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Happy Easter from Iceland by the Puffins

On Iceland

As spring moves into the country, it's also time for the colourful, cute puffins to return to the shore and head to the breeding grounds.



Breeding colony, dram/mcvth, 2019 

The cute birds spend the entire winter half-year on the open sea and only come ashore, e.g. to Iceland, to breed. Here, with about 3 million pairs, half of the breeding population can be found, and so the puffin was understandably also chosen as the national bird.

Just like geysers, glaciers and volcanoes, the colourful bird is on every tourist's wish list.

An absolute highlight of an Iceland holiday is standing on the cliffs and watching the lively activity! Unceasingly, animals fly in with a rapid beat of their wings, the next ones are already pushing themselves off the cliff with their bright red feet and going searching for food. In between, they calmly have their nap in front of the cave entrance and are not even disturbed by the enthusiasm of countless observers and photographers.




Colony, dram/mcvth, kasaan media, 2019 

Year after year, the birds return to the same breeding colony and seek out their breeding cavity, which is dug up to 1.5 m deep into the ground. Inside is the brood chamber, where the egg is hatched and the young bird is raised, and also a side chamber that serves as a privy.




With fish, mcvth/dram, kasaan media, 2019

After all, the chick should sit in the clean! Only after about 6 weeks does the chick leave the brood and immediately head out to sea. Only there do they find their food, which consists mainly of small fish.

It is hard to believe how many of them there is room in their beaks!

Dozens of sand eels can be brought to the hungry chick in the cave at once.

After the breeding season, the colony is abandoned and the breeding pairs separate during the winter - but only to meet again at the old breeding site the next spring. Fidelity is paramount and the small birds can reach a remarkable age of at least 30-40 years.


Puffin, dram/mcvth, kasaan media, 2019 

They may live on! A great wish because for some years now there has been concern about these colourful friends: due to a lack of food, breeding success is failing more and more often, populations are declining and some are already classified as endangered! Another reason to protect the oceans and our planet - so that we can continue to enjoy these photogenic little animals!


Crime scene: Stauboernchenstrasse, Kaiserslautern, Germany: Who killed Diana Bodi?

  • Published in Crime

At the end of a mysterious event

A witness called the police in Kaiserslautern shortly before 9 pm on Monday, December 14, 2020, that she had found a lifeless person near Staubörnchenstraße. The dead person was lying in a freely accessible area along the road. Initially, the dead woman could not be identified. Also, the path of the woman could not be reconstructed at first, or it was only possible to reconstruct in fragments what happened in the days before her death. It is probable that she walked through the city centre of Kaiserslautern drunk or at least intoxicated  before her death.  Diana Bodi is said to have a problem with alcoholic.

Who recognizes this tattoo? 



Tattoo, photo West  Palatinate Police/GMI

In the March 2021 programme of "Aktenzeichen XY ungelöst" (German police file TV), the case of the Hungarian Diana Bodi from Ozd (Hungary) was then broadcasted. The only thing that was surprising was the amount of the reward offered by the public prosecutor's office in Kaiserslautern (10,000 euros) for the clarification of the circumstances of the death of the woman who was found in Stauboernchen Street, practically in the centre of Kaiserslautern.




In the first days after the public appeal in December, the special commission of the Kaiserslautern criminal investigation department received more than 140 tips about the homicide.

The officers followed up all the clues and traces. These initially ended with a 31-year-old suspect, who was arrested in his flat on the spot. The public prosecutor's office in Kaiserslautern and the police did not provide any information on the circumstances that led to the arrest of the suspect for tactical reasons. The man, who denied any involvement in the incident, was then brought before an investigating judge. Meanwhile, however, the suspicion of the crime is no longer sufficient to justify further detention of the Syrian national. 

Ms Bodi worked as a geriatric nurse in various jobs in the Federal Republic and was presumably on her way to a new job in Trier-Saarburg, Rhineland-Palatinate. She must have come by train, an Intercity Express from Stuttgart via Mannheim. However, the train was delayed that day and did not reach Kaiserslautern until around 6pm on Friday, 11 December 2020.

Was Ms Bodi travelling with or without luggage, if so, where did this luggage go? What did the luggage look like?

Ms Bodi was 48 years old, 1.66 metres tall and weighed 63 kilograms, she had brown eyes and dark brown, curly, shoulder-length hair. On her lower right leg she had a dark tattoo in the shape of red flowers. Ms Bodi was dressed in a white winter jacket and red Puma brand jogging trousers. The trousers had a white stripe appliqué on the side of each leg. The dead woman was wearing a black long-sleeved shirt and black, lined women's boots.


Was she accompanied? If so, who was she travelling with?

What happened between 11 and 13 December?

Where did Ms Bodi stay, who saw her?

At the beginning of December, perhaps as early as the end of November 2020, she had worked briefly as a carer in the Stuttgart area. Ms Bodi had cancelled another job in Munich at short notice, for health reasons. Ms Bodi had already been to Germany once in the summer of that year to work. It is unclear whether she met acquaintances in this context or became the victim of a chance encounter with her murderer.

What is clear, however, is that the perpetrator(s) brought the woman to the place where she was found using a handcart or a shopping trolley or similar. Nothing else is known. 

Who can provide information in this connection?


The German police are therefore asking: (Original Catalogue of Questions of the German Police, Translation)

For the route between Stuttgart, Mannheim, Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Neustadt an der Weinstraße and Kaiserslautern:


Did you meet Diana Bodi on the train route between Stuttgart and Mannheim or between Mannheim and Kaiserslautern in the ICE or in the regional train?
Did you meet her at Stuttgart, Mannheim or Kaiserslautern station?
Was Diana Bodi in company, did she have a seatmate?
Did Diana Bodi ask you for food, alcohol, cigarettes or accommodation?
Did you perceive Diana Bodi in any other context?

For the Kaiserslautern area:

Did you encounter Diana Bodi around the main station between 11 December 2020, 6 p.m., and 12 December 2020?

Did you meet Diana Bodi on 12 December 2020, between 4 p.m. and 11 p.m. near Staubörnchenstraße, Richard-Wagner-Straße, Humboldtstraße, Rosenstraße, Alleestraße, Eisenbahnstraße and the shopping centre "K in Lautern"?
Did Diana Bodi perhaps introduce herself to you as "Diana" or "Dia"?
Did she ask for food, drink (alcohol), cigarettes or a place to stay?
Did Diana Bodi offer you her services?

The investigators are also asking for information about one or more persons who might have transported a larger elongated object in the direction of Staubörnchenstraße in the period from 11 to 13 December 2020, in the late evening hours until around 11 pm. It is also possible that the object was wrapped or packaged. It is conceivable that the object was carried over the shoulder or by two people. It is also possible that the object was transported with the help of a means of transport, for example a sack barrow, a wheelbarrow, a trolley or a shopping trolley. A radius of up to 800 metres around Staubörnchenstraße is possible.
The Kaiserslautern public prosecutor's office has offered a reward of up to 10,000 euros for information leading to the identification or apprehension of the perpetrator*. Information can be obtained from the Kaiserslautern police by calling 0631 369 2620.

An anonymous tip line has also been set up under the telephone number 0152 11970863.

*The award and distribution of the reward will be decided without recourse to legal action. The reward is intended exclusively for private individuals and not for public servants whose professional duty includes the prosecution of criminal offences.


Note: We are also publishing the article in our English edition to address possible witnesses from the US forces stationed in Kaiserslautern or the surrounding area who may be able to provide relevant information on this incident. (German article)


Sources:  Western Palatinate Police (Kaiserslautern Crime Squad).

Own research kasaan presswire


Is the Wirecard scandal even bigger than previously assumed?

Marsalek and no end - was Marsalek the mafia's perspective "agent"?

The still missing ex-manager of Wirecard, Jan Marsalek, now looks like a sick gambler who, exhausted, could no longer operate his system at the end.

Whether Marsalek is still alive at all with all the stories that are revealed day by day - it is questionable. Security services from all over the world are supposed to be attached to him to at least partially compensate the angry investors. How that is supposed to work, nobody knows. 

Toothless tiger with parliamentary periodontitis

The investigative committee of the Bundestag in Germany comes with illustrious witnesses who tell stories about the Ibiza entanglements and Heinz Christian Strache, (former vice chancellor of Austria) and his naively stupid behaviour, portraying Strache as the right-wing patron of a class of the FPÖ's (Austrian Freedom Party) disenfranchised and populists. It fits into the corrupt environment of Strache and his already disgusting "Biedermann"(upright citizen) mask to act with Marsalek and his lick spittles. One could almost think that Strache also fits into the strange matter.

It is only pieces of the puzzle that the viewer is given.

The real damage is not the many billions, but the complete failure of all security mechanisms within the BaFin (Federal Financial Supervisory Authority)  banking sector.

As an attentive observer, one could assume a deliberate failure of the structures. 

But who cares in the BaFin elite, which cares about nothing else but its profit and silencing those who have legitimate concerns? Yet, it was precisely this elite that earned well from the Marsalek case and his former employer Wirecard. Even today, one has to be careful in the writing guild not to be sued for writing what is fact. 

Marsalek and his henchmen had set up a parallel economy that was already financed by mafia money at the beginning of the millennium. They didn't know where to put the laundered billions, and they wanted to continue laundering, gambling, porn and drugs. So, it was worth it for the mafia to set up a new project.  



Collective amnesia

How can these people who were directly involved in the scandal claim they knew nothing about it? Well, Marsalek and Braun were far too busy with parties to be able to control these operations from the green table as well.

The committee of enquiry, which comes up with new surprises every day, becomes a farce when one thinks of the statements made so far.

Simultaneously, the question is: Was the mafia directly involved in Wirecard and which laundering programmes were developed for which funds?


Blueprint for the Darknet

Was there a legal Trojan horse that outwardly at least kept up the pretence of maintaining this fin-tech, while behind the scenes, it was already laundering money for drugs and weapons, porn and gambling?

A multinational "criminal network", as it says in the accusations against Ruben Weigand.

The US authorities have known for a long time that the network did not just exist yesterday. It was not just the duplicity of events that through Wirecard, for example, mobile phones were transacted in Gibraltar when porn and gambling were in the buyers' true shopping cart and in the US face cream when it was marijuana that was to find its way to the customer. Judge Jed S. Rakoff in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York saw through the Wirecard system's claim long before. 

Surely, it wasn't just marijuana. 

For what purpose were South Korean secret agents assigned to procure North Korean passport blanks? Everything in the "environment" of Mr Marsalek.

Pyongyang is a grey eminence in the international drug and arms trade. Marsalek, no fool, made excellent use of this loophole and intensively laundered money for whomever.  Whoever could come to the table with the recipe of Novichok also had contacts in these circles.

Marsalek not only made the dolls dance. Sushi served on naked women was rather the harmless sin. 

In Munich's Mandarin Oriental, champagne was served as if there were no tomorrow. 


Retro of The Avengers 

On Tenerife, as of 2017, the Russian drug traffickers of the "southern route" recommended the services of Wirecard if one wanted to launder money. One got an address in Dubai. Oh wonder, directly from an office that was very connected to Bellenhaus.  The black fortune was to be exchanged for Bitcoins and other modern currencies. It came out all "white". 


Startling details under palm trees about Wirecard, kasaan media, 2017.

There, at the very tip of Europe, the nouveau riche establishment of those who were the real beneficiaries of the transatlantic connection had taken up residence.  Others rumoured an almost unbelievable story that was so outrageous at the time that no one tried to publish it. 

Allegedly, Wirecard was a fin-tech that was supposed to function as a perpetual motion machine for the Russians' ambitions in Europe. Destabilize and nationalize. Putin's course against any democratic structures, financed by drugs and arms trafficking, gambling and porn. The 'Ndrangheta as friendly godfather of the birth of a whole new world order stood at the ready. 

Homan Enterprise Ltd at 9 Werdohl Business Park, Number One Industrial Estate, Consett, County Durham, United Kingdom, DH8 6TJ kept popping up. A holding company in an industrial park with outlets in letter boxes of HOMAN ENTERPRISE LTD (06901307) Mont Fleuri, Mahe, Seychelles, Seychelles and in PO Box 438, Palm Grove House, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands.

Did no one know this or did no one want to know?

What did these companies have to do with Wirecard?


Was there a business model for any activities of mafia structures, a kind of universal laundering line for money that then disappeared into dubious channels?

Minister of Finance Scholz cannot have missed this practice when he took up his post as Vice-Chancellor in 2018 because in 2015, the Munich public prosecutor's office looked for the Wirecard headquarters in Aschheim in a request for administrative assistance for the US authorities. You also hear about things like this as mayor of Hamburg, when you weren't busy with Bankhaus Warburg

For example, a rather puny instance of Wirecard's machinations, in the Windsor scandal (in German) (with a Wirecard account, the manager disappeared on a trip through the wild highlands of China) (we reported), the airheads from Windsor apparently used the same tricks and addresses as the high-flyer Marsalek. One wondered.  

All traces lead to an inconspicuous village called Consett, where whole batteries of letterboxes embellished the village.

The Homan example also leads to this apparent car wash of Marsalek and Braun's brain -Unit 1, Derwentside Business Centre, Consett Business Park Villa Real, Consett, County Durham, England, DH8 6BP.

Incidentally, links of the 'Ndrangetha also led to this wonderful little town - the same complex.  

The same thing happened at another company Paterre Aroma Media ltd. (Suite G6 West Wing, Prospect Business Park, Crookhall Lane Leadgate, Consett, County Durham, United Kingdom, DH8 7PW), after which it led to an unmanageable jumble of companies in Newcastle upon Tyne, which was directly linked to Oliver Bellenhaus' WIRECARD CARD SOLUTIONS LIMITED. The most incredible part of the story was, directors were citizens of Consett who knew nothing of how much they valued the Wirecard system.

It seemed like one of those 1960s serial flicks with The Avengers. 


Circuit of Oliver Bellenhaus in Gibraltar when customs clearance was once not fast enough, kasaan media, 2017.


One wonders how something like Wirecard could have stayed under the radar for so long.

In Malaysia this week, they announced that Oliver Bellenhaus had been suspended from his directorship from 22 February 2021 by public notice from the Labuan Financial Services Authority. That the directorship of Oliver Bellenhaus, a German national, in Adaugusta Limited has been suspended.

What was this Adaugusta Limited doing, the ordinary citizen wonders. Bellenhaus jetted back and forth between Gibraltar and Dubai's Burj Khalifa. Here, the millions were moved via Al Alam in office 1905 A in Al Kazim Towers.

To New York

Ray Akhavan can sing a song about entanglements and convolutions, while Jan Marsalek is known to have a diplomatic passport from the Caribbean island of Grenada, where numerous websites of his were registered. What is interesting about this is only in the research that a company Alpine Capital Partners in Geneva reserved the site JANMARSALEK.COM for itself via Go Daddy on the Cayman Islands. 

The much-maligned prosecutor Bäumler-Hösl simply didn't feel like it. one can't blame her, you shouldn't overstate that and blame her for her certainly non-existent naivety. She had previously cleared up the Siemens scandal.  


Part 2 Interesting connections

Was Wirecard the system of what must not be; therefore it cannot be? 


Racism, contempt for humanity, Prince Andrew and the cynical system of the British Crown


Speechless about the content of the interview with Operah Winfrey

After Meghan and Harry's interview, which received much attention worldwide, the explosive nature of this interview is not lost on the viewer.

The most disgusting racism around the baby's skin colour and the absolute isolation of Meghan to the point of suicidal depression. This is Buckingham Palace in its daily dealings with members of "the company".  Boundless hubris of a class that is stuck in colonial times. 

One wonders what lessons were learned from the death of Diana, 1997? None, one hears the two "cast-offs" say in the interview.

Prince Andrew, deeply involved in the Jeffrey Epstein child molester scandal, seems even more welcome at the Queen than Harry and Meghan, who took the liberty to live, outside the sectarian structure of the House of Windsor.

It is sheer cynicism that Elizabeth II of England is living at the end of her reign.

The British should ask themselves if they would not be better served by a republic than by the Windsor sect?

Here are some excerpts from the interview: 



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