Omicron-questions upon questions Featured
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Now it's Omicron: anyone who denies the pandemic now is an ignoramus and living dangerously. Very dangerous.
First appearing in South Africa, the highly contagious variant spread rapidly around the globe.
Panic is not a good advisor in this case. Neither are conspiracy theories, as bandied about by numerous concerned citizens. It is obvious to everyone that the extreme right-wing pack smells morning air to introduce their own crude theories via Covid-19.
Every child knows that vaccination protects. But what happens with the possible "Epsilon" variant?
However, after countless failures in the pandemic that has been going on for two years, politicians have to ask themselves where they are actually heading. The situation is no longer transparent for anyone.
More and more people are rebelling against the state's measures. The demanded contact restrictions are then reduced to absurdity in authorized demonstrations. Why are then demonstrations allowed at all?
Either the virus is so brutally dangerous that there can be no discussion about a lockdown, or it is not. If the virus is so dangerous that it produced significant excess mortality, then it is not a question of a lockdown, but of explaining it. Why is the population in Germany left in the threat that there will be another lockdown over Christmas?
Why doesn't the Council of Experts explains?
Or it is the lack of planning in absolute carelessness that it will go on like this. Now the dead vaccine is to come, what is actually meant by this? mRNA seemed to have come onto the market at "monkey speed" without having tested it on numerous special cases.
Too much is discussed, but not clarified or explained.
Novavax is the dead vaccine. It is about to be approved.
What about the citizens who simply did not tolerate the vaccination? Should they get boosted with the dead vaccine? What about the patients who, in addition to constant inflammation throughout their bodies, also have to bear the consequences that render them almost incapable of acting? What about the consequential damages?
An application for recognition of the vaccination damage is hardly sufficient. There is still a telephone that is manned from time to time between 2 and 3 p.m. It is administered by the Robert Koch Institute. It is administered by the Robert Koch Institute, and no explanatory bear can help. Unfortunately, no one answers the line. Unfortunately, the package inserts with the vaccination side effects are kept very simple.
In other EU countries this chain is better regulated, e.g. in Spain you can contact the health centres of the respective junta.
Questions upon questions that no one seems to be able to answer. Or wants to.
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