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The American Election 2020 (1)

Donald Trump - a disgrace to humanity


MAGA "Make America Great Again" was the motto of the psychopath driven by political and confused hallucinations who for years led the white, racist America. In contempt for humanity, which at the end of the Covid-19 genocide, Trump worked just for his re-election, could only disgust a normal person. But Trump was known for his failures decades earlier. Everyone who voted for him knew what a narcissist he was. 





By U.S. Government - https://www.whitehouse.gov/featured-videos/video/2017/01/20/inauguration-45th-president-united-states, Public Domain,  


Already at his inauguration he saw what others did not see. His magnificence, framed by the Ku Klux Klan, went down in the history books in Washington. The speech itself was the weakest that was made in modern times. None of the promises were fulfilled by Trump. 








Trump even danced on stage during the election campaign, thousands of Americans were fighting for survival against the epidemic at that time. Humility did not suit him, but he chose the dance of the devil on the graves of the Covid-19 victims.  Victims who, through his unconditional will to be re-elected, had to give their lives. This was well known to the right-wing financial anarchist from the White House. 




An American president who should be held responsible for every dead person. Later in court. The American people must and should hold a dictator to account. They must stop the next despot, from the right or the left, from trampling democracy underfoot, as Trump did in all his political ugliness and disinformation. In fact, he did nothing else, except for the tirades on Twitter and the puppet theatre that gathered around the American autocrat.


He was always great, always to be found in the superlatives of his achievements. None of his deeds during his term of office could achieve anything. Except the rift through American society, which will not heal for decades. 


100% Kona Coffee




Trump hated Obama and everything that Obama had certainly done right in his time. The would-be dictator could not understand environmental and climate goals. He isolated America all over the world for a few more dollars, installed guys like Grenell in Germany, for example, who cynically presented American politics. 




A president who wants to break with the custom of taking power peacefully because anything that does not confirm his election must be fake. 


He made America small. Donald Trump managed to destroy the American dream. Of course, he did this not because he is simply a self-promoter and a right-wing hate criminal who never distanced himself from right-wing paramilitaries, but because it served him and his ailing companies. Trump was not the one who invented democracy, but the one who wanted to erase it from the American minds. 


The relationship with some dictators in this world improved, regardless of whether Trump was now perceived as repulsive by his other allies. NATO, an alliance that had lasted for decades, had become a carcass in recent years.


He wanted to exchange Puerto Rico for Greenland after a hate speech. Or sell it or buy it in addition. 


Some of what Trump said filled democrats of all nations with increasing nausea. 


The disdainful mammon


Money meant everything to Trump. In his day, financial interest was put above human rights. He caused millions of Americans to starve. His bizarre appearances in front of the White House and elsewhere were often reminiscent of those of a military junta in Latin American countries where civil war had broken out in the 1970s as a result of the despots of the time. Trump also promoted this in his country. Not tired of comparing his racist achievements with Lincoln's abolition of slavery, of classifying his dirty, perverted imagination as incomparably higher and of looking for a suitable rock on Mount Rushmore for himself to sculpt. He would have liked best to remove those that actually belonged to Rushmore. Trump certainly does not belong in the ranks of those who had to see the polarizing despot as their successor. He dismantled everything and led the USA as a Mafia family. 





The Cosa Nostra from Trump-Plaza and its Don


Anyone who elects Trump to office for another four years will have to accept that he will undermine democracy in the United States and vote for a lifetime dictatorship of the Trump clan. 


Donald Trump has proved in recent years as president that he is neither up to the job nor capable of understanding the simplest facts. He befriended dictators like the North Korean Kim Jong-un, a show without results. 



Trump cultivated a radical hatred of everything he was intellectually unable to process. And there was a lot of that. He, Donald John Trump, is responsible for the fact that the antifa and the radical left in the USA became so strong. With his stupid speeches, with his decrees via Twitter and his dance around the fountain of money. 


One cannot deny that Trump put the worst qualities a person can have at the top of his list of priorities. Out of sheer stupidity and greed, Trump decided to glorify Covid-19 against all warnings of a harmless cold. 


He wanted to build a wall against illegal refugees in the south of the USA to stop the storm. He did this not for political reasons, but for profit for one of his bankrupt companies, and for this he imprisoned children with publicity.



A commercial for Trump's Eternity, which he used in a kind of republican fascism. 


Part 2 : The difference between "Sleepy Joe" and Trump


The awful clown: Kung Flu happened in Tulsa

  • Published in USA

More like a lying, lame duck

In front of partly empty seats, Donald Trump put together his tasteless Tulsa show. There, wherein 1921 round 300 people died in racial riots, racist Trump started his ridiculous election campaign. 

Scapegoats must be sought and found

He, the dictator of the USA, had a bad week. John Bolton is allowed to launch The Room Where It Happened on Tuesday. A judge had to rule on the start of the sale. A niece of Trump wants to score with the memories of the terribly nice family. The Trumps.

The Flodders would be really nice.

The despot, who did not say a word in Tulsa about the grievances in the USA, complaints against any publications.

George Floyd seems to be a hallucination of the Democrats. Trump didn't even mention him in his confusing speech. His deputy, Mike Pence, seemed like a ridiculous lackey who praised his boss like a pop star, but unfortunately forgot that the assembled could be infected by COVID-19, who chanted stereotypical sayings of Trump's campaign team with hoarse voices. Surrounded by MAGA singing, which came over like a dance around the golden calf, the US despot then stepped up to the podium.

An old, evil man.

Trump had learned from his former brother in the spirit, of Kim Jong-un, another cheeseburger lover and dictator, to applaud his person as he had done in the Pyongyang Politburo.

With an evil grin and a little stupid, without any real knowledge base, Trump then presented his political fairy tales, his alleged successes.  One of the strange stories was the abolition of the police in the USA by a Biden government.

Kung Flu 

The speech could only disgust a normal person.

Kung Flu was just about on Trump's level when he puzzled the SARS COVID-19 virus. He had still not understood the danger of the disease. He obviously lacked the intelligence to do so. Hurried again against the fake press, which he called the most dishonest people. He seemed to be his own propaganda minister, who had been looking for the victim before the comments about the pathetic speech. In the middle of the speech, Trump praised himself once again, what a handsome guy he was, his voice reminded of past despots.

He lied once again, claiming that he had greeted 600 times military, and at one of the last appearances the corpulent liar seemed weak. In a complete loss of reality, he then promised the best financial year in the history of the USA. Trump called the Boeing President, a son of a bitch. And presented himself as the hero of his own Air Force One on the loo. After that Germany got its fat off, Trump tried once again to extort money from Germany's NATO contribution.  Like an evil clown with the same mug, living and thriving in his own world, he tried to open a debt account that probably only he can understand. Like the soul of a shopkeeper, he opened the bill of the last 30 years and said Angela Merkel would be nice but would pay billions to Russia for the energy supply. 
After further side blows on the democrats followed his GRÖTAZ (Biggest Trump of all times) slogans, in which he pretended to have absolutely unrealistic economic data.

He liked to hear himself speak, the applause was restrained, which followed at the end of the bad Trump performance. How much he, the worst president of the USA since the foundation of the state, slandered his generals, he himself pretended: He claimed that Democrats would punish churchgoers in the future, but not those who set fire to churches.

The conflagration in society was caused by Trump himself. 


US military base Ramstein must be at disposal

Nobody wants the troops of a sick psychopath who lives on blackmail and stupidity


The friendship between the political USA and its Berlin counterpart has been cracking for many years. At the latest since right-wing populist Donald Trump pulled strings in Washington.

We need to talk about the military base at Ramstein.

It is about time.

And one must not mince matters.

Not only is the base an imposition for the population through the noise, exhaust fumes and environmental pollution, the airport, built in 1951, was built during the occupation. Within a European defence alliance, Germany is undoubtedly in a position to defend itself against whomever. But the enemies of the sociopath Donald Trump cannot be the enemies of the Federal Republic. The war against Iran is an American war, like Iraq, like Vietnam and countless others. Next one is North Korea.

As he lied to the audience during his campaign show, he wants to "make America great again", but please not at the expense of peace and the civilian population of another country. 

"America first," Trump should feel every day.

Trump must be punished in every way. Every day. He is the guarantor of war.


First, who wants Trump in the country? He must understand that he and his doctrine are unwanted in the world.

Trump is not only forcing the dictatorship in his own country, but he needs the war against Iran to be able to abolish democracy in the USA.

Nobody is sure whether drones, which could even carry nuclear weapons, can be launched from Ramstein towards Iran, contrary to Obama's promise.

In the event of a possible military conflict, Iran would positively not bat an eyelid to attack the base with medium and long-range missiles. It would affect Germany. Trump is demanding more money for NATO in his arrogant way, without brains. He would not care about the deaths of tens of thousands of German civilians if only he would be re-elected.

One thing is sure, Trump and his Adlatus Pompeo will use every opportunity to wage war, to stay in power.

Therefore Ramstein must finally be consigned to history, and the withdrawal of the Americans from Germany must be decided.

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