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The crazy story of Joyson Offor - another voodoo with DHL



Another crazy story from the African scammer group. Nothing of this mail is true. It's just about the 95 US$ in advance. 

The risk is high that offenders use the credentials of the victims to fulfil identity theft. 



Here is the story: 

"Attention Beneficiary,

I am obliged to contact you concerning your approved compensation payment sum because your name were among the list of 162 persons (Scam Victims) that was approved by the new elected Government of Republic of Benin in corroboration with ECOWAS-Economic Community of West African States regional government to pay a compensation payment of $950,000.00USD Nine hundred and fifty thousand USA dollars.

Note that a valid ATM Visa Card has been issued on your name and has been deposited with DHL EXPRESS SERVICE therefor Contact the DHL EXPRESS management now with your full information on their Email contact bellows.

Contact person; (Joyson Offor)
Email: (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Telephone; +229 95 82 99 31

For our confirmation / delivery of your ATM Visa Card, you are required to forward your information below:

Your Full Names:.............
Full Address:................
Zip Code:....................
Cell Phone Number#:..........
Your ID Card Copy............

Note that the Beneficiary is required to pay $95 only for the shipment/services fee to send ATM Visa Card to your receiving door step address. Your urgent attention to send the above information to DHL EXPRESS is obliged.

Thank for your cooperation,

Frank Adams."

A very miserable character - Donald John Trump

  • Published in World

Nobody wants to believe what they can read about Donald Trump at the moment.

Trump never tires of profiting from the misery of third parties and has also found his calling in the coronavirus. Trump is cunning and devious, and like everything he does, he tries to make a profit from the possible death of millions of people. 

This time the focus is on the German Tübingen-based company CureVac, which is in the process of developing a vaccine against corona SARS-19, which Trump hopes to secure exclusively for himself. CureVac wants to serve the world and not some US despot. 

Like a vulture, Trump circles over the suffering of millions who are fearing the virus, and he is waiting for his chance to make a profit from the global crisis. Besides, Trump would be able to blackmail the world into believing in his theories of the political monster. 


Has Trump been spying for profit yet?  

Just think of the wall and his connections to the companies that want to build this wall. Trump is trying to lure the Tübingen-based company CureVac to the United States by all possible means to produce a vaccine against corona exclusively for America. He, the obnoxious self-promoter, who symbolically walks over dead bodies to stuff another dollar for his pocket, would accept the death of millions to secure this profit. The question is, has Trump used the US secret services to spy on a company in which Bill Gates and others are also involved? Just recently, the CEO of the Tübingen-based company was replaced. 

If so, there has to be a break with the USA until Donald Trump is no longer the ruler of the White House. Europe must distance itself from a person who first shines through extreme stupidity in the crisis and then wants to grasp the profit for himself. Otherwise, however, the virus is none of his business, as he has stated. 



Nauseating greed

In this crisis, which is leading the world to the edge of the abyss, Trump is showing his real character in Trump's populist nationalism. That of a miserable, dissociable shopkeeper's soul, who is now crying out for substantial sanctions.

His behaviour calls for sanctions from the world community, which is in urgent need of the vaccine. Trump disturbs the feverish work of the scientists in his contemptuous world view by making dubious offers to the scientists. He harasses them in this way and keeps them from working with his self-made boorishness. The fact that he is picking a fight with the federal government in Berlin in the background to get the will of a silly little boy named Donald John Trump disturbs the state apparatus even more. There has been talking of nationalization, and also that does not deter Trump.  With a contempt for humanity that is unparalleled, for his crude world view of rich and poor, for profit at any price, even at the cost of several million deaths, we see ourselves confirmed once again that trump fascism is a world view of yesterday.

The Federal Government does well to declare Trump as Persona Non-Grata. 

The Madness of SARS CoV2

  • Published in World

Gigantic crises


The crisis is taking on a scale that some newspapers are now comparing to a state of war.

Everyone should not fear, no one should panic. Just we have to stay calm and careful. 


In Italy, public life has come to a virtual standstill. More than 17.000 people are infected, more than 1.260 dead.  People all over Europe are afraid. The government measures are drastic and are increasingly restricting freedom.


Exceptionally, the United States is accused by China of having brought the virus into the country. No one can yet understand the accusation, which would be outrageous if it were true. Zhao Lijian, in his capacity as State Department spokesman, has tweeted numerous conspiracy theories, but he has never been so bright. This issue is matched by an article in the South China Morning Post, that the first patient was a 55-year-old from Hubei province on November 17. But patient 0 is still missing. Zhao Lijian accuses the US military of bringing the virus into the country, which would be unthinkable.

Trump, who in the crisis has shown himself to be an absolute loser and a complete idiot, even in his simple way of solving complex issues, does not allow infected US citizens to return to their home country. He, the master of life and death, selects. Trump had made the point at a meeting with the Irish Prime Minister. Later, his deputy, Pence, rowed back. In his contempt for all else, Trump is the paradigm of a failed nationalist, without brain or reason. Just power and money, wherever from. 

But even in the man who propagates the virus of others, reality shows. According to the Mirror's report, Jair Bolsonaro, a right-wing despot and brother in the spirit of Trump, visited Trump a few days ago in Florida. Bolsonaro's collaborator Fabio Wajngarten is said to be infected and now the Brazilian ruler. The Intercept also reports the same. Hong Kong has issued a travel ban and quarantine order for the Schengen area.



Now there is already a coronavirus card, which works with spy software. Whoever opens the map, it is fake: Corona-virus-Map.com.exe. The user does not notice that malware is loaded along the way. The program is supposed to be called AZORult. It probably comes from Russia; it scans the computer for specific parameters, browser data, it takes screenshots and steals passwords. A good virus program can help against the "old friend" from 2015.

Avast is the new name for greed and lace


Huge privacy scandal.


When you first read this message in the PCMac, you didn't want to believe what you were reading.


The virus protection program operator AVAST, based in Düsseldorf and with a large clientele up to now, has been spying on customers for years and then sold the sensitive data.


Sephora, Condé Nast, Google, Yelp, Microsoft, Pepsi, McKinsey are in the foreground, and countless other legal and illegal data collectors are said to have been served. Such in current research of Vice and PCMac.


Whoever installs products from Avast or AVG Antivirus on a Windows PC is informed by a popup on the product whether he wants to pass on the data. Allegedly the data would then be anonymised. Whether this is the case should be doubted.


So far, AVAST has not disclosed all contracts that were served by this. Cleverly, the marketing company Omnicom has a place in front of the potential buyers from autumn 2018. Nobody can say how long before that the spying activities had been going on. AVAST is keeping a low profile.


AVAST says millions were spent on it. Especially nasty for the users, the browser plugin was free. It is said that 435 million data records, including pornography and other purchasing behaviours, were skimmed off every month.


Now the scandal of AVAST and the buyer Omnicom is being pumped down.


It is not clear whether the data from the "All Click Feed" also went to octopuses such as Cambridge Analytica or similar evaluators. To be able to analyse click behaviour in a targeted manner, for example, to be able to influence elections in the Federal Republic of Germany.


Neither the AVAST headquarters in the Czech Republic nor the Düsseldorf representation could be reached for a statement today.


Moreover, AVAST explained that the data had been made anonymous. As the PCMac article points out, this is merely impossible. The collected weblogs were deleted before the personal data of the users were disclosed.


Why would the data be sold for expensive money if it could no longer be assigned?

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