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The Shame of Africa (Part 4)

Flexible response - one year after the Alina programme

This time "in the robe" of apple love

The ripper is on his way, so everyone is warned. Brutal scammers like Alina or Rebecca are once again on the timelines of the big social media providers. The Shame of Africa is marching again. It's all about money, but the romance scammers are willing to do everything in their power to make it happen. This time with a fake Brazilian mermaid for lonely men while the lockdown. But that's not all. They show that there's still room for improvement in terms of badness. 

The e-mail address of the pomme love already appeared in the program Alinas. Stolen pictures, stolen identities and "Morane is hungry", this is how the African gangs roamed the social networks. Brutal is still the friendliest word that points to the perpetrators.



Last summer, we told the story of Veith, who still hasn't recovered from Alina in terms of health. In the meantime, the public prosecutor's office is investigating the perpetrators, and fraud is only a marginal phenomenon in these proceedings. With their messages, they send links containing phishing programs, through which they later access the data of their victims. 

Today the brutal blackmailers from Africa's Ivory Coast operate under other identities, which they obtained after the collapse of the program Alina, to continue the profitable business. So Cornelius wrote to us yesterday, that the successors of Alina also contacted him. Immediately the unknown ones wanted his Whatsapp to start with the scammer terror.

Because they mistook Cornelius for a woman, they immediately wrote: Subject: How are you? I'm glad you answered my e-mail. I am Andreas. I hope I am not disturbing you; the mail came from the already very active mail address pomme liebe 
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Attention: For women, greedy Africans have set up the Andreas programme. When Cornelius wrote that he did not know an Andreas, he got the flexible answer: I am a woman, my name is Andrea. Thanks a lot. If you don't mind that I can leave you my WhatsApp number, we can write to each other more easily. As in the case of Alina, the real goal was to get immediate access to the WhatsApp to be able to exercise control. For this purpose, the alleged Andrea gave her number, which is a fake. +33 7 56 84 51 05- plus the signature of the local time, which indicates the time difference. 

The perpetrator group operates via France and the Ivory Coast, Belgium and the Congo. Further traces lead to Morocco. In Germany, too, the group continues to expand. Unfortunately with a brutality that makes even experienced investigators freeze their blood in their veins. Those who do not pay are blackmailed. The trail to the head leads into the Congo, where he should not feel too safe. 

It is one of the dirtiest groups of scammers. Victims of the group were so demoralized that they thought about suicide when the perpetrators tried their hand at them. However, numerous measures are being taken in the background to stop the perpetrators. 

Until that happens, everyone should be warned to get involved with these people. 

It is essential: Never give the perpetrators personal data, no matter what they promise or how they threaten. In case of threats, contact the police immediately.


 Andrea "Fake Bikini Beauty", 2020


The awful clown: Kung Flu happened in Tulsa

  • Published in USA

More like a lying, lame duck

In front of partly empty seats, Donald Trump put together his tasteless Tulsa show. There, wherein 1921 round 300 people died in racial riots, racist Trump started his ridiculous election campaign. 

Scapegoats must be sought and found

He, the dictator of the USA, had a bad week. John Bolton is allowed to launch The Room Where It Happened on Tuesday. A judge had to rule on the start of the sale. A niece of Trump wants to score with the memories of the terribly nice family. The Trumps.

The Flodders would be really nice.

The despot, who did not say a word in Tulsa about the grievances in the USA, complaints against any publications.

George Floyd seems to be a hallucination of the Democrats. Trump didn't even mention him in his confusing speech. His deputy, Mike Pence, seemed like a ridiculous lackey who praised his boss like a pop star, but unfortunately forgot that the assembled could be infected by COVID-19, who chanted stereotypical sayings of Trump's campaign team with hoarse voices. Surrounded by MAGA singing, which came over like a dance around the golden calf, the US despot then stepped up to the podium.

An old, evil man.

Trump had learned from his former brother in the spirit, of Kim Jong-un, another cheeseburger lover and dictator, to applaud his person as he had done in the Pyongyang Politburo.

With an evil grin and a little stupid, without any real knowledge base, Trump then presented his political fairy tales, his alleged successes.  One of the strange stories was the abolition of the police in the USA by a Biden government.

Kung Flu 

The speech could only disgust a normal person.

Kung Flu was just about on Trump's level when he puzzled the SARS COVID-19 virus. He had still not understood the danger of the disease. He obviously lacked the intelligence to do so. Hurried again against the fake press, which he called the most dishonest people. He seemed to be his own propaganda minister, who had been looking for the victim before the comments about the pathetic speech. In the middle of the speech, Trump praised himself once again, what a handsome guy he was, his voice reminded of past despots.

He lied once again, claiming that he had greeted 600 times military, and at one of the last appearances the corpulent liar seemed weak. In a complete loss of reality, he then promised the best financial year in the history of the USA. Trump called the Boeing President, a son of a bitch. And presented himself as the hero of his own Air Force One on the loo. After that Germany got its fat off, Trump tried once again to extort money from Germany's NATO contribution.  Like an evil clown with the same mug, living and thriving in his own world, he tried to open a debt account that probably only he can understand. Like the soul of a shopkeeper, he opened the bill of the last 30 years and said Angela Merkel would be nice but would pay billions to Russia for the energy supply. 
After further side blows on the democrats followed his GRÖTAZ (Biggest Trump of all times) slogans, in which he pretended to have absolutely unrealistic economic data.

He liked to hear himself speak, the applause was restrained, which followed at the end of the bad Trump performance. How much he, the worst president of the USA since the foundation of the state, slandered his generals, he himself pretended: He claimed that Democrats would punish churchgoers in the future, but not those who set fire to churches.

The conflagration in society was caused by Trump himself. 


A very miserable character - Donald John Trump

  • Published in World

Nobody wants to believe what they can read about Donald Trump at the moment.

Trump never tires of profiting from the misery of third parties and has also found his calling in the coronavirus. Trump is cunning and devious, and like everything he does, he tries to make a profit from the possible death of millions of people. 

This time the focus is on the German Tübingen-based company CureVac, which is in the process of developing a vaccine against corona SARS-19, which Trump hopes to secure exclusively for himself. CureVac wants to serve the world and not some US despot. 

Like a vulture, Trump circles over the suffering of millions who are fearing the virus, and he is waiting for his chance to make a profit from the global crisis. Besides, Trump would be able to blackmail the world into believing in his theories of the political monster. 


Has Trump been spying for profit yet?  

Just think of the wall and his connections to the companies that want to build this wall. Trump is trying to lure the Tübingen-based company CureVac to the United States by all possible means to produce a vaccine against corona exclusively for America. He, the obnoxious self-promoter, who symbolically walks over dead bodies to stuff another dollar for his pocket, would accept the death of millions to secure this profit. The question is, has Trump used the US secret services to spy on a company in which Bill Gates and others are also involved? Just recently, the CEO of the Tübingen-based company was replaced. 

If so, there has to be a break with the USA until Donald Trump is no longer the ruler of the White House. Europe must distance itself from a person who first shines through extreme stupidity in the crisis and then wants to grasp the profit for himself. Otherwise, however, the virus is none of his business, as he has stated. 



Nauseating greed

In this crisis, which is leading the world to the edge of the abyss, Trump is showing his real character in Trump's populist nationalism. That of a miserable, dissociable shopkeeper's soul, who is now crying out for substantial sanctions.

His behaviour calls for sanctions from the world community, which is in urgent need of the vaccine. Trump disturbs the feverish work of the scientists in his contemptuous world view by making dubious offers to the scientists. He harasses them in this way and keeps them from working with his self-made boorishness. The fact that he is picking a fight with the federal government in Berlin in the background to get the will of a silly little boy named Donald John Trump disturbs the state apparatus even more. There has been talking of nationalization, and also that does not deter Trump.  With a contempt for humanity that is unparalleled, for his crude world view of rich and poor, for profit at any price, even at the cost of several million deaths, we see ourselves confirmed once again that trump fascism is a world view of yesterday.

The Federal Government does well to declare Trump as Persona Non-Grata. 

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