide brings cellular respiration to a halt and causes slow internal asphyxiation.

One thing is clear: Arizona's executioners join the criminal machinations of the SS guards at Auschwitz-Birkenau, such as SS Obersturmbannführer Mulka, who was handed out after the war in the so-called "Auschwitz trial".

For some time now, there has been a rumour going around the Arizona Department of Corrections that they were stocking up on illegal substances for expensive money all over the world, in part to execute innocent delinquents.

It is a populist and nauseating goal to now use Zyklon B for execution!

Significantly, the inventor of the lethal injection and the lethal injection execution machine, Fred Leuchter, was convicted for denying the Holocaust and denying the mass industrial killing by Zyklon B.

His statements resulted in the so-called Leuchter Report, which provoked a storm of protest worldwide when it was published in the 1990s. In the Nuremberg Trials, Zyklon B was repeatedly referred to as the devil's weapon and has since been considered equally outlawed.

As was also the case in the "IG Farben trial". This was truth for the defendants after World War II. It should also apply to Arizona's politicians and executioners today.

The free world and Europe should consider whether those who barbarically tread on the memory of the victims of Nazi murder should not themselves be sanctioned or punished.

The Republicans in Arizona do not speak a different language, a troop of avenging angels and anti-democrats incited by Donald Trump, whose contempt for humanity cannot be surpassed by anything. Significantly, the Nazis and the Arizona Republicans share almost the same mindset, which they now want to try on people.

One can only hope that the Republicans in Arizona will also suffer significant legal damage for their contempt for humanity towards millions of victims of the Nazi murder machinery.

It is not clear who is to be the first delinquent tied to the metal chair in the centre of the gas chamber; it is likely to be Frank Atwood and Clarence Dixon.

Frank Atwood, Department of Corrections in Arizona

In a short telephone interview with the Department of Corrections in Arizona, a lot of bad music was played after the main press officer didn't feel like answering the questions, but that's how you keep the probing ethical questions at bay. Literally, this time. An e-mail came back. Even for a spokesman serving in conservative Arizona, this is an embarrassment beyond compare. In Arizona, they already have experience with gas, as they proudly point out on the page that is all about the death penalty. 

Robert Dunham, director of the renowned Death Penalty Information Center in Washington, said in a short telephone statement, as he had done earlier in the Guardian: "You want to avoid believing that in 2021 people will be killed in a U.S. state with a drug that was used in our Holocaust. Have they learned nothing from the Holocaust?"

It is not about what atrocities the perpetrators committed, but about never putting oneself on the same level and cruelly torturing people to death. But apparently this is desired in Arizona. A spectacle to the liking of Donald Trump and his sleazy minions.  Although Trump attacked  Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich as a self-promoter on TV after losing the election, as Newsweek reported. After all, Brnovich's office is giving convicts a choice of injection or gas, the administration pointed out. 

What a choice!


Update: Case Maddie McCann: Friedrich Fuelscher and Johann Schwenn take over the defense for Christian B.

Update June, 11th, 2020

Maddie McCann - The most severe child-abduction since the Lindbergh Baby

Christian B. was taken on yesterday by one of Germany's best barristers after his defence lawyers had resigned their mandates.  Johann Schwenn together with his colleague from Kiel, Friedrich Fuelscher. Christian B. was transferred to a solitary cell in prison in Kiel. The prison management fears that other prisoners might attack the suspect. Friedrich Fuelscher said in an interview (German) that he wants to take criminal and civil action against anyone who allegedly spreads statements. Half the world would accuse his client of the most horrible deeds. His client would feel bad.

Christian B. cannot defend himself right now. He is incarcerated. 


It seems incomprehensible how it can be that all the facts that led to Christian B. being considered as the possible perpetrator are only now becoming known. Everybody knew something, and now everybody wants to talk about his personal experiences with the suspected perpetrator. In the process, many lose their grip on the rule of law, which guarantees the presumption of innocence even for the worst crimes. Many don't notice that Christian B. cannot have committed all the crimes, at least not alone.  He must have had accomplices if any. 
It would be an absolute disaster if, due to the public statements, the background of the events could no longer be revealed. Perhaps this would mean that one would forgive oneself any possibility, if at all, of finding the children still alive somewhere. This issue cannot be the intension of the case. 

Update June, 10th, 2020

The questions are becoming even more pertinent. 

How could the First Prosecutor of Braunschweig, Mr Wolter, have known that Madeleine was dead, maybe the girls were sold. 
Is there such an organization that kidnaps children... 
What did they do to the children?
There is a proof on video, as Christian B. also used to film the misdemeanour with the 72-year-old American in Portugal. Or did this video or the evidence of Maddie McCann's death appear in any other context?
Did Christian B. have any accomplices who assisted him in these known crimes?

In this context, the Sun reports that Christian B. probably announced to his then British partner on the day before the abduction of Maddie that he would leave the following day, according to the Sun:  So the whole affair was already known, since 2007.
 "It's a horrible job, but I have to do it, and it's going to change my life. You won't see me for a while", as far as the quote of the main suspect, reported by Sun and RTL. 
 The cryptic comment of Christian B. pointed out that he kidnapped Maddie on behalf of whoever. 
According to RTL, this former girlfriend also knew about Christian B. had abducted Maddie. She approached him about it in 2010. She didn't think he was capable of such an act, but he told her, according to the Sun, not to go to the place.
Meanwhile, the impression is growing that Christian B. had accomplices. Is there an organization of child molesters who carefully prepared their deeds? 

Is Christian B. also connected with the disappearance of Hilal Ercan, who disappeared in Hamburg on January 27, 1999? Or with Katrin Konert, who vanished without a trace from a bus stop on January 1, 2001. An unknown woman with a Polish accent who called her sister, later claimed that she had got into a vehicle bearing Berlin license plates. 
What about Inga Gehricke, who disappeared without a trace in a forest in 2015? 
If all cases were real, it would be the worst series of murders, except the Göhrde murderer, since the end of the war in Germany. 


Update June, 9th, 2020

Is this actually about a German paedophile ring?

In the meantime, Christian B., who has served a large part of his prison sentence for drug dealing, has applied for release from prison.

In the Maddie McCann murder case, the court in Braunschweig has not yet issued an arrest warrant. Senior Public Prosecutor Wolter from Braunschweig does not, however, have enough evidence to file charges.

In other cases, such as Carola Titze, who was murdered in the De Haan area of Belgium in 1996, investigations are ongoing.

In the case of Rene Hasee, who disappeared without a trace in the Algarve that same year, no initial suspicion could be found. But Christian B. is also under investigation for another mysterious murder case in recent decades, involving Peggy Knobloch. The girl's remains were only discovered by chance in July 2016 by a mushroom picker, after the girl disappeared on her way to school in 2001. Initially, the innocent Ulvi K., who is mentally handicapped, had been sentenced to years in prison as the perpetrator.

The case also moved into the interest of the investigators when the NSU was discovered, because, from the beginning, there was suspicion that the Nazi underground movement was financed by child abuse and child porn.

Besides bank robberies and other crimes.

Also, one of the perpetrators, Uwe Böhnhardt, had already been suspected of being involved in the murder of a child.


Bernd B. who disappeared without a trace in 1993 on the river Saale. Whether there was a connection between Böhnhardt and Christian B. cannot be clarified. Böhnhardt died in a suicide attempt after a bank robbery in Eisenach in 2011. According to the British Sun, Christian B. is said to have appeared in deeds under different aliases Fraenkel and Meisser.

It is said to be an association of paedophiles from Germany.



This suspicion has been known before in connection with the NSU. According to a report by the Guardian in London, a Hazel Behan who was abused in 2004 asked to have her case re-examined. She lived not far from the former temporary waiter Christian B. in Portugal.

As the BILD newspaper reported, Christian B.'s former partner in the Algarve was looking after children who were difficult to bring up, for whom she received 4000 Euro per child per month. It is not clear when Christian B. separated from his girlfriend. She is not supposed to have taken care of the children, other girls are said to have come back pregnant.

But if Attorney General Wolter had evidence that Maddie McCann was no longer alive, he said in an interview with Sky. In addition to the suspect's horrible remarks, it has now become known that he declared that "pigs can eat human flesh and a person could disappear completely", an unknown source is quoted as saying. The body of Maddie McCann is being searched intensively as more and more details are received through countless leads. It is probably about the properties in East Germany and Portugal. Whether Madeleine McCann was still alive after the kidnapping is unknown, but witnesses have explained this fact. There was no chance trace Maddie live.




How many more children like Maddie McCann have fallen victim to this cruel fate caused by Christian B.?


Christian B. is the prime suspect of having committed these acts. However, did he commit these acts alone?


Is Christian B. only a part of a network that specialists have feared for years, but nobody wanted to admit it really exists? It was reported that the rape and robbery of the 72-year-old American women were filmed 1 1/2 years after the disappearance of Maddie McCann on the Algarve Coast in Portugal.


By whom or rather how? For this crime, the Regional Court of Braunschweig (Lower Saxonia) Germany sentenced him to seven years imprisonment on December 16, 2019. The sentence is not yet final, but remand has been ordered. 

Did Christian B. shoot the film for himself as a trophy of the crime or for a "wider audience" that "enjoys" such or similar acts on commercial sites on the internet? 

Was the disappearance of Maddie filmed by the second man whom witnesses claim to have seen on the night of the crime according to the Portuguese media?

Presumably, Christian B. burgled into the McCann's holiday apartment on the night of the crime, to search it for something valuable, but then decided to change his mind and "stole" Maddie. The case led to a vast worldwide media response within weeks in 2007. Witness statements from that night are consistent with what the police have painstakingly collected across all borders. 


But what happened after Maddie McCann was abducted? 

A witness had allegedly seen the girl get into the vehicle of a man with German license plates a few weeks after her mysterious disappearance. Whether she did so willingly or unwillingly, the witness was unable to say more. According to the Daily Mail, these incidents are described in the investigation file of the police in Portugal. As another witness saw, Maddie allegedly left a restaurant in the Spanish coastal town of Alcossebre before getting into a man's van. How did the girl get from the Algarve to the seaside village near Castellón de la Plana, almost 800 km away? The statement is now considered very credible. 

What happened after the kidnapping, which was re-enacted by Rudi Cerne, was shown on the German Police File programme on June 3,2020 and caused an incredible media response?

Did Christian B. have international connections in the child molester scene? Or is he part of such a network. 


That's a good point:


The latest leads lead to a crime in Belgium, but so far, the police, in this case, had no points.

As reported by the Belga news agency, it is about the violent death of Carola Titze from Vechta, Germany, who was raped and murdered in 1996, when she was 16 years old. Her body was found in the Belgian seaside resort close to De Haan in July 1996. The girl was on holiday with her parents. She went missing after taking a walk on the beach—the night before she had met a young German who had bragged about his intense criminal activities. The two had spent the night before together. According to Belga, the public prosecutor in Bruges wants to reopen the investigation. In this context, Dutroux and even Fourniret had been investigated as perpetrators without results. Now the 1996 phantom picture of the Belgian Rikswacht shows considerable similarity to Christian B.. Marines had found the horribly mutilated body of the young woman in Duinbossen, only 200 metres from the holiday resort where she was on holiday, 14 days after her disappearance. 


Rijkswacht Belgium, 1996


If you know anything what can be useful to the public prosecutor, you are asked to contact the numbers behind this link



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