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What happened on December 6, 1984, on the way to the state farm Unango?

Lourenço Marques (Maputo)/ Cape Town )


1979 Treacherous brother kiss between Samora Machel and Erich Honecker


It is the year 1984.

The prehistory to the attack on the GDR development helpers of the socialist state farm Unango was long and owed to the crisis in southern Africa since the independence of numerous states from colonial rule in the 1960s and 1970s, which also resulted from the block thinking of the African states and the Cold War.


Ultimately, this lack of transparency by the new masters in African governments led to the devastating terrorist attack at Unango. The endless civil war, Apartheid and the slow collapse of the Comecon economic system also created a situation in which the attack on the GDR   development workers was never resolved.

Maybe the involved countries didn't want to solve the crime either.

Such a starting point was the calculation of the former Minister for State Security, Erich Mielke, in Berlin.

An admission of the socialist state, which was in chaos, into the then economic union of the Eastern Bloc Comecon was rejected by its members, Mozambique turned away from its alleged brother states already in the mid-1980s.


Erich Mielke

From Federal Archives, Picture 183-R0522-177 / CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 deLink

A very bad guy: Erich Mielke, Minister for State Security in East Berlin

Even at that time, secret negotiations were underway with South Africa, which was interested in removing Mozambique from the list of front states against the Apartheid State of Pretoria. Thus, as early as March 1984, a real politic treaty was signed between Mozambique and South Africa at Nkomati Bridge.

From Federal Archives, Picture 183-1983-0303-423 / CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 deLink



Samora Moises Machel with friends when they were still friends Margot Honecker, then wife of the dictator Erich Honecker

Mielke could not like that: The corrupt Samora Machel moved behind the front line and cashed in on both sides. Thus, Mielke conducted foreign policy with his Stasi apparatus. And yes, actually Honecker was no longer the first man in the state, but Erich Mielke.


Terror simply swept under the table

It sounds like a grotesque reference to the international community.

One of the most serious terrorist attacks against Germans remained completely without consequences for the perpetrators, who were not to be found in Mozambique but in the former GDR, due to the Cold War and the fall of the Berlin Wall.

The once so good relationship between the respective leaders of their states Erich Honecker and Samora Machel had been clouded for months. 

Since 1979, many ships had left the legendary Delagoa Bay. Mielke wanted to sell weapons through the KoKo and no longer import coffee from Mozambique. He preferred to take it from West-Germany.

Mozambique, on the other hand, was once again approaching South Africa after years of the bush war. A consensus was needed and the socialist leadership in Maputo sought a balance with Pretoria. Mielke could not like that.

Eight Germans were murdered just like that.

But who murdered Wolfgang Smardz, Uwe Wriedt, Günter Skibbe, Manfred Lindner, Klaus Einecke, Helmut Liepe, Hans-Dieter Wagner, Jürgen Michel, the Yugoslavian development aid worker Branko Vujovic and who injured Klaus Pohl so badly in the long stretched curve in the bushland?

It was December 6, 1984, on a dusty African dirt road leading to the fields of the state farm. About 45 men, partly armed with bazookas and MPs, sneaked to the track under the protection of the surrounding bushes.

Another 10 kilometres to Unango, the convoy came to a standstill. Shortly afterwards, the assailants approached the Multicar from behind and executed the victims with targeted shots to the head. Three are found in front of the truck, four in the truck. One of the development workers was seriously injured, he died shortly afterwards. The Yugoslavian is also dead. One of the development helpers survives, but even he could not contribute much to the enlightenment.


The perpetrators escaped unrecognised within minutes, the guard fled to the other side of the slope, Mielke in East Berlin raged.

Whilst the decades passed by this history was completely forgotten, the attack faded out.

After the reunification of Germany, the case was again taken up by the public prosecutor's office in Gera and finally handed over to the visibly uninterested authority in Maputo in 2009.

Smokescreens in the bush

The "truth" rewritten by the Ministry for State Security and the alleged mastermind of the attack, Erich Mielke, was used to describe gangs that at that time were caught between the lines of the Mozambique civil war, who were identified as the perpetrators. None of the alleged gang members could ever be located. There were arms dealers, mercenaries and desperados who sought their fortune between the lines.

The incompetent regime of Samora Machel was a great help to them, endless strikes kept the socialist version of Mozambique in suspense. Nothing worked anymore. Also, several hundred trucks from the GDR, which had already been delivered and were intended for the deal between the GDR and Mozambique, rusted in the ports.

The reflection within the socialist brother states of the Cold War was one of the greatest disasters.

To cultivate agricultural land outside of the GDR to harvest tropical fruits and coffee and to provide development aid to the Mozambicans, who were plagued by civil war, through about 100 reconstruction workers was within the framework of the possibilities of the former GDR.

This socialist fraternal support for the FRELIMO regime by the then ruler Samora Machel ended in death for one Yugoslavian and eight German reconstruction workers.

Simple, they were murdered.

While the GDR still existed, no reconnaissance activities were developed.

Samora Machel hamba khale (Walk safely)

Mozambique also got into considerable, further difficulties after the death of the "revolutionary leader" Samora Machel.

The already curious crash of the Tupolev Tu-134A-3 over Lebombobergen, South Africa, near Komatipoort, in October 1986, exposed even the international investigation commission to countless puzzles arising from the facts of the crash.

Margo Commission 

During his lifetime Machel had maintained a corrupt and perfidious regime that turned to either side if it only served to maintain the diminish power. The RENAMO supported by South Africa was no better.

Machel's death left a political vacuum in that it was also very difficult for the South African judge Cecil Margo to determine what had happened when the crash occurred. In this environment, the clarification of the death of the GDR citizens was quickly forgotten.

The state GDR, a militarily active band of robbers

As early as July 1984 there were rumours that the GDR had entered into a political and military engagement in Angola to obtain important foreign exchange through the international diamond trade. Mielke also sensed a profitable arms business in Mozambique, even if the desired development boost did not come from Mozambique, as the GDR leadership expressed itself after the attack. Mielke spoke of "capitulatory behaviour of the Mozambican forces" 

2.Part Traces to the Oranje Vrystaat

Pieter Willem Botha
From How is like Suid-Africa 1963 - Morne
https://af.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%AAer:PW_Botha_1962.jpg, public domain, link





Walled in - the fate of Hadj Mohammed Mesfewi

History repeats itself again and again.

The world has already looked with disgust at Muslim punishment rituals that have provoked international protests. Few did anything about it.

The IS, which can no longer be surpassed in cruelty, will remain a phenomenon of its time.


In our history, today, we write the year 1906.

The Algeciras Conference was a few weeks ago; German foreign policy had been in a state of flux after the first Moroccan crisis to the diplomatic position-one in Hotel "Reina Christina" in the Andalusian port city. On April 7th, after countless rounds of negotiations in the intimate circle of the colonial masters, the document was signed.



But there was still the story of a shoemaker from Morocco, which dominated the news these days. Not because Mesfewi should have murdered 36 women, but because of the following judgement, which caused real storms of protest in the public world. So much so that the Sultan who ruled Morocco in those days had to bow to international pressure.

Mesfewi was a murderer, that was and is undisputed. Only a few contemporary documents have been preserved. But how the Moroccan judiciary of the time came to the confession, the attentive modern could think about, was not discussed.

By torture, of course.

Mesfewi had lured women into the deadly trap for years with the same trick, inviting them to dinner, poisoning them with a narcotic and robbing the almost comatose victim, then mutilating her - probably assisted by a 70-year-old woman, about whose fate little is known.


The corpses were later buried at his small shoe shop, other victims on a property belonging to his family. His deeds were committed out of greed.

Moroccans -today- are very buttoned up when asked about the cobbler and the public letter-writer when Mesfewi was still acting before his conviction.

The Times And Democrat correspondent wrote on June 28th, 1906, when the gruesome game was over, about the complications that the execution method had caused.


Numerous correspondents of those days reported about the gruesome ritual by which the delinquent was kept continuously alive so that he was able to receive the further blows the next day. He was rubbed with oil and vinegar. That's how it went for a month. Meanwhile, there were considerations in Moroccan domestic politics to refrain from the crucifixion sentence.


Instead, one was not too pity to stand in front of the almost hysterical people who had gathered at the execution site of Mr Mesfewi. To wall in the murderous contemporary. He could not sit down, could not stand, and was walled in to starve and die of thirst. Weakened by the agony of the whip lashes, which had already been reduced to give a spectacle to the shouting and screaming crowd, he disappeared in the dark. The executioner brought him bread and water, then Mesfewi was left to his fate.

For two days, one could still hear screams from the dark, bricked hole. Whimpering for mercy, then the delinquent died a painful death.

According to the understanding at the time, justice had been done. The crowd seemed disappointed that the killer's fate had been sealed.

Afghanistan money scam

Gold found in the mountains of the Hindu Kush

At the moment the "John Miller Trick" is spreading like a virus through the internet again. Well known, but readers are still falling for this advance scam. There is no John Miller, probably it is a call center or internet café in Romania, who writes such a story.

John Miller is an old acquaintance who is always spreading the story of the treasure in the Hindu Kush.

The best thing is to throw the mail into the electronic wastebasket. Quickly, without no delay.

This is the original text, probably transferred directly from a translation program.

"Please spare your time in this matter

I'm John Miller, currently with the US Army. As an American Major I was delegated to Afghanistan because of the war/terrorism.

I have been in Afghanistan for some time.

I have decided to contact you because of my personal interest, from which you will also benefit. I choose to trust my life's fortune in your hands. At the moment I am in a position of 12 million US dollars. During one of our operations in Afghanistan, I and my team discovered some abandoned treasures. (Raw gold, stones, etc.) In fact, I and my comrades divided these boxes by vote. When I came home and opened my own box, I discovered that it contained cash of $12 million. Since then, I've been depositing that box in a security company. Although the security company doesn't know the real contents of my box anyway, I'm still worried about repositioning this box because of my constant dreams etc. I felt more comfortable and relaxed every time I remembered your name. However, I have decided to take the risk of keeping this money with you until I retire from my military service. We'll talk terms soon, as I have your answer. Please respond to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. I remain John Miller"

Wicked telephone terror via +49 17963911634 and +49 17963921634

It always follows the same pattern

A mobile phone number rings. This time the 01738989936, one of many numbers calling these days. You can't reach the phone because you are busy and when it's your turn, they usually hang up. If you call back, it means no answer at this number.

Now, with Christmas coming up, the calls are starting to pile up. Also from Senegal and Ivory Coast.

But if there is someone on the other end of the line who speaks a little German, things get going quickly. Cold calling, forbidden in Germany. The perpetrators feel safe because they have their bases abroad in semi-silent call centres. The unknown perpetrators want to entice the victims to buy something or make donations before Christmas.

It's just the account number of the person called, nothing else. They want the best a person can give, money. So the philosophy of the crooks. As long as annoy and threaten until the desired data is released. If the called party does not immediately follow the call guide, the callers will very quickly become very rough. You should simply hang up, block the number and do the same for further calls. Even if the Balkan mafia threatens if you do not conclude an electricity contract. Or sex contacts are arranged. Others pretend to be employees of vodafon or employees of authorities that do not exist. Most of these calls come from Morocco or Tunisia.

The telephone chips of the providers are reprogrammed and the number is issued as a mobile phone number that does not exist. The telephone companies are powerless against such company constructs. The calls are extremely annoying, because they come in frequency with ever changing numbers. You should not buy anything in these phone calls. The same games of chance or vouchers are offered again and again. Those who do not do as they are told are verbally submissive. Astronomical profits are promised, which of course do not exist. Lock offers made, only to find out the IBAN in order to receive a direct debit mandate later. In addition, some of the callers who communicate with poor German try to sell subscriptions. The tricks are always the same, an acquaintance would have recommended the person called, the lottery company, the neighbour, the woman on the third floor. None of that is true. Or the collection service calls and invents a claim.

The collection calls come from Romania, Turkey and even Nigeria. Day and night. For some smartphones there is an app that filters out such calls. It's called Call Blocker.

The slimmed down version, which is available as freeware, can hardly handle the frequently changing numbers.

All that remains is to hang up and lock the phone.

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