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The Dream of the Circle of Life: Antarctica, 2108 (11. edition as an eBook)

Easter Special


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The Dream of the Circle of Life: Antarctica, 2108  (11. edition as eBook)

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Rev. Ashii Ashii- funny enough-the First Bank of Nigeria is in Bejing

A disgrace for the People's Republic of China

"Corona Bandits"

Incredible but true.  Chinese offenders use the Bank of Nigeria during the Corona crisis to do their dark business. 
Here, the alleged Pastor Ashi, who always refers to his Christian faith, tenders millions as compensation for whatever, offered by the Central Bank of Nigeria.  Millions of these emails come into the mailboxes today. The English is extremely bad and the story behind it is crazy. Probably the perpetrators are trying to get hold of personal information for other crimes.

Don't answer, move the email into the electronic trash bin provided. 

Here two of the mails:  

35 Marina P. O. Box 5216,


This letter is written to you in order to change your life from today. I am Rev. ASHII A the Director, International Remittance Department of this Bank,my Boss, Mr. Jacobs Mr.Ajekigbe, the
Managing Director/CEO of this bank is now on compulsory leave and all power have been vested on me to make all international payments.Also, due to reported cases of corrupt practices in
other Nigeria Banks including the Central Bank of Nigeria, the Federal Government has revoked/cancelled all power vested on those banks and has appointed our bank (First Bank of Nigeria) to make all foreign payments.Be informed that the Federal Government have approved the release of part-payment of$7.5M(Seven Millon Five Hundred Thousand Dollars) out of your total funds, which has been in this bank for many years unclaimed because my boss Mr. Jacobs Ajekigbe, elaboration with the Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) have refused to tell you the truth on how to claim your fund this is because he has been
using the interest accumulated from your fund every year to enrich himself without your knowledge,I want to help you pull out this fund to your bank account using the easiest and the quickest method, which have not been made known to you before. By this method, you will open a domiciliary account with this bank (First Bank of Nigeria),your fund would be lodged into this domiciliary account and your fund will be paid in directly to any bank of your choice.

After the transfer, you will confirm the fund in your bank account within 5hours the same day. No Cost of Transfer (COT) and no stoppage from any Government departments as the transfer will be done within the bank alone and it is very safe.The method which was introduced to you before is the Telegraphic Transfer (TT) for which confirmation was 48hrs, because of the time factor, petitions could come from various organizations stopping your payment and asking you to pay a huge fee which would be difficult for you to pay so that they can benefit from the huge interest your fund generates while still in the Bank.

This method is not safe for you because it is not done within the bank alone as information of the payment would be sent to the Central Control Unit (CCU) of the Federal Ministry of Finance
and office of the Accountant General of the Federation.As a good Christian, I have nothing to gain by keeping your fund, I want to assist you receive your fund before my boss resumes
office. You have to follow up and work with me now, so keep this very confidential because of fraudsters and impostors who go about presenting various bank accounts in order to divert another beneficiary's fund.your present/valid account co-ordinates and amount to be claimed so that I do not transfer your fund to the wrong Bank Account Awaiting your quick me REPLY TO This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Yours truly,
Rev. Ashii Ashii



Dear Beloved Beneficiary

CONTACT EMAIL:CONTACT EMAIL: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dear Beloved Beneficiary  

This letter is written to inform you the reason behind your delay payment. I am Rev,Ashii Ashii the Director, International Remittance Department of this Bank,my Formal Boss,Mr.Jacobs M.Ajekigbe,the Managing Director/CEO of this bank is now on compulsory leave and all power have been vested on me to make all international payments.Also,due to reported cases of corrupt practices in other Nigeria Banks including the Central Bank of Nigeria, the Federal Government has revoked/canceled all power vested on those banks and has appointed our bank (First Bank of Nigeria) to make all foreign payments.Be informed that the Federal Government have approved the release of part-payment of$7.5M(Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars) out of your total funds,which has been in this bank for many years unclaimed because Mr.Jacobs Ajekigbe, Collaborated with the Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)and have refused to tell you the truth on how to claim your fund this is because he has been using the interest accumulated f

After the transfer,you will confirm the fund in your bank account within 5hours the same day.No Cost of Transfer (COT) and no stoppage from any Government departments as the transfer will be done within the bank alone and it is very safe.The method which was introduced to you before is the Telegraphic Transfer (TT) for which confirmation was 48hrs,because of the time factor,petitions could come from various organizations stopping your payment and asking you to pay huge fee which would be difficult for you to pay so that they can benefit from the huge interest your fund generates while still in the Bank.

This method is not safe for you because it is not done within the bank alone as information of the payment would be sent to the Central Control Unit (CCU) of the Federal Ministry of Finance and office of the Accountant General of the Federation.As a good Christian, I have nothing to gain by keeping your fund,I want to assist you receive your fund Before it accumulate Dumurrage.You have to follow up and work with me now.

Ensure that you keep this very confidential because of fraudsters and impostors who go about presenting various bank accounts in order to divert another beneficiary's fund.

your advise to reconfirm the following details below to us with valid account co-ordinates and amount to be claimed.

Note your transfer code is FBXNZ7XX5M you must keep it confidential to avoid intruder or claim by anyone so that I do not transfer your
fund to the wrong Bank Account.

1.Account Holders Name..........
2.Bank Name.............
3.Bank Address.........
4.Home Address.........
5.Swift Code..........
6.Your Contact Cell Phone......
9.A Copy of your id

Finally i ask for your mutual understanding and cooperation to serve you

Yours truly,

Rev,Ashii Ashii
First Bank Nigeria Plc.
CONTACT EMAIL:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A planet called Corona

  • Published in World


The crisis around the globe

The Corona crisis has affected the whole world.

In many places, public life has come to a complete standstill. One wonders how it could have come to this. It seems that civilisation has lost sight of its goals. Fear of contracting the virus is everywhere. For the most part, the security measures of the respective local authorities are being observed. On the Norwegian peninsula of Frosta, the epicentre in Norway, the numbers are falling due to the lockdown. On a small scale, it gives hope for the world. 


In Trumpistan

Trump is mobbing the big US car manufacturers with his ideas of what they should or shouldn't produce. He literally "screams" on Twitter. As the serious-looking warlord in a designer suit. It shows again that he is incapable of dealing with the crisis. Money heals everything, thinks the soul-searching Trump and in the afternoon he signs a support program for 2 trillion US $ for the "helicopter economy" of the USA until the elections. Intellectually, he has not understood the real problems at all. But the crisis shows that guys like Trump have outlived their usefulness, not because they didn't really understand the meaning of the crisis, but because these strange characters are still playing with the crisis. Following the crisis as a kind of big event that serves their whims and stupid nationalism. Trump is trying to make his mark with a type of election campaign event. 

Ridiculous is almost the theatre between the United States and China, who accuse each other of being somehow responsible for the pandemic. The US that China tried to cover up the crisis last year. None of this is understandable. On the other hand, an influential functionary is accusing the USA of having brought the disease to the Chinese metropolis of Wuhan. It shows the inability of both states to deal with the real problems of humankind. A scapegoat is sought for the situation. 


Since Trump completely underestimated the situation at the beginning, he now appears even more helpless and aggressive.


The world

In South Africa, a national lockdown began last week, and in India, life has come to a complete standstill.

The pictures and contributions of the beating police in India are unprecedented: 

Elsewhere, in Kenya, the immaturity of the whole system is evident in the crisis:

blockquote class="twitter-tweet">

While in Kenya blacks lynch on each other in a brutal shut down.#CoronaVirusSA#coronavirus#SouthAfricaLockdown
? ? https://t.co/JPBaPtyjH8

— COVID - 19™ (@The_LocalGuy) March 28, 2020

Africa's geographical and infrastructural location could lead to the second wave of corona in Europe. People do not want to think at all about what will happen if the virus breaks out in the refugee camps and is, so to speak, reimported into Europe.


It will undoubtedly lead to a global economic crisis. Anyone can calculate that not entire economies can lie idle for months on end. But shouldn't we see this crisis as an opportunity to change fundamental things? It does not help to put more money into the economy - something has to change in the structure of rich and poor. 


Shocking parallels

In France this week the word of horror from the wartime was circulating. "Triage", it means selection. It's usually used over coffee or something. 


It means nothing more than that the doctors decide who else has a chance of survival. These patients are then helped by modern medicine. The others are released as painlessly and gently as possible into death. The physicians at the University of Tübingen described this as follows: "Dying with opiates and sleeping pills" Terrible to think about the fact that the virus itself can put you in a situation where doctors have to decide whether you are viable. On the battlefield in the medical tents, this may have been the case during the I. and II. On the battlefield in the medical tents during World Wars I and II this may have been a partly inhuman alternative, but not in modern times, in Europe. Now sick people are flown from France to hospitals in Germany. 




Wounded Triage France WWI


Instead casually mentioned this morning in the Federal Republic of Germany is that the Minister of the Chancellery, Braun, has made it clear that the measures will be maintained until 20 April. It is probably better that way, given the exploding infection figures. He'd better think about how the nursing staff will be relieved, instead of the call for collective "gossiping". Not just with money. 


By the way:

"Our solidarity against your isolation."


The left-wing scene does not stop anything from committing further attacks, even during a national crisis.

On the contrary, in some places vehicles have been set on fire, further fuelling fear. The left, like the right violent scene, is a problem that needs to be solved immediately after the crisis, because the violence has reached a level that can no longer be justified. Not violence anyway.

It has long since become impossible to justify the behaviour of the masterminds of these scenes under the guise of fighting against capitalism. Radicals of all stripes can confidently be seen as another virus. 

In Italy, the situation has got entirely out of control. People are already trying to explain why this is the case in Italy.

It was astonishing that one could already read that about 400 people want to sue Tyrol because the virus was transmitted during après-ski in Ischgl. Again a scapegoat is being sought. Germs and bacteria are a general life risk. 



Dead days in St. Pauli 

Stop Reeperbahn, tt/kasaanmedia, 2020


There, where usually thousands of people pass through every hour, there is currently nothing going on.

The Reeperbahn is no longer the centre of the fun; everything is closed. Trains of the Hamburger Hochbahn are parked here, where trains usually arrive and depart every minute. On Facebook, people are made aware that Hamburg's homeless, who typically have their quarters on the Reeperbahn, are in a complicated situation. There is help through private initiatives. The Senate did not want to do anything, as can be seen from another entry.

In difficult times, specific right-wing forces in Germany also look for scapegoats. These time gender studies are being misused for these purposes, as a tweet which the so-called "Union of Values" dropped proves. To stir up hatred against people, to endeavour as subtle as possible, the operators of the right spectrum are perfectly capable.


A dealer in the guise of the good socialist - Nicolás Maduro Moros (1)

  • Published in Crime


Not only since the contacts of the Venezuelan drug cartels started to search for their couriers - so-called Mulas; in the holiday resorts of the Dominican Republic, Maduro and his strange state are at the top of the list of suspects in the international drug business. The regime's advertisers gathered around the hotel complexes in Sosua and Puerto de la Playa. The local authorities reacted with considerable penalties, but are unable to stop the profitable business for couriers to Europe. The ban crate trick had not worked for a long time. Too often, massive quantities had been found in supermarkets, which then, by whatever means, were to be put into circulation in Germany and Europe.

Many a courier also lost their lives; fishers bring the parcels from Latin America to the Caribian Island and improve their meagre existence with each transport with about 10,000 US$. In neighbouring Haiti, drug trafficking is not an urgent problem that the state authorities want to resolve. From Santo Domingo, dozens of planes leave for Europe every day, carrying body packers who have smuggled just enough drugs to make a good cut. Often, parcels are simply smuggled into tourists' luggage, who then unwittingly take the cocaine with them to Europe. There are dozens of these varieties.




Dealer with socialist leanings

Even Maduro's predecessor; Hugo Chávez seemed to have financed his ailing state apparatus through cocaine deals.

Cocaine - this has a long tradition in Venezuela. But the fact that the entire state apparatus has now dedicated itself to dealing the white powder is astonishing. The charges brought against Maduro in New York may well have a political component. Still, even in the years before, the evidence became increasingly clear when it came to the fact that the coke packages that had been washed up on the Canary Islands came from Venezuela. Venezuela was not only a practical transit country for the coke cartels from Colombia but also the entertainer of numerous underground drug markets.

However, there had been indications for years that the Venezuelan state was being transformed into a semi-official drug cartel. The former bus driver Maduro knew something about infrastructure and logistics. Even if not much, but so much that cocaine became the most popular commodity of the Latin American state next to crude oil. Maduro was able to create his mafia. A nation whose content is the state terrorism and was for a long time. The people have been starving for years, while the rulers of the alleged socialist idea live well and enrich themselves wherever possible. Maduro refined the contact to the drug producers, since the death of Chavez and intensified the illegal export of cocaine to numerous international dummy companies. The military in Venezuela has worked for years as the helpful arm of the distribution ring.


Narcosobrinos arrest


Cilia Flores, almost entirely unknown in Europe, was only one manifestation of the drug cartels of the Venezuelan regime. She is the wife of Maduro and the aunt of the two men arrested in New York Effrain Antonio Campo Flores and Franqui Francisco Flores de Freitas who wanted to bring 800 kg of cocaine to the USA in 2015, by whatever means. 


Hugo Chávez y Cilia Flores (cropped)



However, the US Attorney General's indictment reveals a frightening picture: 



Source: Justice Department, USA


Source: Justice Department, USA

Part 2: Depleted banana republic and the underground drug market


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