Guest articles are welcome! Featured
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As of today, something is also some changing for us.
We open our journal to anyone who wants to publish guest articles. We have set up a separate section for this. The guest articles run alongside normal operations.
At the same time, the book blog will be activated for all authors as of today. We will explain this in a separate following post.
Here are the rules of the game:
Those who know us know that we publish radical ideas, neither right-wing slogans nor left-wing radical ideas. We do not publish such propaganda or contents from the right-wing. We do not publish conspiracy theories. We reserve the right to shorten the articles.
The editors reserve the right to reject articles.
The articles should be sent in an acceptable form to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We reserve the right for changes. Currently only in German, English and French. A verifiable e-mail address and the name of the author must be clearly stated below the article. The tags must be specified, as well as a short summary of the article.
The authors cede us the exclusive copyright for publication if they send the text to us. If this text is published in another medium, we take the article from "the management".
Each article should be accompanied by a photo of its own, for which the author holds the copyright. The responsibility for this lies with the author. Possible legal disputes are the responsibility of the authors, not the publisher.
The texts, we're checking, should not be plagiarisms. In case of doubt, the article will not be published.
Links are welcome.
There is neither the right to remuneration nor to reimbursement of expenses, the publisher publishes the texts free of charge. We reserve the right to place advertisements in the articles.
Anyone can write whatever comes to mind. We only censor in exceptional cases. e.g. in case of violence or pornography etc.
Promotional items are only published upon payment. Mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. is sufficient for a cost estimate.
Otherwise, the GDPR and the GSR apply
Good luck and we look forward to numerous articles!