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Resistance against him is mandatory - Björn Höcke and the National Socialist dictatorship

Cover photo: Höcke at a rally for the 2019 state election PantheraLeo1359531 – Own work

Björn Höcke is a German politician from the right-wing extremist Alternative for Germany (AfD).

With everything Höcke says and does, one might get the idea that he is supporting Russia and Vladimir Putin in their human rights crimes.


Many people deny Höcke's maturity to be in politics. He wants to introduce a mandate after the state elections in Thuringia and a National Socialist federal state. Unfortunately, voters follow him like the supporters who followed the Pied Piper of Hamelin.

It has now become a nightmare incarnate in Germany. His rhetoric hardly differs from that of Goebbels and Co. He uses the words of convicted war criminals and draws the same meaning from them. He stands for miserable National Socialism.

Höcke led the internal party group The Wing, which was classified as right-wing extremist by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, until 2020.

Höcke is known for his nationalist, racist and historical revisionist statements, which are often based on the language and ideas of National Socialism. In doing so, he wants to promote the eternal. Höcke and his henchmen want to shatter the soul of multicultural Germany and establish a Nazi state. It's unacceptable to use any means to do this.


Historical revision is the attempt to falsify or deny historical truth to achieve political goals. Björn Höcke is a well-known historical revisionist who stands for the trivialization and relativization of the crimes of National Socialism.

He described the Holocaust memorial in Berlin as a “monument of shame” and called for a “ 180 degree U-turn in remembrance policy .” He also questioned Germany's guilt in the Second World War.

The Allies wanted to “re-educate” the Germans. Höcke represents an ethnic-nationalist ideology that contradicts the pluralistic and democratic society. He abuses history to mobilize his supporters and defame his opponents. This is not only disgusting and offensive, but also a danger to social peace and the rule of law. That's exactly what he wants to achieve in order to gain power.

The AfD has so far failed to clearly distance itself from Höcke's statements. Some AfD politicians defended Höcke or adopted his positions, such as the concept of remigration, i.e. returning migrants to their countries of origin.


Others distanced themselves from him or expressed criticism, such as former federal chairman Jörg Meuthen, who described Höcke as a “burden” for the party. The AfD is divided within its own ranks about how to deal with Höcke and his right-wing extremist views.

There is currently an online petition calling for Höcke to be deprived of certain basic rights, such as the right to freedom of expression or the right to assembly, because he is misusing them to combat the free-democratic basic order. The petition, which invokes Article 18 of the Basic Law, which provides for the forfeiture of fundamental rights, has already collected more than a million signatures (as of January 17, 2024). The decision lies with the Federal Constitutional Court.


Iron March (1) Nuclear Weapons Division - the ugly Nazi has got a stupid face

Nazis love computers and grimaces

Iron March, the alleged splendid edition of the U.S. Nazi movement's Atomic Weapons Division was

I've hooked a John Doe. The fascist terror-internationalists draw in their violent and fantasies of omnipotence the image of a bleak future, which would only be dominated by slavery and killing. It is dark dystrophy of a gang of dangerous criminals who worship war criminals like Himmler, Heydrich, Goebbels and Hitler God alike.


Through the populism, the morning air is scenting, who want to put up the gallows again. This circumstance is garnished by perverse pictures and links, which are inhumanity and abnormality no longer to be surpassed.

"Mainly for political reasons, although I support genocide if necessary."

In the breeding ground of terror, people are wrongfully considering how to deal with human material. Camps are favoured and portrayed in all extreme inhumanity, according to the Gulag system, blurring the boundaries of communism and National Socialism. The new and self-proclaimed master race propagates even slavery. (whitelocust.wordpress.com) Books about ethnic cleansing and the instructions for it are also a big hit in the Brown Psychopath chat, followed by the race theory.


Pathetic enough. It's called National Action. Via R E V O L T N S can also be accessed via Facebook. The assassin of Halle can be justified there independently. Facebook has a real problem in this context. The Zuckerberg giant doesn't mind when right-wing thought dirt is published. Facebook loves lip service. No more, but no less either.

About the Nazis, from the time until 1945 there is half-knowledge. Mysticism, like Neuschwabenland and the hereafter so-called Vril-Fluggscheibe and a senseless glorification of the atrocities of the Hitler regime. The user Schwarzmarsch, for example, has no idea at all about Nazi Germany (although he knows a lot about it), but he seems to know something about killing. He makes a big story about fascism. Although he'd have to be a brown Methuselah by now. The Night of the Long Knives was early 1934.


Bundesarchiv Bild 102-15282A, Ernst Röhm

 Ernst Röhm during an SS roll call on the military training area Döberitz, August 1933 Federal Archives, Picture 102-15282A / Georg Pahl / CC-BY-SA 3.0


"The night of the long knives was the best night of my life" 


A murder in these circles, forums, means nothing, probably too many have already happened in the international haze of the brown sediment. The traces are global and run through all strata of society - murder is the expression of heroism in these bizarre, esoteric herb garden circles of those who seek plans for attacks - martyrs in all countries. Even Russian training camps exist for such creatures.

The only frightening thing is that the states close their eyes to this brown sediment. From the lines, it is clear that there must be paramilitaries who roam the country murdering, who see the Norwegian mass murderer Breivik as a model of the new national movement.


Brown bootlickers


Vanguard America inspires User Leon from Germany. This one tries his hand as a loyal vassal on the other side of the Atlantic. Incitement of the people is still a blind game in the misery of the fascists. Opportunities are sought to stir up the situation, fired up by poorly written Russian agitators who promote self-radicalisation.

For most modern people, living in the power of fascism would not be possible. Much of it becomes a secret and conspiratorially planned, although the Nazis themselves do not understand what they are preparing—murder, terror, misery, slavery and war. You are simply too stupid, apart from the fact that conspiratorial bunkers require logistics. Independent thinking, that is too much to ask of right-minded people.

That's only temporary relief.


Hymn to Europe

Europe means progress, freedom, development, security and peace.

Only such a form of government can be chosen. Everything else is ineligible.

Democracy is a challenging field that requires daily care. This care and nurturing have been neglected.

Europe carries the traditions in the development of the future and should become a central state in which the nations find their weighty voice. How the United States of America once had to grow together.

Everyone who is anchored in Europe contributes something to the big picture. Politics is not infallible. Only ideologies are not desirable. The enemy of democracy has taken a firm grip on Europe in its field.

The EU must be reformed, Macron has recognised this very clearly and precisely. Europe cannot and will not afford an autocratic nuance.

This is by no means an easy task. Many mistakes were made. One of them: Jean-Claude Juncker invited large corporations, which were downright offending consumers and also the state system. The euro came a few years too early as a common currency but continued to ensure Europe's economic success.

After the experience of World War II, nation-states joined together to form a pan-European house, a community of those who, after the knowledge of the wars, now saw that it was only possible to do it together. Adenauer and de Gaulle understood the call of the times. There were no longer enemies, but neighbours.

In the unfortunate video of Rezo and his thoughts, history, which laid the foundation for European politics, was never mentioned. It was the protest video of a politically ignorant "snotty guy" who earns quite a bit of money on youtube when he posts such productions that the "No Future" generation loves.

In their wishful thinking to create a step-by-step society again, the nationalists see the election as the last chance to reorganise their old rotten world view.

What nationalism means can be seen in the inglorious example of Mr Strache and his Adlatus in the villa on Ibiza. Nationalism is the shame of the world. Such parties should be subject to a ban since they are probably defined by corruption and inhuman world views.

Now nationalists, like their left-wing political opponents, can polarise.

This polarisation grows more and more every day. This is what the right-wing dregs speculate on, as always in history.

A Democrat is forbidden to believe in what the speculators of division expect from their future. Their only aim is to enslave the people so that they may prosper, see Strache and his companions.

The left-wing mob showed its real face in Hamburg two years ago, namely anarchy and looting, rebellion against everything that developed in decades of system.

It is up to the voter to eliminate any possibility of polarisation. Through the voice, which is as valuable individually as it is in the crowd. This strengthens democratic forces, which now have to take massive action.

To choose Angela Merkel out of hatred for the person Angela Merkel is the wrong direction. In autumn 2015, she did not act politically, but humanely, which may be blamed on her.

The chaos in which nationalism ends can be seen in Great Britain, which is destroying itself because there are money-hungry and short-term thinking forces that certainly pay well for their convictions. These are not their convictions, but the profit of the gang around Farage and Johnson is in the foreground of the "putsch" against the at times confusing sounding Theresa May.

Who wants such governments? Nobody. A state would dissolve if, as we can see, such people came into office and dignity.

Democracy, civil rights and freedoms no longer count for anything among nationalists. Minorities would be mercilessly persecuted, with the hatred of any dictatorship.

No one wants such eternalists who are not able to foresee the consequences of their actions. Declaring Europe a fortress contradicts the fundamental values of what Europe wants to be and can be, an open society in which neither borders nor obstacles are raised.

Those who are against it are only looking for their own transparent reason.

Who chooses, everyone should choose freedom, and what conscience suggests. But everyone should also think about the future of all in a united and prosperous Europe.


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