A very miserable character - Donald John Trump Featured

Nobody wants to believe what they can read about Donald Trump at the moment.
Trump never tires of profiting from the misery of third parties and has also found his calling in the coronavirus. Trump is cunning and devious, and like everything he does, he tries to make a profit from the possible death of millions of people.
This time the focus is on the German Tübingen-based company CureVac, which is in the process of developing a vaccine against corona SARS-19, which Trump hopes to secure exclusively for himself. CureVac wants to serve the world and not some US despot.
Like a vulture, Trump circles over the suffering of millions who are fearing the virus, and he is waiting for his chance to make a profit from the global crisis. Besides, Trump would be able to blackmail the world into believing in his theories of the political monster.
Has Trump been spying for profit yet?
Just think of the wall and his connections to the companies that want to build this wall. Trump is trying to lure the Tübingen-based company CureVac to the United States by all possible means to produce a vaccine against corona exclusively for America. He, the obnoxious self-promoter, who symbolically walks over dead bodies to stuff another dollar for his pocket, would accept the death of millions to secure this profit. The question is, has Trump used the US secret services to spy on a company in which Bill Gates and others are also involved? Just recently, the CEO of the Tübingen-based company was replaced.
If so, there has to be a break with the USA until Donald Trump is no longer the ruler of the White House. Europe must distance itself from a person who first shines through extreme stupidity in the crisis and then wants to grasp the profit for himself. Otherwise, however, the virus is none of his business, as he has stated.
Nauseating greed
In this crisis, which is leading the world to the edge of the abyss, Trump is showing his real character in Trump's populist nationalism. That of a miserable, dissociable shopkeeper's soul, who is now crying out for substantial sanctions.
His behaviour calls for sanctions from the world community, which is in urgent need of the vaccine. Trump disturbs the feverish work of the scientists in his contemptuous world view by making dubious offers to the scientists. He harasses them in this way and keeps them from working with his self-made boorishness. The fact that he is picking a fight with the federal government in Berlin in the background to get the will of a silly little boy named Donald John Trump disturbs the state apparatus even more. There has been talking of nationalization, and also that does not deter Trump. With a contempt for humanity that is unparalleled, for his crude world view of rich and poor, for profit at any price, even at the cost of several million deaths, we see ourselves confirmed once again that trump fascism is a world view of yesterday.
The Federal Government does well to declare Trump as Persona Non-Grata.