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Helga Mergelsberg and options trading

  • Published in Crime

The Deadliest Catch

On 28 February 1994, water police forces recovered a female body from the Rhine near Oestrich-Winkel, river Main in Hesse. Well packed in a black travel bag, strapped with a SCUBAPRO diving belt and weighted down with 2.5 kg lead weights each.

 SCUBAPRO Diving Belt, Police Hesse


 Weights 2.5 kg Police Hesse


The face of the dead was disfigured beyond recognition. For the next few years, it remained unclear who's corpse it was. Until March 2003, all attempts to identify the unknown were unsuccessful. Then the woman was then identified as Helga Mergelsberg after a facial soft tissue reconstruction. It was assumed that she and her husband, who had since been sought with an international arrest warrant, had "disappeared" in January 1994. It was not so.

Helga Mergelsberg, born on 30.03.1938, was registered at the time of her death in 64839 Münster, district Darmstadt-Dieburg.

 Helga Mergelsberg, Police Hesse


Heinz Horst Mergelsberg had gone underground, and between 27 and 31 January 1994 he was last seen again in a hotel in the Cologne area under the false name "Heinz Wergers", then again in connection with the Düsseldorf company New York Broker Deutschland, which also went bankrupt a few years later. If the information is correct! After that, the trail of the smart investment broker who used options on precious metals and derivatives to fleece his clientele's lost, vanished. The total damage of approximately DM 17 million, at that time, was only the peak of the Iceberg. Mergelsberg was so smart to do twice as good business with his company (MOT) Main Option Trading, which also traded on the DTB (Deutsche Termin Börse). Serious estimates put the total damage at well over DM 30 million.


New muscular friends from Russia


As if from papers that leaked to the press at the beginning of the millennium in connection with another investment firm as a source, partner Jürgen Hock had resigned because he did not trust Mergelsberg. Even Jürgen Hock had got into considerable difficulties and, according to his statements, was kidnapped by unknown persons, under the force of arms, to recover the investment.

There had been Russian bodyguards in the industry and they were extremely unpleasant.

Mergelsberg also succeeded in putting further brokers and table sellers under pressure. Later table salesmen from Mergelsberg moved from Frankfurt to Düsseldorf or immediately to Malaga.

A neat villa in Stresemannstraße in Frankfurt the company was integrated into the options trading of those days. Three cars, including the Mazda X sports car and a Terrano, were owned by the outwardly successful broker. His wife and he had spent a holiday in the USA over Christmas 1993/94.



The Grim Reaper for the grey market brokers came at that time



As early as 1999, documents appeared in Baden that pointed to Mergelsberg's business, which was not business. He had looted the accounts and even owed his contributions to the pope of all option traders, the German Futures Trading Association (DTV).

For years Mergelsberg had contact with Dieter Breitkreuz, who died in a plane crash in 2004. Breitkreuz, head of Phoenix Kapitaldienst since 1977, as being active in the same business area as Mergelsberg, who has been missing since January 1994. Breitkreuz crashed under unexplained circumstances, 2004, on a golf course with a small plane. The gangsters helped each other in the days of 1993.

He also served the brokers, who passed the money directly to Refco. At Refco, which went bankrupt with 165 billion US$, the current right-wing populist Nigel Farage worked at that time. Through Man Financial in Sugar Square or AMT in London, the money was laundered as white as it would not have been possible with the best washing powder.

About numerous business friends of Mergelsberg, facts were revealed in these days, which the broker who worked for Frankfurt Airport in civilian life was not happy to hear.

Whether Mergelsberg is still alive at all cannot be answered. He had the best connections to Latin America, as well as many of the grey market traders who were from Marbella and South America. Wergers, however, was still a Term, years after Mergelsberg was supposed to have gone underground. A trail of the man with the French country estate led to India and there it silted up in Goa. A mistress was also quoted, which probably did not exist.

At some point, all anyone knew was that he had broken away. Some suspected that he had got with the wrong people and found a wet grave with his wife. Probably Mergelsberg died a short time later. There were men after him who came from the former Soviet Union. This story was told at least in the WTG companies, at the beginning of the millennium.

Tonight Mergelsberg is wanted in connection with the death of his wife on file number xy ungelöst. (German Crime Watch)

The public prosecutor's office in Darmstadt, therefore, has the following questions for the audience:


Who killed Helga Mergelsberg?

Who had contacts with Heinz Horst Mergelsberg or a person who appeared under the name of Heinz Wergers from the end of January 1994 onwards?

Who knows his current whereabouts?

In 1994, the accused was about 1.86 meters tall and slim. He had brown eyes and a strikingly forward-leaning posture. This posture is due to an illness and is likely to have worsened over the years. Heinz Horst Mergelsberg wore glasses and occasionally wore a full beard. A striking feature was a birthmark in the neck, about 5 to 6 centimetres in size.

Please send information to the criminal investigation department in Darmstadt, Hessen

Crime Squad 10,

Telephone number +49 6151 969 0



Further unsuccessful search for the identity of the Isdal woman (1)

  • Published in Crime

Incredible tracks

In times of fake news, we want to make our journal more transparent.


First of all, it is our research; we have the copyright on everything we present here. Two Norwegian female journalists from a BBC forum had protested against this, because the conspiracy theories, which in this case of the Isdal woman are circulating everywhere, were more important to them than reality, which probably looks much more modest than the conspiracy theorists imagine. We have read the most absurd stories in forums.

We cannot understand why the BBC was looking in Belgium. The editors will have had their reasons to search in Belgium with colleagues from the NOK for documentation.

The Isdal woman is one of our hobbies, and usually, we only report on our successes, but when we have made a step forward, a new article is published. This time, although we only found "dead ends" in our rather extensive research. We had 40 theories about who the Isdal woman might have been, which we will present in the next articles.

We are not working on this fascinating reportage because we think that the perpetrator or perpetrators should be punished. Only the judiciary is entitled to demand this.

In Norway, the statute of limitations is extended.

We believe that every person has the right to have a name on their gravestone. It has to do with human dignity. Also, the mystery of the Isdal woman is one of the most compelling criminal cases ever revealed.

This time we want to list the individual work steps that did not get us anywhere. There are three of us, sometimes four of us, on the ball.

Already at the end of 2017, we slowly began to research the identity of the Isdal woman.

Later we learned from the isotope analysis from 2017 and the resulting

Conclusions that the Isdal woman must have been in the border area between France and Germany before her death. The isotope analysis showed that she must have been in the space between Pirmasens and Bitche, the former fortress town, in France. At least that is what the diagram of the university in Canberra showed, which carried out the isotope analysis.






But we were surprised that no one missed the Isdal woman. Publicly accessible missing-persons files led nowhere. The woman must, therefore, have come from abroad, even though she must have lived in Nuremberg during her childhood.


So the trail led us to Bitche in Lorraine. We were more interested in establishing the identity of the woman. Very close by was Pirmasens, at that time, in 1970, the German shoe production mecca, where many Yugoslavian guest workers travelled. It could be true because surely such a guest worker could not be reported missing. Perhaps she had also come with her parents to Germany. Or because it was cheaper to live in those days into France. The analysis also referred to Serbia, so the possibility was not far-fetched.




Bitche in Lorraine, kasaan media, 2018

After the hype caused by the BBC series 2014 the interest in the probably most mysterious murder case of Norway decreased quickly.

Many private people are still speculating, here and there an article appears about the mysterious woman, who is called Isdalskvinnen in Norwegian.

What we know is little. What goes beyond the known facts: Certainly, the woman did not set herself on fire. With a large hematoma in the neck, a rather complicated task. It was no longer possible with the tablets taken.


The Fenemal (phenobarbital) brand of sleeping tablets probably originated in the United Kingdom, as the pharmaceuticals were not marketed in Norway at the time. It is also not possible that she took the pills voluntarily. This issue was already established by the then investigators in the matter, as well by the investigating prosecutor Carl Halvor Aas. The police investigator, after later information from his he was severely handicapped in his work. Although the investigation wasn't finished yet, he was supposed to write a final report. The research was systematically obstructed by whomever, allegedly in this case the Norwegian military intelligence.

As with the suitcases, which the military intelligence service had already searched, when the ordinary police were still investigating for evidence at the place where the strange woman was found. Or the story of the boots that led two investigating authorities, independently of each other, to Rolf Rørtvedt's father's shoe shop in Stavanger.


What did the Norwegian secret service know about this woman, apart from posthumous interpretations? How was the military research in Bergen spied out at the time? The meeting between the Palestinians in Oslo was a possible motive. Possible Mossad operatives, who should then have selected targets.


Yes, and who travels through Europe under so many false names: Claudia Tielt, Vera Jarle, Elisabeth Leenhouwer, Geneviève Lancier, Claudia Nielsen, Alexia Zarna-Merchez: the passports are said to have poorly been forged. Alexia Zarna-Merchez supposedly came from Laibach in former Yugoslavia. At that time, people in Norway believed so.




We turned to the found matchbox of the Beate Uhse Versand.  

There were thousands of packages in the days, everywhere, even at railway stations, in the then DSG (Deutsche Schlafwagen- und Speisewagengesellschaft) restaurants. She could have taken the box with her at any place on her journey. Even on the train, she could still have acquired these matches. In the bar. It only proved that she had the box, and that proved nothing. With Beate Uhse Versand, there was also the slight possibility, which was purely hypothetical, that she had had a package sent to her by Beate Uhse to a German address. We rejected the idea because we had no other point of reference to her permanent residence in Germany. Beate Uhse Versand would also have no more records of possible delivery. It's just been too long and where should you look for the delivery address? And the deceased had nothing else of Beate Uhse with her, according to the list of evidence, which the Norwegian police made after finding the suitcases in the station. More on this in a later article.

Strangely enough, some of the evidence in the suitcase from the Isdal woman was already missing. As well as her bizarre behaviour in the last hotel, where she moved furniture and asked for another room. The systematic Caesar code with which she described her travels was surprising, but even that would not have been the task of an agent alone, which was attributed to her based on the many false passports. Also, all the labels in her luggage were missing.

But with the help of many small clues, the trail led us into the former Yugoslavia. To Maribor, to be precise. Because Tito was not an orphan boy, as one generally assumes today. There were murder squads, also in connection with dissidents from Yugoslavia in the Federal Republic, and numerous murders. Tito sent a murder squad to Munich as early as 1968 when three exiled Croats were hit.


Maribor 2019, dram/mcvth, kasaan media, 2019

Even in 1968, there was a report about an extremely mysterious murder in the Yugoslavia Express, which probably also belonged to the deeds of the Yugoslavian perpetrators and could never be solved.



Next part: The track leads to Maribor

Maybe hell starts right next to the Vatican - the case of Emanuela Orlandi

  • Published in Crime

The story of Emanuela Orlandi sounds like a crook story from the Vatican. 

And she comes from a place that seems like a dictatorship, if you look at the structure of the Vatican.

The Roman Catholic Church has been following a course for decades that, as in any dictatorship, only supplies the top of the food chain. Water is preached and wine is drunk.

Now the church in Rome is a 2000-year-old ship that is difficult to steer in another direction.

But what happened in the case of Emanuela Orlandi is indicative of the criticism that keeps hitting the Vatican.

One might assume that God's representatives on earth are diligent not only to impart the faith, but also to live according to God's commandments.

Yes, the church has skeletons in its closet.

The mysterious disappearance of the then 15-year-old girl in 1983 has been one of the most hotly debated criminal cases in the Italian Republic for 36 years.

One thinks of the other right-wing clubs that could form in the Vatican's bacon belt.

Not only was the morality of theology lost through the fall of Emanuela Orlandi, but the foundations of the Church in Rome were also shaken. It is obvious that the Vatican knows more about the case of Orlandi and that of Mirella Gregori, who was missing a few weeks earlier.

On several occasions, coffins were opened in investigations conducted rather carelessly by the Vatican authorities. Mortal remains of Emanuela Orlandi were not found at any of the openings.

One preferred to pray rather than investigate.

The Vatican did everything possible to cover up the case. Which does not reflect well on the popes since. The brother, of the missing girl has been looking for 36 years, never gave up searching for his sister. Even an Italian examining magistrate, who was by no means one of the sellers of early fake news, thought that Orlandi, who was once seen again in a BMW after the crime, was in the clutches of secret services of the former Warsaw Pact.

It was a Cold War era.

Until now, however, it has not been clarified whether the two girls knew each other. Emanuela was a Vatican citizen, which did not prevent the Vatican from doing nothing but pious sayings on the matter. It is not enough even for the Church to say that "Emanuela is in heaven", said Pope Francis a few months ago.

Especially since it was clear initially that mafia-like structures within the church were to be covered, which extended as far as the scandal banker Roberto Calvi, who had been found hanged under a bridge in London in 1982, and who had excellent relations with the head of the Vatican Bank, Paul Marcinkus, and who had served him in the management of the phantom banks in the Bahamas for many years. Marcinkus was a professional in laying fake tracks that led nowhere.

Mirella Gregori disappeared not far away, under almost the same circumstances as Emanuela Orlandi. Since then, there have been countless rumours. One thought Emanuela was in a monastery in Belgium, then again in Turkey or Iraq.

The girl could not be considered as blackmailing goods for the papal offender either.

So, where are the girls who were apparently kidnapped in connection with the circumstances of the Vatican Bank.

There were countless leads in this case, including Opus Dei, the dreaded secret lodge of the Vatican, the Mafia and a gang operating in Rome, which at the time was making the streets of the Italian capital unsafe.

Similarly, the Bulgarian Secret Service was suspected because of the papal assassin Mehmet Ali Ağca, who carried out an assassination attempt on the newly elected John Paul II in St. Peter's Square in early 1981. The assassin had already murdered the editor-in-chief of the Turkish newspaper Milliyet, Abdi Ipekçi, in his radical right-wing views. This circumstance was completely lost in the investigation.

In addition, a committee of inquiry of the Italian parliament found out that Ali A?ca, who gave contradictory information about his motive, was arrested at the behest of the then CPSU chairman Brezhnev, with the help of the GRU, its East German counterpart Stasi and the Bulgarian Intelligence. Shortly after the mysterious death of Pope John Paul I, the first rumours of a connection to the then unbalanced Vatican Bank emerged.



YouTube video

Monstrous scandal

John Paul I. was already found dead in mysterious circumstances and the voices never wanted to silence that the pontiff was murdered. Here, too, traces of the Vatican's dirty money transactions have been found in connection with the drug mafia and Paul Macinkus. Macinkus is said to have given the order, according to a witness from the 1980s, Emanuela Orlandi. Whether this happened because of the Vatican banking business or because the girl was involved in sex parties cannot be traced any more. Witnesses testified immediately after the young woman's disappearance that she was taken to a vehicle. Macinkus, one of the puppet masters in the Vatican, died in the USA in 2006. He was never brought to justice.

It was only later that documents in the form of a 14-year statement of account from 1983-1997, which testified to costs of about 250,000 euros for the disappeared Emanuela, appeared in a vault in the Vatican.

At first, it was not clear whether these documents were not a fake for money laundering or a complete forgery, but the accounts speak a language of their own, with 25,000 euros allegedly referring to the "final act", the death of the girl.

Only after this time did the Vatican reluctantly want to start an investigation into the girl, who has now been missing for more than 36 years. There is no interest in this. In these days another grave is to be opened at the German cemetery in Rome, where the girl is suspected. It will again be a gruelling wrong track, suspect journalists who have been observing events in Rome for years.

The Vatican must first prove its truthfulness and reveal the girl's story before the parties involved remain silent for further decades.

In the streets of St.Georg

  • Published in Crime


Rosa's death 



Photograph / LKA HH

The case of Maria Ngui shocks beyond all measure, the misery around Hansaplatz in Hamburg and the prostitution associated with it has been horrifying for decades again and again.



First, it is most disturbing that a woman comes to Germany illegally, living in a small room with an acquaintance, to pursue prostitution to finance her life in Spain.


It  affects the human suffering of the African woman.

Second, this killer has not committed such an act for the first time. 

Are there several perpetrators who have excellent local knowledge?

What happened on August 1, 2017, around 2 pm in the surroundings of Hansa Platz?

The last place where Maria Ngui was seen was the Hansa Platz, direction Bremer Reihe.  


Here again the course of the crime from the viewpoint of the investigators at the German Police file "xy unknown":

Ms Ngui was last seen in the Bremer Reihe on August 1, 2017, at around 2 pm, probably in the company of her murderer, who was carrying a transparent plastic bag with VHS video cassettes.

This previously unknown person, who, according to the police file, wore blue outdoor clothing and headgear, is said to have been a 50 to  55-year-old man who visited Maria Ngui as a client. Only a little later, drifters on the banks of the river Elbe discovered the first body parts.

Between the first and second week of August 2017, parts of Maria Ngui's body, packed in blue garbage bags, appeared in distant places in the waters around Hamburg.

The homicide squad hopes for clues to the location of the body parts in the suburbs of Billbrook, Winterhude, Rothenburgsort and Horn.

The TV program also dealt with the fact that in the evening two witnesses saw a vehicle and at the Wittenberge pier suspicious noises during the night, possibly related to the crime, which came from the perpetrator when he let body parts, slide into the Elbe, which were later washed up.

The witnesses noticed that a white van with a windowless loading area stood in an adjacent parking lot.

It is unlikely that the perpetrator or perpetrators dismembered the body unseen in the van, if this white van, designated by the police, was part of the crime in the first place and not just parked there.

The police assume that the perpetrator has anatomical knowledge and explained that the dismemberment of the body might have lasted several hours. Ngui, who came from Equatorial Guinea, had black dreadlocks, a large tattoo on her right lower leg and at the time of her mysterious disappearance she was dressed in a colourful dress, as well as red-and-white-striped sweaters and flip-flops. She was carrying a brown handbag.

Photograph / LKA HH

Who can provide information about the crime or observations related to the environment in St. Georg that could be in connection to the crime?

It would also be conceivable that the perpetrator has already attempted such a crime before. Who can provide information on this?

For information leading to the clarification of the offence and the investigation or apprehension of the perpetrator, the Hamburg public prosecutor's office will grant a reward in the amount of

5000 Euro (in words: five thousand Euro).

The reward is intended exclusively for private individuals and not for civil servants whose professional duties include the prosecution of criminal offences.

Relevant information can be obtained from all police stations, from the Hamburg police hotline on +49 40 / 4286 56789 or from

State Criminal Police Office 41

Homicide -

Bruno-Georges-Platz 1, 22297 Hamburg

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