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Scammer (9)

Cry Melissa Lonjawon Sereno, Cry Jessa Jane Lugagay

A Filipino prostitute and her pimp Jessa Jane Lugagay have apparently succeeded in defrauding men from the USA and Europe of substantial sums of money over a period of years.

Sereno is said to be part of a larger gang of romance scammers who run their business from a call center in Mindanao. Sereno used to work in a club involved in this business and made up stories that merged and were passed on in different shifts from the call center.

After the first article, countless victims came forward and confirmed that they had similar problems. Among them was a man who she also tried to extort loans from, in parallel with other victims. Sereno repeatedly emphasized that she only wanted to borrow the money she stole from the victims.

In the film shown below, she cries her eyes out because she was supposed to go to prison and quickly needed several hundred euros for an alleged bail. However, it could also be another scam in which she was questioned by the authorities.

Apparently, the gang is travelling all over the Philippines to pick up men from Europe and America. In this context, it is suspected that she and her pimp have literally poisoned their victims with a benzodiazepine. The gang's radius of action extends across the whole of Asia.


She is now practicing presenting herself as a victim. She never received any money. Furthermore, she has done nothing wrong.

Now she is practicing portraying herself as a victim. She never got any money. She did nothing wrong.
One of our German readers, whom we would like to call Otto in this context, told us this story, which is hard to believe if you haven't seen the documents.

The behavior of the gang around Melissa Lonjawon Sereno, who managed to defraud a German of a fortune within a year, is becoming increasingly obvious. But the nice Mrs. Sereno has also victimized other Germans.

Merciless parasite

When asked, Sereno became cheeky. Apparently, call centers based in Davao and their employees around Jessa Jane Lungagay were responsible for the calls on the phone and in the chat.

There were stories that would have immediately struck a normal person as fraudulent, when poor Melissa was supposed to pay, allegedly had to go to prison. The little pizza stand of the tattooed girl with the braces, fires, underlaid with pictures from television in recent years, the army, shootings, the daily typhoons and again and again: "Can I borrow this and that?".

She, a declared supporter of Ferdinand Marcos, was happy to accept the money.

She is now practicing presenting herself as a victim. Furthermore, she never received any money. She has done nothing wrong.

Lungagay had truly monitored the conversations during the Germans' stay in the Philippines, she had filmed everything and is probably also responsible for the images that were taken from the normal television programme to prove the content of the conversations.
Now Otto has filed a criminal complaint in the Philippines, and the beautiful and always eloquent Melissa remains silent.

We have asked her for a statement after she has relieved Otto of more than 80,000 euros within a year.

"It's true you don't love me even a little???? because me 100 percent I do love you verry much???? I wish you all the best in life mahal I hope you can find the right one for you who will love you unconditionally and take good care of you.... I wish that's me but will never happen anymore,????thank you so much that I feel how special I am and respect me,, thank you for being good to me in for 16.months thank you so much..I am sorry if I always message you even you don't like to hear from me.... I wish you can give me a second chance????I will do my best that your trust and love will be back ???? mahal you can make me a slave a maid I will do everything to you just to be with you ???I really love you."

How and if she wants to pay back the money is not known.

Like all scammers, she said: Bye-bye, baby.

Singing pretzel stand

With ever new stories that she invented to get money. In fact, there was one encounter that particularly appealed to the enamored Otto. But Melissa, who was always sitting bored on the sofa and engrossed in TikTok, didn't miss the opportunity to play her role in this play, which she mastered perfectly.

But Melissa, who was always sitting bored on the sofa and engrossed in her TikTok, couldn't resist playing her part in this play, which she mastered perfectly.

Driven by hatred of LGBTs, driven by a never-ending greed for money and ever new stories. When she convinced Otto that she had never been to Malta and that her house was not haunted, the romance ended abruptly. Otto had paid a lot of money for it.

Jessa, who always had her camera to hand to shoot films for the next victims, enjoyed herself in her XXL body.

Of course, like Richelle or Angel, she was a brutal perpetrator who only let Otto come to the Philippines to do business. To be able to sell the films and pictures with Otto so that someone else would fall in love with the likeable man and cash in again.

The setting was perfect, tropical palm trees, the sea, exotic scenery. She wanted to marry him. When he drove away, the farewell song was loud (Our Daddy is going home), the lying Melissa was still shedding tears.

We want to publish the whole lying chat with this person and show the emotional wounds she inflicted on her victim.

Just as a warning to others, of course. That is why we are anonymizing the scam.

There will be a long article about it, but we wanted to report on it now so that the space that has become available is not taken up by someone who might fall for the scammer.

It is also important to know who knows the people in the scammer context?
Who has experienced similar things with these people?



Terror sex spammer from the Netherlands

The company Casual B.V. offers all kinds of sex and partnership meeting places in the digital world. Chats and real meetings, as promised by this construct with thousands of names.

But there is a catch: fake profiles are created, and an invoice is generated with these profiles. One of our readers asked us to take a closer look at the creation of profiles.

The only thing that is frivolous is the subscription that the casual user tries to force by creating false profiles. Whole armies of lawyers are already dealing with the problem. It seems that the Dutch authorities are a bit sluggish when it comes to closing down this conglomerate.

The platforms where you can end your loneliness even reach Australia. Fake profiles are created there. It seems that address databases are bought, and then a profile is created, as in the case of our reader who could no longer resist the letters. Every hour, he received an email telling him how much his profile was loved by the other profiles. A playground for romance scammers and others who want to prey on the unsuspecting.

If you look at the forums and the reviews, you will see that these are fake profiles being offered for sale. For 39.00 euros a month, just like on the other sites owned by this internet octopus. Lightly dressed ladies offer themselves for sale in an outdated image of women. Chats and other opportunities are highly praised and then staged.

The octopus is said to belong to a certain Petronella Gerritsen, who operates from Frans Erensstraat 14 A in Venlo. One cannot help but get the impression that a juggernaut has been created here in an apparent legal vacuum, which is confirmed by the countless violations of data protection.

If you wanted to stop the letters, you could only cancel the 'contract' that Fremdgehen69.com had made for a false profile. Only the contract in the subscription trap cannot be cancelled against one's will, then another involuntary profile is created, and the game starts all over again.

Notifying support is just as pointless as trying to find a way to move the constant emails to the spam filter.

After receiving hundreds of emails, our reader filed a complaint against the company for identity theft.


The Shame of Africa (Part 4)

Flexible response - one year after the Alina programme

This time "in the robe" of apple love

The ripper is on his way, so everyone is warned. Brutal scammers like Alina or Rebecca are once again on the timelines of the big social media providers. The Shame of Africa is marching again. It's all about money, but the romance scammers are willing to do everything in their power to make it happen. This time with a fake Brazilian mermaid for lonely men while the lockdown. But that's not all. They show that there's still room for improvement in terms of badness. 

The e-mail address of the pomme love already appeared in the program Alinas. Stolen pictures, stolen identities and "Morane is hungry", this is how the African gangs roamed the social networks. Brutal is still the friendliest word that points to the perpetrators.



Last summer, we told the story of Veith, who still hasn't recovered from Alina in terms of health. In the meantime, the public prosecutor's office is investigating the perpetrators, and fraud is only a marginal phenomenon in these proceedings. With their messages, they send links containing phishing programs, through which they later access the data of their victims. 

Today the brutal blackmailers from Africa's Ivory Coast operate under other identities, which they obtained after the collapse of the program Alina, to continue the profitable business. So Cornelius wrote to us yesterday, that the successors of Alina also contacted him. Immediately the unknown ones wanted his Whatsapp to start with the scammer terror.

Because they mistook Cornelius for a woman, they immediately wrote: Subject: How are you? I'm glad you answered my e-mail. I am Andreas. I hope I am not disturbing you; the mail came from the already very active mail address pomme liebe 
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Attention: For women, greedy Africans have set up the Andreas programme. When Cornelius wrote that he did not know an Andreas, he got the flexible answer: I am a woman, my name is Andrea. Thanks a lot. If you don't mind that I can leave you my WhatsApp number, we can write to each other more easily. As in the case of Alina, the real goal was to get immediate access to the WhatsApp to be able to exercise control. For this purpose, the alleged Andrea gave her number, which is a fake. +33 7 56 84 51 05- plus the signature of the local time, which indicates the time difference. 

The perpetrator group operates via France and the Ivory Coast, Belgium and the Congo. Further traces lead to Morocco. In Germany, too, the group continues to expand. Unfortunately with a brutality that makes even experienced investigators freeze their blood in their veins. Those who do not pay are blackmailed. The trail to the head leads into the Congo, where he should not feel too safe. 

It is one of the dirtiest groups of scammers. Victims of the group were so demoralized that they thought about suicide when the perpetrators tried their hand at them. However, numerous measures are being taken in the background to stop the perpetrators. 

Until that happens, everyone should be warned to get involved with these people. 

It is essential: Never give the perpetrators personal data, no matter what they promise or how they threaten. In case of threats, contact the police immediately.


 Andrea "Fake Bikini Beauty", 2020


Idi Amin Dada, the clergyman and Western Union (Part one)

The inventiveness of the industrious scribes, traffickers, smugglers, con artists, seems to know no bounds.

Now we are opening a whole blog called scammer.news, which we are attaching to thekasaantimes.de and thekasaantimes.news to make the stories of these people public before this scammer mafia can make a profit or commit damage. The blog scammer.news is kept in English, as the scam is mostly sent in English. We now merge several blogs from the past into one. Since 2005 we have collected the stories of the scammers.

Apart from the madness that was communicated to many victims there, Sabina Joneh was one of the most successful programs of the scammers of Côte d’Ivoire, until the program Alina came. These are programs that the stations buy. Like at a market. The stories are written professionally and are adapted for each country, like Nigeria and Ghana, Ivory Coast, Rwanda etc. Often you run into the same programmes, but with different actors, from all the good Lord countries. Yes, the business of God is always started to explain the purity of the mob.

We publish the original mails, because, we do not want to alter any text.

From time to time, we will comment on the stories.

But the best stories of years, we have collected, we will bring in a book.

The Best Scammer Stories, Cover kasaan media, 2020

And suddenly another despot from Africa came to life. With so much money, you can also sometimes rise from the dead. Anytime.

Von Archives New Zealand, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=37372871

A lawyer named Idi Amin Dada recently wrote about an incredible amount of money, diamonds and real estate in a safe in Zurich, Switzerland, which he urgently needed to dissolve before a new law came into force in Switzerland. In the past, he freely admitted, he would have been a prizefighter and then gone into politics for a few years. Through the military, he would have enjoyed a good education. Which, remained in the dark. Probably a torturer and dictator.

A few days later, an alleged official of Interpol in Bern, who happened to have just arrested the “evil Idi Amin Dada”, wrote that he had confiscated a suitcase full of money and other effects, which he now wanted to share with us as a brother and sister. The suitcase must have been very, very heavy, as he demanded that we contribute to the costs of any transport. He groaned in numerous e-mails about his lousy salary, but he gave a hint to go to the nearest Western Union office to transfer 1,500 US$ to him from there. Later, the amount halved when we did not react after days. Then he threatened to take legal action against us.


He remarked that he could also inform his colleagues in Germany; after all, we would have agreed to the deal. Nobody had written such a thing.
After two months he gave up wholly unnerved.

For all the comedy in the stories of these people, one quickly forgets: these fraudsters pose a danger of financial loss and even physical damage. Usually, the lively exchange begins with an unsolicited e-mail communication from an unknown person who then pretends to be someone else or pretends to be a minister of a country that does not exist at all.

Advert, kasaan media, 2020

There one should donate for the liberation struggle. In return, one receives worthless shares in a fabulous gold mine, for example, from Indiana Jones or his widow after the victory over the terrible despot. Some of you may feel a little bit pissed at the assembled celebrities. The sometimes hilarious stories amused us.

Especially during the Christmas season, the friends crawled out of their holes and played with the loneliness of many people in our time.
Apart from that, these contemporaries have it in for the money from the rich industrial nations and nothing else, but already for visas to the Schengen area.

To get you in the mood, here is the mail of a particularly long-lived specimen, which has sent out hundreds of thousands of mails under different names for years. The structure of the story is always the same: poor girl captured by evil rebels during the war, in many different countries, she was looking for her Prince Charming. Probably one day she will be kissed awake by the Senegalese police…

Many Europeans, Americans and Asians fell for it.

Called Escape&Visa / Scam

From: Miss Sabina Joneh (alias Sary etc.)
To: undisclosed recipient
Sent on: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 at 08:45
Subject: Hi


I hope everything is good over there in your country. If it is, God is almighty. My name is Miss Sabinah Jonah, of the Mende tribe in BUAKE, Cote d’Ivoire. I am 22 years old. My father was the King of our tribe until his death, and also one of the richest, very reputable businessmen (a cocoa trader and supplier of agricultural materials) who did business in Abidjan, the capital of Côte d’Ivoire. It is sad to say that my father was poisoned by his business partners; the murderer was my uncle’s younger brother.

A main street of Bouaké Letsgoforward

The family plotted and poisoned him with the accusation that he was a big sponsor and supported the restoration of the democratically elected president LAURENT GBAGBO, the former president of Côte d’Ivoire. Before my father’s death, in February 2007 in a private hospital, in Abidjan, he secretly called me to his bed and told me that he had deposited the sum of five million, five hundred thousand US dollars (USD $ 5,500,000) in a bank in Abidjan. He used my name because I was the only child, as the following beneficiary, of the fund.

By Voice of America/M Motta – VOA News (US Government), Public Domain, Link

Now I have the deposit receipt and all important documents that the bank received from my late father when he deposited the money. I believe that the people who murdered my father are seriously after me. My father’s younger brother succeeded in claiming my late father’s landownership. I’ve been hiding all this because he’s still looking for me seriously. He believed according to our culture, because I am a woman, that I know exactly about my father’s landowners, because I am married by the family to another man. I really do not know what to do. This is because I have suffered a lot of setbacks. I flee from one place to another. Now I live in a remote village with a pastor of the Apostolic Church and his family. The death of my father actually brought sorrow into my life.

I am interested in your support. I beg you to help me to transfer this money to your country as soon as possible so that I can come to your country and continue my education there while you look for a very good deal for both of us so that the money will bring enough profit.

Now allow me to ask you these few questions: –

  1. can you honestly and gladly support me as your sister / daughter?
  2. can I trust you completely?
  3. what percentage of the total amount will be fair for you after the money is in your country?
  4. can you arrange for me to come to your country to further my education and secure a residence permit in your country for me?

Please consider this and contact me as soon as possible.

Miss Sabina Joneh"


Apart from the fact that there is neither the clergyman, he is a contact person in London, who only makes sure that the money comes in via WU, nor is there, of course, a deposit, only the intention to receive money and visas. One could almost suspect that smugglers and scammers got together in order to earn money on the visas.

The deposit papers are fake. But not the passports of the girls who are queuing up to come to Europe.

Note: The press department of the Senegalese embassy in the Federal Republic of Germany did not want to comment, just as the Senegalese government did not answer any e-mail. Neither did the cited telephone company.



Scammer-Greetings from the closet

Published with kasaan shop in August 2020 for Euro 9.99  for the ebook

A new completely brainless story of a certain John Suger circulates through the social networks and is sent unsolicited by e-mail as a letter of compensation from a powerful sounding organization.

Nothing about this email is true, do not answer it.

Do not disclose your personal data.

The data would be used to facilitate further crimes. If in doubt, contact the police.  This is the original mail from the probable West-African scammer: 


"Greetings Sir/Madam,

This is to acquaint you on the outcome of our meeting with U.N International Financial Investigation Unit and the Association of Better Business Bureau to compensate scam victims upon due verification, we have jointly approved US$1.5m (One million, Five hundred thousand United States Dollars) for every confirmed victim. Your E-mail address was generated through the computer ballot system as one of the selected victim to receive this compensation.

However, adequate arrangement has been put in place and approved to transfer your fund through a telegraphic wire transfer in anywhere in the world.

Finally; for the purpose of proper verification of your claims, it is imperative that you furnish us with the following of your details necessary to process release/remittance of your payment:

Your Name:
Your Residential Address:
Country of Origin :
Direct Mobile Phone Number:
Copy of you Identity Card:

You are expected to forward the above information to the Authorized Payment Center.

Thank you.

Yours in service,

Mr. John Suger"


Is the financial service provider Western Union involved in Benin Scam?



We refer to yesterday's first article about the IMF Scam. We wanted to know what was going on and wrote the perpetrators under a legend. The perpetrator group had contacted us yesterday concerning the IMF. Today, the notable drawback came, with which the perpetrators earn money. 

Some tax and some fee, which of course only exists in the plans of the perpetrators. Neither the actual amount nor the person exists. 

A subculture has formed in the West African states, which nauseatingly charges Europeans and Americans, Asians and Latino's. Indeed, about God and how capable the perpetrators are. They are dangerous criminals, who, if you pass on your data to them, are taking the mischief. This goes so far as to manipulate or falsify the portals of Western Union. Western Union and MoneyGram should reconsider their involvement in Africa, or the EU, the USA and Latin America, as well as Asia, should ban the two payment service providers. 
You run the risk that with your name, your data, new crimes even trafficking human beings, drug trafficking and money laundering are pursued. 
The initiators stop at nothing. They do not care about human life at all. They exploit the information to the point of excess and forge official documents and blackmail wherever possible. In Benin, they seem to see things differently. The police do not care about such excesses. The same applies to Congo, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Ghana and increasingly for Côte d'Ivoire.  They seem to live on scamming. Corona increases the action of the scammers. 

What is new, however, is that the portals of Western Union are forged.  Apparently you are redirected to a fake site of Western Union. 

1984, Angola


"Dear customer,



I am still waiting for the payment information. If possible, do send the payment receipt for record purposes.



Due to the limited time for this transaction and other security reasons, I will advise you not to disclose this transaction to a third party until your total fund is transferred to you. This security measure is because the amount involved is a huge amount of money, to avoid much hitches.


Attached is  a photo of my family. I will like to know if you will be able to send the fee through WORLD REMIT."


1984, Angola


The forgery became obvious and the perpetrators did not want Western Union to be questioned about the truth. They quickly wanted money via World Remit, another financial service provider. This group of perpetrators attracted attention in connection with the Love Scam of the "Alina programme" and the subsequent money laundering. It is clear that the operations of this group in West Africa extend as far as the Congo. 


The identity papers of Western Union employees

1984, Angola



Even the passport is a complete forgery.


1984, Angola

Western Union has done too little to control the West African mobsters. Profit is the key, not the normal course of events. Whether African employees of Western Union are involved in the scam cannot be confirmed at present but it is most likely.



Here the second mail: 

"Dear esteemed customer,


Firstly, we want to assure you that this is not one of the fraud/scam messages you receives promising you for millions of dollars. Be rest assured that this is your compensation because your email address is on the scam victim's list.


After receiving your message, we instantly sent the first payment of $5,000   to your given name.  As I was trying to email you the payment information for you to go and pick up the payment in your country, I got a call from the Western Union Headquarters in Colorado, United States, and they brought to my attention that the $5,000   we sent to you has been  CANCELLED and the remaining $995,000.00 has been placed on hold by them (THE WESTERN UNION HEADQUARTERS) through our network.

I asked them why, and they said that the Inland Revenue Tax Authority here in  Benin  Republic  reported to them that we are transferring such amount of money without the Non-Resident Tax Clearance Certificate of the beneficiary.


So, after I cut off the conversation with the head office, I called the Inland Revenue Tax Authority here to know how the clearance could be obtained from them and the cost of obtaining it. They said that it will cost $88 only to obtain the certificate and it will take only 1 – 2 hours for the clearance certificate to be ready.


I later called the head office back and asked them if there is any other thing to do after the clearance is obtained, and they assured me that once the clearance certificate is forwarded to them, they will instantly release the funds without any delay.


The information of the payment we made today is enclosed.


MTCN #--------------------------353-933-6012

Sender's name-----------------Mark James

City-------------------------------- Cotonou

Country--------------------------- Benin  republic

Text question--------------------When

Text answer---------------------Today



For self-confirmation, you can track this payment online with Western Union official website, copy this link and paste on your browser  https://www.westernunion.com/global-service/track-transfer after filling the information, click Continue.  Note; if you track this payment, the status will show you that the payment has been Cancelled.  Note that you can NEVER be able to pick up this payment in your country until the fund is released by the head office.


Due to the urgency this required, we tried to deduct the fee from your fund but it was unsuccessful because your fund is currently on hold. However, you are advised to go ahead and send the Non Resident Tax Clearance fee of $880 via MONEY GRAM or WESTERN UNION so that we will assist you and obtain the certificate from the office. Here is the information you will use to send the $880.


Receiver name;.......SERAPHIN AKODJINOU

City................ Cotonou

Country;............ Benin  republic

Test question; Trust

Answer; God

Amount; $880


Do send us the payment information as soon as you made the payment. If you can send the fee today, you will pick up the first payment and we will send you another $5,000 today as the clearance certificate is the only thing holding the transfer. Note: you have to try and send the clearance fee as a matter of urgency because the head office will confiscate your fund and divert it to the government treasury if you did not comply urgently.


Remember, we were instructed by the IMF to return any unclaimed payment file after 72 hours if the beneficiary did not comply to claim his/her funds.  So, if you will send the fee but you can not send it within 72 hours, let us know so that we will report to the IMF that you are complying so that they will not ask for the return of your own payment files.


Meanwhile, we will be waiting for the fee of $880 and under 30 minutes to 1 hour of confirming the payment, you will receive the first payment slip in your inbox.


The management of Western Union Money Transfer, Benin Republic Office.


For more details/inquiry, call/Whatsapp +229-9806-4444



Mr. Mark James

Western Union® Money Transfer"


Ms Jodie D. Williams - Super scam with the war in Syria



A few days ago, we found one of the below published mails in our box. We wrote "HOAX" back to stop further mailings. It was immediately clear to us that scammers were on the way again. It is the story of the terminally ill woman who wants to give away her fortune to someone else as a last good deed. 
Where the pictures of the sick woman were stolen, we do not know. We publish the images to warn everyone. It is a crude and evil mixture of actual events and a story script on the bazaar for scammers in Nigeria. The attack in Syria happened, although the numbers are entirely exaggerated.  The story, including pictures, costs about 200 US$ and a 15% share of the "profit". The scammers are using the international crisis to promote their cause, and the concept of the God-fearing seriously ill is particularly useful.  The money in Malaysia does not exist. The danger is that you can't tell whether it is a pure scam or international money laundering in this context. Based on the letter, it can be assumed that it is organized. 
Hands off, don't pay any "notary fees, hospital costs or something like this. Do not give anybody your data. The perpetrators would then commit further crimes or blackmail you- even with the threat to curse you if you do not pay. 

You should put the mail into the digital garbage can with the numerous other mails, which we publish further down in a selection. 


"Good Morning 

I'm Jodie, I send my love and greetings to you, Hoping that you are safe in this Covid19.
Please pardon me as I am aware that this is Not a conventional way of relating such an
important message to you, I did try without success to locate either your contact Address
and I resorted in contacting you via email. Not withstanding, I know quite well that Recently,
there are so many ''HOAX'' going on via internet and it is difficult to trust but i don't know
why my spirit still accepted me to send this message to you out of few email addresses i got
from the internet in search of trust and transparency. This is a true life situation & it
happened to me.

However, this communication will be a great benefit to you & your family, I know quite well that
we have not met before, but God works Miraculously and re-uniting his people through his own will
and great atone of faith. I will tell you everything & how it happened as soon as i receive your

Jodie D. Williams

I received your message just now and I'm replying to it. First and
foremost I want to thank you for your prompt and immediate response, I
am more than happy when I saw your mail. After receiving your mail I
felt it is important to let you know more about the details of my
communication and it's origin as this will guide you and also repose
some confidence in you about what you are doing. After my fasting and
prayers I made a search on the internet and I got your email contact.
Please accept this proposal as God's doing because God's ways are
mysterious. Yes it is true that we do not know each other but God has
a way of accomplishing his Work through his own.

I am an Australian Citizen and i left when i was very young & small. I
got married to a Syrian born in Australia by name James Williams, we
both relocated from Australia to Malaysia where he based. He died two
years ago, along with our two Children when he visited his sick
brother in Syria. All my family died the same day tears......., as a
result of Chemical weapon used by SYRIAN GOVERNMENT 2 years ago, which
United Nations and United States of America are still investigating
about the brutal killings of about 1,500 people with Chemical gas
missile by the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.  My late husband
Executed a contract in Malaysia few years ago. It was just last week
that Malaysian new government approved their Contract Payment. I
needed someone who lives outside Malaysia to be a place holder for me
so that the Contract Funds will be paid to you directly as my place

This process is 100% risk free, you & your family will benefit
immensely from this assignment & all the relevant documents are intact
to back you up in your Country against Money-laundering activities. Do
not be afraid that you don't know the history of the Contract because
he has already submitted all the contract completion papers and he has
also signed all the payment papers, you are not going to be involved
in any agreement signing exercise. All i needed is to give you the
Contract completion certificate and documents and the bank will
transfer the funds to you directly without any difficulties and there
is no TAX or VAT to pay. This assignment will not disturb your
business activities /appointments  or the work  you do, it does not
require your presence in Malaysia, I will send you the full details as
soon as i receive your acceptance/consent response, then i will give
you the full prerequisites for the proof. Let me know your decision.

FUTURE ENDEAVORS. I'm a lonely heart and in pains of agony for
terminal cancer diseases, I have (Pharyngeal cancer) or simply known
as throat & Mouth Cancer. It's very painful for a widow that sat on a
wheel chair for 2 months in the hospital without moving anywhere, at
least give me hope now that I'm hopeless in my sickness bed. May God
almighty bless you and your family with good health and never to be in
my condition, Amen.

TAKE NOTE: To clear that fear in you, find attached my pics at the
hospital, so that you will see the woman you were communicating with,
I'm in pains but God knows the best, i love you all.

Ms Jodie D. Williams


This is not scam but a true life situation and it happened to me. It
was not what you thought in your mind. Life is just like flowing water
which has no end, but above all is too short and no one knows tomorrow
and it's possession.

I will not wish you Bad in life because God did not wish us dead or
bad in his infinity mercies and love he has for we human. May God
bless you. So, if you are interested to proceed with me kindly let me
know urgently.

Have a nice day.






The Donald Trump Scam

Donald Trump Scam

These days, many of these mails arrive in the mailboxes of Internet providers. It is again the attempt of a group of unscrupulous crooks to exploit the Corona crisis. Not without an end in itself, the perpetrators mention the ruler of the White House.

Many readers respect the "President" of the USA. However, you should be careful what you trade with Trump after Atlantic City. Now this writer uses the instruction of Donald Trump, which of course does not exist. 

This time even Trump is probably clueless.

Trump's tall tales and fake news make these scams possible at all. 

No one in his right mind can overlook the mistakes and contradictions that result from the nonsense. 
This payment does not exist, the address as well as the name comes from an identity theft. The number is probably from Google Hangouts and serves the perpetrators as a "serious paint". 
Hands off, never transfer address data. The perpetrators would use this information unscrupulously for further scams. Move the mail into the digital trash can. 





214 Broadway, New York,
NY 10038, United States.
Unclaimed Asset/Assets Re-united,
USA International Remittance Department
Tel: +1 (650) 300-8647
Fax: +1 (646) 805-9453
Our Ref: JPMCB/CTB/6x780/19.

Attention Beneficiary
In fight against corruption in the Banking system and in pursuit to re-build a good relationship with foreigners by the President of the United States of America.
We wish to inform you that every files and reports concerning international payment of all the foreign beneficiaries was brought to my office in the Order and instruction of the U.S Department of States and U.S Department of Treasury.
I must confess that i shared tears after seeing your unclaimed and uncompleted transactions, It was a national slap and a disgrace to this Country after noticing that your have paid for all the fee to receive your fund but your funds never got to your bank account because of the selfish interest of the banks and Individuals mandated to transfer and release your fund to your bank account.
The U.S Department of States and U.S Department of Treasury has approved a compensation payment of US$4,500,000.00 in your name which shall be transfer to your bank account through an online, We will create an online bank in your name and you will transfer your fund by yourself through our online to your bank account.
We chose to transfer your fund through an online banking so that no Agency will notice or stop your fund. Sir, you shall receive this compensation fund within 3 working day, if you comply with our instructions and adhere to our directives.
Get back to us with your information as listed below.
Your Full Name:
Phone number:
Age and Occupation:
Next of Kin:
Scan Copy of your identification
Thank you for your mutual understanding and cooperation as we wait to read from you soonest
Yours Faithfully,
Dr. Harold Williams
Tel: +1 (650) 300-8647
Foreign Remittance Department"


Code Ref: NOR/2354X2/09

While others are fighting for survival worldwide, others are making a fake lottery to make a good profit on the Corona crisis

Extremely dissocial elements use the corona crisis to enforce their idea of profit. From Johannesburg comes the last exhibit of an alleged lottery from Norway, which of course does not exist. The scammers want personal data to commit other crimes. What a construction company in the Western Cape is supposed to have to do with the Norwegian lottery is marked in the stars. Even here it is identity theft. 
Straight into the electronic trash bin,  even if the perpetrators flood the mailboxes this time too.

Don't answer, don't disclose any data

Here the opener of the scammer gang:


This is to inform you that you have been
selected for a cash prize of €3,000,000
(EUR) held on the 30th of March 2020 in Oslo (Norway)
The selection process was carried out through
random selection in Our computerized email
selection system (ESS) Oslo Norway. Fill the

1.Full Name
2.Full Address
3.Marital Status
8.Country Of Residence
9.Telephone Number

Send the filling details back to me, using the below email for quicker

Agent Name: Mr. Garrett Morris
Tel: +47024091949
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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