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Headlines (17)

Perhaps Trump sets the execution method for himself - The legacy of Donald Trump (1)

Trump's whimsical legacy - that of a break clown


Accountant of death


On 24 December this year, there will be a new regulation on how prisoners are to be executed at federal level. Trump himself still wants to make the execution of eight prisoners possible, contrary to all traditions that a president who has been voted out of office does not allow this to happen.


Now the execution continues with gas, electric chair and lethal injection. This speaks for a high degree of sadism and Trump's personal pleasure in letting people die. A master of life and death. Like other right-wing despots in history.


In the final phase of Trumpism, the President's duties revolve around the death of his countrymen. It is characteristic of Trump to still determine these absurd possibilities of execution.


Trump, as the world knows, is great at murdering and destroying.  


He leaves a trail of blood all the way to the White House, which runs like a red thread through the whole country.


That's all he was capable of.


He used every opportunity to remember Gettysburg and the Secession.


According to Trump, a way must therefore be found to finally bridge the gap between white, rich, black and poor in the United States of America. After all, to guarantee liberation from National Socialism in the 1940s, the United States sacrificed some 170,000 of its compatriots, thus laying the foundations for being a nation of world renown.


Donald Trump sacrificed 250,000 of his fellow countrymen to remain in power and not to expose himself to personal trials. Trump was a disgusting sexist with the claim of corruption and because he could not do better, also with the claim of a nationalist spoiled to the point of caricature, who no longer knew and could not find his way behind his fascism à la Trump.


Electoral fraud with Trump


The OSCE had observers all over the US. Therefore, Trump's bold claim about the third world country USA cannot be true because nobody has observed the alleged election rigging.


The Donald Trump brand no longer exists. At best the man who in the USA demanded genocide for his ends, like a Roman emperor in the arena celebrated by the eternally disappointed. Trump's speeches are strongly reminiscent of those of the dictators of the 1920s and 1930s. He vilifies the New York Times, he vilifies anyone who does not agree with his sometimes already stupid opinion. Even Richard Nixon, who was called Honk, was an absolute boon against him.


Trump worked with the Mafia. The Mafia had been his backbone since the early 1970s. Organised crime taught him the contempt that he now held against the law and his critics. Any demagogy was just what he needed to stay in power, and to earn a little more from the suffering he inflicted on the people, and that ultimately enabled Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to get into the White House.


Political Mafia boss and sexist trump


Will Donald John Trump be on trial when he returns to New York?


Yes, he will be on trial because America as a state must prevent such a president from running for office in 2024 because the Republicans must get out of the Nazi corner and basically serve the democracy that has always been built up.


The political Mafia boss Trump must stand trial.


How can it be, even if there is little truth in the accusations, that countless women who were once sexually assaulted by the self-confessed narcissist and psychopath are now coming forward?


How can it be that he pays hush money to a porn star like Stormy Daniels if he wants nothing to do with her?


Whoever claims that Donald Trump never started a war in the world may be right, he was too stupid to do so. He called for war in his own country, and this is something we know from Nicolai Ceausescu and Erich Honecker, from despots like Hitler.




And Trump must be careful not to become a victim of his execution methods, if he can be proven to have committed the Covid-19 genocide out of greed, which is otherwise the case with Trump and his lackeys.




That is his legacy.




The American Election 2020 (1)

Donald Trump - a disgrace to humanity


MAGA "Make America Great Again" was the motto of the psychopath driven by political and confused hallucinations who for years led the white, racist America. In contempt for humanity, which at the end of the Covid-19 genocide, Trump worked just for his re-election, could only disgust a normal person. But Trump was known for his failures decades earlier. Everyone who voted for him knew what a narcissist he was. 





By U.S. Government - https://www.whitehouse.gov/featured-videos/video/2017/01/20/inauguration-45th-president-united-states, Public Domain,  


Already at his inauguration he saw what others did not see. His magnificence, framed by the Ku Klux Klan, went down in the history books in Washington. The speech itself was the weakest that was made in modern times. None of the promises were fulfilled by Trump. 








Trump even danced on stage during the election campaign, thousands of Americans were fighting for survival against the epidemic at that time. Humility did not suit him, but he chose the dance of the devil on the graves of the Covid-19 victims.  Victims who, through his unconditional will to be re-elected, had to give their lives. This was well known to the right-wing financial anarchist from the White House. 




An American president who should be held responsible for every dead person. Later in court. The American people must and should hold a dictator to account. They must stop the next despot, from the right or the left, from trampling democracy underfoot, as Trump did in all his political ugliness and disinformation. In fact, he did nothing else, except for the tirades on Twitter and the puppet theatre that gathered around the American autocrat.


He was always great, always to be found in the superlatives of his achievements. None of his deeds during his term of office could achieve anything. Except the rift through American society, which will not heal for decades. 


100% Kona Coffee




Trump hated Obama and everything that Obama had certainly done right in his time. The would-be dictator could not understand environmental and climate goals. He isolated America all over the world for a few more dollars, installed guys like Grenell in Germany, for example, who cynically presented American politics. 




A president who wants to break with the custom of taking power peacefully because anything that does not confirm his election must be fake. 


He made America small. Donald Trump managed to destroy the American dream. Of course, he did this not because he is simply a self-promoter and a right-wing hate criminal who never distanced himself from right-wing paramilitaries, but because it served him and his ailing companies. Trump was not the one who invented democracy, but the one who wanted to erase it from the American minds. 


The relationship with some dictators in this world improved, regardless of whether Trump was now perceived as repulsive by his other allies. NATO, an alliance that had lasted for decades, had become a carcass in recent years.


He wanted to exchange Puerto Rico for Greenland after a hate speech. Or sell it or buy it in addition. 


Some of what Trump said filled democrats of all nations with increasing nausea. 


The disdainful mammon


Money meant everything to Trump. In his day, financial interest was put above human rights. He caused millions of Americans to starve. His bizarre appearances in front of the White House and elsewhere were often reminiscent of those of a military junta in Latin American countries where civil war had broken out in the 1970s as a result of the despots of the time. Trump also promoted this in his country. Not tired of comparing his racist achievements with Lincoln's abolition of slavery, of classifying his dirty, perverted imagination as incomparably higher and of looking for a suitable rock on Mount Rushmore for himself to sculpt. He would have liked best to remove those that actually belonged to Rushmore. Trump certainly does not belong in the ranks of those who had to see the polarizing despot as their successor. He dismantled everything and led the USA as a Mafia family. 





The Cosa Nostra from Trump-Plaza and its Don


Anyone who elects Trump to office for another four years will have to accept that he will undermine democracy in the United States and vote for a lifetime dictatorship of the Trump clan. 


Donald Trump has proved in recent years as president that he is neither up to the job nor capable of understanding the simplest facts. He befriended dictators like the North Korean Kim Jong-un, a show without results. 



Trump cultivated a radical hatred of everything he was intellectually unable to process. And there was a lot of that. He, Donald John Trump, is responsible for the fact that the antifa and the radical left in the USA became so strong. With his stupid speeches, with his decrees via Twitter and his dance around the fountain of money. 


One cannot deny that Trump put the worst qualities a person can have at the top of his list of priorities. Out of sheer stupidity and greed, Trump decided to glorify Covid-19 against all warnings of a harmless cold. 


He wanted to build a wall against illegal refugees in the south of the USA to stop the storm. He did this not for political reasons, but for profit for one of his bankrupt companies, and for this he imprisoned children with publicity.



A commercial for Trump's Eternity, which he used in a kind of republican fascism. 


Part 2 : The difference between "Sleepy Joe" and Trump


Trump, the bible and "heavily armed soldiers"

Trump never tires of oppressing his United States. Now he threatens with military action, as in a Latin American banana dictatorship, which he previously supported. He had peaceful demonstrators beaten to the side with tear gas and truncheons to put on a show in front of the church.  Even the last doubter should realize that Trump is a brutal dictator. He threatens with heavily armed soldiers, who are supposed to shoot at the oppressed coloured Americans, who are hated by Trump. 

Meanwhile, the violence continues. On the contrary, it is intensifying. 









The events got out of control

In Minneapolis, a tanker truck drove into the crowd of protesters. It was not clear whether the driver deliberately drove into the crowd. He was arrested, and police vehicles are repeatedly seen driving into large crowds nationwide. 

According to correspondents' reports, the murder of George Floyd is causing anger nationwide in the USA. 

But it is not only the murder of Floyd, but also the Lord in the White House that is attracting the unrestrained fury of the protesters. Trump blames the Antifa for the looting and fires. He himself is hiding in a government security bunker. Therefore, Trump is called Bunkerboy and BunkerDon in the social networks. He is no longer master of the situation. 

Here are some reports from the USA via video: 







Minneapolis burns 



 The protests following the murder of George Floyd in the USA are getting out of hand. Looting is taking place everywhere. Donald Trump has been taken to a secure bunker. 






Trump is the most significant part of the problem

With dictators or those who want to become dictators, one must not mince matters.

This issue is not just about George Floyd. It's about the outcry that police violence is causing against Afro-Americans. It's about the incredible violence that is spreading across the United States like wildfire.

After the act of an insane policeman who arrested George Floyd for a dubious crime. 

When the police violence, which the world could see because of the film of the 17-year-old schoolgirl, became visible, the barrel overflowed in the USA. But it is not George Floyd. Trump instrumentalises the dead to act as the mild dictator he certainly is not.

It's the general treatment of the African-American population in the USA, and this crisis has been smouldering for a long time.

Donald Trump is poison to American politics. He is mendacious. He is a political good-for-nothing, he is solely dividing a grown nation to the point where violent riots are now occurring.

Trump, a born loser. Think of Atlantic City or the Trump Organisation, which now has to fight off more than 900 million dollars in debt that Donald Trump took on at Deutsche Bank for unrealisable projects. One can no longer service the instalments. Trump doesn't care. 

Over the years, Trump fuelled racism from the very beginning.

Remember that when he was sworn in, the Ku Klux Klan roamed the streets of Washington; think of Bannon and the right-wing agitators. Trump looks for victims, not political opponents because he is not up to them. Since Twitter at the latest, we know that he has a problematic relationship with his environment. He behaves like an ambivalent being. A love-hate relationship with Twitter, which a psycho disturbed American President, who incites against everything of democratic structures, such as the World Health Organisation in the United States, cultivated for years.

Trump alone is responsible for the fact that the job and economic miracle did not happen, but that 41 million unemployed people are on the streets because he completely underestimated Corona. After all, he was incapable of understanding Corona at all. He is also incapable of understanding that Afro-Americans cannot deal with such a President and do not want to fall back into the era of slavery. Trump needs to be re-elected. Otherwise, he is the biggest loser in American history; for him, it's all about survival, so he rushes against the Hispanics and the Afro-Americans. He slandered them, insulted them and everyone else who was alive and did not share his confused opinions.

While America goes up in flames...

Extraordinary confrontations have been in Detroit, Richmond and all of California. While governors and mayors try to defuse the situation, Trump talks about the political, weak opponent. The political opponent, the Democrats in the US, are much more reliable than the Republicans. After all, they have got a reason because they act reasonably. Because they try to smooth out what Trump has done in the USA, namely to breed systemic hatred against everything that is not conservative and right-wing extremist opinion. That is why Trump hates his opponents.

The American break-clown is for Twitter, which he uses as a mouthpiece against demonstrators, journalists and political opponents when it comes to civil rights, he invokes freedom of expression. Still, the latter himself is trampling underfoot, has become intolerable not for the USA but the international community. One wonders why Twitter does not directly block the account.

But that's easy: Twitter needs the eternal clown Donald Trump for more tweets and fears that maybe 200-300,000 followers will go with him, bringing in Twitter sales. It's all about money and business.

It's not about hosting a hate tweet. A man is trying to play the President of the United States of America. If you think of Donald Trump in the role of Charlie Chaplin's Great Dictator, which was shot about Hitler, the protagonists Hister and Marshal Hering have found their reincarnation in Trump. Twitter leads the broken clown at the nose ring through the arena. And that's right, and that's a good thing.

The police officer, who is now accused of 3rd-degree murder, is a product of Trump and his politics. 

Derek Chauvin is the figure of the spawn of this American policy that has brought Donald Trump like a harmful virus over the country. Even worse than Corona can ever be.


Only this time no disinfectant will help, but only the systematic legal reappraisal of a corrupt class, which the USA wanted to "react" to. Now, you could read yesterday that Trump intends to let vicious dogs off the leash and use terrible weapons. The only vicious dog is himself and the yes-man pack surrounding him. Trump instead went to the rocket launch of SpaceX than to take care of the problems in his country. He's a bad actor with bad hair and the pronunciation of a pubescent boor.

He is not the President America deserves. Trump is the cause of all the evils, the race riots and the most significant domestic political crisis of his term of office and many years before. It is reminiscent of the 1960s in Detroit when the streets burned when people would not stop fighting for their rights.

The world should join in John Brown's song and side with those to whom the US-Constitution enshrined the pursuit of happiness as a fundamental right. The great Abraham Lincoln fought for this, and he would only be ashamed of Trump's creature.



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