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Back in the summer of 1955 Featured

Back in the summer of 1955 VW Beetle, 1955, kasaan media, 2018

Still dreaming



Something extraordinary for the new year. A journey through time of the remarkable kind. It is the year 1955, or more precisely the summer of 1955, when Cornelia (Conny) Froboess toothed the German hit of the years "Pack die Badehose ein". Aunt Erna, already known to us, took it literally, took her partner and a couple of friends and drove to the Côte d'Azur.

Then on to the Italian Riviera.



Segeln 1954, Berlin Wannsee, kasaan media, 2019


Sailing 1954, Berlin Wannsee, kasaan media, 2019 

Aunt Erna probably had enough of the Wannsee bath and the sailing boat from the war years in Berlin. One year after the events in Berne, winning the World Cup they went to South of France. There are also pictures from Austria that month. Probably in June 1955, because from July 1, 1955, the black license plates became invalid. Today you have to be astonished because the journey across the Alps required courage. The roads were not as developed as decades later. They went via Austria with the camping trailer over the Alps to Italy. In this camping trailer was everything you needed for a holiday at that time. It was the longing of those days, also due to the music of the time, for palm trees and Bella Italia. For warmth and southern flair. Afterwards, one wanted to go to the coast to Monaco and further on to a camping site that was located near Mandelieu-la-Napoule. Along the Massif de l'Esterel. The Berliners photographed even rocks because they were so strange for them in those days.  







Irgendwo in Tirol, kasaan media, 2019

Somewhere in Tyrol, kasaan media, 2019 


Büssing in Nauders in Österreich, kasaan media, 2019


Büssing in Nauders in Austria, kasaan media, 2019


Hoch in den Alpen 1955, kasaan media, 2019



In the Alps 1955, kasaan media, 2019 

In den Alpen Österreichs, kasaan media, 2019


In the Alps in Austria, kasaan media, 2019


Turm im See 1955, kasaan media, 2019


Tower in the Sea, 1955, kasaan media, 2019 

It was undoubtedly the reward for the lean years that the National Socialist dictatorship under Hitler had also left behind in Germany. The Nazi era had also demanded unprecedented sacrifices from the Germans. The Airlift period, as well as the division of the city, had taken a further toll. What has survived are pictures that are 65 years old, which are no longer perfect, but reflect the colour of the time.  Many things can no longer be reconstructed on the Agfa's, but they still show the joy of those who at that time went on the much longed-for holidays to the south.
It was long before mass tourism, just with a trailer and VW Beetle convertible. 
The publisher prohibits reprinting without express permission. The pictures are from private property and should only serve the pleasure of the readers. 

 Ungewohnte Umgebung, kasaan media, 2019


Unusual environment, kasaan media, 2019 


Abends in Südfrankreich 1955, kasaan media,2019


Evening in the South of France 1955, kasaan media,2019 


Camping anno dazumal, 1955, kasaan media, 2019


Camping in the old days, 1955, kasaan media, 2019 


Der erste Kaffee unter Palmen, kasaan media, 2019

The first coffee under palm trees, kasaan media, 2019 

Auf dem Campingplatz in Südfrankreich, kasaan media, 2019

At the camp site in the south of France, kasaan media, 2019 


Das Zelt,kasaan media, 2019


The Tent, kasaan media, 2019 


Bei Mandelieu la Napoule, 1955, kasaan media, 2019


Close to Mandelieu la Napoule, 1955, kasaan media, 2019


Straßenszenen in Bella Italia 1955, kasaan media, 2019


Bella Italia 1955, kasaan media, 2019 

Straße in San Remo 1955, kasaan media, 2019


Streets in San Remo 1955, kasaan media, 2019


Strada, 1955, kasaan media, 2019

Strada, 1955, kasaan media, 2019

Sonnenanbeterin,kasaan media, 2019


Sunbather, kasaan media, 2019

San Remo 1955, kasaan media, 2019


San Remo 1955, kasaan media, 2019

Markttag 1955, kasaan media, 2019

At the market 1955, kasaan media, 2019

Markt in Italien anno 1955, kasaan media, 2019

Market in Italien 1955, kasaan media, 2019 

Grazien unter Palmen anno 1955, kasaan media, 2019

Graces under palm trees 1955, kasaan media, 2019

Das Meer 1955 , kasaan media, 2019

The Seaside 1955, kasaan media, 2019


An der Promenade 1955, kasaan media, 2019

Promenade 1955, kasaan media, 2019 


Am Strand in Italien, 1955, kasaan media, 2019


Beach in Italy, 1955, kasaan media, 2019 


Bella, bella Italia, kasaan media, 2019

Bella, bella Italia, kasaan media, 2019 

Last modified onSunday, 24 May 2020 12:44


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