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Where is Mister Kim?

Speculations about a dictator


When it comes to Kim Jong-un, anything is possible. The North Korean despot was last seen on April 11. A few days ago, the dictator's tank train was spotted in Wonsan, which means nothing. The news out of North Korea is thin, and the facts are mostly sketchy.

Kim's wife, Ri Sol-ju, a former dancer in an orchestra that has since been disbanded, gave birth to a child in February this year, the third, if the news from South Korea is to be believed. Whether Ri came from the permanent entertainment brigade of the last dictator is not clear. Kim has ladies here who engage in prostitution with the great leader and who garnish the parties at which he gets his kicks.

Maybe, so the media speculate, Kim is just hiding from the Coronavirus in one of his palaces, where he owns a panic room.  




Already there was speculation if Kim would not have survived heart surgery. He would "vegetate like a flower" without consciousness, numerous media reported. Now there is already speculation about who from the Kim clan could replace the 36-year-old despot. Yonhap, the South Korean news agency, said that the choice could fall on Kim's sister Kim Yo-jong. She recently also rose in favor of the Politburo organized like a sect and also originated from the Paekdu bloodline. The two Kim's are united by a deep trust that developed during their siblings' boarding school stay in Switzerland in the 1990s. At that time, both had been sent to the school in Berne, disguised as North Korean diplomats' children. Kim Jong-un lived under the name of Pak Un, his sister under the name of Kim Yong Sun until 2007 when she returned to her North Korean homeland and became director of the Ministry of Propaganda and Agitation. First, in the background, but then with a western handbag at inter-Korean summits, she was more in the foreground.





She is described as an absolute hardliner who observes the state-based Juche doctrine. Kim Yo Jong is said to be in no way inferior to her brother in terms of brutality and human coldness towards the regime critics of the 300-man influential leadership elite of the state.

The biggest problem is North Korea's army, which is penetrated by wicked older men and is estimated to have a standing army of 1.1 million.



Now the news from South Korea is more reliable than the stammering crap of a Donald Trump, who "somehow suspects how Kim is doing". Kim is said to be in good health, the South Korean government reported. The chain smoker Kim, who also likes to consume alcohol and drugs, is massively overweight and otherwise not blessed with health, is now already being searched for via satellite images. This means that Kim's living environment is being checked. According to experts, they compare the changes in Kim Jong's background with the changes in a hospital, for example, where the fleet of vehicles of his security men is parked.  The Pongwha hospital is the exclusive focus of the analysts because the Kim clan has its wing there. A clear signal would also be to emphasize the merits of Kim sect, which is godlike in North Korea if Marshal Kim was in a bad situation.

Even the regime's mouthpiece, the newsreader Ri, has not yet taken her "little black" out of the closet, as has become known about other deaths at the head of state. 






Now, people in the West often make a mistake to compare Kim Jong-un with a character from a Batman movie. He might come across that way in the western world. Probably this is also what the Rocketman in the black leather coat in the third generation wants. But Kim's inhuman doctrine originates from the Korean War and the conflicts between capitalism and communism at that time. The hostilities from 1950 to 1953 could not be surpassed in cruelty.








No rumour or speculation is involved in the concentration camp-like camps in North Korea, in which people who violate the strange personality cult of the leadership are held, prisoner. When Trump starts telling stories about his unsuccessful meetings with Kim, he completely forgets about the regime's victims. Therefore, even if there is a change of power within the regime in Pyongyang, the international community must work for the release of those who are interned there.  


Ms Jodie D. Williams - Super scam with the war in Syria



A few days ago, we found one of the below published mails in our box. We wrote "HOAX" back to stop further mailings. It was immediately clear to us that scammers were on the way again. It is the story of the terminally ill woman who wants to give away her fortune to someone else as a last good deed. 
Where the pictures of the sick woman were stolen, we do not know. We publish the images to warn everyone. It is a crude and evil mixture of actual events and a story script on the bazaar for scammers in Nigeria. The attack in Syria happened, although the numbers are entirely exaggerated.  The story, including pictures, costs about 200 US$ and a 15% share of the "profit". The scammers are using the international crisis to promote their cause, and the concept of the God-fearing seriously ill is particularly useful.  The money in Malaysia does not exist. The danger is that you can't tell whether it is a pure scam or international money laundering in this context. Based on the letter, it can be assumed that it is organized. 
Hands off, don't pay any "notary fees, hospital costs or something like this. Do not give anybody your data. The perpetrators would then commit further crimes or blackmail you- even with the threat to curse you if you do not pay. 

You should put the mail into the digital garbage can with the numerous other mails, which we publish further down in a selection. 


"Good Morning 

I'm Jodie, I send my love and greetings to you, Hoping that you are safe in this Covid19.
Please pardon me as I am aware that this is Not a conventional way of relating such an
important message to you, I did try without success to locate either your contact Address
and I resorted in contacting you via email. Not withstanding, I know quite well that Recently,
there are so many ''HOAX'' going on via internet and it is difficult to trust but i don't know
why my spirit still accepted me to send this message to you out of few email addresses i got
from the internet in search of trust and transparency. This is a true life situation & it
happened to me.

However, this communication will be a great benefit to you & your family, I know quite well that
we have not met before, but God works Miraculously and re-uniting his people through his own will
and great atone of faith. I will tell you everything & how it happened as soon as i receive your

Jodie D. Williams

I received your message just now and I'm replying to it. First and
foremost I want to thank you for your prompt and immediate response, I
am more than happy when I saw your mail. After receiving your mail I
felt it is important to let you know more about the details of my
communication and it's origin as this will guide you and also repose
some confidence in you about what you are doing. After my fasting and
prayers I made a search on the internet and I got your email contact.
Please accept this proposal as God's doing because God's ways are
mysterious. Yes it is true that we do not know each other but God has
a way of accomplishing his Work through his own.

I am an Australian Citizen and i left when i was very young & small. I
got married to a Syrian born in Australia by name James Williams, we
both relocated from Australia to Malaysia where he based. He died two
years ago, along with our two Children when he visited his sick
brother in Syria. All my family died the same day tears......., as a
result of Chemical weapon used by SYRIAN GOVERNMENT 2 years ago, which
United Nations and United States of America are still investigating
about the brutal killings of about 1,500 people with Chemical gas
missile by the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.  My late husband
Executed a contract in Malaysia few years ago. It was just last week
that Malaysian new government approved their Contract Payment. I
needed someone who lives outside Malaysia to be a place holder for me
so that the Contract Funds will be paid to you directly as my place

This process is 100% risk free, you & your family will benefit
immensely from this assignment & all the relevant documents are intact
to back you up in your Country against Money-laundering activities. Do
not be afraid that you don't know the history of the Contract because
he has already submitted all the contract completion papers and he has
also signed all the payment papers, you are not going to be involved
in any agreement signing exercise. All i needed is to give you the
Contract completion certificate and documents and the bank will
transfer the funds to you directly without any difficulties and there
is no TAX or VAT to pay. This assignment will not disturb your
business activities /appointments  or the work  you do, it does not
require your presence in Malaysia, I will send you the full details as
soon as i receive your acceptance/consent response, then i will give
you the full prerequisites for the proof. Let me know your decision.

FUTURE ENDEAVORS. I'm a lonely heart and in pains of agony for
terminal cancer diseases, I have (Pharyngeal cancer) or simply known
as throat & Mouth Cancer. It's very painful for a widow that sat on a
wheel chair for 2 months in the hospital without moving anywhere, at
least give me hope now that I'm hopeless in my sickness bed. May God
almighty bless you and your family with good health and never to be in
my condition, Amen.

TAKE NOTE: To clear that fear in you, find attached my pics at the
hospital, so that you will see the woman you were communicating with,
I'm in pains but God knows the best, i love you all.

Ms Jodie D. Williams


This is not scam but a true life situation and it happened to me. It
was not what you thought in your mind. Life is just like flowing water
which has no end, but above all is too short and no one knows tomorrow
and it's possession.

I will not wish you Bad in life because God did not wish us dead or
bad in his infinity mercies and love he has for we human. May God
bless you. So, if you are interested to proceed with me kindly let me
know urgently.

Have a nice day.





The Rosebeds of the Hangman's Wife of Pyongyang

Early December 2010

A Swiss with U.S. roots called Williams, an employee of an international aid organisation was presented in the course of the smouldering new Korean crisis to the executioner. However, there is more behind the story: Pyongyang still gambles, as usually, pokers, for more aid shipments threatens with the further aggressive escalation in the uncontrollable conflict.

While the international government delegations are agreeing on a renewed concession to prevent the conflagration of war, the tortured and starving man is answering questions in the form of strange self-critics to his executioner. This context leads to the ex-wife of the chief- executioner of Pyongyang. The all-powerful state security in Pyongyang accuses the former wife that in the garden of the cottage where she lives red roses are growing as a cross. Suddenly it becomes clear that the fates of those present, who had been interwoven, with each other, for the past decades. This is reason enough to pick up the woman to hand as well as the executioner. The daughters have placed in a "reeducation facility".

Furthermore, Williams speaks on the gallows about his emotions in a few months in North Korea. The officers of the executioner are so horrified, that they hang the man, although the North-Korean government had already pardoned him. They execute him in a barbaric act because they do not or cannot believe the impressions and the in-depth inside knowledge of the so-called "American" about their own incredibly bad shape situated country...


eBook with buecher.de for 1.99 Euro in 2019 edition ISBN:9788829547760

The Donald Trump Scam

Donald Trump Scam

These days, many of these mails arrive in the mailboxes of Internet providers. It is again the attempt of a group of unscrupulous crooks to exploit the Corona crisis. Not without an end in itself, the perpetrators mention the ruler of the White House.

Many readers respect the "President" of the USA. However, you should be careful what you trade with Trump after Atlantic City. Now this writer uses the instruction of Donald Trump, which of course does not exist. 

This time even Trump is probably clueless.

Trump's tall tales and fake news make these scams possible at all. 

No one in his right mind can overlook the mistakes and contradictions that result from the nonsense. 
This payment does not exist, the address as well as the name comes from an identity theft. The number is probably from Google Hangouts and serves the perpetrators as a "serious paint". 
Hands off, never transfer address data. The perpetrators would use this information unscrupulously for further scams. Move the mail into the digital trash can. 





214 Broadway, New York,
NY 10038, United States.
Unclaimed Asset/Assets Re-united,
USA International Remittance Department
Tel: +1 (650) 300-8647
Fax: +1 (646) 805-9453
Our Ref: JPMCB/CTB/6x780/19.

Attention Beneficiary
In fight against corruption in the Banking system and in pursuit to re-build a good relationship with foreigners by the President of the United States of America.
We wish to inform you that every files and reports concerning international payment of all the foreign beneficiaries was brought to my office in the Order and instruction of the U.S Department of States and U.S Department of Treasury.
I must confess that i shared tears after seeing your unclaimed and uncompleted transactions, It was a national slap and a disgrace to this Country after noticing that your have paid for all the fee to receive your fund but your funds never got to your bank account because of the selfish interest of the banks and Individuals mandated to transfer and release your fund to your bank account.
The U.S Department of States and U.S Department of Treasury has approved a compensation payment of US$4,500,000.00 in your name which shall be transfer to your bank account through an online, We will create an online bank in your name and you will transfer your fund by yourself through our online to your bank account.
We chose to transfer your fund through an online banking so that no Agency will notice or stop your fund. Sir, you shall receive this compensation fund within 3 working day, if you comply with our instructions and adhere to our directives.
Get back to us with your information as listed below.
Your Full Name:
Phone number:
Age and Occupation:
Next of Kin:
Scan Copy of your identification
Thank you for your mutual understanding and cooperation as we wait to read from you soonest
Yours Faithfully,
Dr. Harold Williams
Tel: +1 (650) 300-8647
Foreign Remittance Department"

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