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A journey to the culinary delights of Thailand
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A journey to the culinary delights of Thailand Featured

A journey to the culinary delights of Thailand Octopus in spicy sauce with fresh herbs, kasaan media, 2019

On the culinary path to Laos

It's the little friends that make a trip worthwhile. To discover what others never see. You can tell about these pleasures later at home. In Asia there are many places where you can discover things that are closed to the ordinary European. Here are the sensual delights of what is available as food in the countless small markets and mini-restaurants. Bold are the sauces and the soups, in hot yet sweet spices.



58584e5e ec56 4ba1 b810 affa45587384


Fish soup with herbs and pepperoni, sweet and sour, kasaan media, 2019




af83747f 13dd 441d b47f ccf01d1867dc


Octopus in spicy sauce with fresh herbs, kasaan media, 2019



68163330 e8bd 49b5 a89d 80e68e4a7b2e


Fried chicken in spicy breading, kasaan media, 2019


13f259d8 ef58 4476 b532 df9af820d377


Fried fish sweet-sour with different sauce (Attention: extremely hot!), kasaan media, 2019


46d34d97 3e8d 4a23 83c7 911e5f2e1769


 King prawns for 100 Bath, kasaan media, 2019


55d1bedb ce4d 43eb a75e 3d55b3d4b2f1


Stuffed dumplings, kasaan media, 2019


3d8b3122 cde0 4e43 8e6d 421be24047fe


Kebabs with meat and fish, kasaan media, 2019




Last modified onMonday, 19 July 2021 14:03


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