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25 years after Srebrenica - the victims are unforgotten


It was a harsh but fair judgment against the Devils General.

The verdict was passed and for the former Serbian General Ratko Mladić it symbolically means the death penalty.

Many of the victims wanted him to hang. The civilization that sentenced him forbids this forever.


He was removed from the courtroom by the presiding judge after a tantrum at the moment of the sentencing.

A prison sentence, even at his age, was justified.


Ratko Mladić is too old to see freedom again. He is 78.


Karadzic's henchman Ratko Mladić, once general of the Serbian army, was sentenced shortly before in The Hague by his earthly judge.

He was led into an adjoining room where he could follow his sentence on a sofa for which the world had waited 22 years.  


Ratko Mladić shone with inhumane, particularly reprehensible behaviour through the genocide of the "non-Serbian" population under "Directive 7", which he had to implement in Belgrade in the 1990s for his boss Slobodan Milosevic.

The result was the worst genocide since the Second World War. Mladić did not fail to use cruel killing and torture, and his army used rape as a weapon.


Ratko Mladić was the most fearsome butcher in the Balkans, who was also accused of taking UN peacekeepers, who were completely overwhelmed by the case at the time, hostage to his aggressive and expansionist policies.


In false camaraderie he was seen by many Serbs as a national hero. For him, war was the total annihilation and extermination of entire ethnic groups. To fight the dirtiest war, he went to the mountains above Sarajevo.

Place near Sarajevo just before the war, kasaan media, 2020


The stations of his bloody craft are many: e.g.: Gorazde, 1994. He was responsible for the three-year siege and starvation of the former Olympic city Sarajevo. More than 10,000 people gave their lives, among others by snipers.



In Srebrenica, 1995, he kept people like animals in a concentration camp and executed children.


He created a bloodbath that the world only hesitantly understood, people were kept behind barbed wire, emaciated to the bone. From then on, evil had a name. Many of the mass graves have yet to be found.


On his more than ten-year escape from the International Criminal Court, he danced at many weddings protected by old cliques in the Serbian military apparatus.
Unfortunately the case did not end there, it was certain that Mladić appealed against the verdict. Years later the verdict was confirmed.


The victims are unforgotten and also the helplessness of the international community of states at that time. 





End of war in Europe 75 years ago - rarest clips from the stock of the allies

When the international community had stormed Nazi Germany, the extent of the crimes of the Hitler clique gradually became apparent. A German Reich no longer existed, at best in ruins where corpses were piled up. No matter by whom. In death, everyone was equal. In historiography, the little man was forgotten, and entire libraries were filled with Hitler's end. The same goes for Goebbels and the rest of the confused despot's ugly entourage.

Many say it must be good to remember that. No, I can't do that. One cannot remember often enough the atrocities of the Nazis after the surrender.

Notably, in times when right-wing extremist forces are using the same words as Goebbels or Hitler to cultivate hatred in Germany again.

National Socialism is one of the most repulsive forms of human perversion. Jodl's capitulation in Rheims was only the logical conclusion to Hitler's 12 years of National Socialism.

What he left behind, also for the Germans, 75 years ago, is symbolic of what is also in store for the intellectual co-step walkers of the year 2020—suffering, grief, expulsion, injustice and death.

At that time, millions of people were affected daily by death, destruction and homelessness. People who did not fit into the world view of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi sect. This would be repeated. Inevitably.

Because nothing has changed in the idea of Nazism.

We also have the pictures of those who wandered the streets of Germany, the prisoners of war, the forced labourers, the former concentration camp prisoners, the mothers with their children, Hitler's Youth children, who Hitler sent to war out of cowardice in the face of his fate. It was the end of national perversions, unfortunately not the end of nationalist ideas.

When one sees these pictures, one considers the fate of those who were the real losers of Hitler's idea.

The pictures are from the fund of the 

British Pathé

British Pathé








Today 75 years ago, the Buchenwald concentration camp was liberated.

Indescribable horror was revealed to the soldiers who invaded the camp. 

Those who cannot understand the horror should not deny it. 

What happened at the site near Weimar was part of the greatest crime in human history. 

Let us remember the victims of National Socialism. Resist the beginnings!




The access road to the crematorium, kasaan media, 2020



Retained buildings of the former disinfection and effects chamber, kasaan media, 2020


Information sign, kasaan media, 2020


Entrance gate with the cynical saying: Jedem das Seine, kasaan media, 2020



View of the site, kasaan media, 2020


Nearly 36 years ago

What would actually be rather uninteresting today was highly interesting in these days of autumn 1982. The photographer shot a whole slide film at this place of events in the Bergisches Land in Germany.

The truck had probably tipped over on slippery frost. It took hours to put the damaged car back together. Today the pictures are a testimony of that time, which has long passed. What happened to the driver, we cannot say. His fate was not recorded in the slide show.  

Lorry accident 1982/83, kasaan media, 2020

 Lorry accident 1982/83, kasaan media, 2020  Lorry accident 1982/83, kasaan media, 2020  Lorry accident 1982/83, kasaan media, 2020    Lorry accident 1982/83, kasaan media, 2020 Lorry accident 1982/83, kasaan media, 2020  Lorry accident 1982/83, kasaan media, 2020


Back in the summer of 1955

Still dreaming



Something extraordinary for the new year. A journey through time of the remarkable kind. It is the year 1955, or more precisely the summer of 1955, when Cornelia (Conny) Froboess toothed the German hit of the years "Pack die Badehose ein". Aunt Erna, already known to us, took it literally, took her partner and a couple of friends and drove to the Côte d'Azur.

Then on to the Italian Riviera.



Segeln 1954, Berlin Wannsee, kasaan media, 2019


Sailing 1954, Berlin Wannsee, kasaan media, 2019 

Aunt Erna probably had enough of the Wannsee bath and the sailing boat from the war years in Berlin. One year after the events in Berne, winning the World Cup they went to South of France. There are also pictures from Austria that month. Probably in June 1955, because from July 1, 1955, the black license plates became invalid. Today you have to be astonished because the journey across the Alps required courage. The roads were not as developed as decades later. They went via Austria with the camping trailer over the Alps to Italy. In this camping trailer was everything you needed for a holiday at that time. It was the longing of those days, also due to the music of the time, for palm trees and Bella Italia. For warmth and southern flair. Afterwards, one wanted to go to the coast to Monaco and further on to a camping site that was located near Mandelieu-la-Napoule. Along the Massif de l'Esterel. The Berliners photographed even rocks because they were so strange for them in those days.  







Irgendwo in Tirol, kasaan media, 2019

Somewhere in Tyrol, kasaan media, 2019 


Büssing in Nauders in Österreich, kasaan media, 2019


Büssing in Nauders in Austria, kasaan media, 2019


Hoch in den Alpen 1955, kasaan media, 2019



In the Alps 1955, kasaan media, 2019 

In den Alpen Österreichs, kasaan media, 2019


In the Alps in Austria, kasaan media, 2019


Turm im See 1955, kasaan media, 2019


Tower in the Sea, 1955, kasaan media, 2019 

It was undoubtedly the reward for the lean years that the National Socialist dictatorship under Hitler had also left behind in Germany. The Nazi era had also demanded unprecedented sacrifices from the Germans. The Airlift period, as well as the division of the city, had taken a further toll. What has survived are pictures that are 65 years old, which are no longer perfect, but reflect the colour of the time.  Many things can no longer be reconstructed on the Agfa's, but they still show the joy of those who at that time went on the much longed-for holidays to the south.
It was long before mass tourism, just with a trailer and VW Beetle convertible. 
The publisher prohibits reprinting without express permission. The pictures are from private property and should only serve the pleasure of the readers. 

 Ungewohnte Umgebung, kasaan media, 2019


Unusual environment, kasaan media, 2019 


Abends in Südfrankreich 1955, kasaan media,2019


Evening in the South of France 1955, kasaan media,2019 


Camping anno dazumal, 1955, kasaan media, 2019


Camping in the old days, 1955, kasaan media, 2019 


Der erste Kaffee unter Palmen, kasaan media, 2019

The first coffee under palm trees, kasaan media, 2019 

Auf dem Campingplatz in Südfrankreich, kasaan media, 2019

At the camp site in the south of France, kasaan media, 2019 


Das Zelt,kasaan media, 2019


The Tent, kasaan media, 2019 


Bei Mandelieu la Napoule, 1955, kasaan media, 2019


Close to Mandelieu la Napoule, 1955, kasaan media, 2019


Straßenszenen in Bella Italia 1955, kasaan media, 2019


Bella Italia 1955, kasaan media, 2019 

Straße in San Remo 1955, kasaan media, 2019


Streets in San Remo 1955, kasaan media, 2019


Strada, 1955, kasaan media, 2019

Strada, 1955, kasaan media, 2019

Sonnenanbeterin,kasaan media, 2019


Sunbather, kasaan media, 2019

San Remo 1955, kasaan media, 2019


San Remo 1955, kasaan media, 2019

Markttag 1955, kasaan media, 2019

At the market 1955, kasaan media, 2019

Markt in Italien anno 1955, kasaan media, 2019

Market in Italien 1955, kasaan media, 2019 

Grazien unter Palmen anno 1955, kasaan media, 2019

Graces under palm trees 1955, kasaan media, 2019

Das Meer 1955 , kasaan media, 2019

The Seaside 1955, kasaan media, 2019


An der Promenade 1955, kasaan media, 2019

Promenade 1955, kasaan media, 2019 


Am Strand in Italien, 1955, kasaan media, 2019


Beach in Italy, 1955, kasaan media, 2019 


Bella, bella Italia, kasaan media, 2019

Bella, bella Italia, kasaan media, 2019 


News from D B Cooper

Now it's supposed to be over, or maybe not. At least the FBI explained that the case has now been moved to the archives since the perpetrator probably can't be caught anymore.

Can you believe it?


U.S. Federal Government - U.S. Federal Government FBI wanted poster for D. B. Cooper

America's most mysterious hijacking continues.

On the contrary: A whole series of "self-accusers" and a crude mixture of agent stories (If it was nobody, it was the CIA) accompany the still unsolved hijacking case of a 1971 North West Airlines plane from Portland, Oregon.

Remember, a man who called himself D Cooper, who later became DB Cooper for investigative reasons, hijacked an airliner on the eve of Thanksgiving 1971 from Portland to Seattle.

As if that weren't enough, he demanded from his comfortable seat, over gin without ice, showing the horrified stewardess a series of cables and red poles in a standard briefcase, US$200,000 and, believe it or not, four parachutes.

The US authorities, shaken by numerous Cuba hijackings in the days, supplied the US$200,000 demanded by Cooper and the parachutes, the plane was refuelled, and Cooper pretended to want to flee to Mexico. The hostages were released, no one was hurt, and the aircraft turned back around.

The Boing 727, which had a rear stairway, then offered the man, who jumped from about 3000 meters into the forests above the Columbia River, the perfect environment to escape the long arm of justice finally. He disappeared in his tailor-made suit through the "back door" of Boing 727, which had this staircase as a feature.

Years later, in 1980, a boy playing on the said Columbia River found US$5,800 from the naturally registered ransom in the sand of the dam. None of the remaining money turned up.
Now a young woman claims that the mysterious DB Cooper was her uncle, an award-winning paratrooper in the Korean War, who was commissioned by the CIA to arrange the kidnapping.
A certain similarity with the FBI wanted poster and the recordings of the uncle from those days cannot be denied.
However, why would the CIA have commissioned such a grotesque aircraft hijacking? Besides, why would the CIA still have parts of the ransom money buried at the site of the Columbia River?
DB Cooper, who is still wanted by the FBI, mutates more and more in the countless stories into a phantom, who after more than 40 years finally vanishes in the jungle of assumptions and rumours.
History is amusing in any case.




When Saint Petersburg was called Leningrad - 1970 (1)

Today the Soviet Union is forgotten, a terrible construct from history. From this time originate the photographs, which are certainly a rarity and are otherwise only usually preserved in the form of postcards. These recordings have been post-processed and were preserved as slides on Orwo negatives.

In these days there was the supposedly so happy Soviet man, who strolled along the magnificent boulevards of the capital of the revolution of 1917. Nobody was really happy in the Communism experiment, but the culture was abundantly provided for.


Leningrad was a city rich in history. To each era. Leningrad has always been a place of culture and international understanding, whether during the time of the tsar or the communists.



Library Saltykov-Shchedrin Leningrad, 1970, kasaan media, 2020


Tavritchesky Palace, Leningrad 1970, kasaan media, 2019

And a city with countless problems. The pollution of the environment reached extraordinary levels. There was more and more resistance against the all-powerful Communistic Party.


Finland Leningrad Station,1970, kasaan media, 2020

Much of the cultural heritage had been destroyed during the siege of the German Wehrmacht in 1941.

Now, 30 years after the war, when these pictures were taken, the shock of what had happened in the more than 1000-day blockade of Leningrad was still deep. The generation of those who had experienced the days of famine kept the memory of the Great Patriotic War alive.

Battlecruiser Aurora, Leningrad 1970, kasaan media, 2020


The all-determining personality cult around Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, called Lenin, took on grotesque characteristics.

Like a fetish, the places of activity that had led to the Russian Revolution were presented.

As in every dictatorship, the heroic deeds of the Russian Revolution were fed by rumours and

Legends that had undoubtedly led to another totalitarian state, the Soviet Union. Lenin was certainly not the saviour who freed the people of Saint Petersburg from bondage, as it was called at the time of the Tsar. On the contrary.


Study-Lenins, kasaan media, 2020


The ordinary Soviet man lived in fear and in long queues due to the supply shortages in the country. The then ruling Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, who ruled with a form of concrete-head communism, was never able to get food shortages under control. Only the Politburo and the functionaries were living in havoc.


 Anitschkow Bridge, 1970, kasaan media, 2020


The Borgward Isabella TS


When Borgward still existed


In the 1950s, the Isabella TS was one of the most advanced vehicles produced by Carl Borgward's carmakers in Bremen-Sebaldsbrück.
These were the days when German automotive art was reinventing itself.


The four-cylinder in-line engine was economical, and the car accelerated to an impressive 135 km per hour in 1958. It produced 60 hp at 4,700 pm.


Borgward Isabella TS, 1958, kasaan media, 2018
Borgward Isabella TS, 1958, kasaan media, 2018



Surprisingly, the car, which at the time cost around DM 7,265 (3,719 euros), was sold more than 200,000 times. It was a bestseller of the Borgward works, which was declared bankrupt some years later under the most dubious circumstances despite a plus on the balance sheet. Mercedes-Benz wanted to oust an unpopular competitor from the market. There are still countless legends surrounding the end of one of the most innovative car manufacturing plants in German post-war history. The Borgward-, Lloyd- und Goliath-GmbH (Carl F. W. Borgward G. m. b. H. Automobil- und Motoren-Werke, main plant in Bremen-Sebaldsbrück) was sent to the settlement in the summer of 1961 after an opaque manoeuvre; loan negotiations had held with the Bremen Senate.



For the people of Bremen, who at the time had around 20,000 employees in the Borgward plant, who then lost their jobs due to the critical reporting, which from today's perspective was probably bought, turned the situation into a fiasco.
The cars were technically superior to the Mercedes-Benz models of the time and could not surpass in form and beauty.


The bankruptcy trustee, Johannes Semler, who had been appointed by the Bremen Senate, had also served on the supervisory board of BMW since 1960.
Carl Borgward did not survive the injustice for long, and he died in 1963. His cars, like the Isabella, remained unrivalled and outlived their producers by decades in the thousands.



1970 in Greece


It was the time of the crude military regime, the so-called Obrist government in Athens, led by a narcissistic colonel Georgios Papadopoulos. With the help of the USA, a small clique had put itself in power.


With the Greeks, the system was called only the junta (Η Χούντα). Greece did not come to rest. Two decades had passed since the civil war, which had demanded a high toll of blood. Not to mention World War II, in which Greece suffered under Nazi occupation.


Basīdsch-e Mostażʿafīn, Tehran hostage-taking
Gr_Korinth_Channel from K._1970, kasaan media, 2020


Communists had nothing to laugh. While the regime of the colonels in the 1970s; they were systematically persecuted and sent in camps. Intellectuals who rebelled against the dictatorship were murdered. The stories of the survivors speak of torture and hunger and thirst. It was only a German journalist, Fred Ihrt, who flew over Gyaros and brought pictures with him, who triggered the international protest.



The pressure on the right-wing junta bore fruit; many prisoners were freed in the following month. Mikis Theodorakis is one of those who fought against the dictatorship in Greece and rightfully became a hero of two generations.
Many Greeks left the country as guest workers for other European countries and went into exile.


Basīdsch-e Mostażʿafīn, Tehran hostage-taking
Gr_Katara-Pass_1970, kasaan media, 2020



Other Europeans formed travel groups who travelled through Greece in buses, with camping trailers (Rotel). Probably they did not understand the drama of the situation at that time. Otherwise, this trips to ancient sites in times cannot be explained today.


Basīdsch-e Mostażʿafīn, Tehran hostage-taking
Gr_Meteora_1970_nn, kasaan media, 2020





Basīdsch-e Mostażʿafīn, Tehran hostage-taking
Gr_Meteora_1970_nn, kasaan media, 2020





Basīdsch-e Mostażʿafīn, Tehran hostage-taking
Gr_Meteora-_1970_nn, kasaan media, 2020


From this time, these photos are preserved, which show a seemingly untouched holiday country. Greece was not yet developed as a tourist destination, only islands, and this meant Crete and Corfu.


Basīdsch-e Mostażʿafīn, Tehran hostage-taking
Gr_Kenchräa_1970, kasaan media, 2020


Most of the time, these vehicles travelled via the former Yugoslavia, to later make a kind of round trip to the most beautiful places in Greece.


Basīdsch-e Mostażʿafīn, Tehran hostage-taking
State road between Drama and Kavalaclose to Lydia, 1970, kasaan media, 2020



Basīdsch-e Mostażʿafīn, Tehran hostage-taking
Gr_Philippi_1970_nn, kasaan media, 2020


The village life of the people in Greece was at that time animated by an unbelievable hardness. In the cities, the general motorization and gradual technological development began, which first affected Athens and then Thessaloniki.


Basīdsch-e Mostażʿafīn, Tehran hostage-taking
Gr_Thessaloniki_1970_nn (2), kasaan media, 2020





What happened on December 6, 1984, on the way to the state farm Unango?

Lourenço Marques (Maputo)/ Cape Town )


1979 Treacherous brother kiss between Samora Machel and Erich Honecker


It is the year 1984.

The prehistory to the attack on the GDR development helpers of the socialist state farm Unango was long and owed to the crisis in southern Africa since the independence of numerous states from colonial rule in the 1960s and 1970s, which also resulted from the block thinking of the African states and the Cold War.


Ultimately, this lack of transparency by the new masters in African governments led to the devastating terrorist attack at Unango. The endless civil war, Apartheid and the slow collapse of the Comecon economic system also created a situation in which the attack on the GDR   development workers was never resolved.

Maybe the involved countries didn't want to solve the crime either.

Such a starting point was the calculation of the former Minister for State Security, Erich Mielke, in Berlin.

An admission of the socialist state, which was in chaos, into the then economic union of the Eastern Bloc Comecon was rejected by its members, Mozambique turned away from its alleged brother states already in the mid-1980s.


Erich Mielke

From Federal Archives, Picture 183-R0522-177 / CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 deLink

A very bad guy: Erich Mielke, Minister for State Security in East Berlin

Even at that time, secret negotiations were underway with South Africa, which was interested in removing Mozambique from the list of front states against the Apartheid State of Pretoria. Thus, as early as March 1984, a real politic treaty was signed between Mozambique and South Africa at Nkomati Bridge.

From Federal Archives, Picture 183-1983-0303-423 / CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 deLink



Samora Moises Machel with friends when they were still friends Margot Honecker, then wife of the dictator Erich Honecker

Mielke could not like that: The corrupt Samora Machel moved behind the front line and cashed in on both sides. Thus, Mielke conducted foreign policy with his Stasi apparatus. And yes, actually Honecker was no longer the first man in the state, but Erich Mielke.


Terror simply swept under the table

It sounds like a grotesque reference to the international community.

One of the most serious terrorist attacks against Germans remained completely without consequences for the perpetrators, who were not to be found in Mozambique but in the former GDR, due to the Cold War and the fall of the Berlin Wall.

The once so good relationship between the respective leaders of their states Erich Honecker and Samora Machel had been clouded for months. 

Since 1979, many ships had left the legendary Delagoa Bay. Mielke wanted to sell weapons through the KoKo and no longer import coffee from Mozambique. He preferred to take it from West-Germany.

Mozambique, on the other hand, was once again approaching South Africa after years of the bush war. A consensus was needed and the socialist leadership in Maputo sought a balance with Pretoria. Mielke could not like that.

Eight Germans were murdered just like that.

But who murdered Wolfgang Smardz, Uwe Wriedt, Günter Skibbe, Manfred Lindner, Klaus Einecke, Helmut Liepe, Hans-Dieter Wagner, Jürgen Michel, the Yugoslavian development aid worker Branko Vujovic and who injured Klaus Pohl so badly in the long stretched curve in the bushland?

It was December 6, 1984, on a dusty African dirt road leading to the fields of the state farm. About 45 men, partly armed with bazookas and MPs, sneaked to the track under the protection of the surrounding bushes.

Another 10 kilometres to Unango, the convoy came to a standstill. Shortly afterwards, the assailants approached the Multicar from behind and executed the victims with targeted shots to the head. Three are found in front of the truck, four in the truck. One of the development workers was seriously injured, he died shortly afterwards. The Yugoslavian is also dead. One of the development helpers survives, but even he could not contribute much to the enlightenment.


The perpetrators escaped unrecognised within minutes, the guard fled to the other side of the slope, Mielke in East Berlin raged.

Whilst the decades passed by this history was completely forgotten, the attack faded out.

After the reunification of Germany, the case was again taken up by the public prosecutor's office in Gera and finally handed over to the visibly uninterested authority in Maputo in 2009.

Smokescreens in the bush

The "truth" rewritten by the Ministry for State Security and the alleged mastermind of the attack, Erich Mielke, was used to describe gangs that at that time were caught between the lines of the Mozambique civil war, who were identified as the perpetrators. None of the alleged gang members could ever be located. There were arms dealers, mercenaries and desperados who sought their fortune between the lines.

The incompetent regime of Samora Machel was a great help to them, endless strikes kept the socialist version of Mozambique in suspense. Nothing worked anymore. Also, several hundred trucks from the GDR, which had already been delivered and were intended for the deal between the GDR and Mozambique, rusted in the ports.

The reflection within the socialist brother states of the Cold War was one of the greatest disasters.

To cultivate agricultural land outside of the GDR to harvest tropical fruits and coffee and to provide development aid to the Mozambicans, who were plagued by civil war, through about 100 reconstruction workers was within the framework of the possibilities of the former GDR.

This socialist fraternal support for the FRELIMO regime by the then ruler Samora Machel ended in death for one Yugoslavian and eight German reconstruction workers.

Simple, they were murdered.

While the GDR still existed, no reconnaissance activities were developed.

Samora Machel hamba khale (Walk safely)

Mozambique also got into considerable, further difficulties after the death of the "revolutionary leader" Samora Machel.

The already curious crash of the Tupolev Tu-134A-3 over Lebombobergen, South Africa, near Komatipoort, in October 1986, exposed even the international investigation commission to countless puzzles arising from the facts of the crash.

Margo Commission 

During his lifetime Machel had maintained a corrupt and perfidious regime that turned to either side if it only served to maintain the diminish power. The RENAMO supported by South Africa was no better.

Machel's death left a political vacuum in that it was also very difficult for the South African judge Cecil Margo to determine what had happened when the crash occurred. In this environment, the clarification of the death of the GDR citizens was quickly forgotten.

The state GDR, a militarily active band of robbers

As early as July 1984 there were rumours that the GDR had entered into a political and military engagement in Angola to obtain important foreign exchange through the international diamond trade. Mielke also sensed a profitable arms business in Mozambique, even if the desired development boost did not come from Mozambique, as the GDR leadership expressed itself after the attack. Mielke spoke of "capitulatory behaviour of the Mozambican forces" 

2.Part Traces to the Oranje Vrystaat

Pieter Willem Botha
From How is like Suid-Africa 1963 - Morne
https://af.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%AAer:PW_Botha_1962.jpg, public domain, link





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