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Resistance against him is mandatory - Björn Höcke and the National Socialist dictatorship

Cover photo: Höcke at a rally for the 2019 state election PantheraLeo1359531 – Own work

Björn Höcke is a German politician from the right-wing extremist Alternative for Germany (AfD).

With everything Höcke says and does, one might get the idea that he is supporting Russia and Vladimir Putin in their human rights crimes.


Many people deny Höcke's maturity to be in politics. He wants to introduce a mandate after the state elections in Thuringia and a National Socialist federal state. Unfortunately, voters follow him like the supporters who followed the Pied Piper of Hamelin.

It has now become a nightmare incarnate in Germany. His rhetoric hardly differs from that of Goebbels and Co. He uses the words of convicted war criminals and draws the same meaning from them. He stands for miserable National Socialism.

Höcke led the internal party group The Wing, which was classified as right-wing extremist by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, until 2020.

Höcke is known for his nationalist, racist and historical revisionist statements, which are often based on the language and ideas of National Socialism. In doing so, he wants to promote the eternal. Höcke and his henchmen want to shatter the soul of multicultural Germany and establish a Nazi state. It's unacceptable to use any means to do this.


Historical revision is the attempt to falsify or deny historical truth to achieve political goals. Björn Höcke is a well-known historical revisionist who stands for the trivialization and relativization of the crimes of National Socialism.

He described the Holocaust memorial in Berlin as a “monument of shame” and called for a “ 180 degree U-turn in remembrance policy .” He also questioned Germany's guilt in the Second World War.

The Allies wanted to “re-educate” the Germans. Höcke represents an ethnic-nationalist ideology that contradicts the pluralistic and democratic society. He abuses history to mobilize his supporters and defame his opponents. This is not only disgusting and offensive, but also a danger to social peace and the rule of law. That's exactly what he wants to achieve in order to gain power.

The AfD has so far failed to clearly distance itself from Höcke's statements. Some AfD politicians defended Höcke or adopted his positions, such as the concept of remigration, i.e. returning migrants to their countries of origin.


Others distanced themselves from him or expressed criticism, such as former federal chairman Jörg Meuthen, who described Höcke as a “burden” for the party. The AfD is divided within its own ranks about how to deal with Höcke and his right-wing extremist views.

There is currently an online petition calling for Höcke to be deprived of certain basic rights, such as the right to freedom of expression or the right to assembly, because he is misusing them to combat the free-democratic basic order. The petition, which invokes Article 18 of the Basic Law, which provides for the forfeiture of fundamental rights, has already collected more than a million signatures (as of January 17, 2024). The decision lies with the Federal Constitutional Court.

Is a NATO-Russia war even realistic?

Tensions between Russia and NATO have increased in recent years, particularly because of the war in Ukraine that has been ongoing since 2022. Russia supports the separatists in eastern Ukraine, fighting against the pro-Western government in Kyiv.

NATO has pledged military and political assistance to Ukraine to help the country defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Some experts are warning of the danger of a direct war between Russia and NATO, which could also affect Germany. They argue that Russia could seek to provoke or divide NATO by attacking parts of NATO territory or threatening attacks on critical infrastructure.

Russia has a large arsenal of conventional and nuclear weapons that it could use to pressure or blackmail NATO.


According to other experts, a war between Russia and NATO is unlikely, if not impossible. They point out that Russia is inferior to NATO both militarily and economically and that a war would have catastrophic consequences for both sides. Russia is more interested in peaceful coexistence with NATO, but also in its own interests and spheres of influence.

Whether there will be a war between Russia and NATO depends on many factors: the further course of the conflict in Ukraine, the attitude of the USA and the European states, the willingness for dialogue and diplomacy, the role of international organizations and of public opinion.

It is important that all sides strive to find a peaceful solution to the existing conflicts and avoid escalation.

An unsolved case - 1977 in Arnsberg - the murder of Heinrich Brüggemann

This may also concern the former foreign troops in the Soest area.

This case dates back over 45 years: in 1977,  was found dead in his flat in Arnsberg/Germany. The 37-year-old was found in his bathroom with numerous stab wounds and cuts. It can be assumed that the perpetrator and the victim knew each other.

The landlord, who was often simply called "Heino", was homosexual. Investigators found a condom in his apartment with the alleged perpetrator's DNA on it. However, there was still no match in the database.

The innkeeper's daily earnings and a revolver were stolen by unknown persons after the crime. The investigation has not yet led to the arrest of the perpetrator.

We are on the lookout for a young man who was around 17-18 years old at the time of the crime. He is described as having black hair and possibly missing something.

In the restaurant "Sternkeller" in Arnsberg, the suspect and the victim met.

There the man showed a letter of dismissal from his training company and brandished a 20 cm long knife. Heinrich Brüggemann left the restaurant with the young man that day and went with him to the victim's “Capri Bar”.

Witnesses who may be able to provide information about the case are asked to contact the Dortmund criminal investigation department on tel: +49231/132-7441.

Cry Melissa Lonjawon Sereno, Cry Jessa Jane Lugagay

A Filipino prostitute and her pimp Jessa Jane Lugagay have apparently succeeded in defrauding men from the USA and Europe of substantial sums of money over a period of years.

Sereno is said to be part of a larger gang of romance scammers who run their business from a call center in Mindanao. Sereno used to work in a club involved in this business and made up stories that merged and were passed on in different shifts from the call center.

After the first article, countless victims came forward and confirmed that they had similar problems. Among them was a man who she also tried to extort loans from, in parallel with other victims. Sereno repeatedly emphasized that she only wanted to borrow the money she stole from the victims.

In the film shown below, she cries her eyes out because she was supposed to go to prison and quickly needed several hundred euros for an alleged bail. However, it could also be another scam in which she was questioned by the authorities.

Apparently, the gang is travelling all over the Philippines to pick up men from Europe and America. In this context, it is suspected that she and her pimp have literally poisoned their victims with a benzodiazepine. The gang's radius of action extends across the whole of Asia.


She is now practicing presenting herself as a victim. She never received any money. Furthermore, she has done nothing wrong.

Now she is practicing portraying herself as a victim. She never got any money. She did nothing wrong.
One of our German readers, whom we would like to call Otto in this context, told us this story, which is hard to believe if you haven't seen the documents.

The behavior of the gang around Melissa Lonjawon Sereno, who managed to defraud a German of a fortune within a year, is becoming increasingly obvious. But the nice Mrs. Sereno has also victimized other Germans.

Merciless parasite

When asked, Sereno became cheeky. Apparently, call centers based in Davao and their employees around Jessa Jane Lungagay were responsible for the calls on the phone and in the chat.

There were stories that would have immediately struck a normal person as fraudulent, when poor Melissa was supposed to pay, allegedly had to go to prison. The little pizza stand of the tattooed girl with the braces, fires, underlaid with pictures from television in recent years, the army, shootings, the daily typhoons and again and again: "Can I borrow this and that?".

She, a declared supporter of Ferdinand Marcos, was happy to accept the money.

She is now practicing presenting herself as a victim. Furthermore, she never received any money. She has done nothing wrong.

Lungagay had truly monitored the conversations during the Germans' stay in the Philippines, she had filmed everything and is probably also responsible for the images that were taken from the normal television programme to prove the content of the conversations.
Now Otto has filed a criminal complaint in the Philippines, and the beautiful and always eloquent Melissa remains silent.

We have asked her for a statement after she has relieved Otto of more than 80,000 euros within a year.

"It's true you don't love me even a little???? because me 100 percent I do love you verry much???? I wish you all the best in life mahal I hope you can find the right one for you who will love you unconditionally and take good care of you.... I wish that's me but will never happen anymore,????thank you so much that I feel how special I am and respect me,, thank you for being good to me in for 16.months thank you so much..I am sorry if I always message you even you don't like to hear from me.... I wish you can give me a second chance????I will do my best that your trust and love will be back ???? mahal you can make me a slave a maid I will do everything to you just to be with you ???I really love you."

How and if she wants to pay back the money is not known.

Like all scammers, she said: Bye-bye, baby.

Singing pretzel stand

With ever new stories that she invented to get money. In fact, there was one encounter that particularly appealed to the enamored Otto. But Melissa, who was always sitting bored on the sofa and engrossed in TikTok, didn't miss the opportunity to play her role in this play, which she mastered perfectly.

But Melissa, who was always sitting bored on the sofa and engrossed in her TikTok, couldn't resist playing her part in this play, which she mastered perfectly.

Driven by hatred of LGBTs, driven by a never-ending greed for money and ever new stories. When she convinced Otto that she had never been to Malta and that her house was not haunted, the romance ended abruptly. Otto had paid a lot of money for it.

Jessa, who always had her camera to hand to shoot films for the next victims, enjoyed herself in her XXL body.

Of course, like Richelle or Angel, she was a brutal perpetrator who only let Otto come to the Philippines to do business. To be able to sell the films and pictures with Otto so that someone else would fall in love with the likeable man and cash in again.

The setting was perfect, tropical palm trees, the sea, exotic scenery. She wanted to marry him. When he drove away, the farewell song was loud (Our Daddy is going home), the lying Melissa was still shedding tears.

We want to publish the whole lying chat with this person and show the emotional wounds she inflicted on her victim.

Just as a warning to others, of course. That is why we are anonymizing the scam.

There will be a long article about it, but we wanted to report on it now so that the space that has become available is not taken up by someone who might fall for the scammer.

It is also important to know who knows the people in the scammer context?
Who has experienced similar things with these people?


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