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Hymn to Europe

Europe means progress, freedom, development, security and peace.

Only such a form of government can be chosen. Everything else is ineligible.

Democracy is a challenging field that requires daily care. This care and nurturing have been neglected.

Europe carries the traditions in the development of the future and should become a central state in which the nations find their weighty voice. How the United States of America once had to grow together.

Everyone who is anchored in Europe contributes something to the big picture. Politics is not infallible. Only ideologies are not desirable. The enemy of democracy has taken a firm grip on Europe in its field.

The EU must be reformed, Macron has recognised this very clearly and precisely. Europe cannot and will not afford an autocratic nuance.

This is by no means an easy task. Many mistakes were made. One of them: Jean-Claude Juncker invited large corporations, which were downright offending consumers and also the state system. The euro came a few years too early as a common currency but continued to ensure Europe's economic success.

After the experience of World War II, nation-states joined together to form a pan-European house, a community of those who, after the knowledge of the wars, now saw that it was only possible to do it together. Adenauer and de Gaulle understood the call of the times. There were no longer enemies, but neighbours.

In the unfortunate video of Rezo and his thoughts, history, which laid the foundation for European politics, was never mentioned. It was the protest video of a politically ignorant "snotty guy" who earns quite a bit of money on youtube when he posts such productions that the "No Future" generation loves.

In their wishful thinking to create a step-by-step society again, the nationalists see the election as the last chance to reorganise their old rotten world view.

What nationalism means can be seen in the inglorious example of Mr Strache and his Adlatus in the villa on Ibiza. Nationalism is the shame of the world. Such parties should be subject to a ban since they are probably defined by corruption and inhuman world views.

Now nationalists, like their left-wing political opponents, can polarise.

This polarisation grows more and more every day. This is what the right-wing dregs speculate on, as always in history.

A Democrat is forbidden to believe in what the speculators of division expect from their future. Their only aim is to enslave the people so that they may prosper, see Strache and his companions.

The left-wing mob showed its real face in Hamburg two years ago, namely anarchy and looting, rebellion against everything that developed in decades of system.

It is up to the voter to eliminate any possibility of polarisation. Through the voice, which is as valuable individually as it is in the crowd. This strengthens democratic forces, which now have to take massive action.

To choose Angela Merkel out of hatred for the person Angela Merkel is the wrong direction. In autumn 2015, she did not act politically, but humanely, which may be blamed on her.

The chaos in which nationalism ends can be seen in Great Britain, which is destroying itself because there are money-hungry and short-term thinking forces that certainly pay well for their convictions. These are not their convictions, but the profit of the gang around Farage and Johnson is in the foreground of the "putsch" against the at times confusing sounding Theresa May.

Who wants such governments? Nobody. A state would dissolve if, as we can see, such people came into office and dignity.

Democracy, civil rights and freedoms no longer count for anything among nationalists. Minorities would be mercilessly persecuted, with the hatred of any dictatorship.

No one wants such eternalists who are not able to foresee the consequences of their actions. Declaring Europe a fortress contradicts the fundamental values of what Europe wants to be and can be, an open society in which neither borders nor obstacles are raised.

Those who are against it are only looking for their own transparent reason.

Who chooses, everyone should choose freedom, and what conscience suggests. But everyone should also think about the future of all in a united and prosperous Europe.


Kambo Man - another mystery from Norway


Another murder

One does not want to believe the overall context.

But, there must be one of these connections that writes life or, as in the present cases, death. 

Parallels can be found with the cases of the Isdal woman and the dead, eight years later (1995), at the Plaza Hotel in Oslo.

It was not unusual that a body was found on September 22, 1987, along the railway line near Oslo, between Kambo and Moss. According to forensic examinations, the dead man had been run over by a train.

The clothing of the dead man was presumably from Germany. First, there were the obligatory thrombosis stockings, two socks for medical support with three blue stripes on top and an open toe at the toes.


Berlin, Schoeneberg, Tauentzienstrasse 21-24, KaDeWe.jpg
Von Jörg Zägel - Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

Hertie, KaDeWe, fine-rib undershirt (Elan Body), the typical Schimanski jacket of the days 1987, when the Duisburg bully investigator was the rating king of the ARD.


At first, it seemed mysterious why the labels had also been cut out of his clothes. It was like the two deaths mentioned above. A packet of cigarettes from the former Eastern Bloc, an almost empty box of Camel, which was produced in the West for the East, was found with the body, as well as a Swiss army knife, a red Victorinox Swiss Army pocket knife of the model "Climber".

In this context, the cigarettes could have come from the stocks of the former GDR Intershop. Mephisto shoes from the traditional company from Sarrebourg in France, which pointed to quality and a genuine connection to the Federal Republic. On the label of the Elan undershirt, there was a "German" written 1.  an  trace of the Second-Hand shops was gradually discarded because all the clothes came from the former Federal Republic of Germany.

In the course of the investigations, espionage again played a role with the finger of suspicion to the former Eastern Bloc. Along the railway line, there was a tunnel that led to a NATO facility on Gylder Hill in Våler in the 1980s. A radar station located there was part of the so-called Nike system. It was a missile defence system that was supposed to protect Oslo from a missile attack from the former Soviet Union.


But also a ship of a shipping company from Rendsburg came into the focus of the investigations. Bizarre became the case when the captain couldn't remember the passenger who allegedly had sailed on his cargo ship. At that time, it was common for passengers to be transported on cargo ships.

The case was filed away in Norway in 1990 because no papers were found on the dead man. Once again, however, the mysterious murder, initially classified as suicide, leads to the GDR after a trail to Switzerland, where a mix-up occurred, and the so-called "truck trail" was eliminated. A witness, truck driver Roy Sandberg, had reported after years that the tarp of his truck was cut when the events took place.

< healthy>Who knows this man, who is about 50-60 years old, or can provide relevant information about the case described? Relevant information also, especially from the environment of the former Kunst und Antiquitäten GmbH, which was subordinated to the KoKo. This also includes freight forwarders and drivers of the former VEB Deutrans, who may have taken the contraband goods to Scandinavia. Has an employee from this environment disappeared during the period in question? Also in connection with Jauerfood, a cover company of GENEX and GDR foreign trade in Copenhagen?

Did the dead man come from Berlin?

News is welcome at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Another part about the Kambo Mannen

Heulmeisje- one of the most mysterious murder cases in post-war history

Update 10/25/2018

Does the track of the "Heulmeisje" lead to Essen in Germany after all?

Was the "Heulmeisje " kidnapped?

Where was she seen?

Can anyone make a connection with the food?

Has anyone seen the "Heulmeisje " before 1975 in the Eastern Bloc?

A witness who had a connection to the young woman is said to have revealed himself to a taxi driver.

Who can provide information on this?

Can anyone provide information about the young woman?



Traces of a terrible crime

What happened on October 24, 1976?

In Beijing Hua Guofeng succeeded Mao Zedong as head of the CCP. Members of the gang of four around Mao's widow were expelled from the party.

The British James Hunt won the Formula 1 race at the Japanese Grand Prix ahead of the Austrian Niki Lauda.

At the same time, a forester finds the corpse of a girl by chance, who should go down in German criminal history as the Heulmeisje.

It must have lain in the parking lot at the following location for months before it was found.

The name "Heulmeisje" was given to it because this was the name for the parking lot at the Dutch A 12, Deheul, at that time.


Overall, very little is known about the girl found on October 24, 1976, in the small adjacent woodland of the former Deheul car park on the A12 near Maarsbergen in the Netherlands.

She was between 13 and 18 years old at the time of her death.

It is frightening that until today the identity is unknown and therefore apparently nobody misses or even knows the quite pretty, about 1.60 tall girl.

It seems strange that after more than 43 years of intensive investigation and reconstruction of the face by forensic experts, no clues were received that could at least lead to the clarification of the person's identity.

One of the many tracks from the year 2013 led to the Ruhr area, where it silted up again. The skeleton was unearthed in 2007. Afterwards, the skull was excellently restored, as can be seen on the reconstruction photo of the Federal Criminal Police Office in Wiesbaden.


Maarsbergen- A12 -German-Dutch border

The finding of the corpse by a forester under a layer of leaves was as in many cases. The girl lay strangled on the scene.

During this period, numerous prostitutes and their clients met on this Deheul car park.

For years it was assumed that the so-called "Heulmeisje" was a previously disappeared girl from the area where the body was found. This is also how the body was found and buried.

The body was buried as the missing "Monique Jacobs".

Monique Jacobs reappeared out of nowhere after 36 years. There had been problems in the family which forced Monique Jacobs to find her centre of life in the USA.

After that, good advice was costly.


Several broadcasts of the German criminal file XY and the Dutch Opsporing Verzocht from 2013-16 brought hardly any clues and unfortunately no clue at all as to the identity of the person.


But who was the so-called "Heulmeisje"?

For 43 years now, the Dutch and German police have been investigating the mysterious murder case.

Investigators did not find many traces in the vicinity of the later site.

In 1976 the "Heulmeisje" was on the road with age-typical, for that time simple clothes.

It is and was not at all so unusual that corpses that were found after years or months cannot necessarily be assigned to any other body.

Usually, it is a piece of the criminalistic puzzle over the years, or as in this case over decades, that needs to be put together. However, much of this case seems so unsolved that the investigators thought they were back to square one.

In this case, the skull was reconstructed and photographed. That's how Heulmeisje could have looked like.

Numerous rumours said that the girl came from a guest worker family, perhaps from Greece, former Yugoslavia or Poland.

Even with forensic geology and the restoration of the face, plenty of nowhere leading work was done in the years following the discovery of the young woman. It was found that after examining an epiphyseal joint, the unknown deceased was born between 1960 and 1964.

In later years, an isotope examination was carried out on the hair and teeth, and it was found that the victim spent several years in the Ruhr and Eifel regions. Around the year 1975, it probably stayed in the German Democratic Republic or in a neighbouring country of the former Eastern Bloc. Shortly before death, the victim will have lived in the Federal Republic of Germany or the Netherlands again. During this time, she was very poorly fed, which indicates anorexia or simply poverty.

Here in the Dutch language a reconstruction of the possible events:

According to information from the Dutch police, who never closed the case, the body was, according to an informant 36 years after the crime, dumped or thrown away in the parking lot by two men aged between 30 and 40 years at the time. Many people who knew whoever they were, were aware of this fact. Whether the escalation occurred or whether the body was only temporarily stored was never determined.

A taxi driver reported that he was talking to a drunk passenger. The latter, in turn, stated that the girl had come from Essen and explained that the young woman spoke German. The only secured track that led into the Rhine-Ruhr area, to Essen.

In the course of our research for this article, further questions arose:

Can anyone give details of the dead who are said to have been in the former GDR or neighbouring Eastern European countries at that time, in 1975?

Is it possible that the death of the young woman was connected to kidnapping by (Eastern European) pimps?

It is asked whether the so-called "Heulmeisje" lived and grew up in the Eifel, the area bordering on the Netherlands, during the first years of her life, whether anyone can remember her school days around 1970 and perhaps provide relevant information about the person depicted?


How did the girl get into the parking lot, which is now closed?

Who knows the girl with long eyelashes and dark brown hair from a holiday?


What's the story about the two men who are said to have simply disposed the body in the former parking lot at the A12 motorway? In this context, the term "simply thrown away" was often used.



Does anyone know the "Heulmeisje" from a day nursery in the former GDR?


Did the family of the "Heulmeisje" perhaps belong to a circus or artist troupe, travelling people?


If anyone can provide relevant information, please contact the following police station or directly the Federal Criminal Police Office in Wiesbaden, Germany,


Keyword Heulmeisje

The main questions of the police in this cold case revolve around two pivotal points:

Who can give clues as to the girl's identity?

Who can give details of the two men, 30 and 40 years old at the time, who are said to have thrown away the girl's body in 1976?


The police in Utrecht in the Netherlands on 0031-79 - 345 98 76 or any other police station or the Crime Investigation Department of the Federal Criminal Police Office in Wiesbaden on 0049-61155 -13 101 is responsible for this.

Besides, any other police service who will receive observations or information from the time will forward them to the investigating service in the matter.

Little England: Manipulated protest against political gamblers

  • Published in Brexit
Manipulators crept into the petition against the Brexit. Malicious tongues claim that the Brexit camp has taken up the petition to the House of Commons. It would probably have been better if hundreds of thousands had taken to the streets instead of appeasing their bad conscience with an electronic application. Other voters do not yet know what the referendum was about, but Nigel Frage and his ugly propaganda apparatus disinformed as ever but did not explain the consequences. The House of Commons reported that about 77,000 signatures were removed from the site. Meanwhile, Boris Johnson, the "clown" of Brexit, has gone underground. His political poker game, too. At present, despite the Brexit, there is an icy silence. The demand to the Mayor of London, Said Khan, to leave the country including the capital seems completely absurd. The sense and value of such a campaign are not apparent. Let us all remember that the referendum is not legally binding, reflecting even a narrow lead of the "Brexitiers" in an opinion poll. Petition for London's withdrawal from the UK to Mayor Sadiq Khan Source: change.org
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