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20 years on - the world has learned few lessons from 9/11

  • Published in World

A day at the end of time

The 1990s, the years of awakening and freedom, were over on September 11, 2001.

What actually happened, or happened then, is only clarified in fragments today - the involvement of Saudi Arabia and the crude regime is not obvious.

The next religious war began.

Now, one might think that a small terrorist group has won the war against almost the entire world community, if one sees the pictures from Kabul these days.

With the loss of the democratic structures of the state of Afghanistan to the terrorist force of the Taliban, much of what happened in the world after September 11, 2001 has become meaningless.

The horrific scenes left a lasting mark on the later generation.

The war that triggered a cascade of revolutions a decade later. Saddam and his absurd vision of the world. A servant of terror, Gaddafi, beaten to death by his people. Other despots from Arabia disappeared into comfortable exile.

The images of the attack on the World Trade Center in New York are unforgotten.

These snapshots of the event burned themselves into the collective memory of humanity. People still believe that it was a complete conspiracy, as the tweet below shows. However, governments did everything to keep the conspiracy going.




No government covered itself in glory afterwards - harrowing sequences live across screens

It was the declared war of a small group of utterly deluded conspirators whose sole aim was apparently to divide society.

The previous Taliban government in Kabul had given shelter to those who were dividing society worldwide, leading to the events that weeks ago caused people to fly out of planes, wanting to escape in much the same way as those trapped on the upper floors of the WTC towers. Until they jumped for fear of suffocation or burning to death.  Trump's short-sightedness in political matters, the simple and stupid answer of a populist to complex questions, enabled another disaster.

The world has learned little from September 11, 2001. The victims are unforgotten. At least we can remember them




According to soothsayers, the world faces the beginning of the apocalypse in 2021

Apocalypse now

Surely humanity is used to a lot from psychics, fortune-tellers and prophets who emerge from the historical mothballs every year again to deliver the spooky predictions for the next twelve months.

This time, however, it seems different.

The seer from the Balkans, called Baba Vanga, accurately foresaw the events of the past twelve months almost 30 years ago. It should be noted that Baba Vanga has been dead for three decades. 

She predicted Corona or COVID-19. Many of her predictions did not come true in the predicted years, but they did come true later, such as the September 11, 2001, attack on the World Trade Center, the 2004 tsunami disaster in Thailand, and other events that instilled great fear in humanity. 


Unfortunately, the seer from the Balkans has nothing good to report for the year 2021. Strange events that will cause Vladimir Putin to fall victim to an attack to be carried out by an employee of his bodyguard.

She has no good news for Donald Trump either, the American autocrat will suffer from a mysterious disease. This disease disintegrates his brain, as the woman put it when she was alive, leaving him a deaf, disoriented man.

Unfortunately, things don't look good for humanity either. In the year 2021, when the Earth's orbit is also supposed to shift due to a strong solar flare, there are violent floods everywhere and fights for living space.

Further trouble threatens humanity, especially in Europe, from invading marauders who are gradually depopulating Europe with chemical weapons and then taking it over. There are to be fierce terrorist attacks on the continent. These acts of war are to continue until 2025, leaving the continent of Europe simply deserted. Allegedly, three dragons will unite into one and wipe out humanity. There has also been speculation about whether biological weapons will be used to fight in Europe.  

After these changes, Europe's economy is said to collapse completely.

There is to be famine and constant warfare.

In addition, it is reported by Baba Vanga that the first mission of humans to Venus is being prepared. However, this is being done secretly and behind closed doors.

However, she had one piece of good news for the year 2021, that a cure for cancer will be found, literally this disease will be locked up with iron. As she put it.

The seer from the Balkans had the same visions about the year 2021 as the seer Alois Irlmaier and the prophet and doctor Michel Nostradamus had already had in the Middle Ages. All three prophesied a year of catastrophes for 2021. We know from Baba Vanga that she had a hit rate of about 85% in her predictions. We can only hope that she was wrong in 2021 and that none of the bad events will actually happen.

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