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Wikileaks and the mysterious disappearance of Arjen Kamphuis update: 13.04.2020

Trondheim Example mv/mcvth, kasaan media,2020

Update: 13.04.2020

The story about the disappearance of Arjen Kamphuis becomes more and more mysterious. After a year, the Norwegian police issued a statement which leaves more questions open than it answers. The mortal remains of Kamphuis from the theory of the Norwegian authorities have not been found. 

A short summary of what the Norwegian police wrote: Kamphuis drowned on a kayak trip, leaving his case on the beach where anyone could have taken it. Then he drowned for whatever reason. The kayak swam straight back into the bay where the things were lying and where everything but himself was found by two Lithuanian truck drivers who happened to be fishing. They then took the mobile phone and other valuables with them to recycle them and switched the mobile phone on while they were coincidentally on their way back to their home country. 

The hypothesis in the report can't be correct, because the mobile phone was certainly not on and the drivers from Lithuania certainly couldn't crack the code of the mobile. Why didn't Kamphuis wear the life jacket and if so, why didn't his body show up? The life jackets are designed in such a way that even with drowned persons they will resurface. 
Furthermore, the carrying bag of the kayak is still missing. On the other side, Kamphuis is still missing. 

So where is he?

Screenshot google maps

Here in these surroundings, the Dutchman disappeared, good to see is the parking lot on the right side, where the two fishing Lithuanians found the equipment and valuables of Arjen Kamphuis.

The strange disappearance of cybersecurity - Expert Arjen Kamphuis

What is certain is that Kamphuis, who for years belonged to the inner circle of supporters of Assange, was last seen in Bodø, in front of the Scandic Crown Hotel, on August 20. He wanted to take the train to Trondheim. Kamphuis was not suicidal. His diary was full of plans.



Days later, when the missing person had not returned to the Netherlands, police officers found a Kayak in 50 km distance. Then, a fisherman on the Saltdalsfjorden near the shore between Fauske and Rognan took his identity card and other objects from the undoubted possession of Kamphuis.


About ten days after the disappearance, the mobile phone of the missing person was switched on shortly in southern Norway, in Vikeså near Stavanger, more than 1.700 km from the last known whereabouts of the Dutchman. For about 30 minutes. The telephone, which afterwards contained a German map, moved with the person within a radius of 75 km until it was switched off.



An accident is therefore highly unlikely. According to observers, suicide is also ruled out. A voluntary disappearance seems highly unlikely.

Who can give details of a German SIM card that was activated in this context in Vikeså near Stavanger?

From people who said we should trust #SafeHarbour: #PrivacyShield works if we just apply enough lipstick https://t.co/mRQzxfConY #insanity pic.twitter.com/U2FpuyZMUm

- Arjen Kamphuis (@ArjenKamphuis) October 18 2017

So what happened?

Even though the Norwegian police, supported by Dutch people, carried out a land and water search, there is still no trace of Kamphuis.

Did Kamphuis follow a lead?

The story seems utterly bizarre if you put together the facts from the case, which have been published by the Norwegian police so far.

Was Kamphuis kidnapped, or was he the victim of a crime?

Wikileaks - sympathizers speak of a conspiracy, which now receives new nourishment since Assange was secretly accused.


The Australian Assange, who has been living in his ambivalent asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, holds out because he fears being taken to the USA. There they have been trying to get rid of the naturalized compatriot for some time. In the USA, Assange may face the death penalty because he published thousands of documents reporting on America's dirty wars, corruption and human rights crimes. The US accuses him of espionage.

The founder of Wikileaks was internationally sought under dubious circumstances for rape in Sweden and was arrested in the UK in 2012. In the meantime, the Swedish proceedings have been discontinued due to the statute of limitations. However, Assange has to face the British authorities as he did not meet the bail requirements at the time.


In connection with the now hidden charge against Assange, it is also conceivable that the Dutchman was kidnapped. There is said to be a secret military airport of the Norwegians near the village of Bodø.

Was the Dutchman brought to the USA to prepare the indictment against Assange?

Or was he just a random victim?

A personal description of Arjen Kamphuis

Kamphuis has long blond hair and wears glasses. He is 47 years old, about 1.78 m tall and of average stature. Usually, he was dressed in black and carried a black backpack. He was an avid hiker.

Whoever has information should contact Adresse:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Or directly to the Dutch police.

.@JulianAssange associate and author of "Information Security for Journalists" @ArjenKamphuis has disappeared according to friends (@ncilla) and colleagues. Last seen in Bodø, #Norway, 11 days ago on August 20. pic.twitter.com/dV75NGKpgI

- WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) August 31, 2018

Interjection: Bremen - The problem Salafism recognized too late

  • Published in Bremen

We are in Gröpelingen in front of a small, urban shopping centre, a slightly smaller supermarket. On the side of one of the Bremen mosques, the "Kultur & Familien Verein e.V.". The building is located not far away from the Gröpelinger Heerstraße, which runs like a dead straight main road, in a traffic-calmed residential area.
Rene, in his mid-fifties, who eats a sausage at one of the stalls on the fringes of a children's party, means
"We have other things to worry about. Sarrazzin does not write about the biggest stigma of Bremen: the BaGiS West. He could write about people being "desocialized". There is a couple who have power in their hands and abuse it perversely. They don't care about any law at all," he suddenly makes his point.
"Nobody controls them and it's like in the Roman Empire, there in the arena! They're getting all little Caesars with their Hartz IV policy. I think it is good when the public prosecutor investigates Sarrazzin, I read in the BILD newspaper. We don't need a new right-wing in Germany. If such a party gets 18% in elections, then we will soon have a hatred of Hartz IV recipients. Well, there is. In France it is the Roma, here it is another minorities. It's time again to call for a strong man. The politicians of all parties have driven the country against the wall, together with their friends, the bankers, and keep such officials as those in the BaGiS West to enforce their goals. This is bad."
"I don't support someone who writes such nonsense. It only warms up the xenophobia, so that it distracts from the real problems, which in our country are more pressing every day," says a young woman whom we ask.
"It is the usual populist clientele that can or wants to make friends with such verbal failures. We Hanseatic citizens are avowed Europeans," says one of them, grumbling at the evil machinations, as he calls them.
"Turks are part of our culture. There are only some who are wannabe Islamists! It is from them that the danger in question emanates, not from some muzzlers. Sarrazzin serves old prejudices and partly nasty propaganda," says another.
A likeable, full-bearded patrolman explains a children's party on the square in front of the prayer house with a colleague from a VW bus under surveillance:
"We would need a stronger government. At the moment everything is a banana republic," nods to his own words. Confirm this. Plucks at his uniform. No, he doesn't seem to feel joy or happiness anymore.
About the work he enjoys. The colleague of the official who is behind the wheel does not want to comment, but cynically but understandably in the situation he replies quite objectively:
"There is a press office that tells us everything. That's all I want to say."
It smells of fried sausages, as fish cakes are cooking in boiling fat which a saleswoman in her rolling stand turns and turns opposite:
"We're doing just fine!"
Then she shrugs her shoulders.
On the blue, huge, castle-like mat of an insurance company, three teenagers are enjoying the autumn sunshine and don't know what to say. "Life is just good at this moment. That's all I want to think about right now." "Europe is awesome!" another young man exclaims.
France and the Roma deportations are far away, nobody cares, doesn't bother. It looks bitter.
In front of the mosque of the "Kultur & Familien Verein e.V." a long-bearded believer with a bright white prayer robe walks into the door.
We try to address him, identify ourselves as journalists.
Want to hear him too, because he is a part of this city, a part of Bremen. No, he's not interested in a conversation.
Why should I? he yells
"It's bad enough that we don't have the intercultural exchange. If you talk to each other, don't shoot the other," commented a passer-by who had observed the situation shortly before.
"You have to be afraid of them, surely they're not just praying, read the
Report on the Protection of the Constitution," he shouts to us and continues to cycle down Sewenjestraße with his shopping. "I only live in Germany, this is Europe. Nothing more," the believer says unmotivated contemptuously and aggressively. By his pre-exercised appearance, he insults not only the Federal Republic of Germany, no matter whether this country is his home or the chosen host country, but also the honourable faith, the integration efforts and ability of so many Muslims, who once came to Germany with peaceful aims.
"No, I don't want to say anything!" he's telling us.
The man does not want to listen, he wants to be different. Retreats into the role of victim, damning the society living around it. Pulls on his child, tugs at the scared little girl as if he has to protect her from something. In the already mentioned report on the protection of the constitution, it was criticized that the children are brought up particularly strictly according to the Koran in order not to be in line with the general Western ideas.
He means to me that I have to disappear, that I have no questions to ask, certainly not to him.
His long robe blows in the first cool autumn wind.
Afterwards, he disappears with an evil, incomprehensible look into the house of religion. But comes back again after a few seconds, photographs the car, us at work. One senses that for him freedom is only valid within his limits. In the end, he makes a derogatory gesture, photographs the vehicle again several times from the mosque.
The so-called "Kultur & Familien Verein e.V." maintains the radical attitude according to the last, very clearly explained constitutional protection report. Preaches the Salafist-takfirist ideology, cursing here the Basic Law, which is valid for the Federal Republic of Germany and existential for the rest of us who live here, as not compatible with faith. Other Muslims and the Christians represent for this presumed community the "unbelievers".
Explain us to these.
The State Office for the Protection of the Constitution suspects that "possibly an attempt is being made to build up a network that can be attributed to the Salafist-Tafirist ideology".
Through systematic investigations by the Bremen authorities, knowledge was also gained of various travel activities of individual members, and the busy constitutional protectors in this matter also noted:
"A protagonist of the "Kultur & Familien Verein e.V." was refused a passport by the Bremen registration office. The reasoning is that the Bremen police have concrete facts at their disposal,
"...which justify the assumption that the passport applicant directly intends to leave the Federal Republic of Germany to go to a training camp of the terrorist organisation "Al-Qaida" in a non-European country and to receive instruction there in the handling of weapons and explosives or other military or terrorist skills...". It was also decreed that the federal identity card does not entitle the holder to leave the Federal Republic.
Understandable is the smouldering resentment of the neighbours, who fear that the diffusely acting group will one day radically carry the bloody war to Bremen, to Germany. Whatever. For questionable goals that are certainly not anchored in the foundations of religion.
An elderly gentleman, a former senior student councillor, watches us at work for quite some time: " Probably even he cannot justify what he is fabricating with two dozen alleged radicals. The terrible thing about them, they are very active," he pulls his decrepit dachshund of the leash and blows his nose.
"But the authorities' hands are tied. "I do not want to know what the children learn in this house of worship, what means are used to work there. What's going to happen to these kids? They hate us unbelievers, when they are 8 years old, which they do when they are 20, I would not like to imagine. But what I don't understand at all is why this centre is not banned," he says angrily.


Kultur & Familien Verein e.V. , kasaan media, 2010


What are anthocyanins?

  • Published in Health

Good things can be quite cheap

Anthocyanins are one of the most valuable things nature has to offer. Very few people know this. Anthocyanins are found in blackcurrants, raspberries, strawberries and blackberries, among others. Actually in all the dark berries that ripen in nature right now. They are natural colourants that have been proven to help against cancer and even against ageing. Anthocyanins fight free radicals. The health-promoting effect has been proven in countless scientific experiments.

Anthocyanins are also found in cherries, grapes and wild cornelian cherries or elderberries.

In the big supermarkets in the EU, you can also buy frozen fruit in bags at prices per kilo starting at 1.69 euros.

But how can one eat so much fruit?

It's easy with a smoothie maker. The modern device for juicing and breaking the fruit belongs like a blender in every modern kitchen.

For a smoothie that you make yourself, you can calculate about 25 euro cents. That tempts you to have more than one smoothie a day. And it's so delicious!

Of course, you need the equipment for this, which is a one-time investment.

The fruit is cheap. Many, however, have the fruit in their garden, and those who do not like to eat the fruit in this way should become familiar with the method of eating this valuable food in liquid form.

For the winter you should freeze a large supply of these berries so that you can enjoy a smoothie even in the cold season. Today, smoothies are part of the daily and healthy diet.

In winter you can also warm up your drink. The fruit sugar alone is enough to create a really delicious taste. It is important that the fruits are in a relatively fresh condition so that the vitamins contained in the individual berries can also be enjoyed in concentrated form.

Recipes for the fresh smoothies are countless.

Our suggestion: You should mix as many different berries as possible to make the most of the taste. Always work with blackcurrants, perhaps with a banana, fill up with apple juice and arrange in the smoothie maker just as you like.

Incidentally, the smoothies can also be used as the basis for muesli. Filled up with  Cologne flakes it replaces whole meals. Bon appetit.

Missing: Where is Sergej Enns?

No news and listless Greek authorities
Update 27.02.2021

There is no news in the matter of Sergej Enns.

After a phone call in last July (2020) with the sister of the missing Sergej Enns, Natalie Eisenbraun, it is clear, there is nothing new. The whole case remains mysterious.

The missing person seems to have disappeared from the face of the earth.

The last supposed sign of life was a day after his disappearance the signal of his cell phone, which logged in three to five kilometres from the beach where he disappeared. It is necessary to know that a more precise location is not possible because in Rhodes, the radio masts are further apart.



The location is at the intersection Athinon Kon / Nou Tsaldari on Rhodes with a radius of 3-5 km, as Natalie Eisenbraun writes.

Deployed man trailer dogs lost the trail in Rodini Park in Rhodes. These trained dogs track the dander of a human, not clothes, as was oracularized in many places.

How Sergej Enns should have gotten there is unclear, especially since the park should not be very visited, as Natalie Eisenbraun explained in a phone call, remains in the dark of this case.  

For the first few months, Ms. Eisenbraun was constantly on-site, flying to Rhodes nine times. It would be interesting to see if any tourists might have made observations during the time in question, staying at the nearby Alpha Beach or Emerald Hotel in August 2016. 

Sergej Enns also did not go swimming on that fateful day of departure. Nor did he "run away" to Russia, as rumours had it. The Russian authorities have also been informed about the disappearance. Sergej Enns had no or very little connection to Russia after more than 20 years. He lived in Germany. 





Natalie Eisenbraun - brave woman with hope and energy, unfortunately without help of local authorities

The Greek police is helpless and largely inactive. It seems that simultaneously the missing person case has turned into a criminal case. What the Greeks found out remains also in the dark. It seems as if they want to "keep the ball flat". Unfortunately, this does not bring any insights that could clarify the fate of the Detmold man in any way. 

In Rhodes, people live from tourism, not from the tourists who disappear. Under these aspects, the search for the truth suffers.  At that time, in August 2016, there were very many refugees on the island. Of course, he could have crossed by boat inside the islands, but why would he do that? He had fought for his existence in Germany. He was not a diabetic, nor was he a drug addict. These are fairy tales that were attributed to the missing man. 



Completely bizarre and terrible for the family are the oracle stories from numerous forums in which people ponder whether Enns went into hiding voluntarily or perhaps fell into the hands of the organ mafia.

Before you write something like that, you should think about what you are writing.

Enns was not kidnapped by narcotics traffickers either. It is not known what happened on the beach. And whether anything happened at all. Or, how the cell phone later came as a find to the Egyptian on the beach. 

The colleagues from the Greek Alpha TV had traced the events again.



An Egyptian had found the cell phone shortly after the disappearance, this was confiscated by the Greek police and the data was returned to the family after evaluation by the local authorities. At the beginning of 2017, a report was broadcast again on Greek television, after which nothing more was heard about the fate of the Detmold man. 





So, anyone who can provide any information about the missing man at the time in question, even those that may at first glance have nothing to do with the actual disappearance, should contact Ms. Eisenbraun. Here is the mail address: 





He has been missing for almost a year now

Since August 21, family man Sergej Enns has disappeared without a trace in Rhodes. 
The 34-year-old family man spent the vacation with his wife and children on the Greek vacation island, before he wanted to return on the last day, the shells and stones that his children had collected on the beach.

Since then, there has been no trace of the man from Bielefeld, who has Russian and German citizenship and suffers from a metabolic disease.


According to the German BILD, the wanted man, who was wearing only Nike sneakers, T-shirt and shorts, was seen together with dealers and is said to have appeared to be intoxicated of drugs.

Here is the link to the chronology and phone numbers in English.


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