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The Brexit lie 1/8

  • Published in Brexit



In the beginning was REFCO! 


What reads like the part of a thriller that could have been written by a best-selling author took place in reality. In Europe since 1996. The consequences are still present today and are now more topical than ever. Nigel Farage has urged Boris Johnson to drop the Brexit plan before the new elections in Britain. It is the ridiculousness of an entire system that has not yet grasped that nationalism is outdated.  In the middle of the decade before last, the continent of Europe, which had just been pacified and united, was about to enter a new era-after the fall of the Iron Curtain.


Anti-Hero Farage


Twenty years later, however, one of the protagonists of the exit from the EU is undoubtedly Nigel Paul Farage, who is not at all embarrassed and always one lie ahead. A snobbish misinformer of the former UKIP movement, a ghost obviously blinded by his disinformation, he is the sad anti-hero of his stories.




It is not enough to walk around the constituency in a fine twist with a melon and umbrella. Like any nationalist, Farage has no prospects for the future. No supporting vision.


A coward and bon vivant who accepts the death of thousands of people, the demise of a state structure that has been built up over a thousand years to realise himself and make a little profit from the sting of hatred of British nationalists.



In 2017 Farage dared to attend an AfD event in Berlin-Spandau, of all places, where the German war criminals were once imprisoned.  Even the inviting Beatrix von Storch knew about the impact of the performance at this historic location. Her grandfather was the former Reich Minister of Finance under Hitler, Johann Ludwig Count Schwerin von Krosigk. In 1949, he was sentenced to ten years in prison as a war criminal in the Wilhelmstrasse trial, which was part of the Nuremberg Trials.




Farage knows how to provoke like any right-wing populist. That is what he does best.


Pekunia non olet

Sure, Farage had and is pursuing a goal. A conservative world view favouring his wallet. A stringent nationalism that corresponds to his pecuniary world view.




But what do Nigel Paul Farage and REFCO have to do with what follows, the Brexit?


Farage's life was marked by his belonging to right-wing sentiments. According to the British Independent, he is said to have sung out loud and publicly about National Socialist tendencies against Jews from his earliest youth. His abbreviation NF is said to be the abbreviation of the National Front, reported numerous serious British newspapers. And not just once. The Farage problem came with an announcement. From his person, from his hatred against Europe, from his greed motivated contempt for humanity resulted the decided Brexit campaign.



Already in 2013, articles about Farage's right-wing sentiments were published.




His political convictions are and were his personal affair. But Farage was looking for a way to denounce, like any right-wing populist. The best way was through propaganda. The freedom to abolish democracy and to enrich himself personally.




Like a painful parasite, Farage sat in the ivory tower of the European Parliament and could carve out his poisonous comments, which had nothing to do with the European idea or reality. Farage saw himself as an imitation of the former Nazi leader, hated and shunned, Oswald Mosley in the 1930s. He also played this role to the point of vomiting in the EU Parliament.






Farage during one of his inhuman and bizarre appearances in the EU Parliament


War chest of the brown henchmen


Before his dubious political career, Farage worked for one of the most cynical corporate networks in post-war history, Refco, nicknamed Raffco, which, as a broker for thousands of investment companies, officially left an airborne loss of $166 billion. The investors' money disappeared without a trace. This was intended to happen.


It was the second biggest bankruptcy in the history of the USA, but the biggest one is still to come. The United Kingdom. Or the pitiful remains of a kingdom from which even the capital London now wants to get out. Bizarre enough, it reminds one of the intrigues of the Tudors.


Uninhibited gambler

Farage comes from a generation of unscrupulous and uninhibited brokers, bankers, gamblers and disinformers. The Farage species had already gained a wealth of experience with Drexel Burnham Lambert, another bank that had been conducting air transactions since the 1980s. They sold the most worthless papers even in Europe, junk bonds from companies that had been set up overnight to sell these papers the next day, which the sellers knew nothing could ever be sold except for business in letterboxes. Except the profit for the brokers, of course.




The question must be allowed, what is or rather was with Farage Limited? Were funds from investment scams moved into Brexit associations?


King of the competition

Farage, a dependent lapdog of the nationalists, who did not get his will to make further windy brokerage deals, which would have only brought profits to the brokers, only losses to the investors. That was the plan. He rode the wave of big investments and bankruptcies from one company to another after the last one had gone bankrupt.




It's a bit like with the Brexit. Betting on the downfall.


It was only the tip of the iceberg: Farage knew, according to his statements, following the statements of countless "headliners" in the industry, already from 1996 onwards, that the business of his top bosses at Refco was not in order, that no money had been placed on the stock exchange. No cattle or sugar lots, no Nigerian oil, no gold options, no soya oil had been brokered. These goods simply existed only on paper, at prices that could not exist in a reasonable economic cycle. But billions disappeared, missing from the war chest of the then perplexed nationalists and political bigmouths. Billions evaporated into the accounts of those who now want to take over the economic system.


And yet everything was and still is fine for them and their followers.




The proven projector among the "Brexiteers", who sat in the European Parliament since 1999 and knew only one goal: The destruction of Europe for shabby nationalism. This and much more he must now take up the cause of having ruined his country as well through fascism and deliberate disinformation. Farage, the gambler, doesn't flinch because Refco's farm was already burning more often, and he didn't want to have known anything about it when his boss, Phillip Bennett, was in trouble in the USA after Refco went bankrupt.



Nasty account 1997- London Royal Dorchester Hotel


Sometime in the late summer of 1997, the crème de la crème of European investment fraudsters met in London's Royal Dorchester Hotel for their annual accounting. There, the richest fish trains were "having breakfast" with bloody roast beef and plenty of champagne. At the same tables in the ballroom where the royal family had sat years before.


Also, from the London shore party: William Pepper, David Coakley, Jimmy Dottington, Brian Maurice Cowley, Michael Eberlein, Russell La Rue, Jochen Abramcyk and numerous so-called brokers from Germany, representatives of Man Financial and LFG. All of them worked to Refco through countless detours.


Here or there, according to tradition, a murder was decided upon by one of those present and the criminal structure of the international option business was celebrated with a last good bottle from the richly sorted vaults. Eberlein had just landed another deal - First Futures Brokers Limited. Paul Matthew Atkins was of great help to him at the time.


Despite the bankruptcies of dozens of companies, the cut made that year was a good one. The one or other billion could be shifted to Panama or to Belize, to the Bahamas. There was a lot to talk about on this warm evening, 1997, in London. Via so-called founding agencies, thousands of these micro-brokers were to be created to skim off as much money as possible for the nationalists' war chest.


The favourite game of those who had gathered there at the tables in fine dinner jackets was, apart from the turkey with a wonderfully spicy stuffing served in the second course, racism, the lived contempt for humanity. Behind closed doors they talked about those who were to say goodbye to those who now wanted to take over the sceptre.


Dare round of the open violation of human rights


In the intimate circle, the penetrating mocking of the deceived clientèle was the good tone of the patheticness of a self-appointed Mafia class that feared only itself and the rising price of cocaine. Here millions of gratuities were handed out under the table in bulging envelopes, cash, which had previously been scammed on the grey capital market throughout Europe.



These deals were already going extremely well from the mid-1980s. Years earlier, investigators and unidentified persons working in this matter came across documents from the holdings of the Bremen company Contracta Futures Warentermin-Handels- und Beratungs-GmbH (plus Contracta Rohstoffhandel Beratungs- und Vermittlungs-GmbH) of a Volker Brüggemanns company, which had already expired at that time. Whole crowds of helpless investigators had been attacking the option traders. Brüggemann was on trial in 1995, and he also lost this battle. That evening, two years later, in London, no one took pity on him.




Brüggemann, who was once a Fleurop boy, had swung himself up to become a patron of TuS Walle in Bremen with a pretty gold chain around his neck. In women's handball he looked like a misplaced suburban pimp to the team.






There were one or two moles among the assembled at the Dorchester who kept the illustrious guest list for their use that evening and passed it on to an office in the French province just days later. Also, present was a representative of the European Business Bank LTD., which allegedly had its headquarters at Memduh Asaf Sokak No.11, Lefkosa, Kibris, Via Mersin 10, in the Turkish occupied part of Cyprus.


This man operated under different names which always sounded similar, and he called himself Karabatsziakis or Karambatziakis. The political division of Cyprus had made such an outgrowth possible. But this did not help him - the RK/ OK from the Federal Republic of Germany was after him. This bank had been set up for the sole purpose of money laundering and drug trafficking and for making payments to terrorists. It was a wholly owned subsidiary of one of the largest investment fraud firms in the Federal Republic and a bank for drug barons, such as the Indian Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar, one of the godfathers of Islamic terror, suspected of involvement in the 1993 attack in Bombay.


But Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar weaved the networks of terror out of money laundered from investment transactions in Europe. Only in 2015, when the bustling Indian was suspected in Pakistan, did an investigation by the US Congress reveal that Kaskar, who was already a fugitive at the time, had received money from brokers to forge a strategic alliance with Islamists of all stripes.


They needed terror and had lost the BCCI. Through their accounts, the trail led to banks and major brokers. Their accounts still existed at Safras Republic Bank of New York in Monaco, but one had to be more careful.


Back then, in 1997, nobody in Europe thought of Islamic terror. The nebulous structure was too far away.


The active and certainly hard-working official of the RK / OK in the Federal Republic Embassy in Nicosia certainly did everything to put an end to the hustle and bustle. Under the file note diary number 97/ Nic044 the lively money laundering in Cyprus could unfortunately not be ascertained. However, the accounts of numerous other investment fraud companies led in this direction. WBB International Limited laundered more than DM 14 billion of its own money through the accounts of EBB in Lefkosia, allegedly, if one trusts the unidentified persons who started investigating at that time. According to the Düsseldorf public prosecutor's office, the damage in Germany amounted to DM 6 billion, not including the damage caused by IBB Gesellschaft für Vermittlung von internationalen Termingeschäften mbH, Ambros, Phoenix Kapitaldienst. The companies were subsidiaries of WBB, which were initially nourished by churning.


Cyprus roof hatches


At the end of April 1997, a woman turned up in Cyprus asking for information about the bank. She checked into a hotel on the nearby Osmanpasa Cadessi as an English woman. The following night several people looked around the EBB's offices. The bank had no business operations and was represented by a secretary. The accounts led back to Monte Carlo to the then Republic Bank of New York, the empire of the seriously ill Mogul Edmond Jacob Safra, also Raphael Edmond Ezra Safra, just as he needed it. Even back then on the beautiful Côte d'Azur, people mumbled about possible connections to Arab terrorists. 15 years later the murmurings became facts. Again the name Refco was mentioned with the sinister financial transactions.






In the office in European Business Bank Ltd., the unknown British woman had come into possession of numerous papers from countless other brokers and banks. Astonishing were the copies from the German investigation files, the time from Hobson House, 155 Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BJ, which concerned Jochen Abramcyk and Michael Klausmeyer, Ulf Christof Zeretzke. Also through Zeretzke's other London firm, A.F.M., which has been linked to numerous other frauds. This also included documents from the files of the criminal investigation officers or prosecutors, plus documents from the Bermuda authorities there in a loose assortment of paper.


Düsseldorf nights are long


A list of what else happened in the Horten skyscraper at Berliner Allee 52 in Düsseldorf, where envelopes filled to the brim with money changed hands, was provided. Apparently someone at the public prosecutor's office in Düsseldorf had been bribed by a feeder, so the investigations that had been initiated were continued with a certain "official reluctance".


On several occasions, as the brokers at the time told , French investigators had mingled with the boar in the local companies, but had found rather pitiful evidence for bold theories. More and more investigations were also carried out for money laundering. There was also an informant at the Republic Bank of New York in Monaco, in the realm of Edmond Safra and his followers, and at HSBC in Geneva and New York.


מגדל HSBC, מנהטן, קבוצת נכסים ובניין.jpg
By קבוצת נכסים ובניין - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0Link







The information was enough for the unknown to dig up the whole scene all over Europe.








The Lebanese banker Safra, who later died under the most mysterious circumstances, was already an absolute risk from 1995 on, which the brokers tried to get rid of from their circles.


The considerably weakened right-wing populists, the dregs of human civilisation, needed a war to end the incipient freedom of mankind. Every day, more money came into the coffers of the sponsors, who, like Farage, washed guys to the surface.


Continue with part 2 of the Brexit Lie

Raspberry Sin

Raspberry Sin

Confidently, this question can be answered after enjoying this piece of cake with a clear yes.
It represents the finest pâtisserie art, pure luxury.

So much has be said in advance.

This palate enjoyment has been so exquisite that we want to share the recipe with all readers.

More than the ingredients and the approximate preparation we could not get out of the pastry chef, his helping hands. And that was very hard to do.


100 gr. Fresh raspberries

Mascarpone 4 spoons

3 ribs of black, very bitter chocolate


1 spoonful of bitter instant coffee

Half a spoonful of brown sugar

An ice cube


Mix the Mascarpone with the instant coffee and the ice cube to a cream, slowly add sugar. Form the viscous mass into an egg.
(Alternatively you can add cognac) Then cool, preferably in the deep freezer. Meanwhile, heat the chocolate in a pot until it melts creamy. Afterwards pour the mass over the prepared Mascarpone eggs- garnish with the raspberries and small balls of Mascarpone. Finally, sprinkle the pistachios over the finished dessert.

Exceptional it looks and tasts with small flacs of black chocolate.


New sex games in the Alpine Panorama for the Royal playboy from Thailand?

Update: 18 October 2020         

Rama X. is already packing his bags again, while his people go out onto the streets the next day. The eccentric monarch leaves again on October, 20. On this day he wants to return to Germany. Enjoying the Bavarian country air. The protest movement is crushed by a massive police presence.

More sex games with his current concubines await the blue-blooded playboy in the Alpine panorama.

Meanwhile, a huge police force is formulating its brutal slaying against the protest movement.

Here are some scenes from the reality of Bangkok today: 





While the Thai people are starving and suffering, His Serene Highness is occupied with the different kinds of  his playmates. Every protest is considered an insult by the obvious psychopath Rama X.. This insult is punished with15 years in prison. Yesterday, demonstrators tried to storm the car of the shaking monarch. 

One wonders whether these brutal operations in Germany were planned in the pseudo-asylum of the royal torturer. If so, Rama X would be intolerable for Bavaria, for the Federal Republic of Germany, which he and his countless playmates are anyway. 



Update: 17 October 2020          

The unloved monarch should stay in Bangkok

In Thailand, the protests are raging. Rama X, the rich but ruthless monarch sees only his advantage and runs away from the protests. Where to? He flies back to Bavaria.

But now it was time to settle the business in Thailand as well, the whole family was flown to Thailand without further ado while nobody else could travel. Among them, as reported at the gala, is his 15-year-old son, Dipangkorn Rasmijoti, 15, with a jet of the Thai Air Force. 

The sexual escapades of the blue blood who puts his concubines in prison and otherwise interprets any criticism of his pompous behaviour as an insult to majesty are enough. Apparently, the king conducts his inhuman politics from German soil. The ambassador of Thailand has been summoned to the Foreign Office several times in this context.

Meanwhile, the torture monarch is also damaging Bavaria's reputation in the world, nothing more of understanding for the "Thai-Kini" living in filthy luxury. It is time to ask Rama X, who is apparently far removed from reality, to leave Germany. 





Historical freedom of jesters in Bavaria

Rama X, the Thai monarch, gradually becomes a nuisance in the Federal Republic of Germany. While everyone kept to the initial restrictions imposed by the government, the monarch flew back and forth. Once to fly to Thailand for festivities. Then again, he headed for various airports in the Federal Republic and practised the pilot manoeuvre of touch and go with his passenger plane to satisfy his urge to renew his flying licence instead of going for a walk in semi-domestic Bavaria. As if that wasn't enough, the comical king, who had a Boeing converted into a flying luxury palace for himself, obtained a special permit from the city of Garmisch-Partenkirchen when the exit restrictions were imposed. This allowed him to stay at the Hotel Sonnenbichl, despite having his residence in Bavaria. Why, was not clear even to the Court rapporteurs, who reported on the increasing number of absences of His Majesty.

Not only since yesterday has the bustling monarch from Bangkok become a filou. We recall that his Boeing was once chained to a pledge seal at Erding airport with unpaid debts, until His Serene Highness loosened more than 30 million euros. Maha Vajiralongkorn was still a prince at that time and had been living in a villa in Tutzing on Lake Starnberg for years.

He recently took the parade of his faithful at Munich's Erding airport with a barely belly-free top. Rumour has it that he had conveniently got rid of his tired girlfriend from the private sphere by simply having her arrested and giving her a whimsical story about an acid attack as justification. Before that, the man, now crowned king in gold panties, had dumped his three wives.


But the Free State of Bavaria has experience with blue-blooded troublemakers, as can be guessed from the story of Ludwig II.
Now, however, the comical king, who resides in Bavaria with his court, i.e. courtiers, lackeys and concubines, and who until now could only be described as a little odd, is mutating into a skilled torturer in diplomatic status.  This, however, only behind closed doors because the blue-blooded man mercilessly persecutes anyone who has anything to criticize about him and his white royal uniform jacket.


As one could gather from numerous well-informed circles, the strange king had numerous persons from his entourage flogged on the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany. This is said to have happened on the fourth floor of the picturesquely situated Hotel Sonnenbichl. Torture is forbidden even for kings in Bavaria! What sounds like a horror fairytale became reality during the Corona crisis in Germany. The brutal monarch with a penchant for eccentricity in protected status is to watch the films of courtly punishment for his own pleasure later on. But that is not all. According to a report by the British journalist Andrew Gregor Mc Marshall, the aristocrat who has fallen out of his role maintains a kind of torture prison in Thailand, where he has unpleasant characters tortured for a long time and then has the films shown in a kind of "best of" when he lives in his villa on his native Starnberg Lake.


All the circumstances of the monarch now call numerous human rights activists to the scene because Rama drives his royal fantasies of omnipotence too far. It seems that Rama maintains the Thai torture prison because of his palace in Bangkok, as new investigations now reveal.  Here the belly-free monarch is said to take particular pleasure in the suffering of arbitrarily imprisoned prisoners who are forced to drink urine, suffer from sleep deprivation and eat worms. While Rama appreciates the hearty Bavarian cuisine, there are countless prisoners who are literally gnawing at the hunger cloth.


Rama X. is certainly not as easy to stroke as Rama's name, and in recent years there have been increasing reports of royalty's failures in apparent exile. Rama is not squeamish with critics of his decadent courtly excesses. The man with the name Maha Vajiralongkorn, unpronounceable to Europeans, followed his father Bhumibol, who was very popular with the Thais, on the throne in a kind of fantasy costume garnished by a crown on his head. It is otherwise known about the bon vivant at the gates of Munich that he married his former bodyguard some time ago. Your Majesty will be merciless, as his master of ceremonies recently threatened in the social media if criticism of the ruler is made. A journalist was arrested when the monarch returned to Zurich from a trip to his old homeland.


The question is, what can be done about the king?


 Sources: PICTURE



               Andrew Gregor Mc Marshall

               own researches



The life of the salmon

For R.


We want to open this article for everyone to post contributions in English language for the protection of wild salmon. The contributions can be sent as photos, film or simply as text. 

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Write us what you think about farmed salmon. 

In a world we live in, no one should have to fear publishing their thoughts just because they face the power of lawyers, lawsuits or attempts at bribery.

Capital has had its day. There are people who dislike this form of power and who resist its use.

The Earth's heritage is more important than fast euros.

The salmon is only synonymous with the environmental sins we leave behind for the next generation. Not to mention the children of our children.

It is unacceptable that large international corporations torture the creature salmon and systematically poison the consumer throughout Europe.

A predatory fish cannot feed in cages on pesticides, antibiotics and cheap food made from plant ingredients. Without respect for the creature animal that must die for our food.
In addition, fish are threatened by epidemics, such as the infectious anaemia of salmon (highly contagious ISA virus) caused by keeping them in cages. Because salmon kept in aquacultures is so poisonous that it is inedible, it also kills wild salmon in the surrounding area. It also causes numerous diseases, such as diabetes mellitus.

What remains are underwater worlds in Chile, Norway and elsewhere that look like a poisoned desert.

When consumers protest, the EU sets pesticide levels high. No.

If you have money like hay, you should find ways to breed these fish naturally, not in dirty and miserable environments.

Big business should be obliged to repair the underwater damage at their expense. And they should do so quickly before further damage occurs.

Beneficiaries are a few who are only interested in money, but not in nature, health or even species protection.
Although they emphasize this fact time and again. Nobody believes the corporations any more.

Now consumers must act.
And us.

Next article
The track of the salmon leads to Hamburg


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