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PiS free zone Featured

PiS free zone warsaw,2020

For a year now, the right-wing junta in Poland has been trying to transfigure its area of power into an LGBT-free zone. Now it has declared one-third of the Polish Republic LGBT-free. This means that gays, lesbians and transgender people are, so literally, unwanted. The world already had this once with Hitler.

You wonder what comes next, deportations, labour camps?

All at the expense of the EU?

What is the next thing that the henchmen of the Kaczynski regime come up with to create a world view that cannot correspond to any democratic government?



The apparatus of a dictatorship that abolishes itself through its actions, as propagated by the PiS, would be desirable. Anyone who doubts the objectives of the European Union, and this mainly includes human rights, has no more business in the Union. Poland is threatening to use the idea of reparations payments against Germany and is now behaving like a light dictatorship. Even the benevolent voices no longer want to talk about a democratic process within the Polish Government.

Poland is showing with the historical misrepresentation and the dismantling of the democratic state, as well as with the declaration against the LGBT, that they have unfortunately turned away so far from the goals of Europe that they can no longer sit at the table of the European nations. Polish nationalism has already led to the destruction of the Polish nation. How can such a regime of anti-democrats be supported with money from the EU coffers? Poland does not accept democracy as Europe sees it. After even making history in Poland a punishable offence, if it is not to the liking of the Kaczynski puppets, something will undoubtedly be found to increase the number of undesirables persons on Polish territory. In spreading lies, hatred and conspiracy theories, the junta in Warsaw has shown that it is itself circumcising justice. There are many punishments for the Kaczynski clan.

First of all, the suspension of EU membership for an indefinite period, so that Poland would no longer receive money from the EU. This would undoubtedly lead to considerable annoyance among the population. And the next election victory of the PiS would be a bad one. We would all like to have a PiS free zone, where politicians who seem to have an affinity for right-wing ideas are unwanted.



In Poland, it is now standard practice to be always showered with Nazi films and, as with every right-wing nationalist government, to glorify as heroes those who were the victims in history. In the imagination of the ruling PiS party, the ones made heroes who were the real victims: Polish intellectuals and those who stood up against Nazism.

But that was a long time ago, and the many little Kaczynskis need Polish apartheid to survive and to release the general thirst for life.

France- a step in the right direction

A daily measure of moderate politics of the Kaczynski disciples, which would have resulted from human experience, especially from National Socialism and the later following socialism of Władysław Gomułka, Wojciech Jaruzelski is lost. Poland's declaration on LGBT free zones is no longer acceptable to the European Union for many reasons. According to Heise Online, a French city has cancelled the town twinning, which had existed for 25 years, in protest.


Last modified onSunday, 08 March 2020 16:55
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