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News Desk (11)

Wirecard Connection - what does the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia have to do with Wirecard?

Long, long ago -The collapse of an ailing system - New Economy Market 


Back then, shortly before the beginning of the millennium, anything was possible despite the collapse of the New Economy market. The so-called 4 D printer was already on offer at that time - at this investment blossom the then already attentive observer could only marvel.

Here stood Captain Janeway and the Voyager godfathers.

Anything was possible and organized crime was on the rise. They could place millions in former East Germany, acquire land and buildings after money had been laundered. This required a bank that promised high profits and systematic concealment.

Even the rumour of a digital currency, almost unthinkable at the time, was served.

At the time, infeasible visions of the future were sold as a means of investment.


However, Wirecard was a deliberate washing plant for all money from porn, betting and gambling, due to the entanglement between organized crime and politics.

Anyone who asked stupid questions as an investor in those days that were not conducive to the grey eminences who had orchestrated Wirecard as precisely this later excellently functioning concept of various Mafia groups was quickly silenced. Neither by slander nor by threats. Everyone who had experienced this knew there was something fishy about it.

Only no one dared to say anything against the hyper-dynamic Jan Marsalek. It would have been the end of existence.

Later, the connection to the 'Ndrangheta turned out to be more and more obvious, who had collected money all over Europe on the New Economy market - the war chest with various investment firms.

It was not until 2017 that the Italian police intervened when they arrested Francesco Martiradonna, the alleged owner of Centurionbet. Malta suspended Centurionbet's gambling licence. But Centurionbet was just one of the many mailboxes served by Jan Marsalek's system, not Wirecard Bank's. 

Whether it was later Benedetto Bacchi, the head of Phoenix International Ltd, who was arrested in the Palermo region as part of the 2018 "Game Over" anti-mafia operation, Wirecard set up numerous "dead letter boxes" in Gibraltar to provide them for money laundering. For online roulette and poker, companies were set up, located in Main Street or Marinas Bay, shops, consignors and others.

Neither Finance Control nor the later responsible Minister Olaf Scholz can have been unaware of these circumstances. When Gibraltar was no longer sufficient, they turned to other places, the powers-that-be did not want to make it so obvious after all. The letterbox batteries in the British community of Consett and the resulting letterbox companies were part of the concept of Marsalek, who was not too dirty for anything. "Brinken Merchant Incorporation" was just one of dozens of style flowers of the time.

From Gibraltar to Malta- what does the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia have to do with Wirecard?

More than 20 years ago, the trail already led back from Gibraltar to the tax haven Malta, where it was easy to launder the profits from poker rounds on the Internet and disgusting porn for good. Whether the Mafia had something to do with the later assassination of the journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia because the initiators were swamped with cases, was never to be clarified.


The journalist was on her way to describe money laundering in Malta for the Mafia, which could not please Marsalek's backers. By the time the blogger died in a car bomb attack, Marsalek was already steering the fortunes of the corrupt Wirecard money laundering operation through Dubai. Police in Malta arrested a businessman named Yorgen Fenech, who was involved with the Dubai Wirecard empire of gamblers through various channels, as a person of interest in the murder of the journalist.  In the whole list of Marsalek's pseudo-secret activities, silencing opponents also fitted in. 

With lax oversight in Malta and Germany, the trail leads directly to alleged frauds such as Wirecard and Paytah respectively. Like Wirecard Paytah, a brand of MFSA-regulated Phoenix Payments Ltd enabled the fraud in the first place, which involved hundreds if not thousands of EU consumers. Onisac was another example of money laundering. Coincidentally, also in Dubai again.


Another Poker round with the Mafia

2001 - In La Línea de la Concepción, the sparrows were whistling from the rooftops. The abandoned casino in Gibraltar had been given a worthy successor in the form of a simple letterbox and a trustee, who made considerably more turnover than the honourable casino in Europa Road. The casino was simply rusting away.

Casino Gibraltar, 2000,kasaan media, 2021


There was a rumour going through the offices of the Gibraltar Trustees that was hard to believe when you first heard it. A certain Jan Marsalek had made a deal with Russians and other Mafioso half a year after hiring Wirecard, which was supposed to bring porn and illegal gambling on the internet to the forefront. The money was simply to be laundered through various stations.

Gibraltar was the El Dorado of tax havens in Europe these days. Those who did not ask any questions could go to one of the trusts and have the money laundered there, which they were now supposed to legally reintroduce into the economic cycle. The diversions followed a certain pattern, ending in the enclave in front of locked doors or cleared out abandoned offices.

Trustee of the Wirecard, 2002,kasaan media, 2021

But that's not all - traces from Marbella, neighbouring Gibraltar, already led to the South of France at the beginning of the millennium and would have made the Wirecard scandal impossible if those responsible had taken an interest. But nobody really wanted that, the natural antipodes of organized crime and politics were too intertwined.


Marsalek's invisible trail


Trump's million march seems more like a two-bit frolic

Trump leaves behind a shambles that once called itself the USA

Now, Trump has completely blown it in Georgia too.

He can hound, lie and declare the election absurd.

Trump is the worst example of a demagogue in office.

It is clear from his statements in recent days that he will never give up doubting the Democrats' victory.

His milkmaid calculation will end abruptly today.

The winner of the election is Joe Biden. Even Vice-President Pence has to admit that, albeit probably meekly. If the result is confirmed today in Washington.  

Meanwhile, left and right supporters are brawling in the streets of Washington. 






According to soothsayers, the world faces the beginning of the apocalypse in 2021

Apocalypse now

Surely humanity is used to a lot from psychics, fortune-tellers and prophets who emerge from the historical mothballs every year again to deliver the spooky predictions for the next twelve months.

This time, however, it seems different.

The seer from the Balkans, called Baba Vanga, accurately foresaw the events of the past twelve months almost 30 years ago. It should be noted that Baba Vanga has been dead for three decades. 

She predicted Corona or COVID-19. Many of her predictions did not come true in the predicted years, but they did come true later, such as the September 11, 2001, attack on the World Trade Center, the 2004 tsunami disaster in Thailand, and other events that instilled great fear in humanity. 


Unfortunately, the seer from the Balkans has nothing good to report for the year 2021. Strange events that will cause Vladimir Putin to fall victim to an attack to be carried out by an employee of his bodyguard.

She has no good news for Donald Trump either, the American autocrat will suffer from a mysterious disease. This disease disintegrates his brain, as the woman put it when she was alive, leaving him a deaf, disoriented man.

Unfortunately, things don't look good for humanity either. In the year 2021, when the Earth's orbit is also supposed to shift due to a strong solar flare, there are violent floods everywhere and fights for living space.

Further trouble threatens humanity, especially in Europe, from invading marauders who are gradually depopulating Europe with chemical weapons and then taking it over. There are to be fierce terrorist attacks on the continent. These acts of war are to continue until 2025, leaving the continent of Europe simply deserted. Allegedly, three dragons will unite into one and wipe out humanity. There has also been speculation about whether biological weapons will be used to fight in Europe.  

After these changes, Europe's economy is said to collapse completely.

There is to be famine and constant warfare.

In addition, it is reported by Baba Vanga that the first mission of humans to Venus is being prepared. However, this is being done secretly and behind closed doors.

However, she had one piece of good news for the year 2021, that a cure for cancer will be found, literally this disease will be locked up with iron. As she put it.

The seer from the Balkans had the same visions about the year 2021 as the seer Alois Irlmaier and the prophet and doctor Michel Nostradamus had already had in the Middle Ages. All three prophesied a year of catastrophes for 2021. We know from Baba Vanga that she had a hit rate of about 85% in her predictions. We can only hope that she was wrong in 2021 and that none of the bad events will actually happen.


Trump falsifies the presidential election in front of everyone

Update  November 4th, 2020



Trump has given the USA the characteristic of a dictatorship



Update  November 4th, 2020

Trump obstructs the election: As expected, Donald Trump declared himself the winner before the votes were counted. He forgot to mention that countless votes in the post offices have not yet been counted. How an incumbent president can declare himself the winner by electoral fraud is understandable to anyone, but it shows that Trump followed this plan from the beginning. Trump attacks legitimate vote-counting efforts and claims fraud without proof. For the normal observer, it looks more like the Democrats will win the election. From Georgia, for example, news is coming in that the election is incomplete. Meanwhile, Trump is trying to prevent votes that have not been counted from being counted. Even the Republican electoral lawyer calls Trump's claim an "agonizing moment"





The American Civil War of 1861-65 has not yet been dealt with, however much the generations that followed strove to forget Richmond, Gettysburg and all the other bloody battlefields.  


Now Trump comes along and tweets his hatred from his soul.


Trump is the most wretched thing that mankind has produced.  He serves white racism in unrestrained disgust for his profit.


He is a repugnant despot who has driven more than 200,000 Americans to their deaths. Through personal greed. It is a good third of the victims of the Civil War of 1861-1865. Trump accepts tens of thousands more victims to remain in power because he has to fear personal consequences for his actions.


He is a murderer and must therefore be punished. Everything else from the right are protective assertions to keep a disgusting despot in power. Trump has sold himself as the man with billions, he owns nothing, he is nothing. He only wants to win the election because otherwise he would end up in prison. That is where he must end up. He has torn the country apart. He has not kept any of his election promises, except those that have personally brought him money. Whoever votes for Trump chose terror from his ranks, disinformation, injustice, probably civil war. Those who vote for Trump vote for the contempt of a godless man who cages children. Whoever votes for Trump votes for the right-wing thugs who attack an opponent on the road. Who chooses Trump chooses the lie and the clan, the right-wing racists and the thugs. He manipulates the courts, threatens judges and tramples the law underfoot. Now he even plans purges in his second term of office, etc.




Trump is a perverted monster, he has more than 200,000 Americans on his conscience. He has facilitated an American genocide.  He, the self-promoter, doesn't care. Trump is the most disgusting specimen of man at the lowest level of what is called civilisation. Trump thinks of himself and his corrupt lying clan.


He forces the 2nd US civil war and knows nothing about Gettysburg because he does not care about human life. Trump morally rapes the minorities in the USA every day because it brings him profit, not because anyone understands what he is doing.


Trump prefers to play golf and blackmails the weakest in society. He was close friends with one of the most disgusting child molesters in society:  Jeffrey Epstein. He hates women, he hates everything that doesn't make money. Not one of his brazen election promises has he kept. He has exposed the USA to international ridicule. He is a demagogue like Mussolini, and we have long pondered what positive things he has done during his term of office. Unfortunately, nothing came to our minds. Not even after days of searching.


Whoever elects him will again choose the blood of the battlefields! The American people do not deserve that.


Vote for Biden to find your peace.  


New sex games in the Alpine Panorama for the Royal playboy from Thailand?

Update: 18 October 2020         

Rama X. is already packing his bags again, while his people go out onto the streets the next day. The eccentric monarch leaves again on October, 20. On this day he wants to return to Germany. Enjoying the Bavarian country air. The protest movement is crushed by a massive police presence.

More sex games with his current concubines await the blue-blooded playboy in the Alpine panorama.

Meanwhile, a huge police force is formulating its brutal slaying against the protest movement.

Here are some scenes from the reality of Bangkok today: 





While the Thai people are starving and suffering, His Serene Highness is occupied with the different kinds of  his playmates. Every protest is considered an insult by the obvious psychopath Rama X.. This insult is punished with15 years in prison. Yesterday, demonstrators tried to storm the car of the shaking monarch. 

One wonders whether these brutal operations in Germany were planned in the pseudo-asylum of the royal torturer. If so, Rama X would be intolerable for Bavaria, for the Federal Republic of Germany, which he and his countless playmates are anyway. 



Update: 17 October 2020          

The unloved monarch should stay in Bangkok

In Thailand, the protests are raging. Rama X, the rich but ruthless monarch sees only his advantage and runs away from the protests. Where to? He flies back to Bavaria.

But now it was time to settle the business in Thailand as well, the whole family was flown to Thailand without further ado while nobody else could travel. Among them, as reported at the gala, is his 15-year-old son, Dipangkorn Rasmijoti, 15, with a jet of the Thai Air Force. 

The sexual escapades of the blue blood who puts his concubines in prison and otherwise interprets any criticism of his pompous behaviour as an insult to majesty are enough. Apparently, the king conducts his inhuman politics from German soil. The ambassador of Thailand has been summoned to the Foreign Office several times in this context.

Meanwhile, the torture monarch is also damaging Bavaria's reputation in the world, nothing more of understanding for the "Thai-Kini" living in filthy luxury. It is time to ask Rama X, who is apparently far removed from reality, to leave Germany. 





Historical freedom of jesters in Bavaria

Rama X, the Thai monarch, gradually becomes a nuisance in the Federal Republic of Germany. While everyone kept to the initial restrictions imposed by the government, the monarch flew back and forth. Once to fly to Thailand for festivities. Then again, he headed for various airports in the Federal Republic and practised the pilot manoeuvre of touch and go with his passenger plane to satisfy his urge to renew his flying licence instead of going for a walk in semi-domestic Bavaria. As if that wasn't enough, the comical king, who had a Boeing converted into a flying luxury palace for himself, obtained a special permit from the city of Garmisch-Partenkirchen when the exit restrictions were imposed. This allowed him to stay at the Hotel Sonnenbichl, despite having his residence in Bavaria. Why, was not clear even to the Court rapporteurs, who reported on the increasing number of absences of His Majesty.

Not only since yesterday has the bustling monarch from Bangkok become a filou. We recall that his Boeing was once chained to a pledge seal at Erding airport with unpaid debts, until His Serene Highness loosened more than 30 million euros. Maha Vajiralongkorn was still a prince at that time and had been living in a villa in Tutzing on Lake Starnberg for years.

He recently took the parade of his faithful at Munich's Erding airport with a barely belly-free top. Rumour has it that he had conveniently got rid of his tired girlfriend from the private sphere by simply having her arrested and giving her a whimsical story about an acid attack as justification. Before that, the man, now crowned king in gold panties, had dumped his three wives.


But the Free State of Bavaria has experience with blue-blooded troublemakers, as can be guessed from the story of Ludwig II.
Now, however, the comical king, who resides in Bavaria with his court, i.e. courtiers, lackeys and concubines, and who until now could only be described as a little odd, is mutating into a skilled torturer in diplomatic status.  This, however, only behind closed doors because the blue-blooded man mercilessly persecutes anyone who has anything to criticize about him and his white royal uniform jacket.


As one could gather from numerous well-informed circles, the strange king had numerous persons from his entourage flogged on the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany. This is said to have happened on the fourth floor of the picturesquely situated Hotel Sonnenbichl. Torture is forbidden even for kings in Bavaria! What sounds like a horror fairytale became reality during the Corona crisis in Germany. The brutal monarch with a penchant for eccentricity in protected status is to watch the films of courtly punishment for his own pleasure later on. But that is not all. According to a report by the British journalist Andrew Gregor Mc Marshall, the aristocrat who has fallen out of his role maintains a kind of torture prison in Thailand, where he has unpleasant characters tortured for a long time and then has the films shown in a kind of "best of" when he lives in his villa on his native Starnberg Lake.


All the circumstances of the monarch now call numerous human rights activists to the scene because Rama drives his royal fantasies of omnipotence too far. It seems that Rama maintains the Thai torture prison because of his palace in Bangkok, as new investigations now reveal.  Here the belly-free monarch is said to take particular pleasure in the suffering of arbitrarily imprisoned prisoners who are forced to drink urine, suffer from sleep deprivation and eat worms. While Rama appreciates the hearty Bavarian cuisine, there are countless prisoners who are literally gnawing at the hunger cloth.


Rama X. is certainly not as easy to stroke as Rama's name, and in recent years there have been increasing reports of royalty's failures in apparent exile. Rama is not squeamish with critics of his decadent courtly excesses. The man with the name Maha Vajiralongkorn, unpronounceable to Europeans, followed his father Bhumibol, who was very popular with the Thais, on the throne in a kind of fantasy costume garnished by a crown on his head. It is otherwise known about the bon vivant at the gates of Munich that he married his former bodyguard some time ago. Your Majesty will be merciless, as his master of ceremonies recently threatened in the social media if criticism of the ruler is made. A journalist was arrested when the monarch returned to Zurich from a trip to his old homeland.


The question is, what can be done about the king?


 Sources: PICTURE



               Andrew Gregor Mc Marshall

               own researches




30 years later - is German unity a model for success?

30 years later from a different perspective


Everyone remembers the momentous day of German reunification, October 3, 1990. The sea of flags in front of the Reichstag, at the Brandenburg Gate. No one will not remember the words of the then Unification Chancellor, Dr Kohl.



A year earlier, the resistance against the concrete-headed Communists in the Politburo in the former GDR had reached its peak. The people were braver than the thugs of the all-powerful Stasi and simply ran away from the state. That was a good thing. And the courage, the determination of the GDR citizens must never be forgotten, who brought the East Berlin regime to collapse. The scenes were very similar to the refugee crisis of our days; many people forget that they too were refugees. They were led by the help of those who helped the thousands.  

Was the reunification of Germany the best thing that could happen to the country? Certainly not, if you look back. Germany should have stayed with two German states. In a confederation of some kind, in which the respective states could have slowly got used to each other. But the DM was roaring and the consumption of capitalism. Attentive observers noticed that the longest queues were not caused by the banana boxes but by the so-called "welcome money". At that time, it was 100 DM per person.

In the days of the silent revolution, nobody saw the consequences of reunification in a trite way, which Kohl literally whipped through in the slipstream of the shattering Eastern Bloc. The chancellor was right: it was a unique moment in history that made the German reunification possible, that made the 2nd Berlin Republic possible. 


Someone in the GDR had supported the SED regime, which had come to an end. This circumstance was utterly forgotten in the exuberance of the times after the end of 1989. A revolution was underway. Kohl's ambition was to create the unity of a country that was no longer a "Unity of the Fatherland" and could not become one.  The henchmen around Honecker and his cruel apparatchiks, who could hardly be surpassed in dictatorial violence and who washed their hands in blood, did not entirely disappear overnight. The system of the FRG was simply imposed on the East.  Whether the citizens of the GDR wanted it or not. Nobody was asked or even thought about a pure referendum. There were critical voices even then. 

But Kohl made a mistake; he forgot that the communists in the East shaped the generation that once experienced the end of the war. Indeed, thirty years later one can say that one German confederation, two German states, of course without the wall and the order to shoot, without the machinations of the Stasi, would have been the model for success. States that could have come closer slowly, without the social explosives that the SED dictatorship had left behind. 

Kohl forgot the imprint left by the system. Now, 30 years later, the generation must bear the consequences of reunification. Those who did not like the democratic system of the Federal Republic, but who were quasi liberated with unification, want and are pushing for the abolition of democracy in Germany. In the present Federal Republic, a dangerous anti-democratic mood has formed in the ideological blocks of the SED successors and the nationalists. The European house conjured up by unification has cracks in it anyway, which are difficult to repair. Putin, who is doing everything he can to disintegrate Europe, the already repulsive Polish nationalism and the guarantors of freedom at the time, the Hungarians are sinking into another dictatorship. Indeed, another dictatorship is not the panacea for the problems of today. 

No, the October 3 may be a date in history that certainly brought about a turnaround, but whether for the better? That remains to be seen and left to other generations to judge. At the moment, it does not give the impression. 

To those who want to celebrate the memory of reunification, an excellent October 3!



Fake Bank - Fake Lawyers- Fake Story

It started with the Wing-Hang Bank

The approach of the Brazilian-born scam message of the Wing Hang Bank in Hong Kong is becoming more and more popular. Big business behind - which is nothing from the beginning, except the greed of the perpetrators to launder money or collect fantastic commission. Don't answer, this mail is like that of grandchild con artists. One would not believe what happened afterwards. 

Here is the story: 


Dear Friend,


I am very sorry for my late response, due to the fact i'm a banker, i'm always busy.


Thank you for giving me your time, Let me start by introducing myself, I'm Mrs Chen Yang, a staff of WING HANG BANK here in HONG KONG.
I am contacting you concerning a customer and an investment placed under our bank's management; as a matter of fact it was 4 years ago.


I would respectfully request that you keep the contents of this mail private and also to kindly respect the integrity of the information you come by as a result of this email.


I contacted you independently of our investigation and no one is informed of this communication.
I would like to intimate you with certain facts that I believe would be of interest to you.
It is of great importance for you to take care and understand every word which i will share with you.
I await your urgent response via (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


Chen Yang.


This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.

Hongkong, AndyLeungHK


Weeks later, in late September 2020, the same story came from a Chinese e-mail address.  It reminded us of a scammer group in France, but we never received an answer. And within hours we found out that there was a "branch" of the Scammers in England. So the online presence of Alister Bank was used to move non-existent millions. But we found out that there were riding on this story for more than ten years.

Bonsai story starts

Dear Friend,

I am very sorry for my late response, due to the fact i'm a banker, i'm always busy.

Thank you for giving me your time, Let me start by introducing myself, I'm Mrs Baozhai Yang, a staff of WING HANG BANK here in HONG KONG. I am contacting you concerning a customer and an investment placed under our bank's management; as a matter of fact it was 4 years ago. I would respectfully request that you keep the contents of this mail private and also to kindly respect the integrity of the information you come by as a result of this email.

I contacted you independently of our investigation and no one is informed of this communication.
I would like to intimate you with certain facts that I believe would be of interest to you.
It is of great importance for you to take care and understand every word which i will share with you.
I await your urgent response via (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)




Baozhai Yang



Hello ,


In 2015, the subject matter; Ref: HI/DSB/458/4 03/05 77 came to our bank to engage in business discussions with our Private Banking Services Department. 


He informed us that he had a financial portfolio of ($11.700.350,00 USD) Eleven million Seven Hundred And Three Fifty United States dollars, which he wished to have us turn over (invest) on his behalf. 


I was the officer assigned to his case; I made numerous suggestions in line with my duties as the de-facto chief operations officer of the Private Banking Services Department, especially given the volume of funds he wished to put into our bank.


A few months later his attention was needed regarding a business which I was going to discuss with him but I was unable to reach him, I made futile efforts to locate him I immediately passed the task of locating him to the internal investigations department of our bank. 


Four days later, information started to trickle in, that he was apparently dead, a person who suited his description was declared dead of a heart attack in Cannes, South of France; we were soon enough able to gather more information and the cause of death was confirmed. 


The bank immediately launched an investigation into possible surviving next of kin to alert about the situation and also to come forward to claim his funds. 


I await your response.


Baozhai Yang.


A few minutes after a mail of ours came the answer was this:


Dear Friend,


I want to thank you for your email response, I sincerely appreciate your interest to assist me in this transaction,


However I would like to be sure of your: 

1. Willingness

2. Trustworthiness 

3. Lastly commitment to execute this transaction with me


I cannot afford to compromise these virtues because this transaction is highly sensitive.


I have my principles which will profit both of us. I will need you to follow my instruction to enable us to have this transaction completed on time.


I know you might be wondering where I got your email contact but to be honest with you, I got your contact email discretely on the internet during my search for a reliable partner who would be of assistance to me in order to have the funds transferred out.


Considering the money involved, it is necessary for me to be sure of the person to whom I will be entrusting this transaction, my trust is not given out lightly and I do not expect you to trust me that easy too, so I need to be convinced that you are a matured person with some integrity and I will also prove my integrity to you.


With regards to the legality of this transaction, I want to inform you that the attorney I am using will prepare the affidavits which shall legally put you in place as beneficiary.


My attorney will obtain the necessary clearances which will cover all the aspects involved in this transaction from the Hong Kong authorities including the Justice Department. 


I await your feedback.


Baozhai Yang.



Every document will be done to meet all international beneficiary claim standards and I will be responsible for his payment on my side so don't think about that.


I must also inform you that you will not have to travel to anywhere for any reason because the attorney shall be handling all matters of probate on your behalf.


You will be duly represented here by the attorney, he is an accredited lawyer with past experience in issues of inheritance here in Hong Kong. 


He will have all the documents perfected, and with these documents, he shall come forward to apply for the immediate release and transfer of the funds to you. I do not need you to send any money to me for any reason as I will take care of all expenses that will come my way on my end.


What I expect from you are trust and commitment, I want this large sum of money transferred with your assistance, and as a banker, for many years I know that if we follow up this transaction diligently it would be completed within 12 working days without any question. 


I want to know if you are willing to follow up this business seriously before I can give you more details about this transaction, as a result of which I shall be waiting for your response and assurance, you need to be someone whom I can rely upon, at least for absolute commitment.


I await your response.


Baozhai Yang.


The story was bought from Nigeria, we found out. Ready for use:


Dear Friend,


Thank you once again for your genuine interest in this transaction.


I am very glad to note that you are a noble, matured, and trustworthy person whom I can rely on for your capabilities to handle this transaction and for a person of your status and experience I am very confident doing this business with you.


Like I said before, due to this issue on my hands now it became necessary for me to seek your assistance. 


I appreciate the fact that you are ready to assist me in executing this project and also you might help me in investing some of my money in your country or somewhere else. 


You should not have anything to worry about, I will do everything legally required to ensure that the project goes smoothly, it shall pass through all Laws of International Banking and beneficiary claim, you have my word and i am a woman of my word.


Having resolved to entrust this transaction into your hands, I want to remind you that it needs your commitment and diligent follow up. If you work seriously, the entire transaction should be over in a couple of days.




Firstly, I will want to know precisely the type of occupation that you do?


Note that this project is highly capital intensive, this is why I have to be very careful, I need your total devotion and trust to see this through.


I know we have not met before but I am very confident that we will be able to establish the necessary trust that we need to execute this project.


I am now in a search of a foreign online bank which I may require that you open an account in your name in this foreign bank. (To make the scam just possible)


I will find a bank that you can open an account online with request your fiscal present. 


The money would be transferred to your account which you will open in this bank for both of us, this is one of the ways I have found and it will protect us from my local banks in my country.


I want us to enjoy this money in peace when we conclude, so you should listen to my instructions and follow them carefully.


I cannot transfer this money in my name as my bank will be aware that it is from me, this is where I need your assistance.


As a result of this, you may have to open an account in the corresponding bank that has the same transfer telex-type with my bank. 


I will obtain a certificate of deposit from my bank, it will be issued in your name.


This will make you the beneficiary of the funds. 


After the money is been released it will be transferred to your account for both of us and we can then instruct the bank to transfer our various shares into our respective home bank accounts bit by bit.


I will also perfect the documentation with the assistance of my attorney to give the transaction the legal right.


Before we commence all these things, I will need to do the paperwork that will place you as the beneficiary of the fund so I will need you to send me your:

1. International passport OR Driver's License 

2. Your current residential address 

3. Your phone number


I will give them to the attorney who will do the paperwork and it will also prove to me that I am transacting with the correct person and as soon as I get all these from you I will commence the paperwork that will place you as the beneficiary.


I hope you will understand why I need all these, the money in question is a huge sum of money and I want to ensure that I know you well before I proceed to give you all the details to commence the project.


Ensure that you keep this project confidential; do not discuss it with anybody, because of the confidential nature of this transaction and my work.


Please reply soonest.



Baozhai Yang.


Baozhai Yang-the Muenchhausen of Hongkong or a Nigerian in South Africa?

Dear Friend,


You should be aware that the bank we are going to use for this transaction is situated in United Kingdom and for me as a banker it is my duty to ensure that this transfer is done in a quiet manner and one of the reasons we are using this bank is because the bank is of the same telex-type as my bank in China.


Which means that any transfer between this bank and my bank would be seen as an in-house transfer, this will avoid the attention of certain international financial bodies that have strict monetary policies, you have nothing to worry about regarding this.


The authorities would simply believe this transfer to be a bank to bank affair and it would not raise eyebrows or trigger any red flags.


It is necessary to take precautions on issues like this, and I have to ensure that our interest is protected in this transaction.


I am a professional banker and I expect you to follow my instructions, for the success of this transaction.


I have explained the reason why I need your assistance and the fact remains that I cannot transfer the funds in my own name, this is the major reason your assistance as a foreigner is required.


I have already made some inquiries on who to contact directly to open an account as an international customer and contact her to make inquiries on offshore/online account opening.


Please contact the bank with the information below to speed up your account opening.


Tell her that a bank in Hong Kong gave you this contact information.


Bank Name: ALISTER  BANK (Alister Saving Bank) (Fake Bank)


Bank Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Alternative Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Bank Manager: Mrs Grace Walker


CONTACT PERSON: Mrs Grace Walker

(GeneralDirector of Operations)


Head of Private & business clients



Baozhai Yang.


Then, about a quarter of an hour later, on a late Saturday afternoon, came a letter from a certain Grace Walker. Surprisingly, the same phone number that belonged to Grace Walker also matched a page of attorneys who used the same pattern as Doris Müller. (German)

The IBAN Swift Code was assigned to an investment bank in Transvaal Gauteng, in Sandton - Johannesburg. (Iban Swift: IVESZAJJXXX) Always in the background of an alleged bank, which even has a website in England.


We checked the address in 1a Plough Place. An office building at High Holborn in London. Probably carefully selected by the alleged perpetrators. Everything was known there - but not the bank. The phone number was a different picture; it was listed under the fake numbers for the UK. Brutal debt collectors, (German link) who simply invented claims to squeeze one more cent out of the victims were related to this number.

There were countless notes on the internet. It confirmed our view that the phones are being passed around within the criminal organisations. Probably the necessary information came from romance scamming or other spamming attempts that the perpetrators had used in vain. In this context, gambling companies in Malta kept turning up which at the time were operated by Wirecard. How the perpetrators got hold of the e-mail addresses cannot be proven. But it is already suspicious. 

Is there an interface between the half-silk gambling houses, which were among the clients of Wirecard Bank, and the African scammers? We soon realised that it was a network of scammers in this world and was not a unique phenomenon. 


We actually managed to talk to the SFO of Scotland Yard in London about this issue. A statement from the investigating authority cannot be and was not expected. Even not, if they are investigating yet or not. 

Even the FBI was behind these people after Baozhai Yang scammed for other banks as well.

Baozhai Yang seemed like a program of African scammers like Alina Becker.



Alister Electronic Online Wire Transfer

You are required to open a Non-Resident transit account with us to clear
your funds into cash and i will furnish you with your new account number
and account pins to access and transfer your funds. Please note that
your new account with our bank will serve as your offshore transit bank
account here in United Kingdom and you can access your account via
online in any part of the world. To register for a Non-Resident account
with us, ALISTER BANK (Alister Saving Bank) UK expects you to choose
your convenient type of account you wish to open from our list of
Non-Resident account options below and effect payment of the account
opening fee, Therefore, to ensure that we open your account as quickly
as possible, make sure you have

completed all the following steps below:

Step 1: Select the account type you wish to open and effect the account
initial balance deposit.

1. Savings Account................ USD 680 $
2. Current Account................. USD 830 $
3. Premium Account.............. USD 1050 $

1.Saving Account allows for easy transfer of fund,but do not impact fund
on account until 3working days.

2.Current Account allows for easy transfer also,but the transfer get
impacted on your account after 24hours.

3.Premium Account allows for instant transfer and instant impaction of
fund in your account.It is the fastest and safest.

The account opening fee is not lost or taken by the bank. It will be
used for your account opening/activation as the first initial balance
deposit to maintain your account for banking service{Cheque clearance
and International wire Transfer.}and can only be withdrawn when a
customer intends to close the account and is fully refundable.

Step 2: Enclose your documentation below by e-mail attachment. a] One
original document to confirm your identity, i.e. Current signed passport
or Photo card driving license.

NB: The Account opening fee/Initial Balance Deposit cannot be deducted
from your Funds Cheque because it was fully insured in your name by a
reputable insurance firm here in United Kingdom. This is a security
measure put in place by the depositors of the fund to ensure that we
transfer the funds in full to your designated checking account and an
attempt to act otherwise will certainly attract serious legal sanctions
to our Bank. Your urgent response, will determine how soon your transfer
will commence as you equally give send me an email for more information on your transfer and the option of
account opening chosen. Yours in service,

Customer service
Call :{ +(44)741-839-7926 }
Mrs. Grace Walker (Head of Service Director)
1 Plough Place, London EC4A 1DE, United Kingdom
This e-mail is intended only for the above addressee. It may contain
privileged information. If you are not the addressee you must not
copy,distribute, disclose or use any of the information in it. If you
have received it in error please delete it and immediately notify the
sender. Alister Saving Bank is authorized and regulated by the
Financial Services Authority and representonly the British Widows and
Bank Of UK Marketing Group for life assurance, pensions and investment
business.Signatories to the Banking Codes.
©Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved. Alister Saving Bank.

 In 1 Plough Place, London, no one finds this bank.  A half-finished page of an Alister Bank in New York is in the www.

 Alister Electronic Online Wire Transfer 

We Alister Bank are in receipt of your mail, You the account holder just
choose the Current Account allows for easy transfer also, but the
transfer get impacted on your account after 24hours., This mean that
once your funds transfer is made into your open current account, The
funds can only reflect (Available) in the account within 24hours of
transfer. This account opening fee charge is 830 $ which is the only fee
charge you are to pay for the current account opening.

Please note that once this account is open in your name and details, You
alone will be able to have access to the funds account, We Alister Bank
will provide you your online account access login.

Current Account................. USD 830 $

2. Current Account allows for easy transfer also,but the transfer get
impacted on your account after 24hours.

We Alister Bank want you to understand that this account will be open
once the fee charge of it cost for opening is paid, And also will be
register in your own name, details. Before we proceed with the account
opening section, We Alister Bank want to know if the fee charge can be
remitted today or next week?

We Awaiting your urgent response as soon as possible.


A few minutes later Baozhai Yang wrote again

Okay i will await for those details so i can start up with the necessary document.


Dreadful greed for a good deal of money


Now it became clear that they were Nigerians who had made the field their own. It was all about the US$ 830 alone, which the perpetrators wanted to obtain utilizing the initiation story.


Alister Electronic Online Wire Transfer 

We Alister Bank will proceed with the opening of your account once the
fee charge is paid, and then the account number and information will be
given to you, and you alone will have access to your account. Should i
send you the details information to make the payment?

We Awaiting your urgent response as soon as possible.

Customer service
Call :{ +(44)741-839-7926 } Link to Fake Number Org
Mrs. Grace Walker (Head of Service Director)
1 Plough Place, London EC4A 1DE, United Kingdom
This e-mail is intended only for the above addressee. It may contain
privileged information. If you are not the addressee you must not
copy,distribute, disclose or use any of the information in it. If you
have received it in error please delete it and immediately notify the
sender. Alister Saving Bank is authorized and regulated by the
Financial Services Authority and representonly the British Widows and
Bank Of UK Marketing Group for life assurance, pensions and investment
business.Signatories to the Banking Codes.
©Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved. Alister Saving Bank.


Alister Electronic Online Wire Transfer

The payment details will be sent to you shortly, Can you make the 
payment today if possible? So we can get straigh on opening your online


We Awaiting your urgent response as soon as possible.

Customer service
Call :{ +(44)741-839-7926 }
Mrs. Grace Walker (Head of Service Director)
1 Plough Place, London EC4A 1DE, United Kingdom

This e-mail is intended only for the above addressee. It may contain 
privileged information. If you are not the addressee you must not 
copy,distribute, disclose or use any of the information in it. If you 
have received it in error please delete it and immediately notify the 
sender. Alister Saving Bank is authorized and regulated by the 
Financial Services Authority and representonly the British Widows and 
Bank Of UK Marketing Group for life assurance, pensions and investment 
business.Signatories to the Banking Codes.

©Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved. Alister Saving Bank.

Here is the payment information to remit the 830

Account Name: Georg K.
Account Number: ‪5434xxxxx
BLZ: ‪500 105 17‬
IBAN: DE9050010517xxxxx
Bank: ING-DiBa AG
Bank Adress: ‪Theodor-Heuss-Allee 2‬
‪60486 Frankfurt am Main

We Awaiting your urgent response as soon as possible.

Customer service
Call :{ +(44)741-839-7926 }
Mrs. Grace Walker (Head of Service Director)
1 Plough Place, London EC4A 1DE, United Kingdom
This e-mail is intended only for the above addressee. It may contain
privileged information. If you are not the addressee you must not
copy,distribute, disclose or use any of the information in it. If you
have received it in error please delete it and immediately notify the
sender. Alister Saving Bank is authorized and regulated by the
Financial Services Authority and representonly the British Widows and
Bank Of UK Marketing Group for life assurance, pensions and investment
business.Signatories to the Banking Codes.
©Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved. Alister Saving Bank.

Grace Walker' s number appeared with a new law office in London. In the same house. Plough Place. But there is no office of the EliteGroup in London. Both hostings were done with the same provider in Utah and Panama. 


Alister Electronic Online Wire Transfer 

We Alister Bank want you to know that we do have a GB account but it
will be useless for that because the GB market is high now because of
the trade market risk of the Corona virus pandemic. With a GB account,
it will only take 5 working business days before the money will arrive
on the account, and it will cause delay of your account opening because
of where the money is coming from. You are a Germany citizen, and the
payment must come from Germany to Germany account and Mr Georg Kaufmann
is the active financial secretary in the Germany branch for the GB
market. and that's the payment must come in this information. so you do
not have anything to worry about. Please make your confirmation and get
back to me.

Please do note that proof of payment must be sent for verification by
Monday once done..

We Awaiting your urgent response as soon as possible.

Customer service
Call :{ +(44)741-839-7926 }
Mrs. Grace Walker (Head of Service Director)
1 Plough Place, London EC4A 1DE, United Kingdom
This e-mail is intended only for the above addressee. It may contain
privileged information. If you are not the addressee you must not
copy,distribute, disclose or use any of the information in it. If you
have received it in error please delete it and immediately notify the
sender. Alister Saving Bank is authorized and regulated by the
Financial Services Authority and representonly the British Widows and
Bank Of UK Marketing Group for life assurance, pensions and investment
business.Signatories to the Banking Codes.
©Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved. Alister Saving Bank.


Here is the number of Mr G. +4915739604931 (no connection possible)
The 830 can be paid in Pound Sterling as well, but service chooses the
simplest process.

We Awaiting your urgent response as soon as possible.

Customer service
Call :{ +(44)741-839-7926 }
Mrs. Grace Walker (Head of Service Director)
1 Plough Place, London EC4A 1DE, United Kingdom
This e-mail is intended only for the above addressee. It may contain
privileged information. If you are not the addressee you must not
copy,distribute, disclose or use any of the information in it. If you
have received it in error please delete it and immediately notify the
sender. Alister Saving Bank is authorized and regulated by the
Financial Services Authority and representonly the British Widows and
Bank Of UK Marketing Group for life assurance, pensions and investment
business.Signatories to the Banking Codes.
©Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved. Alister Saving Bank.


Alister Electronic Online Wire Transfer 

Below is the bank website: alistersaving.com

We Awaiting your urgent response as soon as possible.

Customer service
Call :{ +(44)741-839-7926 }
Mrs. Grace Walker (Head of Service Director)
1 Plough Place, London EC4A 1DE, United Kingdom
This e-mail is intended only for the above addressee. It may contain
privileged information. If you are not the addressee you must not
copy,distribute, disclose or use any of the information in it. If you
have received it in error please delete it and immediately notify the
sender. Alister Saving Bank is authorized and regulated by the
Financial Services Authority and representonly the British Widows and
Bank Of UK Marketing Group for life assurance, pensions and investment
business.Signatories to the Banking Codes.
©Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved. Alister Saving Bank.



Good morning, I am in receipt of your mail, and i want you to know that this very bank that Mrs Walker is the operator is the only bank that is good for this transaction and that is why i choose her and the bank. I would suggest you do everything possible to get the fee they ask you to pay and let's get this funds transfer by this coming week and not delay please.


Trust her and she will handle everything, How much were you asked?


Twenty minutes later the next message came

830 USD?

that's is your part which you must do, Your part is to open an account and i will make arrangement to transfer the funds to that account.

Do you know how much we are talking about here?

830 USD is not what you should be complaining about my friend. Get it done please and get your account ready.


Ten minutes later the next message came


There is not way we can use Lloyds (free account) my friend, do you want this transaction to involve so many things? I need a clean and neat job to move this money. If you can not continue this transaction, we can terminate it and please every information that has been sent to you by me, must be erase, i do not want trouble .


Have a good day.

I can not force you to do this deal my friend because i know my worth. 



Note: These people, who hide behind the "global players" from Hong Kong and London, are most dangerous. Life means nothing to them. If they do not reach their goal, blackmail and possibly beat, torture, will be the next step. Never send data, passport copies or identity cards. The papers would be used for other deeds, like trafficking human beings and international money laundering etc.. No matter what kind and no matter how much pressure the gangsters put on you. 
The culprits are the scum of Africa. 
If the perpetrators get too close to you, do not pay, you would pay for your whole life.  Go to the police.


The end comes closer- people of Belarus are marching in thousands against Lukashenko

Chains of the revolution

 Thousands of people march against the ruler Lukashenko and his toady lickers in Belarus.

Via the telegram group NEXTA Live the pictures from Belarus are coming in. Real pictures, not of a rotten and outdated system. There are independent reports from the whole country, which seems to be on its feet. 
The protests are still peaceful, and the state power is holding back.


Long chains of people are moving through the streets, with flags and flowers in their hands.

But the mood is aggressive, spread by the ruler Lukashenko.

Yesterday he demonstratively attended an army event, and the last dictator of Europe is telling stories when it comes to commenting on the grievances in his country.



For example, there are reports of a hostile attempt by the EU and NATO to overthrow the regime in Minsk.

Thank you, Nexta live for the picture material. Be brave.


Lukashenko's Subbotniks don't want any more lies


Lukashenko has managed, 25 years after the end of the Soviet Union, to install an evil-obsessed empire for some late-socialist concrete-headed communists by ruling with such a firm hand that no one dares to stand up against it.

That is now over.


Protests across #Belarus have continued today. These are the huge crowds in Brest #BelarusProtest pic.twitter.com/0NsylMO5YC

- Janek Lasocki (@JanekLasocki) August 15, 2020

The evil empire ruled by Lukashenko from the capital Minsk is increasingly becoming a focal point between the rebellious citizens and the security police, which is acting with extreme brutality against any form of resistance to a rigged election result. For him, the demonstrators are troublemakers in his concept of ruling as a monarch.

Lukashenko indeed claimed that he had received 80 per cent of the votes. It is impossible to understand exact election results.

Now there have been mass protests in Belarus. Alexander Lukashenko has meanwhile ordered paratroopers to be moved to the west of the country after more than 6,000 people were arrested on Sunday, as confirmed by the Ministry of the Interior in Minsk, for resisting the election results, some of whom were tortured, beaten and kicked in horrible ways. Lukashenko holds them responsible for their fate, as any miserable dictator would do at the end of his time. For him, those who demonstrate against him are criminals. And they are protesting not only for human rights violations but also for the living conditions in Belarus.

Not ordinary protesters, but criminals, some gangs that have joined together, that are controlled from abroad, the leadership in Minsk said. Stalinist views of an unreasonable and despot.  They all had a secret criminal background.


A country in Central Europe, where the death penalty is still carried out, is ruled by Lukashenko like a despot, acts against the freedom of the press, works against human rights, in that human rights do not apply as long as it does not concern him.

The Minsk car factory mobilised the workers on Friday; they show solidarity with the anti-Lukashenko protests. There are several large companies. There are said to be more than 20, including Grodno and the Minsk car factories.

Is a new escalation threatening with beatings for the criminal gangs who otherwise have to work as slaves for the almighty ruler in Minsk? The EU is preparing new sanctions against Belarus and is waiting for the protests that could set the regime in motion. Lukashenko still maintains excellent contacts with his former Communist brother states. Among them, North Korea.

It is the last dictatorship in Europe, where human life counts for nothing. But more and more police officers, soldiers and the citizens of the country are fraternising with each other. Opposing candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya had previously called in the media for further peaceful protests after she had been forced to leave the country at personal risk. Now Vladimir Putin does not want to interfere either. He will not give military aid, Moscow said.

The Belarusian long-term despot Lukashenko has almost reached the end of his life.

#Minsk #Belarus right now, hundreds of thousands if not over a million of people are out on the streets protesting for their freedom. A sight not seen since the collapse of Soviet Union. #LongLiveBelarus pic.twitter.com/EdBpeQca27 — Belarus Free Theatre (@BFreeTheatre) August 16, 2020 It gets lonely around him. 



Buba bah – Impudent begging scam from Gambia

“One of the most common scams we currently see claims that a Gambian has lost his parents, is caring for younger siblings, and does not have money for school fees. The story is always extremely similar. The common elements are: Online soliciting of friend in developed country, parents supposedly dead, caring for younger siblings, has to drop out of school for lack of funds. These elements exploit the Western value of education, trustful nature, and sympathy for orphans. There is very little variation on the theme. It may be wise to ask why someone who has no funds for school and is allegedly caring for younger siblings can apparently spend a large amount of time and money in internet cafes searching for “friends” from wealthy countries online. Family networks in the region are usually extensive, so if a child’s parents die, then the many aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, and other extended family members take them in and provide for them.”

United States Embassy in Banjul, Kairaba Avenue, Fajara The Gambia


They come via the social networks and have nothing else to do on Twitter but beg.

The excuse is a four-month lockdown in the Gambia, the wicked president has announced it. The crux of the story is, the last one came just half an hour earlier and told us the same sad orphan story with heart-warming pictures.

The horrible thing about this situation is that this story has been told dozens of times before. They all come from BRIKAMA. It’s their story. The victims of life are always orphans and have a whole family to care for. In the course of the short and according to the same plan, the “beggars” working from Paris or London, try to put their victims under such moral pressure that the victim pays. The president would have ordered the lockdown; they would starve because of it.

Like a whole swarm, the perpetrators attack the victims. They hardly tweet at all but search instantly for victims by private contact. They pretend to be children and immediately want to communicate via WhatsApp. Video call to press the victims for pay. 

Because MoneyGram and Western Union are too well known, the perpetrators use the platform of another organization with the reference that they owe rent. It is almost impossible to get rid of these people on the respective timeline because they are pushy. Never give data about yourself, the perpetrators want a picture to blackmail the victim later. Twitter is powerless against such machinations. And the consequence of this is that the willingness of Europeans to donate for real need is declining. As an example, here the unbelievable chat, shortened by us.


The Rhosus - Ghost ship of the disaster in Beirut

A biblical catastrophe for the compatriots of Michel Aoun


One can only wish the Lebanese people strength in this catastrophe.

Lebanon has always helped, within the scope of its possibilities.

Now it is up to the international community to help Lebanon.

Without ifs or buts.

You can read about the events and the enormous damage caused by the explosion here in detail. (German)


Where is the ship? Where is the "Rhosus"?


The history of the ship that finally transported the disastrous cargo, ammonium nitrate, to Beirut, actually on its way from Georgia to Beira in Mozambique, is becoming increasingly ominous.

It is unclear what happened to the ship that was chained up in Beirut in 2013 after an out-of-inspection.  In this plot, which could not have been invented more excitingly by a screenwriter, the Rhosus looks like a message in a bottle of the later events that led to the catastrophe in the Lebanese capital. It is misjudged that the Rhosus was not at all designed to be loaded with such materials.   

The three-kiloton explosion with the devastating damage was one-fifth of the Hiroshima bomb. One can not imagine.

The shipping company of Igor Grechushkin

In 2013, a Russian named Igor Grechushkin ran a mailbox company, a shipping company in Cyprus, which maintained the Rhosus during the crossing from the Black Sea when it was wrecked with alleged engine damage. The shipowner was informed that the crew was without sufficient means of subsistence and pay in the port of Beirut. The shipowner made no contact, did not answer. He did not care about the ship. Apparently, the freight and the ship was written off, and shortly after that, the shipping company went bankrupt.

In the course of the Lebanese police investigation, numerous port authority employees were arrested.

Unfortunately, the whereabouts of the Rhosus has not yet been clarified. Some sources claim that the ship was in port shortly before the explosion and is still under the rubble. Others say that the ship was scrapped in Bangladesh. The third possibility is that the vessel is sailing under a different flag in the shores of Africa. There would also have been enough ammonium nitrate on board the ship to trigger the first explosion. Part of the raw material, which is essential for the production of fertilisers and explosives, would have been stored in the warehouse in Beirut. Another part would still have been on board the ship. Despite seven years of warnings about the bomb ticking in the harbour.

Now it had exploded because of welding work. Whether that's true or not, it's hard to understand.



Orient Queen

If you look at pictures of the harbour in Beirut, you can see on the right side a ship lying on the left side, two more ships sunk, of which you cannot know if they are destroyed or not. Meanwhile, the Orient Queen, a cruise ship has sunk.


غرق الباخرة السياحية Orient Queen pic.twitter.com/kdomynOYGf

— Cedar News - أخبار بلاد الأرز (@cedar_news) August 5, 2020



The story that is told about the Rhosus does not seem very credible. Allegedly, the ship should have been rescued from distress at sea in October 2013 due to engine damage. The captain would have explained that they were on their way to another country, not even Mozambique, loaded with ammonium nitrate when they ran out of supplies.  They would have liked to catch some supplies, and at the same time, there would have been a problem with the machine. The information is not trustworthy.

The Rhosus was then subjected to an inspection, and a whole series of problems were found, which the ship immediately revealed. At the time, the vessel was stranded in Beirut and only the captain, the chief engineer and the third engineer, and a Ukrainian, remained on board.  



Teto Shipping in Limassol was the shipping company based in Cyprus. Apparently, according to information from Lebanese state television, the owner was paid the insurance for the ship and cargo.  Boris Prokoshev, the captain, only saw it as necessary to bring the men home, not the freight worried him.  The Russian businessman Igor Grechushkin denied any responsibility in the newspaper "Izvestia". The former owner of the ship began blocking Russian journalists on social media. Igor Grechushkin loves to ride a motorcycle but does not want to comment on it. According to several reports from news agencies, his son studies computer science in Scotland.

The reasons are manifold because the Lebanese authorities did not want an abandoned ship to stay in the port, with a cargo that could explode at any time, the owner had to pay a fine. Whether this is true is doubtful. Especially since, according to reports, parts of the cargo were already missing before the explosion. Where did parts of the load go?

Last but not least, Cornelder, the operator of the port in Beira, told the Portuguese news agency, Lusa, on Wednesday that they were never informed that a ship, a ship carrying 2750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was en route to Mozambique.

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