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Trump's million march seems more like a two-bit frolic

Trump leaves behind a shambles that once called itself the USA

Now, Trump has completely blown it in Georgia too.

He can hound, lie and declare the election absurd.

Trump is the worst example of a demagogue in office.

It is clear from his statements in recent days that he will never give up doubting the Democrats' victory.

His milkmaid calculation will end abruptly today.

The winner of the election is Joe Biden. Even Vice-President Pence has to admit that, albeit probably meekly. If the result is confirmed today in Washington.  

Meanwhile, left and right supporters are brawling in the streets of Washington. 






Perhaps Trump sets the execution method for himself - The legacy of Donald Trump (1)

Trump's whimsical legacy - that of a break clown


Accountant of death


On 24 December this year, there will be a new regulation on how prisoners are to be executed at federal level. Trump himself still wants to make the execution of eight prisoners possible, contrary to all traditions that a president who has been voted out of office does not allow this to happen.


Now the execution continues with gas, electric chair and lethal injection. This speaks for a high degree of sadism and Trump's personal pleasure in letting people die. A master of life and death. Like other right-wing despots in history.


In the final phase of Trumpism, the President's duties revolve around the death of his countrymen. It is characteristic of Trump to still determine these absurd possibilities of execution.


Trump, as the world knows, is great at murdering and destroying.  


He leaves a trail of blood all the way to the White House, which runs like a red thread through the whole country.


That's all he was capable of.


He used every opportunity to remember Gettysburg and the Secession.


According to Trump, a way must therefore be found to finally bridge the gap between white, rich, black and poor in the United States of America. After all, to guarantee liberation from National Socialism in the 1940s, the United States sacrificed some 170,000 of its compatriots, thus laying the foundations for being a nation of world renown.


Donald Trump sacrificed 250,000 of his fellow countrymen to remain in power and not to expose himself to personal trials. Trump was a disgusting sexist with the claim of corruption and because he could not do better, also with the claim of a nationalist spoiled to the point of caricature, who no longer knew and could not find his way behind his fascism à la Trump.


Electoral fraud with Trump


The OSCE had observers all over the US. Therefore, Trump's bold claim about the third world country USA cannot be true because nobody has observed the alleged election rigging.


The Donald Trump brand no longer exists. At best the man who in the USA demanded genocide for his ends, like a Roman emperor in the arena celebrated by the eternally disappointed. Trump's speeches are strongly reminiscent of those of the dictators of the 1920s and 1930s. He vilifies the New York Times, he vilifies anyone who does not agree with his sometimes already stupid opinion. Even Richard Nixon, who was called Honk, was an absolute boon against him.


Trump worked with the Mafia. The Mafia had been his backbone since the early 1970s. Organised crime taught him the contempt that he now held against the law and his critics. Any demagogy was just what he needed to stay in power, and to earn a little more from the suffering he inflicted on the people, and that ultimately enabled Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to get into the White House.


Political Mafia boss and sexist trump


Will Donald John Trump be on trial when he returns to New York?


Yes, he will be on trial because America as a state must prevent such a president from running for office in 2024 because the Republicans must get out of the Nazi corner and basically serve the democracy that has always been built up.


The political Mafia boss Trump must stand trial.


How can it be, even if there is little truth in the accusations, that countless women who were once sexually assaulted by the self-confessed narcissist and psychopath are now coming forward?


How can it be that he pays hush money to a porn star like Stormy Daniels if he wants nothing to do with her?


Whoever claims that Donald Trump never started a war in the world may be right, he was too stupid to do so. He called for war in his own country, and this is something we know from Nicolai Ceausescu and Erich Honecker, from despots like Hitler.




And Trump must be careful not to become a victim of his execution methods, if he can be proven to have committed the Covid-19 genocide out of greed, which is otherwise the case with Trump and his lackeys.




That is his legacy.




Trump falsifies the presidential election in front of everyone

Update  November 4th, 2020



Trump has given the USA the characteristic of a dictatorship



Update  November 4th, 2020

Trump obstructs the election: As expected, Donald Trump declared himself the winner before the votes were counted. He forgot to mention that countless votes in the post offices have not yet been counted. How an incumbent president can declare himself the winner by electoral fraud is understandable to anyone, but it shows that Trump followed this plan from the beginning. Trump attacks legitimate vote-counting efforts and claims fraud without proof. For the normal observer, it looks more like the Democrats will win the election. From Georgia, for example, news is coming in that the election is incomplete. Meanwhile, Trump is trying to prevent votes that have not been counted from being counted. Even the Republican electoral lawyer calls Trump's claim an "agonizing moment"





The American Civil War of 1861-65 has not yet been dealt with, however much the generations that followed strove to forget Richmond, Gettysburg and all the other bloody battlefields.  


Now Trump comes along and tweets his hatred from his soul.


Trump is the most wretched thing that mankind has produced.  He serves white racism in unrestrained disgust for his profit.


He is a repugnant despot who has driven more than 200,000 Americans to their deaths. Through personal greed. It is a good third of the victims of the Civil War of 1861-1865. Trump accepts tens of thousands more victims to remain in power because he has to fear personal consequences for his actions.


He is a murderer and must therefore be punished. Everything else from the right are protective assertions to keep a disgusting despot in power. Trump has sold himself as the man with billions, he owns nothing, he is nothing. He only wants to win the election because otherwise he would end up in prison. That is where he must end up. He has torn the country apart. He has not kept any of his election promises, except those that have personally brought him money. Whoever votes for Trump chose terror from his ranks, disinformation, injustice, probably civil war. Those who vote for Trump vote for the contempt of a godless man who cages children. Whoever votes for Trump votes for the right-wing thugs who attack an opponent on the road. Who chooses Trump chooses the lie and the clan, the right-wing racists and the thugs. He manipulates the courts, threatens judges and tramples the law underfoot. Now he even plans purges in his second term of office, etc.




Trump is a perverted monster, he has more than 200,000 Americans on his conscience. He has facilitated an American genocide.  He, the self-promoter, doesn't care. Trump is the most disgusting specimen of man at the lowest level of what is called civilisation. Trump thinks of himself and his corrupt lying clan.


He forces the 2nd US civil war and knows nothing about Gettysburg because he does not care about human life. Trump morally rapes the minorities in the USA every day because it brings him profit, not because anyone understands what he is doing.


Trump prefers to play golf and blackmails the weakest in society. He was close friends with one of the most disgusting child molesters in society:  Jeffrey Epstein. He hates women, he hates everything that doesn't make money. Not one of his brazen election promises has he kept. He has exposed the USA to international ridicule. He is a demagogue like Mussolini, and we have long pondered what positive things he has done during his term of office. Unfortunately, nothing came to our minds. Not even after days of searching.


Whoever elects him will again choose the blood of the battlefields! The American people do not deserve that.


Vote for Biden to find your peace.  

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