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Is the financial service provider Western Union involved in Benin Scam?



We refer to yesterday's first article about the IMF Scam. We wanted to know what was going on and wrote the perpetrators under a legend. The perpetrator group had contacted us yesterday concerning the IMF. Today, the notable drawback came, with which the perpetrators earn money. 

Some tax and some fee, which of course only exists in the plans of the perpetrators. Neither the actual amount nor the person exists. 

A subculture has formed in the West African states, which nauseatingly charges Europeans and Americans, Asians and Latino's. Indeed, about God and how capable the perpetrators are. They are dangerous criminals, who, if you pass on your data to them, are taking the mischief. This goes so far as to manipulate or falsify the portals of Western Union. Western Union and MoneyGram should reconsider their involvement in Africa, or the EU, the USA and Latin America, as well as Asia, should ban the two payment service providers. 
You run the risk that with your name, your data, new crimes even trafficking human beings, drug trafficking and money laundering are pursued. 
The initiators stop at nothing. They do not care about human life at all. They exploit the information to the point of excess and forge official documents and blackmail wherever possible. In Benin, they seem to see things differently. The police do not care about such excesses. The same applies to Congo, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Ghana and increasingly for Côte d'Ivoire.  They seem to live on scamming. Corona increases the action of the scammers. 

What is new, however, is that the portals of Western Union are forged.  Apparently you are redirected to a fake site of Western Union. 

1984, Angola


"Dear customer,



I am still waiting for the payment information. If possible, do send the payment receipt for record purposes.



Due to the limited time for this transaction and other security reasons, I will advise you not to disclose this transaction to a third party until your total fund is transferred to you. This security measure is because the amount involved is a huge amount of money, to avoid much hitches.


Attached is  a photo of my family. I will like to know if you will be able to send the fee through WORLD REMIT."


1984, Angola


The forgery became obvious and the perpetrators did not want Western Union to be questioned about the truth. They quickly wanted money via World Remit, another financial service provider. This group of perpetrators attracted attention in connection with the Love Scam of the "Alina programme" and the subsequent money laundering. It is clear that the operations of this group in West Africa extend as far as the Congo. 


The identity papers of Western Union employees

1984, Angola



Even the passport is a complete forgery.


1984, Angola

Western Union has done too little to control the West African mobsters. Profit is the key, not the normal course of events. Whether African employees of Western Union are involved in the scam cannot be confirmed at present but it is most likely.



Here the second mail: 

"Dear esteemed customer,


Firstly, we want to assure you that this is not one of the fraud/scam messages you receives promising you for millions of dollars. Be rest assured that this is your compensation because your email address is on the scam victim's list.


After receiving your message, we instantly sent the first payment of $5,000   to your given name.  As I was trying to email you the payment information for you to go and pick up the payment in your country, I got a call from the Western Union Headquarters in Colorado, United States, and they brought to my attention that the $5,000   we sent to you has been  CANCELLED and the remaining $995,000.00 has been placed on hold by them (THE WESTERN UNION HEADQUARTERS) through our network.

I asked them why, and they said that the Inland Revenue Tax Authority here in  Benin  Republic  reported to them that we are transferring such amount of money without the Non-Resident Tax Clearance Certificate of the beneficiary.


So, after I cut off the conversation with the head office, I called the Inland Revenue Tax Authority here to know how the clearance could be obtained from them and the cost of obtaining it. They said that it will cost $88 only to obtain the certificate and it will take only 1 – 2 hours for the clearance certificate to be ready.


I later called the head office back and asked them if there is any other thing to do after the clearance is obtained, and they assured me that once the clearance certificate is forwarded to them, they will instantly release the funds without any delay.


The information of the payment we made today is enclosed.


MTCN #--------------------------353-933-6012

Sender's name-----------------Mark James

City-------------------------------- Cotonou

Country--------------------------- Benin  republic

Text question--------------------When

Text answer---------------------Today



For self-confirmation, you can track this payment online with Western Union official website, copy this link and paste on your browser  https://www.westernunion.com/global-service/track-transfer after filling the information, click Continue.  Note; if you track this payment, the status will show you that the payment has been Cancelled.  Note that you can NEVER be able to pick up this payment in your country until the fund is released by the head office.


Due to the urgency this required, we tried to deduct the fee from your fund but it was unsuccessful because your fund is currently on hold. However, you are advised to go ahead and send the Non Resident Tax Clearance fee of $880 via MONEY GRAM or WESTERN UNION so that we will assist you and obtain the certificate from the office. Here is the information you will use to send the $880.


Receiver name;.......SERAPHIN AKODJINOU

City................ Cotonou

Country;............ Benin  republic

Test question; Trust

Answer; God

Amount; $880


Do send us the payment information as soon as you made the payment. If you can send the fee today, you will pick up the first payment and we will send you another $5,000 today as the clearance certificate is the only thing holding the transfer. Note: you have to try and send the clearance fee as a matter of urgency because the head office will confiscate your fund and divert it to the government treasury if you did not comply urgently.


Remember, we were instructed by the IMF to return any unclaimed payment file after 72 hours if the beneficiary did not comply to claim his/her funds.  So, if you will send the fee but you can not send it within 72 hours, let us know so that we will report to the IMF that you are complying so that they will not ask for the return of your own payment files.


Meanwhile, we will be waiting for the fee of $880 and under 30 minutes to 1 hour of confirming the payment, you will receive the first payment slip in your inbox.


The management of Western Union Money Transfer, Benin Republic Office.


For more details/inquiry, call/Whatsapp +229-9806-4444



Mr. Mark James

Western Union® Money Transfer"

International Monetary Fund Scam




Lots of fish in the internet sea - a worldwide network of crooks

The e-mail itself came from a Chilean provider, who allegedly works on Reunion via the address more than 10.000 km away, in order to then supply the ghost address in Benin. The address does not belong to Western Union, of course, but to a scammer from West Africa. The phone number is a fake to be able to give a number at WhatsApp. 
None of this is true, but only serves the initiator to get the transfer costs for the money in advance. A bad story, too. 
Don't give out any data, it would be stored on scammers mail lists. This would lead to more crimes being committed in your name. 

Dump it in the digital bin. 





Western Union Money Transfer
Send Money Worldwide
Tel/Whatsapp +229-9806-4444

Attention: E-mail Address Owner


Complement of the season to you and your beloved family. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is compensating all the recent scam victims and your email address was found in the scam victim's list. This Western Union® office has been mandated by the IMF to transfer your compensation to you via Western Union® Money Transfer.

However, we have successfully concluded all the arrangements to effect your  payment through Western Union® Money Transfer. We have scheduled  your payment to be completed by sending you $5,000 twice daily until the total sum of $1,000,000.00 is completely transferred to you.

Notwithstanding, we can not be able to send the payment with your email address alone, thereby we need your information as to where we will be sending the funds, such as;

Receiver's name:................(Full Name)
Phone number:.......................

Contact the director via email at (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) with your full information. Note that your payment files will be returned to the IMF if we did not hear from you, this was the instruction given to us by the IMF. We will start the transfer as soon as we received your information. For urgent inquiry about your daily payment, call/Whatsapp +229-9806-4444 anytime.

Mr. Mark James
Director Western Union® Money Transfer,
Head Office Benin Republic.
Tel/Whatsapp +229-9806-4444

This email is intended for the owner of this E-mail Address only and contains privileged and confidential information. If you received this email by error, please delete it from your mail box and notify us immediately for correction. The disclosure of this email to a third party is highly prohibited. Thanks for your

The beauty of Scotland


Without competition

Scotland is unrivalled in Europe; it is of an extraordinary beauty that is to be found in the wild and rugged landscape. Scotland is one of the destinations that every traveller should have seen at least once. The aspirations for independence have been very widespread in the north for many years now and have been more than justified since the United Kingdom left the European Union.

Scotland does not need Britain, but Britain needs Scotland!

The demands which the Scots make on Scotland to be part of Europe are perfectly understandable. Therefore, it is only fair to support Scotland in tourism, in the fight for independence, which is also historically justified. Scotland is one of those countries that always has something to offer and something for everyone. It is not just whisky, not only the rugged valleys. It merely is thus the man, the Scot himself, who is said to be miserly, which is not true. It's the way the Scotsmen deal with life in the unreal north of the British isle.  

London is far away, and they don't want anything to do with Britain these days. On the contrary, one is ashamed to belong to a system of political gamblers in London.

The blue and white flag of independence is not only a symbol that has developed since Mary Stuart but has grown over the centuries. Scots can stand on their own two feet. Many Scots fear that the disgusting nationalism of the British will lead them back into the past and thus into dependence on London.

The Scots feel restricted in their independence by the British, and not just since the bizarre EU exit referendum in 2016. It is a particular nationalism for Scotland that leads in the right direction, namely towards Europe.


And many Scots think: "It is time for us to leave the central government in London and go our ways." They've had enough of the British's capriciousness and a big mouth.

Those who travel through Scotland can experience something at every corner that they cannot see in the rest of Europe. The landscapes, the palaces, the dilapidated castles, Scotland, offers everything. It also offers forests, lakes and of course Loch Ness. Loch Ness is one of the most famous sights. Whether the Scots themselves believe in Nessi is not, is something you can find out. In any case, it is a crowd-puller—this creature, which is said to live in this dark and temporarily fog-covered lake. A real "sighting" was a tree trunk or an optical illusion. So for years, no one has known if Nessie exists. Researchers went into the lake by submarine, found nothing. The Loch Ness is very deep, at the bottom very muddy. There can't be a creature like Nessie. Still, after all, the belief in it brings valuable visitors into the tourist area of Scotland. Edinburgh and the surrounding area are beautiful places where the visitor can find pleasure for days. Edinburgh is a city that has grown out of its history, a city that is focused on culture and in the future. The bagpipe player in a tartan skirt is, of course, a must. You don't have to like the music, but it sounds interesting.

Scotland seems to have arrived in the modern age. Very different from many parts of England. It's a country where you can admire nature. And not only nature but also history, which is vividly reflected in Scottish hospitality.


Here are a few impressions from Scotland:

Alexia Zarna-Merchez, Baden-Baden

Alexia Zarna-Merchez, Baden-Baden

Bass Rock aus der Ferne, dram/mcvth, kasaan media, 2020


Alexia Zarna-Merchez, Baden-Baden

Bass Rock, dram/mcvth, kasaan media, 2020

Alexia Zarna-Merchez, Baden-Baden   

Alexia Zarna-Merchez, Baden-Baden   

Alexia Zarna-Merchez, Baden-Baden Northern gannet, Bass Rock, dram/mcvth, kasaan media, 2020


Alexia Zarna-Merchez, Baden-Baden Northern gannet, Bass Rock, dram/mcvth, kasaan media, 2020


Alexia Zarna-Merchez, Baden-Baden  

Alexia Zarna-Merchez, Baden-Baden  

Black Water,  dram/mcvth, kasaan media, 2020

Alexia Zarna-Merchez, Baden-Baden

Blair Castle,dram/mcvth,kasaan media, 2020


Alexia Zarna-Merchez, Baden-Baden  Bagpipes Blair Castle, dram/mcvth, kasaan media,2020

Alexia Zarna-Merchez, Baden-Baden  Cairngorm Summit, dram/mcvth, kasaan media, 2020

  Alexia Zarna-Merchez, Baden-BadenBlair Castle,dram/mcvth, kasaan media, 2020       



Alexia Zarna-Merchez, Baden-Baden

Blair Castle, dram/mcvth, kasaan media, 2020

Alexia Zarna-Merchez, Baden-Baden  

Dryburg Abbey, dram/mcvth, kasaan media, 2020

Alexia Zarna-Merchez, Baden-Baden  

Duncansby Head,  dram/mcvth, kasaan media, 2020

Alexia Zarna-Merchez, Baden-Baden

Dunrobin Castle,  dram/mcvth, kasaan media, 2020

Alexia Zarna-Merchez, Baden-Baden  

Edinburgh, Castle, dram/mcvth,kasaan media, 2020



Alexia Zarna-Merchez, Baden-Baden   

Loch Garry and Glenn,  dram/mcvth, kasaan media, 2020



Alexia Zarna-Merchez, Baden-Baden

Loch Ness,  dram/mcvth, kasaan media, 2020


Alexia Zarna-Merchez, Baden-Baden Melrose Abbey, dram/mcvth, kasaan media, 2020



Alexia Zarna-Merchez, Baden-Baden

Melrose Abbey, dram/mcvth, kasaan media, 2020


End of war in Europe 75 years ago - rarest clips from the stock of the allies

When the international community had stormed Nazi Germany, the extent of the crimes of the Hitler clique gradually became apparent. A German Reich no longer existed, at best in ruins where corpses were piled up. No matter by whom. In death, everyone was equal. In historiography, the little man was forgotten, and entire libraries were filled with Hitler's end. The same goes for Goebbels and the rest of the confused despot's ugly entourage.

Many say it must be good to remember that. No, I can't do that. One cannot remember often enough the atrocities of the Nazis after the surrender.

Notably, in times when right-wing extremist forces are using the same words as Goebbels or Hitler to cultivate hatred in Germany again.

National Socialism is one of the most repulsive forms of human perversion. Jodl's capitulation in Rheims was only the logical conclusion to Hitler's 12 years of National Socialism.

What he left behind, also for the Germans, 75 years ago, is symbolic of what is also in store for the intellectual co-step walkers of the year 2020—suffering, grief, expulsion, injustice and death.

At that time, millions of people were affected daily by death, destruction and homelessness. People who did not fit into the world view of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi sect. This would be repeated. Inevitably.

Because nothing has changed in the idea of Nazism.

We also have the pictures of those who wandered the streets of Germany, the prisoners of war, the forced labourers, the former concentration camp prisoners, the mothers with their children, Hitler's Youth children, who Hitler sent to war out of cowardice in the face of his fate. It was the end of national perversions, unfortunately not the end of nationalist ideas.

When one sees these pictures, one considers the fate of those who were the real losers of Hitler's idea.

The pictures are from the fund of the 

British Pathé

British Pathé




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